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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1923, p. 11

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OWMANVt[LLE, DEC._6th, 1923.ý SALEM in per- Mitchell & Co.1 htsai Chiropractic Dr. Durwin E. Steckley Honor Graduate of Toronto Chiropractic College Office JHours: 3owmanvilile 2-5 and 7-9. Beginning Monday l9th, Çovember afternoon and1 wvening, Tuesday, Thurs- lay and Saturday. Orono i -12-Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Novemnber sehool report of S, S. 9, Dar1ing-ton, is as follows: Sr IV -Bob Collacott, Nelson Wilks and John Cator equal. Jr. IV-Laura Wilkins. Sr II-Elma Davis, Earl ~'weSidney Elcombe. jr. III- Reta Connag-han. Sr. 1.-* William:i owling-, 5Stanle-y Cowling *Iielen NMDonald, *Leslie Welsh, Violet Strutt, Gordon Davis, Edgar Cator and Nelson Davis equal, Olive Mor- den, j.Doris Collacott, fEhner Strutt, -j-Merefdth Little and tBeot Foster and tRoss Richards oqual. Sr. I- kBEeatrice Cator, tLorno Foster,. tFrancis Connaghan. Sr. Pr- t-Mari-an Honoy, tAudrey Cowling.1 Jy. P*r.-j3Peil Connoghan and *LIy Alorden equal, :'Flossie Connaghan, John~ Foster and Marie Collacott qual, Thelmna Littie. *-honors; ý-failure. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. TYRONE Report of S. S. No. 18, Darlington -naines in order of merit: Class V -Morley Hooper, Kathleen Gibbs, Fred Goodman, May Camieron. Sr. IV-Leon Moore, Loverne Burgess, Frank Hatlherly, Kathleen McCul- lough, Arthur Richards. Sr. II- Eleanor Tliompson, Annie Gardiner, Ivan Smith. Jr. III-Earl Good.- man, Clarence Goodman, Irene Cami- eron. Sr. JI-Lorna Hloopor, Alice Thompson, Fred Taylor, Ted Wood- yard. Jr. 11-Francis Thompson, Carson Reeler, Myrtie Brooks;, Edna Cameron. Jr. I-Lornîe Annis, Rus- sel Leslie. Sr. Pr.-Helen Trimin, Adelaide Annis, Viola Keeler, Ber- niece Sheckleton, Jack Gibbs. Jr. Prîmr-Nina Hodgson. Jr. Pr. (a)--Eva Collacott, Donald Thonip- son. Jr. iPr. (b)-Florence Camp- bell, Douglas Keeler. Mabel L. Wight, teacher. BETHESDA Miss Bertha Colo, Messrs. Lawrie and Douglas Cale attended Presby-. Sterian Anniv*rsarv at Orono and were. reony. . Toronto,1 ry, Bowmý, !ole's recent attended Re ed frien'ds :n Locoking A round 'Vor Use fuI Gifts Jnd that our China Depart- fioor' is full of useful gift You will find everything from a delicate of China to a complete Dinner Set. We don,.'t ask fancy prices for our goods. 's why s,/many people buy here. and n Gray. ZIOi4 NE 1923 Christmas Seals S The National Sanital>U- Associ ion iis t nrtlt(eb(,on the 1an oe C~istmaa 5ý Sals now on Or sale in aid o f Lthe jIlMuçoka Hospital for, Consumuptivs. Teo mee 1t a peisistenit demnand for, a ,, re 1 >Chistimas 'Seal, not mereiy an, ad -risng sticker, qlte a ne-w d- parture býas beenj madýe thiis ycair, in that they are prlnted !l ten differenit designs, each packýet oiitaiiiiing af ull C assertmnent. The-seals are ail very Or The Hespîtal Is in need of funds te carry on its werlt. Wh) et buy thLese I cin lie u of ,thers? Net enly will i yeu get goo)d valuie in return, but your mloney ýwlll be made to serve a grea ter end , for it will go telielp ( somleene tin dlstres9s. O Fer sa]e by schol children, and banks, or direct fromn Xmas Se',l r Departmient, Gage Institute, Teronto. Ont. I llReliove a Cold.--Colds are th onolest aihnents of miankind1 and neglected may lead to serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oul will relieve the bronchial passages of inflamination speedily and thon- oughly and wlll strongthen them against subsequent attaek. And as it easos the inflammation it will lus-, ually stop the cough because it al-, l-ays the irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it, WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 2ND. Yonge and Charles Sts. Toronto. Correctly Prepares Young Men and Wýomen fj or positions ts stenogra- Iphers, accoun tants, private secretar- ils, commerceial teacers, e-tc. Somle of thie salaries offcred this year were $75 to $100 a mionth and Upi to $1500, $1600, $1800, $2000 and $2.500 per an- numi. Jt pays ta get superior training, En- ter any time. Every graduate of thiis year- secured emifflyment. Write for handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Apples Wranted AT ta visit his niece an Ms Hril Holgate's ý'.WLEf Evaporator It isn't the kind of creed they love, Or peculiar thing-s they do, Or whiethor the doctrine suits yourl taste, For it isn't the church it's you. For a chain's as strong as the woak- est link, And