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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1923, p. 12

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i Il S. W, MASON & SON~S The Rendezvous For Loely Gifts IF THER_ýE IS A COAT TO BE CHOSEN NOW IS THE TIME TO DO 1'l Cos, warms2j7jerieable coats of soft pile fa-tbrics, some tirnrned wt fur collars and cuiffs, while others arle perfectiy plain, others of imported Polo Clothls, and then the ,itillit-,, Coat of a >-Certain mannish design, ser- Viceable indeed, and ail so flniely tilorec1 are now on sae1tedce1p.cs, Prices that will astonis1h you because of their value. Fromn the factor-,y to you-our nýrofit has been elimiinated because we must make roomn for- our- other m-rerchiandise! Make this your opportunity. Save imoney ! Makie your selection before they are al -)icked oVer. A smnalI ,deposit will reserve any garment for you.î DRESSES AT 20% REDUCTION -Dozens of people haxýe realized the wonderful val- ujes we are giVing in Silk Canton, Crepe, Crepe de Chene, Flat Crepe, Vella Vella, Ail Tyme, Taffeta ai-d Satin Dresses,, Why not give daughter or mother a dress for Christmas? One would be surprised at the number of people wvho are doing this. A dress is an apprecia- tiVe gift an-d you will just like our display. Until Satur- d ay night at 20%/l Discount.,' LINGERIE'FOR XMAS GIFTS Women appreciate a gift sttch as displayed in this section--Siik Underwear, Step-Ins, Camisoles, Costume Slips, Drawers, etc. , etc., inrcountless numbers, ail weIl- tailored an&d reasonably priced from ......75c to $6.0 - SILK SCARFS MAKE EXCELLENT GIFTS We have them in endiess varîety. The' cokors we cQuld flot attempt to entimer~ate., The qualities de.' p)end entireîy upon the prices which ,are most reasonabie. Give hier a scarf, she will appreciata one of this selection. XMAS HO$IERY AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Silk IHose, in Black, Brown, Biege, Sand, Coating, Tan, fulli fashioned ' giaranteed to fit properly ai-id give satisf action. Priced from ............ 98c to, $3.00 pair English Sport Ilose in attractive colors an-d designs, some are neatly flnished with an attr'active c1rnx. These hose are direct En:giish importationis and absolutely al pure botany wooi, spliced~ toe andi heel. Priced from j 98c to $1.95 pair %iLOVES IN ENDLESS VARIETY On 'e aiways appreciates an extra pair of Gioves, theW are usfui. The niew Cape Kid Gauntiet with the smral cuff made to fit under the coat, corne in attractive goQs~ priced at.........................$32 pair Silk Giove's in mastic, brown, navy, black, biege, sand, mode and grey. These gioves are made by Kayser and are, therefore, dependaâble, priced from $1.00 to $2.25 pair W(HEN IN DOUBT BUY HANDKERCHIEFS Wit1h Xmas so near this opportunity- to purchase loveiy gift E-anidkerýchiefs at exceptionally low prices y7iii be we1jeoned by many gift seekers. Handker- chiefs for men, w\omen and chldren. Soiid cojors as p ink, blue, green~, etc., m ade of strong, spft fine woven linen priçe at ... ........................ ....... 35e each PLAIN WHFITE HANDKERCHIEFS With ndat colored border, pure linen and wash- able -without having the colors run, Priced at 25c eachi EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS Som, e with coiored designi in one corner and wýýith herristitched edge afford an endless varietly to choose from, priced from..... ................ 15C to $1.00 each BOXED HAND)KERCHIEFS Attractive X(n-as boxes with two and three in a box are priced fromn............................ 30c to $1.25 You xiii like these. - They are ail ready to mail, or wrap up for Xmnas mnorning. CHI]LDREN'S fAND)KERCHIEFS Made of fine white lawn withi a wide coiored border anda9,kealsize in varins paters anshdes The INeA NEWCASTLE Our usual interesting budget of NfýwcastIe inews from i,Local Edi-! toIt in the "Community Hall village", hias flot arrived at timie of g-oing to! pes.We are sorryv and we 110-,V sever-al huindred sub)scribecrs will also be dapond-TeEditorý I for Christmras Se}ioül Concert~ WORTHY CITIZEN PASSES George E. Pardy, Bowmai-ville. A. BUTLER,, M,-I sseau. proprietor of tel, Wh-ýI-itby, appepared berore i-olnce IigsteJ . Aleàx E'lliot's for Cbriýstm-Ias Gifts. Willis, charged with elling Mr.andMrs 'Go Bronhjill, Miss onl Noventiber l9th in contrav( 'ýja Býoughoii Mr Geo Brugh oiif the Ontario Liceiise Act. Mn a Rrgto, Mr GoBrugto IS; fou111dlguilty -and ,fined $50 a~ alfid of To)ronto, motoned ct latniohlsper dýown on SunIdayadcle nM.cst. L ot npco and Mrs. F. B.aLvekn n thr'1 Sarvis of the 0. T. A. Eniforec ýý'watefri4mds. Dept, of Toronto, accompanit NewasleLiýensýe Masoni, swooped