New York. r?" asked v )r ý bo," nle d t he sre re is Che twomiue'rta teta >w!ilec bis wf !tiinka n ing for Ibu ite 4e." Last Stp! enticinnslppd on thestar subway and stated te sAd to, tie bottomn. £lalf1 s ?be- celJided -th alay ing ber Sewn, and .thc twe med suer way togeter îýc tl- ad reached tlicbo-. bejlady, stii dazud, continueS Èoul the grintleman's cheat Og up athm li er ipu maidan,,1 1tis is as te, Great Probltni .nidiîîg anyCbitna r fie tc m-iarcela-. r'stiias," sid the iart-. icI?Î"asaked isrind Il b empecingseme- Aýndrew >1îhek bi had. 'NeO, I've ccnte that,"he n-. plieS."Tbeyl ne'bec xpctinig anytbii-,1ingI~rt n, telS thein IL was sloffcrinig fromi los? OF mmr -an'te akesuire tbcy'd beflieve I t~fergot tac pit only s m lo Witb Ruing Water. Astronomical Figures Reveal Cost of War Il os tute world erhrjamles i-i. Brady at r vas about ,1l0MO,00OQ00 tri ion) forar-inamlent 2and war mat- prprydamage. armanivsand roerydamage i' China, for wb'ch fgures wer- nA 4auacbe. The survey placeS USs. expen- diture fer var maýter-ilai 17- 600,QO,00, Rusaýiisspent l92, -00t,111 ad the Unlited irg des i$120,0<)(Dom"00. The waîvà- cost the xspwr about $468,39,ooo0,whGer man,1y spendjinýg $27 , 90 )0 , e0 0. 00 .i Italy $94OOKOWL,000 and j apan anm aaiabeanld as soiee 3 k Ieiavy breed g stallr t ec vot-k in filn erolthe ýaJ'v14(6 broiler nirý-.ets. VWrite for l Ist adorde1r soui onUr 194C. tlray iatbey130Jop)n _N. Rm f Etorl Ont. grest ret 11,n1s. 'Canada needs. eary hikanet eal apdl(ïai-. Vay:i S I e 'eida tbleD fot 0only to, spli er owp 7ireqolrenlenta u 'tuie ne daeg mcoqt. Air, prodlct ;sa better Ape'tdaiî born or abroad wien it la au- plied at the tirie it a oa is ed. Erych ahae t-woadr- 1ags.l>t.- theY ILay eriy he-,n Prices are tlehe gilptst; gd.- thylay P1ong"ýat q*reading tbp re~- turn, ever -the winhle yvear. Fztll- ur psecure ýuMfen art chikalest spl.lrg resulted in a abotag O~e~g th.aFail. Any surlu tat mAy cocur in tIra Fal o 146laprotet, by the talu ]whIcliIn m esa rice lf 4 5e for, a Large S'Paboard. Send for ouria- dlvrypels.y c'i wlll not onylnike xta onley wit aybt c ihlied cij<,but you %,lll a monlex bIy taking thcjleni ear]. ISIreecaalgu.Als laying and r5advýt, lay ïpuliets for ei, tedelivery. 'wdl BABY CHICK BUYERS provd clcksnowand obltain ani ealyoder diacopunt. llc re- er s ovenmntbanded Dand blon-teneS rite for o1946lnff PoltÉry Faa1 otn7narlo ~.YU WLL AVEMONER# IF',YOU, or v our Top Notcb ch11i nkas eai.Yuwijl lnio oniy sve mo- nybitlyouvili mae etra 1mo- iey if you take enIy eleyof youir cik.It is the earivyhc1çEk, that aïays mke thle nmoat mo-. ney. en]d for, eariy p mcllt n fres catalogu. Alao laylng 0pul- leta fori, mmediate deliverv. Top 25 FREE CHICKS orgn f Fudto nS r]Re(- gý lte red F:B1rda. n, A Il 'Fre-e, de rsl 1bcooýd -testd, c ricesfrom M c, In 25e AI g un a r. te e à1ýx celle(:n t layive r s. > Dn't Slaordevr eow. coSanr d Ch ýi c Ie-a t c ila, 1 nri- t aena ilt.Ont. shîienit ia iand aayto l y Ro i nd New Hmst~.Aiao day ol&Ichipk,-,for Imdlted-. CblckRatAenns Llmted, Feri- SUPERIOR CHICKS FaîlchikaWiniter cicka, Srn chicks, aI01 puarbreeda. y- bxds!ay old fand sta-rted. l!m nidaeor Ilater dlvn. Ail bredet boodeatd.21 day liv- abity garanee. Catalogue, pxics fre. uperor atcbiery, Linoood, Ontiarlo, TIF' OTY 'WAN ýT LAYyINO ýA N ready to Iay puïlets forimeat dell1very, vpa havethi - Brre RoNew HmgleWbIte1 Legbeîlrna or Hbia.As frlm. 'ineiatedelverydayold clcku. Free atlgu.Topnetchihci- erte, GulpbOnt. EEONLY LBUTRiIA BRO.i Ba1rreS Rock anSFlybiSpprov-. On,', in I-to E TiýOn <tIns weresr yo yoSrefen wc wfi, ) l ie Il foreceeda fr under']- vjý. SanSt 100fr.n A eiter fÔr isabedpersosîs% thogh war ounids, an accident enirol. Enohuntinet a Suty, but mayv iobIti tv arien piilge a])o),e(fail, becgiventeopportmmnlity couirses, fe of charge,. The Ge7v-. cront EmplysentExnehaný' 1ýg es areý respon1siý)1e for ob)taiing suiýt- ablepest for th-e dizabled, anlb6 llinlister o)f laor ill conîp Lfa- 20 popi,tehos a seil niý1 ubr of epoec rm the rank ofthe iabIed, aquota te the register YBNIAN D 4L V(): C -1 N YqVI ï Uaes. BankNtoaie su. con Yck--r. the Sormaist prime soeen a, h c (ao-,gel- "!teuccs legislatin passedFrance S ai FA B Il S PL T 1 tuln; rets near jewellery atructioni postage. 4 Ce, P. O. Montreal, WBLL ESI ganarai s matarial, bar, on se!1 pu t. -):I tvt *ou. 'vi d CendanS fresbîiy nael bran newfait mattresa, $1.95 Re-condlitioned1 drop-slSe a'nd( pull-ont coucb ihnwceon coard atreaýs with vailance, $1.1.Bywlth confidence .frorn Wh psî urniture, 10U' ke St.,TorotoOnt. fIte 'price liaýt (f new and ni !isaueamintam se. Mon Royal Stami1 , 45 cili1 laLntyne, TRîelnbýurg7, phne W\ood- riggs anS Strtonr aircole.. QUILT SAMPLES High grade aujtings, make eve-. ATST -I ÈBon iShaw Ontario. modeial ampý Ne athe ti Ilîght ïweigIt CCPI POWER tfeluor c wvood or fit Mon traaj. bouigbt, Sol la, brua pany LIS. ""t. SAWý niber Plp- e typas ýmat- $100 f. o.b., Pg' r't. LtS.. ID FOR on. Istuat rosr> sorssIign ta wa. Pspi 10 Ian jointfs vdcdn trbww long you ave sfae.Mnh otten tare tlie causeet il-maot lehuasai ge.No oein- 1mue W'b in t fn u I hsl Remeies.Speialtts.Torcto 9. HAE OURERAOUDI- R ed? it gve Lged0(1 uts Ottaw. Po T$1, oi.t BE A HMDRIlSA Rebuîding ritaitS meCI ;ain2- levl ill lhe a work oDi yeqr5 Caou per ýc EBritisz i etaca more than 25 total ares of the ~4~fl A l'H '~ A Yo0u cal- lhavýerelargemen-ts colon-' ed bhy bLoendfoa oiladto charge, lrytint mnta, teframlea 7" xW' WaItnut or Bact boyfiia 6e if eagmetcoloured ic.ýI Pnrïint youc ïnameanSdresp1lai- iy on ail ordera.ý N1)SÏI'CLIS"MENTS I~RE A. OIYINGT0N U Y, BooEh 1 ï ro Ài ïl 1 rc 111 4 î~A O', T<,n strucmt your own 2 tube al wava set. Rit of 3"pr)a.Tubes, Chasý-. ais. Idepal Crsoasgf Order 1!ides tannedandd into oelahn Foxes anS Fm-rs dresseS anS nimada loto scarfs, 26 Elmý Streeot, Toroýn- to Oiver panar, o tS. \VAN'