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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1923, p. 2

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BOWMANViLLE, DEC. 6th, i92,3.ý THE EDITOR TALKS. Rev. Frank Langford, B. A., in his fine address Sunday morning at the 'recent Boays' Confereno-, aaid referring ta enthusiaýsm as. requisite ta success that teachers mnust be en- thusiastic about the subjects they teach for scholars will be interested in the things about which they are enthusiastie. Enthusiasm ia the main- spring of a boy's success. B. C. Foirbes says enthusiasm is the parent of enterprise. Shakespear wrote: No profit grows where is no pleasure taken. Anlother w\riter saiys: En- thusiasm 1i s the ve-cy propeller of of prog-ress. Al great achievemnents have sprunig fromf- the faunt of en- t hinain~. talf-beartedress nev--r attained whole success. Who ever knew a duil, indifferent mmid that evolved a brilliant prodluct? Enthus- iasmn is the electrie current which keeps the engin~e of if e in tune with its function. The Greeks described enthusiasm as a Cod -within us. Do flot thik biogirap1ies of succe-sfuI men of ail ages -show that enthusiasm enabled them to accomplish taskQ apparently superhumnan? Were we ta iiivestigate and search diiigently we shouid find, no0 doubt that ut the base and birth of every great and succeasfui busin~ess concern was an enthusiast, a man consp ' cuous for earn'estness of purposeý, with conceit in his ability and faith in the out-I conie of his endeavors. Enthusiasmn was the motive power that ,propeliedl him on ta success. * * * We have fou-nd in a lang and varied experience in agriculturadl, educq. and business associations that per-1 sons, lacking- in enthusiasm fare sel- dam very successful ia any [in of endeavor. There are born enthua-ý iasts and, there is a possibility of]1 every normal persan becoming ana.1 To succeed in kîndling entbusiasm J 1in one'as sul a persan must believel in himaelf and la what he attempta ta do, that la a rîglit and proper thingi ta do, believe in its eff icacy and 'behieve thaýt it will be a bene-ilt and really worth while doing. It la certainly worth the içf art ta obtain for entIruaiasm ja a dynamo generat- ing power within us. Juat as surely, as- lack of ambition and ignoranei speli failure, enth'usiasni and enight-i enmaent wili sait and seasan even ver., unpaiatable tasks. Usuahly when a persan loses bis enthusiasm lie may as -well give Up the race foar he wili noti win the prize. We have read sanie-1 where that the Elixîr of Life la threel quarters en,ýhusiasm. Enthusiasmi stiàrs thb- pulse, kinc(les amtbition,1 briglitens the eye and quickens the step. Only the enthusiat can hopel ta make the right kçey and fipd thei' righit combination ta its hock. Us-1 ually the doar to auccesa la too high up and te bard for the lazy ta reach and open. WHY DISMISS SCHOOL NURSE? We again direct attention ta the, repart of M1iss Hanna, Public Schoo Nurse, an-d wouid hike ta know who the men are who are responsibie for withdrawing the schoais fromn the Bowm-aniviile-Newceastie Uniit sa that there are not a sufficient numi-ber of sehool raanis left ta warrant - tairiing ber serviceýs. In aur opin- ion it was a splenid investm-enl if ,ve may juidge from the number of 'lefects discavered la pupils. To refeýr ta the teetli of achoal children alone the examnination of thousands of schaal children in var- ious parts of the warld lhas shown that fewer than 10 per cent. are free from diseased teeth or gums. Decay af the teeth la the mnost camman de- fet. There is no0 other matter of health wli,,ere the proverbial ounce of pre-; vention will go far. Dental cavities is a disease of chillhoadi and youth and apprapriate preventitive treat- mient during chiidhaod wauld pro- bably ins'ure good teeth ta mast af aduîts. Six niolars, peirmanent "double" teeth wbicb make their appearance jizat back of the lest temporary taoth, when the chiid las about six years of age are especially subject ta decay. They are often iataken byl parents for temporary teeth. Preservation of these tceth is veryï important, nat for the sake of thei teeth ahane, but aiso an account of the jaw and positian of other per- mnanent teeth. Preventive measures for caring for teeth shauld include cleanliness, thoroi;gh mastication, suitabie food, care of temparary teeth, preventian of decay and irregularity and repairi of defects as rapidly as they appear. When a tooth bas acbed the best time for savirng it has gone by. Ta t)iis end the school shauld malte three very important~ cobilfributions. Instruction of children in the aes- sentials af mouth cleanliness; Pre- ventive treatment by an exam.ntia iit regular inter-vala and curativei treatment throiugh