YMVANVLLE, JAN. 1'7th., 1924. IN THnEDTRSML M!r. R. The- JANUi )GRAMME 'hursday, Jantiary 16-17 WVednesday-Thursdiay, January 23-24 'Out To Win" "Fîaming Youth" With Colleen Moore, Milton Sls,l better British pictures. Elliott Dexter and Sylvia Breamer. Friday-Saturday, January 5-26 rJanuary 18-19 e Grey's SLast Man" iLois Wilson, Noah Robert Edeson day, January 21-22 LIony Jane", .e Log-an, George Faw- Maurice Flynn -'Ann Christie" With Blanche Sweet Monday-Tuesday, January 28-29 Pola Negri in "The Cheat" Wednesday-Thursday, January 30-31 "The Girl of the Golden West" With J. Warren Kerrigan, Sylvia Breamier, Russell Sinmpson and Rosemary Theby. Admission. Aduits 25c; Children c --Including tai. TREAT HER TO A 10OT -DRINK AFTER SKATING u may depend she will be glad to accept ttion wýhenÎ you tell her you are going to Refreshmenit Parlors. TEMPTING MENUj 'ludes HFot Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Bovril, es, Hlot Dogs, Fancy Cakes, Biscuits, ;ream, etc. Cream always on hand. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. rP. Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Confectioner Bowmanville JEWELRY For Ail Occasions Maybe it's a Wedding Maybe it's a Birthday Maybe it's a Presentation Maybe it's a Gift of Appreciation Maybe it's a Wedding Anniversaryi Maybe it's a Little Remembrance Whatever the gift or the occasion you wil he joy and satisfaction of being able to just the right gift fromn our large attractive vhich- wvIIl be most ?icceptable. It may also interest you to know that on articles the prices are stili hower than hast ALEX ELLIOT Bowmanville I j F. J. Mitchell 1I~ int thsi less else att dayz l thej wlie this ent f ron ona itsa tigl bene ha p bu t unfo e t) as 'q in rer D ar a.dinoe tenl -110 boratLC )l prîncîpais inla numoer cie have cUdthe at- -1-1 LU nefhl a ,+ il I ,' ,)w sa eiii practice lnu ntarîo and the Dominlion. eindulg ence granted many chiîdren 'on townýship whiere 1 used to be weil D)entistry, in al its branches. Office the miatter of late heurs is refiect. l knowni by the older people. -igs. Bowm-anville. Opposite in a mi-arked fallingl- off ini the effi- Our esteemled ando, ld friend of 'ank of Montreal, Phone 301. ýncy of the pupils. maniy ycars, Mr. John, J. Ugliow,, New- L astie, when enlýosinlg bis check ,for - - -- The writer does not know to is, own sl7bscription annd The States-' at extent the conditions comn- man he sedstoh l snDr.Ulw AIINLDE'ADGNS mclld of in otheir places exist Chicago, Eli., he writes ,these fADES ewGETS that cxty but there are incations words hc h e'o dtrape TAILORS t parents there are just as care- ciat1es very muiichi: "We ail take g-reat(Frelin]o avlenoat26 sabout this niatter as they- e lereinredn your paper be- Ynesst oiiiii1. o at 12621hllAv. ewhere. It wilI be perbaps timely caýuseà there is -o nmachl information Toront, Ehone 'ErPiinty 3 2 1 7w,, the openling of schools after holi- in it t hat is poial. We cari stili give you oujr best se rvies. ïs for parents to give a litle spec- Mr. Thomas Yeilowlee.s, 676 Spa- Guaranteed to fit anid workmianshiip at thought to the amIount of liberty dînla AeToronto writes: Froni ,ahl pre-war prices jr cildreni enjoy, and to coaisideraperce The Statesmnan has hiad' ether or not soie res-trictionin l a very successful year, and 1 desire- srespect mlighit not be an exceli- towsh ou the conitinu,,ed suçcess thinge for- the young folkis, both whichl you de cserve. Your paper' LEGAL in a heultb and from an eduicat- rIings u, il, touch withi every part ofý al standLpoint. The alid timue cur 1 thle, old couinty, andc whil,afe M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. thie exuberance of the childrein forty y -ears