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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1924, p. 7

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DOWMANVILLE, JAN. 17th., iing >el 1 . Allen nville I~Sol i Bo Jury & Lov@l le by R. Ken Think It Over ARE YOU SUFFICIENTLY PROTECTED? In case ofI Fire, Dea-th, Accident, Liability, etc., are you carrying enough Insurance? It's flot a case of how littie but how much can 1 afford to carry. Better consuit us to-day, for to-rorrow- J. J. MASON &SON Real lEstate and 50 Insurance Brokers Bowmanville A Wise Builder USES THE BÈST MATERIALS Rog&rs Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir--and Quebec Spruce ake the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcaniite Roofing make Hardwood Flooring is mo~re dur- ýy than any other, therefore it is ver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained handsorne walls and ceiling. Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best o buy. ýes reasonable and a squar~e deal for every- and see us. kcCleJIan & Co., 1 shing Machines iring and Repairing -ee estirnates given. ,nce no objeet. Dacombe's ectrie Shop ýoors East cf Sta dard Bank as: Day 63; Night 358w tEat, Bowmariville tns Miller s Worm Pwdrsae tubes, gives longv nights of quiet ways a safe ancl reliable remedy for sleep; contains ne înîlit-feriag drug.'Îeq ,licreii who show symiptins of $ý1.00 at yeum dmuý_ggists. Send 4e wcmm)s. Thesaý symiptemai ara eaýsily e I L s recogaizable ila afevemish estless- la stap'1s fo ageeros am, neas, frequently ending in convulsions T"nltns 4 ing West, Tororite.ON PI L f'r- A peint cf notable importance is tInt U E C N Iafter Millers Wormi Powd c hv expelled the wormis, the stomaci madZ4 bowels ara toned up into a vary, AATEDRIEII R19 6 rJ healtby condition. For Sale By Jury & Loveli . IS IT A QUEER RELIGION OR SOME QUEER 1 "Soloman" writing in the Jý Shoe and Leather Journal There is a kind cf rel-ýiin thý mnixture cf habit, superstitio stomach. We have kinown nie would flot spit on the Sabbatl but whowul whistle hymns figuring sonie cr'ooked deal or niing some miean ýsche*me on neighbors. We heard a con drunl4ard say with evidenit priý satisfaction, that be had neye: te bed in his life without sayî prayers. About the worst ci. we ever kne-w was so particular the Fourth Commandmient, thý would flot allow a flag te beïi 1or a whistle blovwn on his yachi Sunday. Theýre are people emiotions d epend on the ceai cf their stcraachs. When thE well fed they will sit and sing a speilicf colic will knock theii penience" higher than Gilrcy's JJcn't pity the poor African w. hoodo dectors and tem-ticmý religion concists nmerely cf hal church-going, Sa'cbath keepin t eaching a Sunday ,School class religion that can'be knockèd o a feed cf green apples, a loose or a lest collar button, is net 'Lhe caster cil and sticking plas takes to lhcld it tog-ether. wcnderful the numnber of grc-, intelligent people areund, whc net kncw religion from a pain:i stomach. LET US Give you information out magazines, handile ur subscriptions, andý iote you prices on any' id every newspaper ori agazine published and arantee you delivery. ,.l. 1924. ORONO 1 CLOSING YEAR 0F THE DECADE BABSON SAYS CASH~ SYSTEM CLUBBING LIST 1924 N W L M U N i EWLI.BU N Frm T0N~sBy Chas. M ' Bice, B. A., LL. B., Mr. Rcibei't Baîbsen la a receft ad-i T1he Canadian Statesnian. $2.00, 94% AI Mrsý. W. J. Nobes, Tor0onto, visited Denver, Colorado. dress te busJiness men srselthe ý-iýd i dzne FOLK? at hier mother's, NIrs. John Wannan. clhsseifraJrties ,ai, et lcrco a Inauugural nmeeting cf Cla Tirahstekoie ercftej wr etieIshould trst The CanazdiaonStatesnan will beBetEecrcoGa lmayCuii ýi1b iMoJa.teni years "ri"se large la the his- freely fer thiirty dayws, but iidyen-, clubbed'C with any cf the fellowîing e i apthtgvsa mz anury eucilwil b hed n Fidy, n.tory cf the fold.trce meanthly paymients. 