BANK n t sydney G. Dobsoni, V*ic-Pre-Csident and Genleral -manager of Tqe Roy;al Bank Df Ciaada, whose appointment as xcuieVice- President ls announceJ. EUROPE'S HUNGRY CHILDREN on in EuroCpesund tentesta Lîmibe(r i Cina, Ida r te laces lu ftewrdfc tra coit winiter. That1 " ite grinireliyreore rfoýod exýperts oflihc U!,îtd Naq- -cns l ,~le n Reabptato maeraMrU 1:S hi fulr t hlp cean up l)thýeirtin'y ings cogh I hereason bler baydied Iast ýmontii whln il twas 0 -1-a f vcceks old. [hardly any >a ie&seýent to litre over a couple ofek aymore Hlaif the pouainof coic section(tof the Food >upplies Vary Pond supplies iEroje vary trccand Italy are abouilt av- erge. PLand LYgoslvi su tria. Germi-àiany 3anîd Finiland have TRJJLY REMARICABLE is the "Radint Roast" used in Ille 1manuafacture of Maxwell Ilouse coffee. It captures ail the flavor and goodness because if, roasts every çoffee bean evenly, ai! houh TItis pctrrported by'pes enfor Gecis typrical of ý'the 1grave wrdfood situatiop!: The lcPappas fantily litrs a fairly large ýity nrear thesones Pappas has a teen-aged sonua=J daughter. Herhusband in a day- laborer. Maetiný,g is betr da's geat chore. It varies a hise Sotuc ilsys Mrn. Pappas gutsiniourut usualiy she can bu, abort hal; pounid o-.f bedfor esch uImouth an da:1 . Mor à ch eWCsIte cat get three one o ridpeas orý, busfor each ero, abe oIu codfish fo-r al tosar, inbi of oive cil ;and a and forasins Sbe can uualyget potatoestop They are rationed. UNRRP Helps Itsa celebration wben sbe get a can of Army mean tema Titi apesabout onice a mnhafter a shpetfrom UNRRýPA bas ar- rivd at the naret MrLs, Pappas la too tireýd to wvorrvy ab)out the strantge tig th-at rehappeing i.1 ber fni SIte doetsi't unuderstaod ta h di---t of about 14100 calojriesý a day for esc emlber -is rsosbe ltes the reason ber busbaud onl day. It's tbe reason ughter re- JDO TIISI 1To relieve dsonot one of the best tbings youeanmdoi 's put a good spoonful of home- tteated Vielca VapoRub lu a bowi o)f boillng wtr Then feel vweleoome relief conne 2s you breathe in the stearning medicateci vapors that pei3etrate to thbe cold-eongested Up-per bre-athlng passages 1 Bec bow this =ote ritation, quiets coug'h- ung, aiid helps clear the bead- binging -;grand eomnfort. FQO AMID!REIEF... rmb thiroat, ceats and back vith VapoRub at Sbedtimne. Viel<s VapoRub works for. hours-2 way touece-to bLrini relief from distreSs.k RPemember,itS Vlelýa Vapo u Uwant. VssORUeý cbIif-lese mlothersa hetor <ried fish nim off bouger. Th iir been hunýigrYy for thle1 Thlis year they ýare w, wbiich ie in the --fa cdea1)y Sp)ring cor ii have- veu rsý Without Perrm-it~ or Pýriority kour na~yIletn lae sýtOT ore usamlkdestock D et - tires ln un aIl cand wIltglaffll take cure eof ur eqi]sre,,teuts WAaIIc dght ito the Firéstoue decAleci d see ilbout yeux Car, Tkuck aid FanaTiresl from hunger, around in the Oking for scraps àt to survive the GTZEEýCE-Da.Liy ratbo -about haif a Poundp is broixght homte by girl in a captured souv t N telmuet.