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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1923, p. 6

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.EN DE LEN-In Orl No.30, -%V J-TTON-In E a nd',Brotb Amission 20ea e, V. S., has oper inpton and is reî inds of veterin .he latest im-pro-% 129-15. ' forced sale enal >at at factory pric, 'S SIinnne -. -$ ST-Fair lady's rhfm1ess gasiu esight, ear chain lost on Frid nibe-r 30, btWTen Nicholls store r Lowe & Division Sis., B'owmvn Reward <for return to Statesry 4U PROPERTY FOR SA#LE a cou r, Mis. 44tfMi with bath JO! s, electria wýe: on Liberty, ml), Clarke, 'ýTyl is yvisiting at, Oak-2 h, Columbus, -%asc iaylor is quite ill inr Werry, Ennhskillen,a E. Werry's. eXessoek- was home ver the weekepd. 'ornford yisited Mr. Flory at Hampton. Ring held their windt the Hall Saturdayc Vestlake is having a on Saturday after- ihere attexided the vies at Bowman-villeI will be held at th lMis. A. L. Pasco old a buuch of1 lirie ewe lamfbs g'lin. ons are in piogi4. ras Tîee ou Thiir ber 20th. Kedron, anld M: rascOE and (laye, ive The W. M. S. hold their nmonthlyi he meeting this week. nd Sunday School and church at usual ýu-hours next Sunday. ;er- Mis. J. Moore bas been with her re- Mrs. John Siemon is at her son's nd Dr. C. W. Sleimon's, Town. 1a Hear "Under the Laurels" at Tyrone, F'riday, Decemnber 14th. ýet Mis. Thos. Gilders is home froni Lng, -viiting her daughter Mrs. S, Preston, es-Toronto. the Mr. Clarence Ferguso, MIrs. and ndMiss Fergutson, Uxbridge, spent tho week-end with Dr. H. Ferguson. ned Mrs. Howard Stevens is home after ady spending a pleasant vissit with ber' ýary brother and other friends in Toronto. ved Sory to report Mr. Wm. Oke un- 21es der the doctor's care. Friends and ces. neiglibors ail wish him a speedy re- covery. Missionary Prograni Sunday morai- ing in charge of Mis. James A. Werry ýjoyeci, renctereci by JI~ Toronto, a piano s< vell rendeied by Mi on, a reading on "TI ýr," by Mr. Howard P: cd. Miss Mau'd Asit( le Smith sang a duet Tood manner. Meetil pah Benediction. , Pree and Entertainme coure and share oi ýrit at Enniskillen go, choruses, drills, con Sauta Claus. Reser rsday evening Dec. at 8 o'clock 45-2 tOe TYRONE 16 School report is on page il of this1 to issue. Mr. Lionel Byani bas purchased a s new Radio. Lr5' Miss Mary Richards is visitiug Mis. T. Fiudley, Unionville. -~. Miss Hazel Hodgson, Franklin, )n, cpent the week-end at home. Mi. and Mis. T. Findley and Ola, ýen Unionville, spent Suinday at Mi. Ed. er Virtue's. is visiting her sister, Mis. (Rev.) W. D., T. Wickett. at Mi. and Mis. A. Smith, Enfield, ýol- }v'iited her parents, Mr. and Mis. T beScott, on Sunday. ey Miss Grace Virtue and Mr. W. ssCochrane, Orono, spent Sunday at Mi. Wm. Virtue's. rue Ur Miss Margaret and MÉ. Victorl Hoopeî-, Toronto, -spent Sunday et tru ved bere ing his tliorougirbrecl saeep. ýghly re- Oui young people of the Teague are busy pîeparing a drainua "Under t in El- the Laurels." Sec partikulars later. ýecember Mi. Milton Sanderson, Victoria 'ae at- College-, Toronto, -will take thre ser- on will vices on Tyrone Circuit on Sunday. ly muvt- Rev. Mi. Whattam preached an aiitexcellent sermon here on Sunday 1ta esit rorning and was the guest of Mr. med theI Miss Mabel Wight, District Secre. mepaied tary of thre Epworth League, attend- r. Fîauk' cd thre district me~eting at Solina on Dic was( Mouday night. and W. Thre Public School childien are d Lena piepari ng a good Christm-as Concert nie Wil- to be held on Dec. 2lst. Look foi i; Miss particulars later. ,y Lang- Better than ever-"Under thre Frances Laurels", draina in 5 acts-to be Parsons, given ou Friday, December 14, at W.W 8 p. m., in Comnmunity Hall, Tyrone, ýshments undler auspices of Young People's League. Admission 35e and 20c. BAZAÂP M.f S. LD-E JEWELey SHOPPE"I H1AMPTON LAllia spent the week- nto. ge White, Darlingford,I d at Mr. Chas. Johns. 1 Mrs. Chas. Wood and d at Mi. J. L. Johns. Mrs. Albert Martyn. and it Sunday at J3urketon. Mrs. Milton Slemon an'd Ray"don, visited Mis. C.1 Mr. and Mis. Jamies White and Miss Lily White, Toronto, visited at Mr. George White's. Mis. C3. Goodm~an* and Miss Louise Goodman have returned froni visit- .ng friends in Toronto. W. M. S. and Mission Circie are holding a bazaai on Wednesclay, Dec. 12tb. Watch for particulars. A. number £ronm here attended the Thaink-Offering seryicèes at the Meth- odist Chuîch, Bowmanville, on Sun- day. Moi7e dollars you spend at Ye Olde Jewely Shoppe this inonth better chance you have to win $80 Min- ton China. Mi. Chas. Stonhouse, Mi. J. J.1 Virtue, Mr. Will Horn, Mi. Edgar Hoin and son Ernest, Mr. R. Avery, Mr. T. Wray and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Knox attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. While the opportuniý V lasts yos cannot afford to miss !, tting your share of the goods so er,nrously re- ducied at the Big Bankrupt Sale. Mc- Murtry & Co's. Old Stand. Hear "Under the 1 Lre2ls" ai Tyrone, Friday, December l4th. [CE waz ho-ne over is at thisv a ua Make Xmas Giving, A Real Joy YOU WILL FIND SHOPPING soni aLuMer cheer. Ti THIS LI Jusi onf <e w( FLATWARE ýautiful assortment for gift ng in Commnunity, Rogers 7, Holmes &; Edwards, Cana- 1 Wm. Rogers, single piece 75c andi up BELT AND BUCKLE Silver Platedc belt.......... ice, Florence an Bovwmanville o Mis. A. E. Clenr of ladies of W. IVI bfèet, Ozhawa, o n. A pleasin 'ogram there W,9 uiued misýsionar3 e work in Chun ith oui W. M. he told us Som ng stories of th n over there whik FRNHIVflDV FOUNT arn leal, 50 o,$6 CHMAN senve4l demand of Give Your Wire a à Enjoy Beautifullyl ,h MintoTi China ýutely ýree i1hisr ýead Alexc Elliot'se rslake, V. S., bas -Hamptoni anid is Il kinds of vetE der the latest iii hone 129-15. phs for Christmas- ts uow. H. Humx Hrey Stre et, Bowmianville, ~plto Plse los 256. 48- AadIy given on your VETRNR surprised at the lowETRN Y E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc cases WHY i--- Free demonstration own floors. YQu wjill be priee of this useful article. 0to $2( 'LztlLý, 01l"Ppu. Main 19, 1$

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