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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1924, p. 6

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HIGH Fridaýv, Ja Literary eting of alo -solo e first nuîi ýte in pre] opractic iin E. Ste-ckley Graduate of o Chiropractic College ice Hours:- 'ille 2-5 and î-9. ,Monday l9th rafternoon and Tuesday, Thurs- ýaturday. 1 1-12-Monday, ay and Friday. R OF GE FAMIL, ds Lydia Ê Pir LNOT, 1 th., I helci the L îas a Fikac .1n1U Mr the negative bk aind Mlr.1Reid P could not atte were rea-I by Tý specches were given. No dlei theo 1X7fl1eO of y misso id Goi rlhilua ho1 was whos( m. 1ani iers Il and notes 1the 1we]l as t. The public is cordially inivited tt attend the Inter-School debate be- t-ween Whitby and Bow\ýmanviIll Righ Schools at 8.00 p. in. oni Thurs- dyevening ln the High Sehool As- sembly H1all. The subjeect is: Re- soiveci that the conslitution of Grea, Britain i, more demiocratic than thia of United States. The aie is taken ýby the Bocvvmnanville debaters, Missý Thelma Gildiers and AMr. Ri Pearn. Intofres!igI speeches are assured. TORONTO DURHAM CLUB So far as can be 7t-,etainedl, the Vclerk of the weather enitertinjs no My special g-rudge againast Mr. and Mis. W. H. Clemos and their guests of teDurhamn Club. h for yesrs on ri 1 lùtlh of Janiuaýry have, been in- ind vited to join theiniila celebrating the ui-niversarv of their marriage. Last year on the evontful day, it snowed erand stormiec andi blowed, and then it 'ter îblowed solne imore2. Thisý year it - do ra ined and raineci and poureci. ntlAdverse weather conditions, bow-j E. ever, dici not miaterially affect the at- ffiy aendaMrs.JLHur big e, r. anîci rs., Mic a tndancej. tHeengpresentD r. ' if, Thomas Yellowiees, Mr. andi Mrs. J. nds D. Keachie, aIl of the oid guard, andi 1 es sonme fifty others, and a right royal ble nigbit tbey onjoyeci. Whatever the est weatlior might ho outsidie, there was ise nothing but geniaiity and gladness JSE, wîthin. Child a-" I hav 0 M e Mr and Mrs. W. Bunt, Kemble -GOLDEN WEDDING the chilciren were present anci nuni- berei twenty. The celebration coni- ýt Surrounded by an unbroken family mienced -with ddinner at noon, and ýt circle, Mr. and Mrs. William Bunt,: continuerd during the afternoon. Mr. s Kemible, ' celebr-ateci the 5thi anni- andi Mrs. Bunt were the recipients of versary of their wodding on Ne nmany gifts of golci and other prers- Yoýar's Day at the hom-le of their son, ents. *Mr, A. M. Bunt, 2nd avenue west, O-wen Soundi. Mr. and M-rs. But Mr. and Mrs. l3unt have seen mlany receiverd a great miany cngratulat-, changes in their 50 years of miarri- inbest wishes and gifts, in hionorl ed life. Generations have passeci and of their g-olden wedd(ing-, Both are new ones have sprung up, bush enjoying very gooci bealth. May landis have been transformied into e they see many more anniver,,aries of smuilîng filids, log shanties into finle 9their weddiing. buildings and trails into good roads. Mlyodern msachinery replaces the old Mrs, Bunt is a native of Hampton, time tools mnanipulateci by man's Durbaml County, Ontario, andi was a JstLrenigth. The littie town of Owen daughter of the laté Mr. andi Mrs. Sounidlhas grown to a fair young City. WIViliam Vanstone, of Kenible. Mr. B untb was born ln Cornwall, Eng- -M.Bunitlbas soi-e very intorest- !andi, andi in 1868, as a lad hie came in experieiwces to relate in connec- to Cainada. He spent somne tume at tion with the early days. Hampton, andi on New Year's Eve, Both Mà1r. amd Mrs. Bunt, by vi-rtue 18733 they were uniteci in mnarriage, of their geniality, andi their long resi- by Rev. Hem-y Kenner, Bible Chris- dec, ntecnmuiy aemd *tian minister, at Ilampton. It was c n h oi-mnt, aemd in the year 1875 that they moveciavr ag icl ffins h to emleaccmpalie byMrs. wîsh theni weli on this occasion. Mr,. Bt Kemle, accompante. by andi