1IwOuld net' publications for 1924 at the foliow-. lwielgiee says: l8thý. W-ng, ybriiant, seft,wht iten The office cf amibassado ro nist on the cash and carry system, inig prices: better than gas or electricity, bas lat is a Several cf4 ourý brighit farier beys aldte Great Britain has been ren- believJiig that betb the meaiithîy ac- Goe...........,5 been tested by the U. S. Goverrument attended Agricultural classes aut Neýw- d"( muhîssd icî flate, count and the delivery have a legiti- Gldobe u...ersit.e. $nd5foun en who cate.banks te the remcoval cf man7y causes m1ate el.conoic functien. 1, bowoever, Mail & Emipire ............. $6.50 te be superior te 10 ordinary cil ýh Day, Band purpose giving a musical cf offence that kept diplomaciy oni would insFist on caish each tirty' days Toronto Daily Star.......... $6.50 lamrps. It burns %witbeut odor, swhite Concert in Tow%ýn Hall the latter part tLhe qui vive iu other years. A per- aond rig-idly refuse further credit t o Farmter.s Advocate.......... $3,50 srnoke or noise-ne pumipiný', i rplan- cf Jainuary. fectunetadn now eýxists be- ayevne who did net pay on the tenth snpu,] their CaKe giutrlScey n we h w nglish speakin.g nat- cf the mentb follow,ýing the purchase(. Christian Guardian.......... $4.00an simpl, dearn, saerns 94% al ir ifirmed niual m-eeting Council Chiamber, on ions, and there is niothing artificial Monthly crec'it is a coniveienýcete aIý,_l Christian Hlerald ............ $4.00 de and Men]d,1 a Jauary 2lst. or bolstered about it either. It bas partie 's and there should be ne risk Deýlineator.......... ....... $4.00 The inventer, F. N,. Johinson, 2416 r ee Mrs. W. J. Stutt fell down stairsi the approval cf at least, 90 per cent 111t.'Te ificltywih Seits. .ng his -at brrsdnefruaeyecpjf h mrcnpol.N ray ation is tile carrying cf custormrsLadies Home.Jeurna..... 10 rigS.W., Montrea;i, is etlcriing her resideto senduiaatlampeen 10merays'SFREE d hack ing withi a few bruises. secret or ctherwise, is requîred and aid the finaincing c f famle!h audy vnn ot...$ 0til eend n tmpongive ea FR t * abot Mr. Waler R Dentand child ne oolisb or preOvecatýive phases are jhave lnet the nmoney with whicb teoi Famuily ead&Wel tr 37 h irtue nec caiywow at be Reg alte Ra~. a et i arentsil, eede.d te oîslter it*. The -genius pay for god(s. Credif extende'd thirz- Wel ins.......40 el l nrdc rt i e ', - .«ar wib bs ireitlcf the two peepoles id entical1 and ty days asc a miatter ofcenvenienice tiVtis .....$.C ep1iniitouei.Wiebn o îoisted Mýr. and Mirs. L. A'. Dent, Leskard. both are imiibued w-litb the samne those who enailpa-y is aIl righit; but' Canadian Homne Journal..$3.00 d"y fer ful particuilars. Also ask, te 0have hlm tc explain bow you can get the whose ifMan C. risand d htrideas adaspirations. cei xtne opeople - ) av arn&Dairy .... agenc, andwitbout experience or ditions Miss Janiet Cairns, Manor, Sask., ac Teraýibstcosadgvr-ntteioe ihwiht aý s1Fr-ir u n eyaeguests of thieir uncle, Mr. S. HlalIid Teraaasaosadgcpn e temnywthwibtpyi amrsSn.......... 