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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1923, p. 9

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BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 6thb., 1923<. SCHQQL NURSE'S REOR NEWCASTLE HISTORY-- tj Sckool Nurs from Nov(1st., 1922, to leed land decorated with alnmond paste at ThValat~fnt'i~a i sit to1 scol 22 regarding preaching b~y Methodist Iseionst mde ê .........815Im twsecisons to DowavleSho of y50e po n . Th i s m 'u h che pe than ou lê -;iiii n o e r N w ateW ' âan uiake it and you will admit its just as good apeaes to bec that given by R aft. abscrice of 2 day, or mfor'e 358 fl à John. ~v R$'erson, an eler brothe, of Trýaments .... 5 or bete. e . gEertoi ?Ryeron. Ili bi~2osos 1 eLn1s ALM N1 inS 1882, in bis book 4Gaiiadian Meth-New DeetsFound SelctngforwiI ALMOND ASTE in" nt pp. 60 and 61, it is stated veetn Git frninwilbeaIlaan as .r that in 1823 lie and bis clleagu.e,atdGfsb plaatakhe adoirko Icg o Iv Ùtead of making your owxi Almond Paste: Rv. William-i Slater, -%ere treatied in VIion 5b ae 6 "4what men want" makes shiopping easier. vVvv try our delicious preparatoyi at 50 c lb. a vey kndl wa by ~o n Hearing A 3 ~n ikdls ftep~1çI8T~o hnsta e aiawy ~k W-ýVilm-iot, who fit~ iFp roi Di~see7 28 Ahn ikdls ftepatclsr ftig htr Better vplace yout orer early with. us for your in his taney fo bt teir ser~vcs 2ar Disease 1 4 good uise of: Ties, Of Course, of which a mnan can never havetomuy iWr <SChristmas Cake. In 1824 Rev. Ansoyi Green tells Deeciv asaI lrcat'hing 95 2 la h s book (Life and Times of Abnotnl ŽTonsils 22 2 fo h blustery days of winter; Hçiuse Çoats and 3athrobesfwliueh rst Anson Green) at pp. 55-58 of Anaemic cpparance 64 28e lvs o aik~cifBet dohwX~sire hc r jWEDING CAKES A SPECIALTY preachitng ' tPort Ho>pe,Newton- Dect1o'eeth 329 f1 ome and bGl oreSc Ha nkesr ohe Bts nd 9uth~ eII ~ sed t ville, Mr' Walbridge's bouse and 1 1 niot expensive,buar lne saytoheunÎgutfa L5 ~~iuu.iIw*~ra.LLinl a school bouse near Major Wil-1EJnJarged Gland 84 T 6y YY e i~ .~ ->F e Lmot7s. Fartlcr on' at p. 68 of bis Skia Coditions 644 -î bookç Dr. Greeni -peaks of staying at Orthope.di Defects 3 (Sccsort Tom~To)Mr. lrderrian'shouse, tremiles Malnutriton 47Tis rBl 02fetoe 3w.avle the Confernc ofi1825. But so far DeetveSec 8 e u i l ther do~otseem t~ hve een5~' alntality to be referre& 2 chiurch buildlngs at Newcastlec or eker\~eo~l Bownianille. 10 468.JNwt lkealhene The fi1st MWethodist TChurelh erect- ine visits ma'de 484 ed in Bowinanville hclongs to the Consultations 14) i town feel happy on Christmaiorng 3ih year 1839, already spoken of i The Please bear in mind that the - rteyugrgeea He WM~ Be Pieased Statesman of STcltember 2Oth last. abov ei mentioxêd "Defects Found" do oi f4 yi~ei~1e (24 t If Yo~i Select One The first chiurcli iÉ Necastle wasl ot include those found whet the Tsb edcl' o intn or 14rm i.T n 1n Fo À~ Man of These Shirts For dedicated -on March 16, 181 The Survey examination 'was donc by the sbudclrcmiain His Christina% Gif t building was hegu narly iWe TT ars1 doct>r and nurse Tro ihe to ar y earier bt t- ork-%assupLne'ment of Educatinbu arc all new Tt! neetn oko htp ~ ~<~v' kby reason of the division hcbtook1 since then.TT Tplace on the' circuit ov'er the ownu he "Ucfects Terminated" includ- J ower tIian a yeari ago-60c t( 2OO n lIa J O H N 5m j I e>"mh J wu0 N '3 ship of the church property. Itiieth corrctio of nX lfy of those wI U uesl i o~ nuhfrmr statcd la the Christian Guardiar~ i~ ofound duxing the survey xmnto short but important clause in thec more rcentl~y by the local sclhooI nw ahTein atatv itbo deed ,vas the <cause of those troublese nurse, we k w. E h iinan t which erided ia the expulsion or sec- Evelyn M. Hanna, School Nurse. ession of about a huadrcd mnembers.________________I T luTe structure was a fraWlc build-I iiig and scoms to have becomce, dur- in Seotlaad la 1821, lie caille ing the five yeyars it stood unfinishcd, wvithi his family to Darlington ia 18341t rather weathýer-býeaten ia appaarance, Although a PresbIyterian, lie enterc I On the openiag day Rcv. S. S. Victoria College as a student andl Nelles, h,ýcfd of Victoria TCollege, graduated ia 1848. He wa. ordain-j pTree ogh 'hrfew oultto give the, in N-wtoilville. Later, a station -Wa sA ta$v hat moeearnest bveed to tethings fornlled in Newcvastle and4 Mr. Ormis- whc ehave hear1d, lest~ at auy "ton bail charge of these two churches tm. e sould let themn slip".