Mrs. Bunt feel that tbey have Bunts faherMr. anstne. been the recipient of -îany blessings, Four children, three sons, and aai aad that they have miu- h to be thank- daungbter were present at the gather- I fui for. in;Mr, Wtater H. Bunt, Toronito; r Mr. A. M. Bunt, Owen Soundi; Mrs. Through the courtesy, of ',le 0Owenl Alex. Bainnon, Parry Sound, and MrSonSu-iewea naedt How-ýard Bunt, Owen Sound. Their wives, andc husband, as well as ail use the above photo. WHY YOUTHS ARE FIRED Tbe average boy, jauatily -start- g' on bis firstü job, littie realîzesi et the odds are ciao to one against ýs holding it. Yet such is the fact, :cording to -Mr. A. D. Swif t, sta- tician for Swift andCi o., who pro- ats analysîs of the reasons for the et, not only the faet itself, but s. aaswers. The reasons are five-and every y wbo bas a job or oxpocts to' tve one shoulci check off these five d see wbicb of theni apply to bu..- to ,vomeni.- C refrr __________ quic]ý an o F riends gree wef ra ago ZUTOO was practdcally i lnCanada.1 housands and thousanda of mcena tendepciid on thcýe little ha- J ta for quick rrlicf fromHpd. ,Me bas gone froni fnrexd t rom tow,:n to town-frmcos ýr there arer. a c tb terz l postpaid. , NRB Thley 1rnay apply )you. Leecham's sbave becen, for sev- lears. îiiSe< v thiou- s help t, ýers olf the d bowels, iess, con- ýt-ion, sick- the conm- ar we T.~ E.] EDITORIAL JOTTINGS C -oprative marketing is acjýise(i byv Frank J. T. Baraijan, N ew Bir-ks Buildling, Montreal, wbo says tat he farmers and settlers la each of the provinces coulci vei7yý readiy sueI thensý,elves of a stable narket for' their pulpwýood ahd dobtain ea good fau, price for it if thley would adopt the co-operative maýrkecýtling plan. fie bas a plan. Judlge Ward critlcized Ccbourg counli for appoicting inoxperiencc moen as officiaIs in r-espons-ible offices andi also entgaging cheap audlitors of corporation books. Thiey bcad appoint-I eci mec to positiocs they sh o ul nover biave occupied. 'Ple princ-ile HMis fonor coui-dennied appuies to otheýr positions ,ýof responsibility. Molnl should nover ho.ý appointe,(d or elec±edý to offices the-y are cot fitteci to oc-1 cupy, public cr otberwisse. iý THE CHURCH QUARTER I arn twonity-five Cents. I cm not on speaking torms, witb the butchoer, I cm too esmall to buy a quartL of ice creani, 1 an not large ecougb to purchase a box of candy,1 1 cannot ho exchiaaged for a gallon of gasohine, I an too smalIo buy a couple of tickets to tho mi-ovie, Ian hardyl fit for a tip. But- on Sucîday, i caiw ays considered Beieve mie, whoen I go to churcb SOM1E MONE), er~'whe 1. -Lack of sense of respoasibil-i ity. Ho neglects work andI lets some- ibod1y else do ail the worrying. 2.-Unwillingniess to work bard. Ho arrives late andi leaves early, takes extra time at lunch hour an'd wastes is employer's tino in social anid telephorne conversations. Hie sbîrks hard or unpleasant tasks. 3-L.ack of thoroughaiess. Hie is uawilling to mast er one thing well before going on to another. 4.-False notions of salary andi promotion. lHe does't realize the trutb that the key to promotion is to do more than bie is paid to do. Ia- stead, hoe expects to be paici for more than lho does--wbicb wvould ruin anit worker. 5ý-Lack of principle. Tbhi,-i s shown by coaceainient of mistakes, untruthfulaess and constant making~ of excuses. The youth who will avoici the I rrors bere indicateci will keep his, first job until hoe is akeci to take s btter one. EVER AIM HIGH Failure is the ma-irk of a purpose- esa life. Even t.hose wbo are bard andi long at work in the monoy-makt- îng game, rarely know why they areý naking it or to wbat end it shahl alI be useci. Wbat a multitude of mon and wonien due leaving only a fortune. It was a groat English geceral, I boliove, wbo stated lbqfore battie that ho would rather biave been the author of Gray's "ýEleg-y" than win in battle