downc N2eca,ýtle Conmmunity Hall andi hotel and tcaughit IRusseaiu sellij its donor's purposes in presentinig it ind W; whiskey at $7 per bott- to0 th-_ village are well descrbed i thisý week'a issuae of The Christian 'Alex Elliot's for Christmnas Guardian in an excellently written Mr. Preston L. Tait>, Toroni article fromi the versatile pen of Mr. old Boxvmartville bo, wh H. R. Peance of this eolimi-iuity. ýplenlid collection of lante-rn Mr.S. ose'scelbraiii- is t ' pcturing the beauties of our Mr. 5, Jt o elt eeb f~ hsa-Canladfian Rocky muti e liuet ote allotted span of Rave an illu§trated lecture mian, of three score years and ten by LMtnaneig ~nte Ca a wek' oliday amiong the friends Rockies", ini the etrlY adscenes of his youth, in and Ô d usa vnn. Tec airound Bellevilé and Foxboro. Mr.-ntiwsinda oeven heg Star c Jose is accomipanied by his good ion as ,n d of.Thaitnar spouse Mrs. Jose on this seventieth through the Rockies with the bîrth da.y lhoneyinoon, Club oýf Canada and the stories Newcastle Methodisj Sunday mn itretng epereneer Scliool l hold its annual Xmias tree gether -with his wonderful col enitertpinment on Monday night, Dec. of sldes are cure to prove highl 24th. A good program, consisting of tertainin..-Toronto Star. choruses, dril'ls, dialogues, duets,1 solos and recitations will be rend- The story of an eventful can ered hy pupils of the varions classes trip is týlj ini the Janiiary Jsis of the schm9pL Santa Clau,, hais RocId ud O n Canada by F prolnised to be present, snow or none. Snow iii "With Paddle and Gifts froan everyone to everyone are Pole in Quebec." There is a -welcomed for t~he tree. Admnission 1 good description of a' anoose hui -adultis 25c; children not of the the Athabasca river by H. K. H school 15 cents. while F. V. Williams, vividly WIlLIAM THOMPSON D~IES Prominent Orono Citizen uestiol on t.he ow One Çhildi rment at Oiisno on p. ni. THE CHILDREN is Teaching His ift and Self- ree Press) er, wihose h~ b of Acton, ;Olving the1 chîldren of proper n cating 4n, ,?,... to stiare 1in tLLL cruj make Up your minds to I cultivate a patch for your il'Il give you a. plot of land boes to Plant it wlth". ,vo little girls and their who is younger, willingly &> ieir father's proposai. They the potatoes, hoed them, ff th~e potato buags, and i lad a patch of potatoes of y one umight justly le jprou'd. Qber plowed thean out when, (l his own, but the chilcjren iem and stored them in the They had five bags of as toes as were grown in the they have nmarketed theni- id recei'vedl the best miarket The gioney they received Ad equally, aud are greatly vith the personal ex.ýperienice ng on their own accounts, during the season. el. Wa3ys. these chifldren are'- teste of resp)onsibility inl heir obwn spending lnoney, aIre, enjoling, it all very, easonajble, con-tion sense s not only creating a heal- 0 f self-reliance and inde- in the children, but it is ing them; - accustoined to iethodis of w~ork, and incul- dustry ndresponsibility. 1 t 0 3p by apl ýossioîe ii the ea The re rdy with LColboirn a very Agent Courrt, amily came eyears ago industrious I have :en to Col- re a service Rev. R. Ae. Cý Côai on' and a Sbest fuel neec ren and husbandl were ah pres- it the funerai. Geo, Newg of w.ld life as In the snow, in the Snow." Af ................ Soap ........1............................. Beith's Auction Sale I l4ave received instructions f Wt. E. N. Sinclair, Solicitor foçr Robt. & James Beith .Estate Waverley Stabhles, Bowmanville to seil by publie auctichi with reserve on FRIDAY, DECEMBER at 12 o'clock sharp, the following Live Stock, Iniplern etc: "HORSES-Bay' Horse Draft, 9 old; Brown Horse Draft, 8 yrs.ç Bay Horse, aged; Hackiney Ma Brown Mare, aged. Jersey Cow, 5 years~ olti, bred Iý 23rd ' Brood Sow, pure .bred Yorksli POULTRY-60 Brown Leg-h -Hens. Tedder; M. H. MI. H-. Harrow C: 'ws; 2 Wheelba: )ws; Roîler; 2 Stoueboat; Sub Siue'le Scuffler. V erous ru niîent AND SLEIGI ;platfo0rm-- niee Sleighs; igh; Plea'sure ;doil ander DIVORCEý -uceaia 'ter Sh, ibie set; Single t of .arnies; sets ; set H ne a M~* ,obes; ;25 STimothy, lillel Just1 In which, tc o Miore your sabled soldiers.) rations of al kinds. us help you make J. C. Newcastle Christ 1Santa thing to acl order 'WOCK Ont. Groceries In Great ýý 3himseif could nios iy flot make a few good send good H.. SS. BRITTON, Baer&Grocer M Give Useful . j, You wxiii flnd a hostof practical and useful articles suitabie for Christmas gifts in our store. There is also lots of toys~ for the kiddies. Remember our prices are iowest.. WM. JAMIESON Bow'maville Hardware StoreNecsI M 5eil lei r Newcastle

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