the establishment af a school dental clinic. DI.JUTY 0F YOUNG CANADIANS MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Sir Robert Borden generaiiy bas Ini an ed-itorial on the subjectý 1somiething ta say worth hearing on frequently discussedI by The States-' raIre occaýlsis is recent address 'in man, the lethargy of the imajarity of Montreal was marked by a pblnted citizens in the miatter of municipal appeal to the young man ta get up elections, the Ottawa Journal pointsi and wark istead of contenting himi- that in Great Briýtain where the 'Self with abstention fromn politica. "It people put local affairs in the very is the duty of every ane of you tago f orefrant of importance municipal in and make dirty polities slean," h' administration bais long been a model said. for the world. Sir Robert thus put his finger upon The best citizens in the Mather a very sore spot. If there is one Country intereat themiselves in the thing with whichl the Canadian pub- cîvlc administration and vie for posi- lic may be reproached with justice, tions on~ the local boards. it is its indifference ta existing co- As an examiple, it may be men- ditions. 'Scores of thousands of elec-i oned that the firct pulblic step taken tors take no0 share in the poîitic'al by the Duke of Devonshire after re- activities of this country' and aiong turning ta England when his terni them the younger element is con- as Gvra-eea of Canada had spicaus.Yet t isprecsely~ epired was ta conteat a vacancy on this younger dlement that Canada a Caunty Cauncil against a workig must depend for any progress it is Thm taemn aldrjic a ta mlake-mnteraeyifit is ta keep know that Bowmianville was about its paeih aewt te nt t swing round 4othe English habit Citizenship which canfers privil- of taking a deep intereat in the muni- egsaloinvolves epniltes cipal campaign. eg eanls s responsibities, Indifference in this respect ilaa and themn btwhis peardtaen-fhandic-ap ta the town's pragress, it jo th nebtshrstien 0o tends ta lower the calibre of the the other is a poo'r ct-n.N unicipal representatives, and it is in prories owaa eveinry malesitut a alarge rmeasure responsible for the seres f pe'hmîaryfaiure. Iisextravagance too frequently found the persistent fight put up by min- . in civic gaovernmnents. orities that effecta nef orm in the long The remiedy will be found in a run. Every great f orward moVeý' general interest in the bringing out ment in th~e world bas been started of good candidates, in a study of these by a minority, and by a minanity of candidates and their policies in in- young men, in aimost every outstand- sisting upan. definite pronounce- ing instance. The Young mien. of mnent fram the varions aspirants for Canada can find pientY af work iying o(ffice and in a more widespread use ready ta their banda if they will un- of the franchise. dertake it. To ignore it andleave' it for others la allen ta the trué Can- NTEEITRSMI adian spirit and inimical ta the beat INTH ______S AI interests of Canadian citizenship.-i Rev. Samnuel Gorley Brown, minis- Montreal Star. ter of St. Luke's Presbyterian, I hurcb, Mantreal, Que., an oId Dar-1 NOW REGISTERED NURSES lington Boy in sending hîs subscrip- tion writes: In laoking over The. Miss Elizabeth Henry, Mise Aura, Statesman each -week I amn more and Rundle and Miss Mary Young, grad- miore imipressedL with the great, chan-j uates of Bowmanville Hospital, ges that timne bas wrought in the Training ýcbool for Nurses, receivecl personnel of the population of tIheI notice framn the Departmnent of Pr a-1aid Hom,-e Town and the surrounding vincial Secretary that having met the townships. There seem ta be a very requiremients they were Registered f ew people left whom 1 kn'e-w as a Nurses. Signed-Florence Smyth, boy in 1885 when 1 was a tudent in Superintendent. the Bo-wmanville High School. HANN'S HABERDASHERY OPEN EVENINGS FROM DEC. 5 TO 24 We behieve .at auceesa co When Wornen Choose e idLfl the fari goal o: il m. 1 tose * * *- other for fili It la not sincerev Inaur o age lis dians. an'd thin not intel worth ii others. ,el W isely ýh ly Hou, interesting to know that the simplest ai way is the best way to choose a gift f'or men. The hsamne short visit to this store for men which saves 3S (g so mucli time also assures the certain success of your giftIL, for it is our year round business to pl ease men. Gifts for husband, father, brother, uncle, t-I cousin and friend are conveniently arranged. tl There's a splendid ,var-iety of just such things as a .0 man might choose for hin3self. They have that d air of distinctive sinartness which means so much towvards the successful gift. S We have assembled the choicest range of e Gifts that H~E will most appreciate ever shown in Bowmanville, ineluding: Forsythe Shiirts Forsythe Pyjamas Sox Garters Braces Armbands Batlhrobes Sweater-- Beits, etc. Scarf., Muffiers Hiandkerchiefa Ties Uinbrellaa Cailar Bags Gloves You will find it a pleasure to make selections here where just the practical kind of gifts men like greet you from eve.ry case and couniter. QUALITY IjIGHEST PRICES LOWEST HBERASHERY PHONE 61 Opposite B3ank of Montreal BOWMANVILLE WOMANL.Y WISDOM Each Christmas nmaiy a ciever woman gains a reputation for understanding a mnan's gift pret- erence, simply because she does flot tell imii just how muai we aided in solving her perplexlng prablemn. Copeland's Shoe Store Announces ANOTHER WEEK of EXTRÀ 1VALUES IN FOOT WEAR I Il: NEW DENTAL ASSOCIATION Dr. 