Blind Man's ]Buff Even in this age of enlightenmient some fok pend their money blindly hybywt their eyes shut. They grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes were handaged. And a«Il the time a powerýful light is being thrown on the very thingý they need and want. Advertising is a beacon to guide you in buying. It shows you what to buy-where to buy-and when to buy. At the same time, -it protects you against fraud and inferiority. Merchants an-d manufacturers who adver- tise deliberately focus thoiusands of eyes upon their wares. Their values mnust be honest and their prices right, or they could not advertise suceessfully. Don't play blinci man's buif with the elusive dollar. Spend a f ew minutes each day running through the advertisements in this paper. Then buy the products that have proved up in the light of advertising. Reaci The Advertisements Buy Adlvertised Goods-The Sure Way To A Square Deal ou Will Enjoy The Pictures Zôyal Theatre, Bowmanville JANUARY, PROGRAMME ursday, January 23-24 laing Youth" Mooe, Mlton Silîs, ýr nd Sylvia Breamer. rday, January 25-26 n Christie" Monday-Tuesday, January 28-29 Pola Negri ini "The Cheat" Wednesday-Thluraday, January 30-31 "The Girl of the Golden West" With J. Warren Kerrigali, Sylvia Breainer, Russell Simpson and Rosemary Thehy. Admission- Adults 25c; Children 15c Wants Anticipated That's just our business-to anticipate from to day what the hundreds of faiùilies in this Éi and district require in the wvay of baking. We see that the baking is done under most ary an-d modemn methods. We see that the best ingredients are used- iing skimped. It must be good. Try some of our baking if you are not al- [y eating it regularly. W. 1P. CorJmlbett __(Successor to Thomas Tod) ~and Confectioner Bowmanville ke Nature' s Way- Wvalk Every Day Make walking a pleasure by having the correct footwear. We have a st;ock that makes it easy for you to choose these desir- able types of foot- wear. sas you know are always reasonable, protect your as well as Loes by wear- Srubbers, the it are made. JJFE-aUO'( Cash and Pay Less -.UDE IVES Bowmnanville £BUWMANVILLE, JAN. 24, 1924.1 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HOLDI ANNUAL MEETING R. F. Aitchison Appointed Secretary- j Treasurer Durihami Agricultural So- ciety held its annual meeting in Council Roomi on Saturday afternoon at which President M. J. Elliott pre- sided. MVinutes of previous meetings were read hy J. G. McClellani, Secretary- Treasurer, and adopted. The report of the Treasurer show- ed a ýdeficit of $1,800 on last year's operations. various suhbjects hearing on the Fair were discussed, those' taking part included Alan Campbell, Thos. Bakoer, Frank Allun, John Baker, Geo. A. Stephens, R. F. Aitchison and Mrs. John Spencer. President Elliott gave a very in- teresting account of bis attendance Iat the Fairs' Association Convention. J Society decided not to hold a stal- lion or bull show or seed fair this Spring* Entries will again ho made in the Combined Field Crop Competition, using white oats, and in the Stand-1 ing Field Crop miangolds was agreed1 on. It was decideci not to engage de- part-iental jiudges. It was deci'ded to hotd Bowman- ville Fair this ye'ar on Tuesday andi Wednesday, Septeniber 16 and 17. Judges appointed were: Heavy Horses--W. F. Batty, Brooklin. Çairiage Horses-J. H. Davidson,j Cohourg. Beef Cattfe-Prof. Day, Guelph.1 jDairy Cattle-R. S. Stevenson, IAncLaster. Sheep-W. J. Bell, Kemptville, A. Swiné-.-H. C. Pascoe, Taunton. Poultry-Prof. Graham, Guelph. Dairy & Apiary-John Lyle, J. P.i Grain & Seeds-F. C. Vanstone, John McMurtry. Fruit-L. 0. Clifford, M. P., Osh- awa. Vegetables-Norman Pluminer. Floral--Chief Richard Jarvis. Ladies' Dept.-Miss Magson. Domestic Scence--Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett. Election of Officers President--M. J. Elliott lst Vice-Alan Campbpell 2nd vice-Major R. J. Gill Se'y.-Trea,-R. F. Aitchison Directors:-Darlingtoi-.-John Baker, H. G. Macklin, Geo. F. Annis, L. C. Snowden, Harold S45nner, H. E. Tink, K.-Squair, Col. L. T. McLaugh- lin, J. F. Osborne, S. Chas. Allin. Clarke-Fr~ank Allia, Howard Gib- son, R Gray, Norman Allia, R. Os- borne, Frank Rickard. Bowmnanville-W. H. