O.M.H, tA. le disease such PhIotog-ripli is onle of etc. 47 children Mtoo~1ciognii schooïi because the work oJ he -Me coro1Igoý ookn f the Radio?Sý>nfI was given to suppiying "Upper Air" ifL'o .ira1 offlicers of Picture shows : Th e ffuri zatioln prO- ings of thuniider storass Brigh'itoni and s-erver, LeaderArcfma ýrighbton Village otLIher station-; thirouglh the- c areas 2 eria to Irono Girl .SI of sn on he star ut tell meati Caught Th.at Broke let Armistrong's Sti se responsible cof breakiug ,roa'g's general stüre in Oir Wed5nesday niorning of waSre apprehended iii Ton ple cof days later and arrec ýnlo hesman Joiha Murray w ig the trio on Wood St. in1 'nllty On Tiiestlay emening, Decem,ýbc-r 18, pris e,-àMrý. h1oo1li ih irls had a grand time at their Ohi-strians. so- tOhrlistmazs party. sociaticu. Si, care A beautifuily decorated box %vas Garols; he fi doc- h'anded to the Capt. which -'as a ouar foinmer t 6,ý5 Chris imas present foi the 'Giide'. One of -tihe the -Whatwa inside ioocked too good Vo ing was 'the 41 true. Mrs. K. Ga.msbîy anid 1Mrs. wdich wa 7u ff of R. Winter hud made the most beau- lon, whoin w ings, i ful box of hm-wd can-cy w e have visiting u had ever seen. Each Guide re Mrs. Armstrong read a s tory- of the 'happy ex a Congo îGhristmas and then asked showedl that t the girls tortr to thieir corners over big. where each Patroil as to prepare Theni Oh!1 ',l ornbe or more scenes f.roin the Christ- i tasitedl every nias story. Ail scenes were, weill cf. Wesihaii inodone, costuuiing was especially good. Ulni very sure. ronco Miaureen MoIKenna's Patr-ol n'as It was get iast chiosen as the hest. Joyce Cornish em-ptied oui, uni 2n fo toak charge ahout 8.40 of sanme very Prayer and si ted. itrsn stunts acf games. Nipgh-t and M( Vbile Aften. gaines, benches -were ar-rang- Capt. Every 1,01- cd in à circie and Anna Staples sur-1 a siniling face ed a qwaruing shoýt -whieh mmumn tihe youthis Vo a hiait.lThe ere rced on1 a1Charge of Federation Opposed To fTownship t ad'-ilbe brloug-ht Vo -ýstand t rial1.'Thbey were Attd fOgaie ao e by Dat.-Sgt. George HommesAttd ofOgnze a rmn lpfirs payne wt raku tore ut <Oono. Thae police Durham county Feder-ation 0of A projeet liat the stôen gods blave Agric-ulture held a vary suecessfUl the Ontalýo Cut 7 to 6 Ounces! and the re- by skipping ceekiiste<ad is the case" uponl will be mee iat the-1 homiue of Arthur ehompso, -Keula. The holding of these nonthiy mneetings is proving Vo be qulite a feature when thley can be held, in the homes of different mamibers thlro ug-hout the counity. There n'as a leng-thy dliscus,ýsioni re- garding condlitions pervaiiing in the country and a com'mirittee of two n'as appointed to draft a resolution deal- lig with the sainie and the followding resollution -was pasi.sed: "The mnithers o.f Durhamn County Federation of Agriculture have wat- chad xitih grouwing conoceru the de- miandus being put forward by Org-ac- ized Labour and tha methods anipioy- ed Vo bave tiern granted. "Beiieving that the îi-nediate ef- ats finitated lasý Hlorticutitu C tion. to encourage th provement of scbhooi j out the Province, hi marlkabie respon3e. consÀsteýd of can tests hbasis, wîthl the schoic ship dhowing the moi and the greatest i schood grouncds bahw donia. Although th( not yet been comirplet Suparintendent of tl and ilorticutural< 'of the Ontario Dcepa cuflure announces thai ners have been decli e5, go,