3.5 0 inomeymake $5 e$0 e ,ey are ~a. nments are but cnrrying eut their a wrng.An examinntion cf nmer- o$0 e te- Misýs Clara Jones, Newtonrville, wills. It was the good fortune cfco ef aîursi'hOn vs tbInt 1bases Maclean's Mag-azine.......... $5.001 mennth. MT1 s, buÈt wh ofermierly ruade bier home witbi Auckland Gedcles, one cf a famulyl thriouigb charge accounts have beeni Capadian Cou.ntryman........ $3.00 i"ex- Mr. A. A. Gamisby, is confined te ber that was ready-made and waiting the tega rck wlihibas wreckeîd Canadian Poultry Review .... $3,001 barn. bed. o pportunity thnt came from the great mcost retailers. th bis Superintiend1ent cf Ceunty Shelter, war, to take coimandi(ing, places,____________-Fr e al ad F r s, if Re(v. J. T. Daley, req'uests funds te two brethars and a sister whc rcte r e a9 o dF r bits cf provîde better accomimodation for their naines large, te be a party te pe rhaps. Nations are now runninig îg, or the chlildrlenl. the new entente cerdiale, that lad in an endless and cennected chain_ WDEA HALF HOLIDAY ToN ae tB a l A Corns caninot. exist wheaHlo eprrosta ero oiia like the buekets la a drediging mach-4 ut by way's Cern Remiover la applied te eeisadt av.oebi ulm. The eartb is 'bandedb iil The uadiersignedbuies frns____ 0tack thiem because it goes te the reet and shore la forw,,ardinig it. The choice a'nid invisible -wires. On this account andf professienal mien cf Bowmian- A Job For You Worth kilîs the trwto f Dr. Geddes wvas a -wise one. Us Moscovw a hook the spheres as ne-ervilehae greedt ietere-$o.-s5PrWe ter it Mis e"-, is America fronm close asscc- was deone before by any other bumia Iti isDcmotby and Master Ralphiato.Hehd-ie fbis vasa rpinaýbi e lýn i ployees the usual Wednesdlay after- We waat fifty nmen. Wa wjli train you Ea-up, frem Missckw eeit ie pethome professer te Canada before the war. But it is net ail revelution -or gloom ýnonlafholid1ay during 1924, with flor auto, tracter, garag(ý e machnics, '011'p' roinMillrookwber the spet hoi- Hualredls cf jobs vacanrt. Qualify new. intedayo ihM.a. m utn Ha wlas directly cenne'cted wt the The year 1924 presages well. Inter 'ti c.7eln cf December, or should W\rite quiickl,. This is a spacialofe1 ge inth dy StW'nV,,,sington cenference and the debt natienally the situation is many per, a holiday comne on a Tbursdnay: onyfrffan as antenff emp-o M\r. and Mrs. W. N. Myles, Deser- *uodn rrneetbetween debtor, cent better than it %vas a yeur ago.1C .Hun A athAll Bres., -Auto & Oas Tracter School, ente, Miss O.a Myles, nurse in train- and creditor nations. Man seemiýs to have reacbed the brikC. E N n . ThaistonW. J. udleyt,__W*,______________ 51_ t ing at General Hospital, Hamiilton, This is the ciosing year cf the De- and lockh downl into tbe abyss and be- DoinonSors-.--ud-Ie ar ussatM.W . at<. cade which has crc'wded into years came sober. AIl at once he seeme.dLyllCode Commnunity dance 'by Orono andj more world-m'aking history, tIen any te aPprieciate bis position. Now hie HArrL.y Alis Lyn orn'M.AJME District War Vetemans Club. A rn- 1ether ten-year peried thit can bo is working ,te sa-ve wb7,,at w;as left outA. L. Niblst JHnst C o.. .JAE curies Fridlay evening January l8th.1 namned. If bistorian or student of of the worldl conflagration l rerWin Dsa ~dy&o S War Vetemans Orchestra will furmish! hîstory can. find another cf greater that le may not have oreue.L.Bow .H. Knîho Steamnshp Tickets ni. usic. moment than this