next day. The personal life of Shelley -wasý Cloudoci with faîlure and discourage-1 ment and trouble. But be ieft poetic thoughit that is deatbless.1 "NÏot feilure, but low aun is crime," is the way a fanious wýriteri once gave this tbought expression. After aIl, it ia your a', ou purpose alone, wbich really counits.1 The fact that you aimied aright and 1 have done your best is wbat shall couint la your favor at the last. It is weil to ask your self ia the n1id st of your daihy toil:"Wa is it aIl abnut-wbat is the aum, what isý -Y purpose la life? Wbat is My objective?" In servie alone la real bappicess acbievedi. The work oIf 1fe is competitive. But in service you joil, bands, you catch theupitg spirit, you are mcido a part of one co-operative task. You move witb the pors of the ordand forri a Part of the fund- amieatal schemne Goc bcd la mind when hoe put you bore. Hfave an aui. Make it higb. See that ils ucselfish. This oae' thnig of~ airr will s-%eep the cobwebs £rom your mind andi give zest andi color to every task you attempt, The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year --and worth it. Subscribe To-day FEELS LIKE A NEW PERSON Ontario Lady Satisfied With Resuîts Received From Taking Dodd's Kidney Pilîs. Kidney PuIs helped lier. DilI Siding, Ont. Jan. i4, (Special) "Dodd's Kidaey Pis have made ni feel like a now7ý person, since 1 have been takicg thenm. I suffered a lot froni bachache, andi cou~ld hardy do my îhousework, but now I feel quite weil". Tliis statemeat ib made by Mrs. J. E. Lachapelle, wbý,o lives in this place. Bachiache, bearing-dIown pains, diz- ziness, headaches and çepression are early symiptoms of kidney weakuess, too oftLen misundierstoo.d. Weak, kidneys. go from bad to worse througlh wrong treatmnent or negiect. Thiere is always danger of rheumatismn, sciatica, dropsy, and stone in the kidneys or bladdler. The momenit you suspect your kid- neys use Dodd's Kidney Pils to strengthen andi restore themi. Dodd's Kidniey Pils have bufit up their reputation as a kdiney reinedy by the relief they give,. Insist upon having Dodid's, the kidney pillsa your eig1ilbors use. With Oxo Cubes you can serve a meal at a momnent's notice. They are handy for Al purposes and al occasions-an ex- cellent substitute for meat in soups and savory dishes - a household help every' day in the week., OBJECTION TO SALES TAX Strong objection to the new 6% ~sales tax is doeveloping. One or the dlaia being presseci is that the p-ý-i amiding of thé tax will increase thie cost to the coC)nsumer unduly -witbout any gain to the goveramonnt coffers. For exemai-ple, a m-anufacetureci ar- ticle invoicedý by the mnanufacturers a1t $100.00 will carry a $6.00 tax andc cost the wholesaler* $106.00. If the wholesciler addcs 20%ýc the cost to the retailer is; $127.20; and if the retailer adds 50%c the cost to the consumer is $190.80. Now, if the 6%,',had nfot been acdoîci to the mianufacturer's invoice the cost of the same article would have been $120.00 to the retailer andi $180.00 to the consumer. If we now addc the g-overamieat tax of $6.00, the final price to the consumer would be $186-00. We thus see by the present metbod of collecting tax the consumner wiui! payv the diffierence betwoen $190.'00 $1'86.00, i,e., $4.80 extra, ln other, words the consumier pays $10.80 s0 thaut the governmiiint mnay roceive revenue to the amiount of $C1.00. The turnover tax which is now being wvidely advocated is open to the sa G bjection of course, but since th"e tax Erate would be very nuch loeto yield the sanie total re-1 veý'nue, the total amnount of the pyra- mnici wouild be almost negligible byý ýomnparison. The force of thî s argument on pyremiidîng can scarce- y ho over emi-phasized. Ani increa se ie the cost to the consumer. resets immediately and directly on general1 business. Not only cibes it rTedu.ce, the consumer buying pow;ýer but it