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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1923, p. 1

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With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News. BOWMANVILILE, THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 92 2.O Year hIAdvance 5c a Copy i e,' Give Sensible and Useful Gifts This Christineas SChristmas where useless gifts will be passed up. rive pleasure and comfort to the recipient?, Our stock s. gs displayed so that you can t ake plenty of Urne to ay anything you may select and deliver when wanted. Shop making gif t selections: Misses' Coats THE EDITOR TALKS Editor J, . D -efotý of Winnipegi Free Piress, who has recentlyý return- ed from England says: Think of es- sene of aloes, gaîl and wormwiood, ieite wýaters of Marah or any otheicrsyom for *onceptrated bit- trness: it wvilI be as honey contrast- ed -with 1thie feelings of he), rank and file of the C'onservative party la Grleat Britain to-day. Fo'r they did not want this elec- tion; were astounded, mystified and eniraged wheni it was sprujng. THE IF-OSPITAL BAZAAR. The $aturc wVISas iety ii report Nurse The Pttrio schlool g-00d mIlaa plý-lsu joyed Neyer la its history has ont sshome-"' ter town of Oshawa been as well Th( served as at present by newspapers. evenii The invested capital la the publish- sýpien, ing business is far beyond anything Music ieretofore attemipted ln that town. tainly Both publishing housesz were built anid e and equipped sPeciallIy for conven- th e ience and efficîency and few if any accoi- towns in this Dominion have sueh an(# modern and handsomre . nehrspaper Th( Offices. Oshawa is soonj te assume Rev. cityhood and thse newspaper pub- 1 lishers have already headed the John business procession to that objective. [Mr. 0.AI. Alger and sons have taken Dick the lead l establishing a daily newspaper-The Oshawa Daily Tele- Col. 1 grani-now la its third Weelç and has mnade an excellent start in giv'ng 1 Serge the town's happenings daily in at-J Fr tractive style and should hecomie 'a Mabel very popular hon-e paper. No daily newspaper cati be published withl Nora profit unless it is well patronized by TI business mien and professional men is and we note that several leading AdIc firmis are using fairly-iberal space. Mmr'.j We wish our nieighibor every sueeess Thsec la the attempt te give Oshawa eiti- I zens their very own daily newvspaper. Bwn, play WEEKLY L ETTER F1ROM HOME dicate is te Durhami girls and boys are found] ditioni in ail settled parts of this Dominion. iiany Thev al like to e iv heneqcount' Bu~t te write a b would cost yout tage, besicles paper d time. Yeu c'en an sent every weel ,e bazaar hel on Friday andi rday in the Municipal Buildingý a spleildid siuCcess. Each soc- n charg'e of the'-,riusbooths Pt a sisbstantial suml for the ;s, Home fnxd. le suIpper in charge of the Girls' iotic- in the Dýisciple Church ül roorn ww an excellent one, servic ,,-oodl eats anid -ood gernent aUÎ contributing, to the o eI( of the large cýrowd who en- dthe chicken pie and other ?-made ' edibles. ie entertaniment on Saturýdayý ngI- by Orono performeqrs was ididly presenteci. "Facing thse lea camedy in three acts, cer- y presented soînie very amiusing exciting situations that required 1r(eatest tact and ingerLuity te nplisli honorble extrcdation freedomn. -e cast of chiaracters was: John Smith Mr. Wyveori Reid T~he Curate of St. Aji,rews Smith Mr. DoJnald Robb Thse other Mr. Smith Desmond Mr. Bruce Wacldell ,M;.Siibs Gueýst ~Johin Stith's Uncle eant Dull'elI Mr. Lawrence Beal ýrom Vine St. Police Station'1 el Miss Marie Davey ~The Curate's Wife Mrs. Lawrence Bl w tnorol' ý')ved +1, SI-OP IN BOWiWANVILLE Our merchiants were neyer more alive to the interests of tEheir cus- coners than tliey are this .