one tînt is clos- swftly te the dark ages and witness F . esneHdoSe To Europe-Caniadian Pacifie, Whîte - ~ Mr. an'd Mrs. S. V. Hoar, and Mr. ing, we would like te have it set in regimie pemhaps cf a different celerEithCV. Star minin, J. Masen &can l Hamold and Misses E. and Derothy Juxtaposition withl 1914-1924. te what bee las been accustcmied. F.Jc re A. HrDenAs orifomtin Poe 8 Hoar and Mm. and Mrs. Smiith, Ty-' Ia the time dlesignated the world Sometbing was done toward the F,.:Knox R. M. Mitchell & Co Bowmanville. *_&ý roue, were reccent viiters at Mr. E. bas been revolutionizedl, remiade, so close cf 1923. Mucb is going to be James Bennett S. W. Mason & Son ______________ '..,V. Hoar's. te speak, in sudh a decisive fashion done la this year thnt is opening. R. ,W. Cepelaad J. B. Martyn Radies have recently been installad, that it can neyer be made the same The era of pessimismn is at an end; John Babcock Jury & Loveli at Mr. A. Henmy's by Mr. Adiron, again. Mýaidi(blas been oriented there is hope. Europe is gettipg o ..Mlon Dr.' J. C. De'yitt Kendal, nd at homie cf The Newvs etc tef t iinbsbe t et asieo h eemnto Alex Bllot Mason &ý Dale Start Now To Equip Yourself For by Mmr. Floyd Cuttell, both g-iving stretched as neyer before. Contii- cf politicians te keep it clown. The Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle A Position fTrs gocd vasults. ents have been upset; nations haveý Americae ationgt ecn r R. E. Dinniwell ELIT Orone Womien's Insýtitute meets in a bee n ntehn oni- ýIbe chepped and reconstituted. Thel siderabl%:, despite purblind politi- Cod Jhston & Cryderman r I Chau~bar, on ~'riuausEggof the cartogirapher. uýn equivocal position.Dima&Ed nste 25th, at 2.30 p.mi. Rell caIl, ueusl Slwl i i d'win unnt&s Edmondst dlisbes. Brln-g donations for Cbild- Two great Em-piras in Europe fel lwyi sdwiguo h3 ren'a Shelter. fremi their high estate, and are grop- i respcnsible place thiat a New C. M. Cnwker & Son Yonge and Charles Sa oot Nechld soud ealc'e t îg tth bgnnngc this year World concept is before us, that we__________________ swlknntrugotCad suiferlan hu from woswen fer, ways eut. Germany is tbmeat- be cur brctîer's keeper 1Ite keep fhouhot aDd prompt relief can le got la a simple ened witî revolution and partition.- our selves fromn falling intote for superier training for pesî- bu srog emdyMche Gavs'Gemaytit es tanten year' slough. Most eniphaticallytbb- The Canadian Statesman tiens as Private Secretaries, Worm Exterminator. ago tbreatened te stand over civiliz- inesswoi is dominLing the polit- Seorpes yitAcut Mm. oy h tE aiOlIOrnoioy, adicnteefoe-teawrl', Fm- he aw yar;aadletus opetîn n'on and fashion it te its wýill, is a ical field at this the beginning of is $2.00 a yearansComralTneet died Janunmy 8tb at home cf bi s 1ine the mnother cf evoltica, is a- 1924 will bring eveilasting pence -and worth it. Gaduntes in lveen demiand. Enter uncle M. Geo. White, Pontypool,, broad in the land. We mnust save an eut cf the chaos'cf hum-an strif e and after a lengthy illness' cf tubercul- emipire, thnt a few short years ag,pso, s ittels ocf the Su ny time. Write for Catalogu esis cenracted cersaes. as a aiightmare to al greater part cf grant world conflict shaîl benefit ail bcieT-a ...ELOT !xcpI Bey. George R. Clare woblas! the earth. miaakind.