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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1923, p. 5

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Cheerful spirits are ang el visili 011. jCitizens we want your personï led out. Town good enough to live in s earliy. gooci enough to boost. on paid? Do you admnire a grouch or nagg99 4 Couneil? No? Don' t be one thon. your Xnias Scnd The Statessman to soi frien'ds as a Chrîstnias gift. )n ho in the Crossing busy streets look firet the left anif thon to the îight. It nm arourui ihad 1 ýd froni e ýdid tî remi T. Messrs. Dr. H. ýssed ove 'ri at1 LOe Fridayl to iu hor -rnto to Grant E Smade in iRickard -an aven- highest w science, t Janies re- Hlow ai very fine ents youi lis. StoP- friends bh lest Buinhani, Jas rt Tucher and Georl Olç-, attendled Boý ,Bownianville. ýven, Arthur McElr Lyall are home fro ence at Bownianvil pleasant tme--Guid nthly meeting of Bci [rs' Club will bc hh ýoonis on Monday ceve r10, at 8 o'clock. ' equested to ho proser iSec.-Treas. Trner, Millbrooh, xý ersity dinner in Toro of Professor Frederi( ng and John Janyi Ieod, vinoîrs,. of tI award open to mon las pri 1to yo eady? . bune, f ocedi s bef c to ho cels, ai uiiluc] ian vo tors1 ai s. 1 3- LOCAL ANI> OTIERWISE Roads were good this F~all. Skating and hockey are due. Shop early for best resuits. Christmas shopping is now on. Social season is niaking its bowv. Remeniber the Uospita1 in gifti *er dYs.- Renienber the aged and shutins at me this Christmas season. Read Christmias advertising. Mer- bto chants invite you to biuy.1 Were there no Decemnber what, mas would the dear 'children 'do? Parents, in your footwear prob- per. lems coxsult Ives or Copeland. Bowm--anville is a grand town. la 'ors which to shop. Merchants have ai i1e. fine display of Christmias attractions. as Photogrsphs for Christmas-ae dps appointmnzts now. H. Huniphries, Horsey Street, Bowmanville, phono 10 256. 48-t 12 Mr. 'Gordon Lapp, editor BrightonI he Ensign, was elected in East Noîthuni- 1borland as representative to Older *eff Boys' Parlianient. ri- AllP provisions proniised to the ,in1- Girls' Patriotic Club for the Hospital Supper niust bo sent to Disciples e, Church on Friday, December 7th at rge and after 3 p. M. 48-2w )YÊ' Yu-h wfe-playing tepr 1of a niid in your own home; taking, r orders froin another wonian, who 'Mclainis to be your husband's wif e. It's Ileiea great life in "Facing the Music", ide., Dec eniber 8th. W_ How any school trustee wvho re- eW- 'fuse dhis scliool in the West Duihani on Unit can read School Nurse Hanna's Aannual report in this issue, and not ut. feel the lashings of his conscience Ifor depriving the children of her ser- vices is beyond our conipreliension,1 vas8 for her discoveries during thec year on- of 1090 new defects and their treat- ich nient will mean years added to niany, les lives bosides added conifort and in- Élhe c-reased joy of living. ofWedn'esday Nov. 28th, fire w%ýhich started between 5 and 6 o'clock in os- the morning, ZýomploteIy destroyed Ur the barns on the faim of Robert Be John Arnistrong, three miles froni for Fraserville, on the east lune, of Cavan up and took a heavy toil of live stock. ire Burt Armstrong, son of the owner of a the f arn, was baidly burned in his nd endoavors to release the stock. The 1y house and garage were savedc, but the )Ur fire tîapped eight nilch cows, eight iey pigs, one brood gow, about 150 hens ias and geese, and oth&2, stock, and de- ýod stroyed the season's crop of grain.1 Some insurance was carried.j Christnias two weeks froni Tuesday A black London f og-a strange wonian fainting in your ams-a couple of thugs in the,' backg-round. What would you do in, such a situa- tion? See what Smîth did in "Fac- ing the Music", on Deceniber gth. ~.1~ Chistmas Buy Gifts that are Practical and Useful We have something for eyery member of the family. You are corçially invited to inspeet our stock at these attractive prices: Eloctîic Vacuum Cleaners.......... .