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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Dec 1945, p. 4

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ORONG WEEKLY TIMES TII A CAZING RECOD o0F s ý ,ALA TION AMY -CmLBS, HOSTvELS January, 1937. morning at the Timies Office ues'. Subscription, $1,2.5 Publisher ;SES INTO HISTORY eS. Paýtton ýthere passes fron- tihe lest war and ole of the mie. A leader of rare daring,., -d -Metz and on the Mosell,- a f is pushes througCh Fr-ance, s4of his dazzling drives-as ,ributed as much to shrowd ose, of bis eye for an open- 1be a fainiliar eueneoa]! stu- tade iu the pe-atemic era. whicb nmade hlm a sbetof ,eer will appear of little i- rly qualities which made lmii th-e mos,ýt feaired of the. Aliied sunce, Belîgilur ad1emn Lie the sliowmanship of his ihe Aliied cau 'se m-ou forgive- and indiscretion. Galiauis, ýn et his leLidership, will Join CHRISTMVAS DAY ople in Oronio and district avnd througliont t'le prov- pointedî witli the wveather that was off ered for this M'auy people intending to visit frien-dsantdrelative2s g-ive up the idea ýowivng to rain whlich las ýed prac.. ut the whle day long and wihere ,Yoliged to spend ýetlY at homie hy thiem-selves. Stili without nid relatives the hioliday spirit mas ept lutna. er few days a n wyear will be ushered' in, the new ýday of revelry. Peoplie mostly are glad týo put be- ar, niany wanting to forg-et it forever, o hl.eo ers it as the greatest year of al. MAonday eeinNew,, 1 sýee the ring-ing out of t1he old year, and the bringingl ~Mmy paries and dances rwill be held thiroughiout the decorated homes and dance ha-lls will welcomiethe g-et iJhe pleasures that the iiew year has to offer. mises and pledges will bîje nmde on New Year's Day, imtibr of thern being brolken as tiime goe on. Others et the new year hes i store fo.r thein. WiIlltiibe ss snd prosperity, or one of liard turnes and ades 1ansever these qjuestions, but on -New Ya' Eve and ay everytliiiug wil1 be forge ten for the timie being )rations liold sway. KEY NIGHT IN OROINO, FRIDAY, JA\N. idth syeýoni g of this week otr Midget and Juvenîle. will jouney to Gooi b o pl'ay their. first gaine of tha Gounity To-iwn. This wllnot gi've many oS our Opportunity of lookin'g our tw\o temins e, but on >y 4t'i, 'ivteani fromn Port Hlope will piay ou1r localý Arena. It bi hoped thut a large nianber rivili be pres- r boys on te victory and at the saie turne give thient ipport they ueed to finance these teains in their trips ie. Ne garme of' any sortc cn be carried on for loing e the finatncial backing of the cenuiybeiud theil. re sweters and equipanent to buy for the lads and money, If our b~a give thieir tune for our pleas- c an afford to sp.end a couple of hours et the rink ýee that this om it is behind thiem onehure r die first germii-e is completed thiere wiii be held an îy for the operin.-mlghit i Orono. This. ln itself idueenet for you to attend]. What the conuiinitte te is tI-iat bley have the &hole cvnsmnanity beltind iem ke a- load ýoff tber shoulders and ivould --ive our lads ýe i their plraying, knowing that by their gaines they ir way ýas they go alone. Abe West and Roy Witers whipping -these twývo teame-i into siiape, but we canuot w-innug teeris the first seaLson1, but Orono will have or better teanis next year. We arene t 1lokinîg for ri this year -but we are iooidng forward for your mrSup- wiIbe possible te enter tennis in this saiine .league * * ** YORWARD STEP IN HOSPITALIZATION OUTLINED BY HÔN. DR VIVIA,'N (ToronitoEvnigTega) ,ombioýiinlg Îhe features cf, Swelcone Christinsgit and New Year's present te Onitaoio's hiospitals aïffl tO ail whlomr circuninstances eoinpel te use their services, came Hon. Dr. Vivian,-'s anný,ounucerenit et laest b week-erd of "tise greatest singlle stop ilu hospital assi!s- ~tasarce G Cofederation". The plan ,vhicýis heouotlined 'wVill lîgisten snmany burdeus whichi have ibeen iseavy for those wlho have had ýto trhen sudý pronlises te stop up eccomniodation which hias b)een at a preuîriiuxni It ge-es inte effect in respect of fourteen hliospitalts on jianuary 1esutand will be applied te others as soon, as a basis for as- restance caui be reacised. It la intenided, loy inceasepd grants, te 