absence, thiere are mnn BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAR yr have beeni too tghbut it hall changeLs, oniy a few, of thle od busi- m noney toeba1o0 armi and Towný advantages theni and a re-as-onable 's oussare left, yet it is still ily jPvOperty Royal Bank Building, itening of nuthority would stili be old homle toInnla our cauntry Bowmianville. Phone 351. ieicial. WVhat is needed nowý% per- correspondence, 1 find nlameis of miany ) is a happy mdiumlui- that will notaid friende m irentionieçi whom I knelw,ý W. F. WARD, B. A. ail the joys ont of younig lives, aiatiwbose frýciensblip i esteelled that wilI flot ailow, the pursuit and who stili lilke miyseqf are in the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, deasre o tke fiast place-where Oniffict andthle struggle And( it i, Manley to boan. Bodfrsae lortuaiately lt seemis to bDe now. a gýoodj tbtat wev_ hav-e thie O f rOffices: Bleiy Bock, Kn tuity of cL'asping hnds and hîid- Street, Bowmianville Ontario. Vhloever saw a boy at achool Or (;Dng ea ChIlother God speed, onlf's Phonles: Office 102-,flouse 279J. an seeking a position succeed te journley as we CIO at this sea-soni andi asy appreciable extent w o had a you a ndý 1, Mf. S enjioj rAEitor, have ....__ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ confid ence in himiself? We like pasýsed through-I a celebirationi of 50 old motto: "Wbhat man bas done yearjs of mrîdlfw antf or i can do." The person who has get thevwarmI-thl of fvienip wiic FUNERAL DIRECTORS fience in hinalf wviIl add ta that wiere, ours on theocain Atts to: "So ean 1" anld thlen try his seasan aan there Chlristmlas cam-le! F. F. MORRIS CO. to do it. Nine tim-es out of tel'ogîde our hearts, an1he sCmlt otro os qimii yulI succeed if hie tries bard on our w-ýay. What think you of Ail calîs promiptly attended to. jtgh. An old teacher wrote: Self- this from Edinbur.g from aýn estýeel rvt Ablne deace is an imiportant ase.f riend? Bowm alepoAm 1and 34 -~oet s lwysa anicp. M>onig a' the films mcan ever mlade 1 Branch Stores--Orono & Newcastle. g~od oinion of one's lwlh For. pic.ure shows, ani a' that, se'd on the knowledge o n There's niane can touch the humlan ALAN M. WILLIAMS city, is an entirely different thing eýEbimradFnra1ietr 1 the good opinion wbichi is on1 y Liko mcmnory's acreen, for a' that; Caîls given prompt and personal at-I iase of vanity. If you are cer- FOr, a' that an, a' that, tention. No extra charge for dis- tht of ae gongtomae Their thrîlls arie tiwe for a' that. tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- ~s fanwpiece of work be- Tae thixk iupon the years thats gane manvilie, Ont. 3-t you have made a success of Delightis me irair than a' that, bing you have ever under- The film~ o' tîmie, bas mioney a séenle---- , that confidence bas a Tae he n haran 'ta. d founidation. But if you anticýi- For her o nia heartanda' that success, not because you have thee biysour'mage comanad goos it previouisly, 'but because you Like1 inks o' biLesfan a' that, DR. S. M. JONES to ty smethiig neýW iIln eory's scre'éni, they'Il aye be ane Osteopath and Chiropractor rospects are poor. The faitbi Tac mnak life asweet, -an a' that. 86 Simicoe St. N., Oshawa, over 141 ie's self wbhich amiounts to nny-Weteet o' ail good wishes to you, years' successful practice. Examina.1 is the resuit of faitbfuily doing an-i !,ebet ~itte dtie Tht cme ne yora.tion Free a" office. Phonie 224. 2-tf tili the habit of succesS i,$ es- ~ ___________________ hed. .ever you attemipt dio well "I neyer eat a iniouthful imore than is 1 thbetter plan I reaIlly waýnt. 