'Cale, of the teaching staff of Ontario Coilege of Dental Surgeons,' Troronto, held a clinie on crown and bridg-e wark with the dental fratern- ity a! Whitby, Bowmanville, New-1 castle and Oshawa in the board raom of Y. M. C. A. here N~ovemnber 28th.1 At the close a! the afternaon ses- sion the County of Ontario and Dur-1 ham Dental Association was f orm- ed with the officers: President,Dr. G. C. Bonnyjcastle, Bowmanville; Vice- President, Dr. B. B. Beatan, Wbitby; Seretary-Treasurer. Dr. W. J. Lauig- maid, Oshawa. Executive: Dr. G. M. Trewin, Oshawa; Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bownenvill. e P1L iktinç f- me Ready For Christmas There's nothing like heing ready early and thus avoid the last minute rush It wouldn't be Christmas if you didn't have lots of Chocolates and Candies. Our new Xmas Sweets are very deliejous. Place your order with us for Christmas Cake. JACOBS & HILLYER Successors to Christie's Bakery >wManville Il Sale Positively Ends Saturday, Dec., 8 On accouint of wet weather last 'week many people phoned that they' were unable to attend our wonderful value-giving sale of Footwear, so we are ex- tending ît to, December 8th., in order that none may be disappointedl. Men's Astoria Ail Leather Boots, Reg. $11.50 SALE PRICE $9.00 Men's Brown Kid Boots, Regular $11.00, SALE PRICE $9.00 I'en's Black Kid Boots, Rgula $10.00, Men's Black and Browyn Cal! Boots, Reg. $9.50 * SALE PRICE $7.50 Slater, Cuahion Sale Boots, Regular $9.00, SALE PRICE $7.50 Women's Owens Elmes, Satin, one strap, Junior Lue Heel, Reg. $12.00, SALE PRICE $9 Women's Brown and Black Kid Oxford, Blach- ford, Regular $9.00,..SALE PRICE $7.00 DO YOU%( CHRISTMAS SH-OPPING~ NOW. SAVE DOLLARS Women's Black Patent Oxford, Blachford, Regular $7.50,......... SALE PRICE $6.25 Women's Brown Caif Oxford, Blachiford, Regular $7.50,......... SALE PRICE $6.25 Women's Black Suede, 1 strap,ý RegulaÎ $'7.50,...ý.............. SALE PRICE $5.75 Wom--en's Log Cabin Oxford, Regular $6.50, SALE PRICE $5.00 SALE PRdCES ARE CASH ONLY Women's English Brogue Oxford, Regular $7.50,................. SALE PRICE $5175 Womnen's 1-strap Shoes, Regular $6.00, SALE PRICE $4.50 Womien's Cushion Sole Boots, Regular $6.00, SALE PRICE $4,50 ALL HIGH GRADE STOCK Wamen's Cushion Sole Oxfords, Regular $5.00,' SALE PRICE $4.00 Special Women's Patent I-strap Shoes, Regu- lar $4.50,...........-SALE PRICE $2.50 Variety of Slater Bai. and Blu. Boots, eua $8.50,....ý............. SALE PRICE $6.75 Special Men's Astoria Brogue Oxford, RgIuar $9.50............. .... SALE PRICE $7.50 A variety of different lines o! Shoýes, ranging from $5.50 ta $7.00, SALE PRICE $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 A Special Bargain in ahi Men's Work Shoes, SALE PRICE $2.75, $3.00, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50 Men'a $pats.... ................ 1....$1.25 Men's' Rubbers......... ............ý$1.25 A large variety of Womnen'a Evening Slippers, Btachiford and Classic, Reg-ular $8.50 ta $10.00, SALE PRICE $7.0 Variety of Wonren's Oxfords, Regular $8.00, Yariety a! Wom- Black Oxfords,E and $4.7 Variety of Women's High Sboes, 20% OFF REGULA1R PRICE $7.00, $8.00 anid $9.00-. SALE PRICE $1.0 BUNW AND SY$$L$ All Children's Shoes.. REDUCED IN PRICE Women's Hase, all waol, sllk and wool, Regu- lar $1.50.............. SALE PRICE 98c Womnen's Silk Hose, Regular $1.00 aind $j.25, SALE PRICE 59c BIG STOCK TO BE REDUCED Womien's Rubbers...........$1.00 A large variety of Women's Boudoir Slippers, also Men's; Kid Romea and Everett Slippers, will be offered at greatly redliced prices. Gaad adiVlce. t'a ît now. A "iaud"i tie doesn't necessarily be get loudprse There willl neyer be atnyrernc to the aid joke about a wonian choosing -ma ,qesif you pick tfrormthese. No worry about "'size'" either. WeIconmed oun every lband i-and bere. the righit sityle ta make the glove s you giedUi)IY welcolme. Dress Gloves, DiigGlaves, Fur Glovs-eveýry kindl. Co..peland Shoe Store' BOWMANVILLE p ,

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