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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1923, p. 5

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MR. C. E. HANN PURCHASEý C. W. DETENBECK'S'STOCK ýe lb- ,anville. bruaryj and town; Autpmo- liability, ý1 on firsti fiWst~ us 'our Jewelry S. W. MASON & SON TO GIVE IMPROVED SERVICE AND VALUES BY ADOPTING MODERN CASH SYSTEM. Time is bringing many changes i the social, the domestic and the comn- mnercial life of every comnmunity to-day. One of the most important and 'welcome changes to the buying public in the mod- ern business w\orld is the adoption by many successful merchants of a strictly cash syste~m of conducting their business. The inaugurating of such a systemn appeared rather severe and harsh at first compared with the old, iniquitous and costly method, (to customer and mer- chant alike), of giving credit. The "easy way" of charging an account has often proyen the most expensive, as mnany customners will admit. With these facts before us we are, now convinced jhat we can give the buy- ingo public an improved1 service, better values and a greater variety of what is newest in dry goods and most sought after in ladies' ready-to-wear by the adoption of a strictly cash system,. We have, therefore, decided to adlopt the Cash System throughout our entire store-effective from March 1, 192 3. Son FOR BAI. lots -in Bo d hisI tne Stunday rierala and rýxannner, îtford, who hasCaos Best Newspaper. B'uy it mu, Mrs. W. Wal- a .L ihI& has returned tAL.Ncols by her nec,-- id Joseph Wood.- MARRIAGES ared th era- BA13COCK-CLEMNl!CE-A-ýt the 1er bm he L. Mtb oist Par sonai ige, B ownan viIlie, on) mother who has Sauda, bray 1ý, 2, byRev. S. forsoe ees.C.moore, . A. B.Dmissela 11 "Ie lereCe, Torontlo, yugs e not Very en- dughiter of f the ate Johin Clenence, Ba1Ïr- Lctîgon iprices ington, and MAr. Hrr .Bb o f Luice was nother ad- zprint $7.50 nce on tag per .1b. ad- -aft of this ç-end in Tor .) R. A. Bi V. R. Doi former min ,terian Chur( s. Fraser, ýd to hear a ini Bowman', DEATHIS -At the boneof Bj3shop Brent, Janes PaCBUffalo,> N. Y., On -, Feb. 6,2, Miss Catharinie rimerly off Newcastle'. ,a ito-daty (hrsa on ar-rivai p. in. G, T. R. train to Bowrnan- metery. ESS-A,ýt Baltimore, January 29, array Burgese., . N G-At Port HpFehruary 4, SDitrling, ilu hie 70th year. 5Y-Jia Oronoc, January 26, Hugh infant son off Mr. aind TrI . G. NSO N-la BowmLaviîIe iHospital, y 5, Eliza Mrae Robinson, Syears. -AND-At KeJtiey Creekz, B. C., dgïýy, Jain. -22, 121 obert Bor- bis 84th year. LANb--At Port H-ope, Feb Sthi., nai Slight, widow off the late BEd- WANTE:-Girl or woxnanl1 t once t or ki tellen lielp). Apply' H iotel, Bowrn,1anvîl'le. 6-11 FOR I R E-I arn preared to nide of teamling. Apply P. Martin, reet. Bowmanville, plione 294j.1 farm about, 25 acres wîth orchardf re lighits, neýar railway station.! Il parti'culars to N. Bimstinà, thIurst St. Toronto. 6-111 WANTED-To trin and pack leels. Also young man as en- elper in power house. Apply ati Goodyear Tire & Rbher00. ville. 4 -tf WANTED-anted t once to ch)arge o01,a We11 equipped 251J Lalo Couity tarin. Hlouse fully . Good p'rac( ical1 working rial- rnian, energetic and able to dir- Smen, a, general farrner' cattie rnan. Slttein first letter, ex- rernsages off self and Address Chlronicle, Whiitby, Ont. WOOD FOR SALE The undersigned offers for private sa,-le a lirnited anount off eithexr standing. cut, or dry hardwood iu quantities to sit prchaser. Colin Colville, lot 35, con. 7, Clarke; Phone ir17 Orono Tel. Ce.. Bowmanville R. R. 4. 50 -t PARISIAN' LADIES' TAILOR <Formieriy in Bowmanvi Coiege-st., Toronto, Pho We cal) stili give you 91 1Guarànteed to fit and' pre-war pri( in g(ood condition. Appiy Wm E. Arm-. strong, 7 A-ýrgyle- St., $1owmanville- Phione FO R SALE-Power Makers-juest the thing for, farmiers whlo have catrs-will swwood, grind feed, etc. Oniy 4 left, regular prie 7.0,cearing at $2000 caIsh, A. W. Pickard, Phone 185, ]3ow-' aville. 51-t1 FOR SALE-One real cherrywood' %vardroh)e with inirror. one oak ward- robe, one small baking cabinet, one uluartre eut ok lhat raek (dark finishi,8~ whiite roller windowé shades, neairly new, will seil cheap'. One tapestry rug 3 x 31,ý f t. Apply to Mdrs. C2. B. Kent. Beech Ave.. , Bowmanviile. 