1 I alays stop enting -MEDICAL- if in ail y ou do't excel beýfore I feel quite s;atjif.d. la ;t do the best you cani. every meual I include somie elininaiitinio- B. J. HAZLEWOOT) M. D_ C.M. E EDITOR'S MAIL th DR. R. E. DINNIWELL ag Honor Graduate of Toronto Unii-1 i:versity and mnember of Royal College: Wilat Thiý And i Dr. Clifford Robinson saysta i'rcpe for happy, healtby old age isn't many cities and ldinics at preseat, ji?*** those wvho bave charge of the biealthI Prorans ae trnng hei ateni Ido 'not adIvocate eating acid progamsareturing hei atenton ruits witb starches, so advisetaking to pre-venting caugh's, coids, sore 1 h ri narsn n hn the, thiroats and pnieumionlia. The flgt is te fut o rsil n h on againist pneumionia as stroag ns it toast or volas and coffee at boreafs has been fou-lt la the past against Mmne proper. Oranges and grap typhid eve'an th whte lage,ýfruit mlake deliciaus' salads eitber la the pnst ten years the fightbt s1 ln r o-1i with celery, green been wagesl stroager than ever, and pepper or pimentas. For an emierg-ý food, clotinig and living conditionsi ency salad eut an orange in tbickl asrgrssnttin1i a et slices, marinate in French dressing asrgrlaiation, aregoigntdbe vnt 1 and sýerve on a nest of cri sp lettuce latin, re oin9 t bevasly in-leaves. This is especially goo'd1 with Proved and bielp reduce this killer a me-at course. The grapefruit should The air or temperature conditions of :besectioaed and alithe ýwh'ite slçini your home or offiecn erguae by b'aving an average tempevnture of reoebeki1t mi hnk not more than 60 or 65 degrees. The and proceed asya do witb the or-, wa chanceange salad. Apples arc anotheir very wrmier you keep your habitation the valuLable fruit in salads,, sauce or better cac you have of contract- desserts. Remembher, eat an apple 111g pneumloie. It bas been cleariyý a day an d keep the octor awýaY. proved that it is a contamninated or Fruits are eliiniating foods and warmi-air dîsease. Clean, cool, well- even la the winter, we have many ventiatd places of abode seldoin if ever produce any colonies of "cold" ousfut!stanees at and. The ,cit- or piieuinaigerms. It l impera-1 us fin tave iespcin largqad, con- S " aoftaiaing quana ha d. Te ities tive t reata coldlo chili atone and can bc used in dozens of ways To preveat spreading, alwayfleipTc juice of a lemion, orcanage- orý alone or ýin sepavate planeýs vwhiiie grapefruit, or a mixture of all tbiree, suiffering from beginiag rlÏsymptomis. ahi arbeoebeka tel h readrs' ormg is a wanderfully good wkàyl We must again beg our ta start the"day. pardon for referriag to our ovin ex-1 nerie'nce but wedo iý in ],.*.* 1---'UGýVe 0 i in ileilupe that it imay ben eft fiers. We have just rend'an' article bended"Etn for flealtlh and] ripe Old Age." andj hbecaýuse we 'believe ila wat is saidý wve beria give the Pith Of the article: It bas beenid tilhlat the majority Of persans dig thecir graves withi their ownYl teetb, and ïanotherlbas said "We I cannot eat long at.nd live long.- Most Of us, cnt to macý,h and thLle wrong kinda hOf food. 1 kne-w a wonderful aId lady who iived ta h e over ainety. fier eyes were brilliant, ber cmlx ion clear and fresh as a girl's ai"d she enjoyed-( life as long as she lvd fier secret -was, in ber own words,l Dominion Upr Organs fori MitchE Used Instrumei Grand Pianos; -and Schools purp oses Perbalps thiere ne' when education I from mîore angles sonsý competent tc opinionisthnjt laitest ta speak fvo) quniintane -%iti, thle younig is Dean', 'of thle Graduate S of flarvaýrd TTniv( we are leadfiig ily and pres Ii I)eii n Ho l mi e s '; schuuls, partici achlools, "I do piainledl,4thiat too mlucb or ti- in educating th that -we are pr too fnst. if t] re;inforces the ilannment i iiiiaft junior with nw Van c e them a t .1ui of ive -sed Acine uer'- 10 yeavs' experience in farm, furn icitare nnd bouse auctian sales. ~3 the dreas Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mje of chlant, King-st., o anilpn nes 131, box 33. B w a vle Lin JOSEPH COULSON the Licensed Auctioneer ork Valunator (& Real sae ecsl Gold Medaiist of Trinity Univet Toronto.