~ In -pto May Il, 1853. The eburch in There is no0 such thing, as a surplus ofShirts. U aha.Taylor and~ bis subjcct was in 1850. It w as a frai-n building Naturally he will be pleased with a SilkI, MVadras, the "Transfi.gi4rtion". The roads and stili stands, freeli and~ usefCui %vTk ere very uiuddy but the bouise wa., Iooking as it ever was. T ûsïdtekth or WooI Taff eda Shirt in newvest desigris, filled with large audiences, at hôtb 1 have Oltea heard T my parents T sevcs rw hr ythe attract- speak of, the woaderful serinons aiszeprcdfm . ......$ 75t$,0 iveiicss of tIff( great precbers,. preached iby. Mr. Orvriston. Oaa of lszepredfo ...............$75t$.0 tLachlan Taylor was gifted paajticul- these ,I heard my mother speak cf T ly a T avery muovng typ~e Of wvhîel was based on The Song of Sol HViUghland eloquelice, On Menday omnoi, 2:15, 'Take us the foxes, the k TTy~Ithere iwas a soireeat 4 hicl about littie f oxes, tbat spoil the vines" j130 persns set down Vo tea. The fle was cao appointed superiaten- K address:es of theT occasion were de- dent of Common Schools o>f Clare Bathrobes and S n k n livcred by Rev. Mr. Garaett (Prim- and bis wonderful repor.ts for 1.850,Ja k t itive Methodist), Laefflan Taylor anvd1 1851 and 18512 are preserved in the J c e Williair Ormiston, another gjfteil 'reports of th he uperintendent 4ofralwr ister of Newton and Newvcastle. in 1levi Clarke lie bae a nimmcer Always eosy amIa <T ~~1851 Ne-wcastle formeld part of B<iw-. of the Staff of the Nlorrntal Schlo, ryaay lanyillk circuiit of the Wesleyan ver o<.a ieyVrçtylish too. Jts da wyt Methodîtt C1iuiref, und r the pa8Vt. - maa Scools'ont.Lýe r was I n or of aren o h Ckartemroiceo you aiethinngo i cïfotpcd ai charge of lRcv. Jame~s C. Slater Upe Canadýa. Dui4g twov years a1r4e<Tfl5.tQ I Newcastle bciame an independent, <1855-'b6) u~~~~~,~v- .................. circuit in 1852, in the Cobourg Dis-. Presbvyt.rian <Jhurch ia Toronto~ and Smoking Jackets ......$(Q t»$30 prechcer,' The church of 18,51 wa8l 30, 1856, lie was minister o-' the Cen- - GuardIian of February 20, 1867, Rev. ton was ealled to a ehurch inl NewLJ, v Will am Mc'Ctdllughb,, stationed <st York in 1870 wbere hie remained un- ~o 1 G o d ' ITNewcastle, reported that the c'on- Vil 1888. His deatb oceurred in 1899. o i r tracts had beea let for a new church. After Dr. Ornliston's departure i It was Vo bce a miodel building, 42 feetj Rev. W. C. Young was iaducted Vo e aete Ei-glish S by 65 fcet, wiVlia tower, .spire and ithe ch1arge (1854) and servcd up Vo ~Hcse of Pure Cashmere, Newle i an ih saneo ros- P, id d-a 15& The 1Rev. George heavy and medium weightvt A M X D 'h c p e %o congregations were large ai-d gTrow-1 October -21, 1868. Hie was succeed- of Lovat and Heathers. N~csIwsnahgisaeo rs dIw~a~tdNvnbr~ ~ t otpplrsae ~W ~ ~ jÏ in. Newcastle ,vas destlaed te be ai Ld by Éhe Rev, Archibaçi Cross who very imiportant circuit. A good pars-;wa inducted on July' 21, 1869, and Prieed ........_60c to $1.50 onage bcd alrcyady beTen built and< réniaiaed -%vith the congregatioa some 1k ur Thed i SAJLE-MEN'S FINE SrIIRTS 20% DISCOUNT SAL~E f~nse.< Tfour years. ____urhrad i THUflSDAYý, FRIDAY, SATURDAY On MaIiy 24, 1867, the corner stonel plain colors and f ancy check was laid by Mr. John McDçinald of In coanection witb the Anglican Toronito, who rcceived a silver trow- C-'hurcb there have been regular ser- designs and elox y NY SaIRT IN STORE 20% DISCOUNT el froni Mis. Elizabeth Braley, an:vices since 1832 I that year Rcv. T$1.00 to $1.75 wohanded the Bar of T1ruses dn lit dsrie in Clre ahundred dollars. The bottle tha*bu afutnwtb'elec j- JileYMk .Ms T <~ y 8taitirig Thursday mornirig we wi!l1 place our en-~ Lwas placed ia Vhes pace lu the corner parently ia .Eow TvÎille. Ha scees UeuGf ~i~ s~k Mn' Fie hits miSik Sirs n sle~tcontained copies of The Christianf t have contiauèd bis mntisti'ations T sflGf tirestok o Mens Fne hirs an Sik 'hirt onsal atGuardiani, The Leader and The Glob>e, up Vo 1835. Ili that year the Bishop 20 Reduction. Ail sizes frorm 14 to 17, A, 20% Toronto, The Montreal WVitrcss, an4I inspected a ne-w frame church (noV Bet re4duction at any time of y<ear Ineans a great s'vig. Bu~t conadtepoorpso tleV y ajr imot ~n r te ow liT atthsseason of the year particularl is a 20 reu-Board and the Commî-nttee of the~ of Clark<e andi Darlington. During Deie as many Others ha)e rcc-Ladies' Aid. Atidresses werc mad M 86-q fie pir C.?g T.n Wade M

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