6-tf -RESID EN C E F OR SAÀL E Framne resjidence for sale on West side of Ontario St., Bowmnanville, one block north off South Wardl School. One story and a haîlf contaýining 7 rooms, hall, liv- ing roorn, dn roorn, kitchien, large panmtry and hedroom dcown stairs, 3 hed- roomis upstairs and large clothes closet. summenr Ikitcllen; electric lighted thruout;. Iardl and sof t wtrin bouise; large; verandahi on side off house and good ceýllair. House f~hypainted isie and out aiid ln good condition; ne.w cret wal4us; one qiuarter acre lot; good vegetahie garden with plum., cherry, pear and aipple trees, lot of black current .uhe nd a grape vine, with enough lawnl on south side off bouse to ild anotier bouse with vý,ege- table garden tta<chedc if desîred. For particulals àpply to Mrs. Susana Howardj. 590 Oxford St., London, Ont., or Tomn Dus:tan, Hardwa-,re Merchant, Dowman- vile, Ont. 8-tf REMNANTS-2 .lbs. .cotton AND GENTS'11 -(pice, atratie1at terns, $L50,-21lbs. silk pat- Is ce $2, 1h. l'lire wool flin- iei~yrn 11shadles. $1.50. lie, eo at20 brgan arel romper clot h, ne Trï'niýty 3217% for chIiIdren's dresses, ap - beisries rons, etc., 5, 3 ydls. navy ur bssevc se 4rge, tweeds or clan Tar warkmanshlp at, tan plaids, 25 in. wide for girl's schooli Ice..; dresses $1,75 postpaidl., A. McGreery& 14 Co. Importers, Chathamn, Ont. >Welcome Announcement We really haven't axiy urgent need for puttiiig on a real bargain sale such as we are doing, as our stock of clothing and haberdashery fo men and boys is practically ail new and at regular prices are good values. POur idea in putting onx this extraordinary valué-giving ev'ent is to (1) meet the buyin-g pub- lic of Bowmanville; (2) show our wide range of clothing and haberdashery; (3) drnionstrate to the publie that we can save you money on every day clothing requirements for mien and boys. Meet nBowmanvi11e s Youngrest MerchantJ The bargains we- are offering are too good to continue the sale very long 80 it will only last ten days: February 8 to Februa.ry 17 BOYS' SHIRTS 19c 5 doz. Boys' Shirts, sizes 11, 1i½/ý, 12,; ,while they last 19e each or ... .2 for 35e BOYS' OVERCOATS $1.98, 8 Btoys' Winter Overcoats, sçe- ciaily priced at ..........$...ý1. 98 MEN'S UNDERWEAR 89c Penman's Fleece Lined Underwear, 2 piece, ail sizes,........ ...Sale Price 89c MEN'S SWEATERS $3.45 Men's V-Neck Sweaters, ail wool, large range of colors and sizes, regular $4.50, during Sale only ..........$3.45 I MEN'S COMBINATIONS $1 .95 I Men's Combinations, broken lines, a real snap at .............. $1,9 5 MEN'S PULLOVERS $2.95 Men's Sleeveless Puliovers, V-Neck, regular $4.50, ....... Sale Price $2.95 special Sale . .. ...$1.35 MEN'S WINTE1R CAP~S 98c Men's Winter Caps $1.50, speciaýt'iprice, for sale.................................. 98c _BOYS' OVERCOATS $6.95 6 Boys' Overcoats, regular'$.00, $12.00, $15.00, ail marke-G<d(own t .......................... ..._$6.95- - MEN'S SCARFS 69c Men's Wool- Scarfs, regular up to $1.50 now ctown to ........................... 9 HANSON'S SOCKS 35e Hanson's Ail WýQol. Woik1dug. SQcks, special at 35c~ pair or3 p air. for,$1.00 I MËN'S OVERCOATS $5.95 10 only, Men's Overcoats, here's a -'ea bargain at ..............$5.95 n MEN'S CAPS 39c 5 ckzen Men's Caps, ileaI values these, ail sizes and colors, only ..........39c MEN's MITTS AND GLOVES 50e Men's Wo r Mitts and Gloves, spe- cially redue d for sale at ....c0 pair BOYS' LEATH ER MITTS 35ec j Boys' Lined Leather Mitts, large range, ail markecl down to ...........-................................................. 35e paid BOYS' SUITS $6.95 Boys' Suits, regular $10.00I to $13, for 10_days oniy $6.95 BOYS' SWEATERS $2.45, Boys' V-Neck Sweaters, a goo d range of colors, regular $3 and $3.50, now selling ..........- . ......................... $2.45 BOYS' JÉRSEYS $1.48 ' Wool Button on Shoulder ito ....................... .. E.0HA (Successor to C. W. Detenl ail sizes, marked .......... $1.48 FOR SA] hSouse,2 kitcheýn con. 9. I -ry, R. R. Salen and, For the La4i'es

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