ýeason on the approach of Yuletide nnud its g.ift-givin1g. The Statesrnani is is- sued again this wek nlargedA to twelve pages in-, rder . o carry to the households in D)urham i-iand ( South Ontario the CIhris,,tmas an- nounceiments off Bowmanville mner- ci1a11ts. We dIoflot remiember a ,eason when this great, famiily jour- nial carried a larger or better class of advertising anid knowing our mner- c hants as intimately as we do, we b- lieve that every #last, ore of themii- will miake g-ood what they sajy in Our cýolum1ns. We Say it in fullest con-r fidence that Bowjiauiville i.s the equal of any town in Canada as a shopping centre and the scorea ýof automobiles that~ have linled our stireelfs for w\ýeeks past is evidence that people are coin- ing from mnany distant places to buy their family necessities in Bowman- ville. Read the adverfisemients in this pape)Lr and it will facilitate your shoppin~g very considerably. HYDRO POWER OFF Have your dinner early on Sun- day, December 16th., if yeu cook electrically. For on that date the power will be off in Bowrnanville from 1.30 te 4 p. m. while repairs are being made to local equipmrent. Rev. R T ween ri eac lid shie of~ Porty.. ig nicely ation at .ot, Rev Orgaxdst,, Lday set- onununioni ,-Sunday ,ong an*d lector. S. C. rSunday Dividends' mi.--Sun- he Twen.. 9ial mes- ýmea. Ap- Now Clearing9 at 25 per cent Discount These gpods are all new stock and good values at regular prices, but the mild weather finds us with more goods than we usually have at this time of year. So this is your opportunity to save considerable money on a new coat or dress. Think o f the acceptable gifts they would make!' LINENS FZOR GIFT PURPOSES What a grand array of beautiful linens suitable for gifts you will find in this department! There are White Fancy Towels, the new Colored Linen Towels, White with Colored Borders, Centre Pieces, Runners, Doylies, Table Covers, Tray Cloths, assortment of Maderias, Embroidered Pillow Slips, Table Cloth Sets with Napkins to1,match. LINGERIE TO HELP OUT GIET LISTS Everybody who has seen our, Lingerie is very enthusiastie about it. It has very attractive and beautîfuil, workmanship and' so reasonably priced. This display includes Camisole,ý, Boudoir Caps, Silk Slips ,Silk Gowns, Embroidered Gowns~i1ik Bloomers, Fancy Aprons, etc. THE BABIES' BAZAAR The darling littie baby always comnes -first and pa'rtiecularly, arou-nd Christmas time. You will find it easy to seet'baby's gift here with Bootees, Kimonas, Bonnets, Toques, Bibs, Knitted Coats, Comforters, Mitts, Veils, Hose, Pullovers, etc. WHAT WONDERFUL WOOLLENS! Just thinik of the many people who will be made happy when they receive a gift of these beautiful riew woollens. They are ail new and just in: Sleeveless Sweaters, Kicldie5 - Woollen Knit Suits, Spencers, Jacquettes, Sweater Coats in 'USEtFUL GIFTS a findl the Christmas Spirit prevails. There c)wn; Silk Scarfs, with stripes or plain'in Silk, Jaegar and Chamoisette; assortment it Pgoes-gifts for everybody. LIKE A MAN ? AUTO CARS AND FARMERS Col. J. Z. Fraser. President IU.1 of the on Weid- D oening Syon a few his niatter. .licenses w( ssenger im< ilnercial car, )torcycleýs. f erPOTlv flle col op( Fia c erl 9 a grai 1 ofmanufacti are net nmerely eseurces, but, ur own countryi ity of employsei it cer-nes te, sell: 1'ducts te the Un H str vever,, ut, ui e ut r m1 and bj )irm ef will r iand 3 1WiI- resses limsay in er. oup exc(el- CLUBE1NG LIST 1924 ýtar ........ te......... lian......... ................................................................... urnal....... ig Post,.. Weelçly Star, ......... ine........ No. 50 ,wton- le of evan- ience. sýng- to -my 7uuuÇ Alex1 No. 50

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