reacts furtbdr by reducing, turnoverl andi thus furthe7r increasîng Co0st of doing business aIl along the line. Iti looks as if the governmieat lhad notl sufficienrtly considereci this phase of the tax problen. NEW YEAIR REFOIRMATION There's niothing that so quiçkly kilîs as o igseads of littie bis,- a dollar two dallars here, assorteci cr- .ts f ar adnear. Thioughout im-y early businesýs days I haci the worst hapa~.rdways! For instance, 1 mniglit owe McGraff the price of one d-ecrepit caîf andi widow Anigeline1 McGrawý the price of two sm-all loads of strïaw, or Deacon Obediah Froats six dollars for sonie fancyi oats; and 1, perchance, might have a bil with Cuzzlewitz, McIPhete andi Hill, or hiave some suspTendeci o'er my head a painter's bill for ou and leaci. I had often purchasedI prunes on time and, rani my face for lathi, and lime; 11 owed la small amounts for lamIp,-ý f or everyth'ng but pjos;tag-esaps 1 waýlkedl aloý)ng a 'business streeti saluting- Tom and Dc and Pete and] knew 1 owed some littie debt to every f ellow 1 met,--yet addc it al andi che[ck the couint it stili would be a smnall am-ount. One dlay 1 saici 'm 111 lat ease, my spirit's, ruffied, if you please; there's not a living frienci or foe in al the earth 1 do not owe! I'm going to tche bank to- day, take on a boan and start to pay,1 -hat's what th12 bank is running for so 1 propose to use it more!1" Frorni that day to the present time I'vel trieci to owe no man a dime; I've' tried to pay the file and rank,-J have ail my credit at the bank. On e bill i al I aim to owe; this plan 15j best,-I CLAIM TO KNOW'! -BUCKWHEAT JONES. Port Hope Daily Guide says: If ai public body does -wrong it is as hiable1 to criticisi as a private ýcitizen, buti unfortuniately the wrongs are not al pro mipty punishec. No perso n h uc ýaccept a public position unlsspr. pareci to have their publiîatin %watched. What gooci is the press if' it bs to be muzzled? W*e are sure our re-aders wlll agree with both journals. ; scvnDeaauv gteatir wve.llt,'ui AUNT'S NEW YEAR THOUGHTS' tioughi lack of proper nourishment. Wbat a fountain of wisdomi our1 "It wýas,ý thon that I heard about 1)beboveci Aunit i. fier New\1 Year1 Dreco qnd dlecided to try it. 1 thoughts are splendid and will in-_ have only taken four bottles, 'but my terest a host of readers froni ocoan pains bave disappearerd. _My bowels to oeen. Addressing n mai acet regularyI bv ociaptt niee se cys Mygreting t 1yu MI sieep soundly. Dreco bas cor- for a very happy New Year. I ike tainly done mie a wbole lot of gooci". jyour gooci resohutions, aaid I do not i Coasider it siliy to make thon, ah-1 If you suiffor froi bhe ad(ac he S, though you fear you nay not keepý stomacb pains, slug gishniesa- aad are theni. To lose heart andi say resolu- zoaerally out of Sorts, Dreico -will tions are useless would bo ok to help you. This fine tonie andi cor- make an effort for a fresh steirt will rective relieves constipation, the at any rate, enable you to get a prime cause of mnost of these troub- footing, on the lacider. leos, and çstreongtliecis ced rg1~ To o oreuaelfsbis a tsef he livor, kidneys an([ stomýiach as bcd hbitsûreanslfalta. soinmst i we(2l. Dreco is prepareci from liberbs, aresýolution that -wili belp in ms roots,, bark ccd lbaves cnd contains b, miarebd habits ccc many no mercury, potaah or habit forining faultsaebhbL andwhe Odruga. are wr.,pped, up in ourselves we fail to 500 that they may ho hurtful to r ois eïpsecal others. * Deoi en pcal eh'fisb epeaerrl bappy; Iintroduxced in B3owmanville they have a far harder ts to pa- by .R Kesae ndi der to their own wilimi-s and fancies than they would have, in g ,iigj sId by a good druggist sonie thou git to the happicess of1 others. The more tbey 'ester to their everywhere. tihe th\y more they have to do so, uctil it grows to such an oxtent that tbey becone ecveloped--.s it were -in their