'wi"pe out hlspÀ,tal deficitsansd to plaee ospitalks lu-i a position to inerease pi-iblio wevracoindaonwhe patients en receive came for les ,tban cost, Ultimiately the position of the pivate ward patient i1rli i-se inusprroved si-nùe there will neot be tise present iiec-ssity fer cover- eharg-iýhbim, iu order te provide funds te came fer public ward study of tise needs of the His desire te -bring it inte Vivian romniaed lu the Oui- Gllappointm-eit. Tihe four- Lt yl receive $1,000,000 i n e $400,00I0 thley -\veldl have n is riet imerely te iliiprove Vo co-orinate improved lhos- An Iimportant festure of tise lerw-ost ecunmd'î ofr (U.S. -War Cry)i Svalon Amiy clubs, hostels annd1 mobile units gave services te proi mïately 225 million service min snd1 womenci during W"Or-ld War 11, accord-E ing to a report just released. Tihese services were mnade not oul11Y te our, own srmned forces, but to the fightig forces of ail ourAllie. The figuLra includes aid to 115.76f), 6015 individuals -who took advantage of sca nd recrea-loualI facLies oBiered in the U.SA. by Savation Arr-y clubs. An ýestimated 110 mnil- lion mneals or snacks vvere served te, moin and woiuen of the arined forces, loy Red Shielld clubis, operated soLl by thie United States Selvatiien Ariny, anid by Salvation Arm-y mobile units Duriýing the six years of war, Sal-, vaàtion Armiy's internattîinal orgaiii-1 Zaticc arried on its' reigîous and so- cial servce progmani in 97 countries and territoriesz,taig its diversified ac«divi e4t 26 fihting fontc Religions work by officers of The Saivetion Arny a been an imaport- ant part of this wavrtinse progrin, ai- tliog~h it liasn een subordiatd o work of meat war uiigenicy, Sl- vation Am'rny chaplains luave sre with aIl amiies of the Allied nationsc, on ail fon S. Tui the forefront of The Slvation Armn-y's services for thie arm-edý for- ecs 'wer-e those given by its 3,000 Red ,Shieid clubs, of ou irrn-ipro-vired buts1 set up on beacbhesdîs, in, jungleS and in d1eser>t ouitposts;: and those givTen Iby 1,00a, Salvation Amny nmobile cantýeený,s wbichl, until inay cof thiis year, aecconpanîied the ar-ined fre on bazardons flghting fronts. Most off bthesze arc still in opera- ion, servlng troes Mstîlsaioed mi theocuidcutes Inutmajor Allied aihrin sd ings, Salvati*on Ariny mobile rnits- invasion cnen-olddomu the rampDs of LST's srong îwithi jeeps, trucks and tnk.Upon a1and'ng they set up shop on main ronds ealng to the front and they ad,-vaued' wvith the inva,,sion arm-ies. In France alone, figing fore le canteens v rned 'withli i serviiig 4,6üU4> men on a sîngie ,trip. Wîth curtains djraewuthese centeens olftered a place f-or mdtto or for religious services. f War services given te monn and wo- i m'en of the armied forces by Salvatilon t AryClubs, canteens and mobile t( units varied frorin the g-ift of stamnped I postcards and envelopes tOsleepingb accurmdatenand legai aid. A ver- ieýty of "pe-se)nal and accormmodation, services", inciuding mending, 'wrap- 'pingý and mailing oT packages, check- ing1 of vlabefinancial aid snd emý-ergencey transportation. Iu the UT.S. alene, aipproxlmwtIely e ,98,100 service minen xere prov'idedP \%ith sleeping accomimodations; during c louves or fuarloughIs et Salvation b Ar)ny cus At thoe cenres,5û,-N 61,894 stamIIprf]postcar-ds aud en- ý výelopes -were given ont. Under "per-E ,,,,,l aud accommiodation services were listed 21,936,529 instances of p OUR HOCKEY on Fridlay night, thne opeingi of our get aine. InSuc] simille of 0days golng fran our echool w with Osbawa. Bow' chamrp What thoy did, ourý boys eau de (1, objoot iu vieýw, z. to ni!fest thati Fil with coachlg and experience, but re- physicliy fit, mn-eaus wth the right membifer, these ýbeys need andi deserve kind of influene and exaixile tihe your support b)y attnac t their betterment of these -who are destined ga,rînfesting that fact thaît tebeý leaders iu our con-tumity Be thoyare onrboys onhand te c herrsud lendl a baud lun The( managing executi!ve have onesomething thiat b wý,ortbhhle. ,esh f'or Europe ,,, S ý atta Pen JA for icrnlg the rerriger were iladedwth me he9vinig up te a ton of 400 'Reefers' Each Jlonth Canadian Pacifie Record 1

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