* Four years attending P sican and Surgeon at Mt. Car: Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Ofice Residence, Wellington Street, B, manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLFMON, M. D., C. M. Gaduate of Trinity Mýedicl Colle Toronto, formnerly of Enniskill Office and Reaidence, Dýr. Beit] former residence on Churcli-at., B( manville. Phone 259, 4 VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Night Calls Promptly Attended Office King-st. W., Statesman Bloý I3owmianville. Phone 243. AUCTIONEERS THEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer [?arm andflouse Sales a Specieli I'erms mioderate. Enniskillen P. Phone 197-r3. 1i anc eg4, Ileix 44-t or to. )ck, [ty. .-tl er- ýne ,e, cbulildrcn iltoo hca- iem too fast," vas SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING ely protest. againstEPIN 1y the Junior 1 ih11-EE1N ut mienai," eiex Camp eta Commercial andi Gneral re educýatng thient 'imrovenent Courses. Suet we are succeeding acceptedl at any timie. Good posi- very W,,11. 1 mean tions for ail graduates. ng them f rewar-d CANADA BUSINE-SS COLLEGE junior ihi-chool Oshawa and Toronto VETERINÂRY E. G. KE RSLAKE, V. S., B. V. S. Ilonor Graduate of University of Toronto All cases given prompt and care- fui attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 iel W- )r We Specializet DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYC ASTLE Ho-nor graduante in Dentistry Toronto' Univevsity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- taýiriýo. Office King-st.ý Bowmanville. Office phone 40. flouse phone 22.ý i.R. J. C, DEVITT Assstaxt-Dr. M. Tucker ýYraduate of Royal Detal College,I Toronto. Office, Kn-t East, Bow-! mianville. Office hours 9a. ai. to 6' p). ni, dily exeept Sunday. Phone: Consulting Engineers Take Nature's Way- Walk Every Day Make walking a pleasure by having the correct footw'ear,. We have a stock that m-akes. it easy for you to choose these desir- able types of foot- wear. Our prices as yo u know are always reasonable. Also protect your health as well as your shoes by wear- ing our rubbers, the best that are made-. L[FE-1BUO Pay Cash and Pay Less W. CLAUDTJE IVES Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville Better Service Better V malues We are neyer satisfied--when it cornes to meriting your patronage. We always aim to improve each year by giving better service, better values and the best quality of groceries obtainable Our steady increase in business is proof that more people flnil it more satisfactory to deal with the 01d3 Reliable Grocer. ARCHIE TAITr Make Your Hens Keep You This winter instead of keeping your hens ail wi-.ter to Iay eggs in the- Spring. It is now you want egg productionwhe the price is high. To do this it is necessary to f eed a balanced ration such as the following: Scratch food or mixed grain along with egg mash, or laying mash, beef scrap, aif alfa meal charcoal, oyster sheil or poultry grit. To put your poultry in good condi- tion feed Poultry Spice or Specific. We are headquarters for Poultry Feed and supp1ieý' ALLIN PHONE 180 DOWMAP4 VILLE .1 'I Jewelry Shopape UARRY J, - .à 1- PLUMBING TIINSMITHING STEAMFITTING We have the largest staff in tow\ýn and are in a position to give prompt and efficient service at al times. You don't have to take our word unIess yQu like-ask our customers. L. B i 1 Bowmanville Phone 65 Bowmariville PHONE 1"