it breaks withi a hoavy load. But it church that's full of the links /chat pull Can lovel the roug-hest road, If you get in tune with the Master'si Will, With your heart and your 1abore, too, You will love your church, though it ham it's fault's For it isn't the church it's you. AUNTS WEEKLY ADVICE A Wise B3uilder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-~and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Rofing mnake the best covering. Beaver IBrand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able ai-d sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best fiooring. Beaver B3oard Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash an-d inside trim malçe the hest finish. The People's Fuel and Lumbe~r Depot îs the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- body. Cail and see us. McCelln &Co, Liniiited King St. East Bownianvflo Office Phone 15 House Phonos 228, 274, 218 MIrs. S. G. Chant's and ish's has iniproved..-. BOWMANVILLE Phone 153 or 202 S Goods --1923w- Give useful gifts this, Christmas. Here are few suggestions taken from our large stock hich will make most acceptable gifts. PYREX TEA POTS ELECTRIC HEATERS ELECWRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC COOKERS ELECTRIC LAMPS COiLEMAN GAS LAMPS Mvason &4 DaIe's Hardware Dne 145 Bowmanville )ULTRY AT ITS BEST We are very particular about the~ poultry we buy because -our customers expect the best wben they patronize this store and we see that they are not disappointed. Alrnost daily we are receiving choice plump well f ed young poultry for roastiug, also older birds which make rich chicken pies. ion andU Jyrs. ,.xaspel visited Oshaiwa1' relatives and attended Ring Street IChurch bazaar.... Miss Evelyn Fiee, Oshawa, Sundayed at home.. . . Miss Orma Flintoif is taking a business courein Ohsaena ..s ituation i h cou1e se jr Oehaa..ituatissniOssie awa.... . Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Beekel and Donald Sundayed with lier sister, Mrs. Baden Pingle, Rowmàanville. . j.. Mr. E. V. Dyer, Port Hope visited Mn. J. W. Balson ... . Mn. and Mrs. Perey Langmaid and Bernice Sunday.. ed at Mr. Haggith's.. Miss Acla Pas- coe completed bier report o Young People's Convention in Belleville at Sunda.y Scho ai. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY The anrua1 meeting of the Dur- ham an'd Northuirborland. Childreil's Aid Society was held at Port Hope Nov. 27th, wi).~h President J. W. Bickle presiding. Reports of troas- urer and secretany showed the saciety in a flourshing condition. Theso officers were electedl:-Hon. Presidonts, Senator Mulholland andi Warden G. A. Smith, Port Hope; Hon. Vc-Podo* Mr. C. Reli,- der and Mr. J. H. H. Jury, Bowman-1 ville; President, Mr. J. W. Bickle; lst Vice2-Presidlent, H. Fulford, Porti Hope; Treasurer, Dr. E. A. Totten, Port Hope; Secnetary and Local Sup- eintendent, Rev. James T. Daley,ý Port Hope. PRETTY AUTUMN WEDDING Moutjoy-Hloskin On 9luessedy Nnvembeýr 27, a vory etty weddingwa solemnized when ola Glacl&s Doîphine, daughter of r. and Mrs. Gephas W. Hoskin, ho- .me the bridle of John Harold, son fMr. and Mlrs. John Mountjoy, al fKodron. The bride ent'ened the' awinl- roora ta the strains of Mon- To save 1Tâne Trouble Money and Jiealth H'ave Oxo Beef Cubealways handytn thekitchen. Ue .e dn .V13day. "/III wq Fv-ý ýCet iIf puar ever-ready rno0 t theen 0f there these stance self;t ing hi missh at, bw Smilo, Iangry mary that- ourse are is -chas- ho will ta laugh id that a miany an and stop er words wound. ity. Do not take life too seriously; ho- I ieve that no harra was intended when you think Yourself slighted and Most lîkely it will bie sa; believe things will came right and it will be so. Look for a jfrst before yeu look for an in- suit even if an insuit was ineant, and thon the intended point will glance off as an arrow against iran. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY The amazing staiy entitled, "The Wonderful Heroine" whieh appeared in the Famnily Herald and Weekly; Star of Montréal, bas caused wido- spread speculation as ta the iden- tity of this young and beautiful wom- an, who by ber hienoism, self-sacrifice atnd Jabounding trust and faith in God, by hen sweet purity and astounding courage in the face of unspeakable horrors, came ta ho negarded as ai living saint andi the wonderwoia Aids digestion. AIIays thirst. Soothes the throdt. )r Onality, Flavor and a large variety Sold ev.rywhere infanaa You SLife' $ àf ', 1

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