owc ego, ccd so are' uttorly bliaci ccd ignorant of the feelings, requiromoints or sufferings Such people graýdualiy Ïbecomie 50 soîf-ceantreci that they grow auay~ fron oven theirow famill'es. Stil thoy go on studyiaig their' owc de-f Bewvare of Im-pitations! sires; they are too jeahous of their owc întorestsý to rest. I 1e of a! _wonoci who foîl icto this rut ccdi( evecntually becarne a more gluttoc. Iain sure you w Il feel far more con- tented as 'the ya goos on if you endeavor to do0 al you cani for: otli-rs 1 and foregeUt yus for a part ofý the tute- t Lot tho New Year hobew in al senses of the word, but do, not rush into etee. Go sedlveryl showlyý at fir-st ccd in the amnalleat1 every-day thiags; thon you -wilh not ho diýslherteiaed art failures ccnd 50 lose grourd. Every tinoe you are miaster of yourself you hiave gainedi a victory, acd the ienýt tinoie t will Uniess yoii Soe the "Bayver Cross on hoe eas'ier for you. It takes tirne to( package or on tabl,,ts you are not get- builci, and, the slowor the 'building I îng the g-,entiiie aeAsrnprvc the more eîure. 'af b iîjios ccI prscibe You have heard it saicl iither the physliiens over tet-treyecrs for loager it takes to convincre, the Colcis 1-7eadac-he atogrthe conviction. Toothechie Lumibago We oftec rush in the bgnig Neuritis lRheinic i'smi fillerd witb great ideas of what w NeureaPinPi RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST GOJNG WEST 8. 42 * 4.22 a. nm. F 9.06 a. ni. S 10.07 a: in. 1U0. a. ni. D 2.02 p. m.* 1.26 p. m.* 7.13 p. nm. 2.09 P. nm.- 8.24 P. M. 0 7.14 p. in.* 8.03 p.-m., 9.58 p. in,.1) 2.9a. ni. F F-PIag D-Daily *...Daily except SuLnday. CANADIAN GOING EAST 1).8 a.m 2.45 P.n. 10.08 ). m 111a. ni. C ANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Going Eat Going West 6.34 n. niD 8.15 am.»1D 4.10 p.m. X 8.19 a.m. x D. Monclay Wednesday acd Frtdlay X.Tuesday Thursday and Scturday.. PACIFIO RAILWAY GOING WESYi 5.53 a. n,, 6.30 a. i.i 8.20 a. infi, 4.40 p. iii. BOUN'SALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISH-ED 1857 SCOTCH AND SWEDE, GRANÂTES and orly Efle best arados: o' VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I ermpffoy no cenetery csaretakerýà c gentgs preferring ta oeil my own 9oods thus saving the puirchas,ýer th o a g ( n 's on ls e o n  c a.I cictà iI F. H.- UOUN,3ALL roprietor, -mnll. P "one 55WBox 5 TheOD Great Englfsh Preparatian. STones aiid invigorates the -whole *nervous system. makes new Blood 'ina old Veins. Used fer Nervous IDebility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despo,enn , Loss of En,,-,., Palritation of' theHfeart, adig emo. PNice 52 peebox,3 for $5 ý SoId by ail druggists, or eiailed in plain pkg. or. rece;î of prceý New pamphIi nuiled CANADIAN INATIONAL RAIL WAYS DoulIe Track Route Betwîeeii Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago iexcelled dialng car servce. Sleep- z carsoen night trains andI parler trs on the principal day traïnn. ill information from any Grand -unk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- r, District Passenger Agent, Toi- 1:o. J. H. H. JURY, Agent eone 78 R.uzarvIIh ~~ Ela and "just ta qI C'50 Îsȧý rem ........... !!!-.. . . . . . . .... ............. CRITICISM 0F PUBLIC BODIES The man or wom-ana who acoepts office in municipal council, school boird or other public organization 1miust expeet to have their actions individually and collectively critic- ised by the newspspers and by the people in general. Toronto Daily Star said recentiy: "Trustee Powell, now chairmnan of Toronto's' Board of Educ!ationà, warnis ail andi sundry a)out giving out information to the press which m-ight refleot on the Board's actions.' Mr. Powell f oi- gets that the Board is a public body, spending public m-oney, and that al its affairs shoulci be open to the miost searcbing scrutiny." 1 ý

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