________________ ,saebeen la Toronto undergoing special Russia bas turned týic mnost coim- _______________________________________ iaetreatnivint, is some'wvhat ir-iprove d.I ltesemrersault ever racorded -for a Mr. Clara's condition lias been cit- supremie monarchie autecracy to an_________________________________________________ ical, cauaing friands anxiety. . absoîuite preletariat deanhp.The For Sprainis and Bruises.-There i., upheaval bias ne parallel in its suddea- nothing better fer sprains and con-i ness, comi-pletaneas and the numibers IJlhbjIf tusions tban Dr. Thomas' Eclectriel cf humnans affected by the semersault. . ?~IHIjî1ii1i I1,P; t 011. It will reduica the swellinig that A-'sia, in the brief timie naamaed-a i'If fellows a spain, will cool tbe in- deock tick la humai) blstry-has ai- flamied flesl and daw the pain. It 1se undergone remarkable changes. will take the ache eut of a bruise b y 1Asia is at last awake. It may be ccuniteratiag the inflammiation. Aý rendy te begin the dance cf Siva. trial wiIl convince any' who doubtý Three hundred iillions in China are its power. changing front a dyaasty cf imein- Mr. Jimi Gilfillan is in the line-upi orial age, te a republiec, se called. with Bowmianvilla O. 1H. A. Juniors!I Almioat as many mnortals in India playing centra. Ha' acquitted hmi-1 are undergcing- what is tanitamiounti self very creditnbly in tha gaina withi te pelitical revolution.Ç Port Hopea, Be-winnLville wiIign Japan the eartî meved in me- sico ýe 8-3. spease te the bumian changes, and M.r. Thos. McCraa, formoer i'esidentl the miost disastrous eartb quake cf 5th linae, icw cf North West, bas knewa te bhttory, followed. Hun- belen enewing old 'accfuaintances. dreda cf tîousands dead; many more Ha is visiting lhis sisters, Mrs. J. injured. Four or five billilons cf Cochrane and Mrs. R. Fuller, lc dollars in propeîliy losses. Mat 1 ~Creas Chrcî.would raquire mnany years te nec- .Crea' Chure. oemplisl this amiount cf destructive- 1For Burns and Scalds.-Dr. Thom- aess; cosic forces acéoniplislied it as' Ecletric Oil will take the fire eut i lu so mannyseons of a burn or scald. It slculd be at Eve y Afcons.l ua p han laelVry ithanse hatit aybeaval. 'The dark continent caîn- be available at iny time. TIare, is ne 1net remiain quiescient whiie the prepamation required. Just apply others fret and fum-e and bumst tIe the oil te the burn or scnld and th bonds. This continent is biessedci f pain wlill abate and in a short tiniie the gods. lt lbas ycuth in its favor. danse altogather. Civilization was slow in tahing ad- Deai c Mm Jon N Swnstn vntage cf its rescurces. It is net soDceate f rJohn wN.Sto cfUc e bnkrupt like imost cf the other nat- ITownship, and brother cf Mrs. S. M îe ins. Econemie'determnination lias iliigsren, ocured t ls î ! aved it frein wild revolution and in liil alMnaa nDefreingreant suf eings on necouat cf Falîs, Montanain o the world war. Its tinle is net yet.Dl. . = 8butm.The United States is the only ex- "M UT c e Mmr. John Stewart, Morse, Saslkc cption te the mule throughoumt the od frienda8 here wlill learn -witb re-1 continents. t is watchliag its step' - grat, pasaed away ait bis home on! while others are rusîing madly i'n, * December 2t. Mm. Stewart fori senrch cf n ne'w equilibrium. T e1T is flot much wonder that'the mother By using this popular medicine you can mayyas nmdonOiLna nIludbtsorabveteart1n in the home lias backaches and hieadl- usually obtain relief in a few hours. abot 5 yar -". wth isfa i hawhole word acing d oe h chswhnyo-h-ko1temlt Yo-il eliethnth+1-sbliyo

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