$45.00 and up - Electric Toasters........... .......... $ 5.00 and up Electîic Peicolators ........... ..... . .$1.00 and up Electric Heating Pads ... ........$ 9.50 and up Electric Curling Irons witbhbair 'drying conib................. ....... $ 6.50 and up Electîic Hot Plates............... $ 5.00 and up Eloctric fleaters, aIl types........$ 5.00 anid up Electr ic Floor and Chesterfield Lanips . .$18.00 and ap EIectiei Table DesIk and Boudoir Lanips. . $ 5.00 and up Electric Washing Machines, the best on market.....................$9.00 and up Electric Ranges, we handle al iýkies rang- ing in puice froni....... ........ $72.00 and up Our stock of lIectrie Fixtures is coin- plete. We have a flxtur'e for every room inyour house, and the pr ices are right. Whnyou buy a fixture fromn us we instal it Free ofL Charge. We xil demonstrate every Thursday afternoQn the Baby Grand Electric lroning Machine. If you have any curtains,- table linen, or anything you wouid like ironed phone us and we wilI be g'lad to eall for same andi return it t~o you ironed complete. Ail. goods sold on Easy Time Payments. Our personal guarantee goes with each ar- ticle. Everything sold by us must give sat- isfaction or your money xiii be cheerfully refunded. Special on Saturday Deceniber 8th only Regular $6.00 Irons at $4.00 00 Shop Bowmanville (TIME TABLES FOR :WMAN VILLE ID TRUNK RAILWAY Y. P. LEAGUE AT BELLE VILLE RAILWAY Very Profitae nI.Bhrnial Convention GRAND The 15thb1iela'l convention of GOING EAST the Young Peopll's League of the 8.'49 a. m-.* Bay of Quinte donferesnce was held 194a. in. s in Bridge Street Methodist Churci,1 1.26 P . Belleville, on 'Oetober 31, Novenl- 3.09 Y). ,ber 1. and 2, with these offic-ers h714,P. 58 D charge: Honorary Presid&eit-Rev. 1.9a i R. A. Whattani, Colb,,Dnne; Past Presi- F-Fias' dent-Mr. G. Il. Griffun, Belleville; P-Dai1y *Daily excejý IActing President and lst Vice Presi- S-Sirnday on dent-Rev. R.. T. Richards, B./ A., GANAD1Ar ICavan; 2nd Vice-rec>idenit-Miss GOING EAST Estella Heatheringtôn, Millbrook; 10.18 a. mi. 3rd Vice.ýPesident-+Rev. A. Me-. 2.45 P. ni, Lauchlin, B. A., B. D., Keeno; 4th 1t.08 P. nm. L Vice-President--C. E. McKee, Peter- 11.176P. m. b"oro; 5thi Vice-President--M. R.1' Morden, Belleville; 6iih Vice-Presi1- CANADIAN dent-Mis, 0. R. Denyes, Belleville; TY] Secretary-E. H. Brown, Port Hope; Going --East Treasuer-E. 0. Seyniour, Have- 6.34 p. n-. LI loch; Regitrar-Mis Florence ' 410 P. ni., Coiboîne; Di-reetor of singing-Rev. t). Monday Roy H. TRickard, B. A., M. R E., esa Northport; Acconipanist-Rev. F. J'I Horwood, Mus. Bac., Caniborne. The pastor of Bridge Street Methodist Church, Rev. F. E. Malott, B. A., B. D., took an active part in convention. There was on view, during the, sessions, a collection of missionaryý curios and league supplies, in chargeP of Dr. F. C. Stephenson, Secretary h of Youjng Peo.pld4s Forward Move..1 nient for Missionsý, Election of offilcers for ensurng year: Presient, E. H. Brown, Port! Hope; lat Vice-Presiident (Christian' Fellowýýship), Ralph Morden, Belle- ville; 2nd Vice-President (Mission- ary), Miss stelle Heatherington, Millbrook; 3rd Vice-President (Citi- zensip),Ellis Snelgrove, Canm- i borne; 4th Vie-President (Literairy and Social), Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, M. A., Seabright; 5th Vice-Pres-i-J dent (Intermediate League), Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., M. R. E., Northport; 6th Vice-President (Jun-J ior League), Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cook, Newcastle; Secretany, Rev. A. Mc- Laughlin, B. A., B. D., Keene; Tiens- urer, Rev. F. J. Horwond, Muas. Bac., Caniborne. The report was late in reaching The Statesman hence only brief part is given. N GOING WEST 4.22 F 10. 07 a. in. 2.02 1p.nM.~ 7.13 p i 8.24 P.m. 8.03 1p.ini. S PACIFIC RAIUWAY GOING WEST! 5 .53 a. mi. 8.20 a. mi. 4.*40 p.ini. 7.42P. ini. N'ATIONAL RAILWAY IRONE STATION Goins' West 8.15 r) 8,10 anli. x Wýýednesdlay andj Friday 1'hu-rsday and Saturday. Some Paul ,WhitemÏan, Dance Hits' FRESH NEW GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING 1The arrivai this week of New Fruits, Peels, Dates, Figs, Apricots, Peaches and Prunes was a remiùder to us that Christmas 1$ flot far away. b( That Christmas Cake and Pudding xviii soon ýe on the way. You'I1 want them to be good so get your fruits and other store. HARRY PHONE 380 ~Zff ecstRSY cf syncopation is at its height You can lu Ifairly sensé the thrill of the players as thie crashing music pours forth.-weaving a fantasy of rythm. Tha home eohoes with happiness and joy. AndI no wonder - for it is Paul Whiteman anaxisi1i famous Orchestra that is playing for their dance Yesl the living Paul VVhiteman and his Orchestra- for engraved on "His Master's Voice"--Victor records is their living genius - flot merely a mechanical rendering. The dance palaces of London and New York can boast cf, no greater living, thrilling reality. Because of "'His Master's Voice" - Victor records you can make your Christmas gift -côuntless evenings of such joy and pleasure - you can send into the homes of your friends the genius of the world's greatest artists - just as if you were preser-ti»,.g them body and soul - for their genius could not be more living even though they were actually present to do your bidding. Arranged i handsome, digrnified gift boxes, «His Master's Voice" dealers h~ave- many record cSrn- 1inations for you to choose from. HIS MASrER'S VOICE. LIMITED requirements at,, our ALLIN RBow AN VILLE The Worlds Greatest D ance olrchIetras Las 1igh o th Bck orh-Fx"r0 No., 19139 Paul Whiteinan and Eis Orchestra, Club Royal If I Csn't Have the Sweetie 1 Want-Foxý Trot Orchestra, Zez Confrey and Ris Orchestra, Clyde Way Down Yonder in New Orleans-Fox Trot N.100DeradRsOceta hre obre n Dearest-Fox TrotN.193 DorauHiOrhsrCaesonbgrad Fate-Fox- Trot His Orchestra, Melody Kings Dance Orchestra, LSd oftheEvnin-'Fx TotNo. 19016 The Great White Way Orchestra, Tennesse Tee, Ladyof he venng-ox rotThe Benson Orchestra of Chicago, S.S. Leviathan Unereahth MllwMoon-Waliz No. 19019 Orchestra. "Bis Matrs oie c j Victrola sbown in illustra- tion Model 100 -Price $200.00. ,Others froin A box of "His .Master's Voce"e Vit, .Records, l"the Peçfanwrs of the home" -will bring4 happiness to anyone. ake Tlhis An Electrical IOnly "' His Master' s Voice '"' dea.lers cati offer you the liv,,ing gen jus of thes<e, the world s greatest dance orchestras. T pt Sunday. )nly.

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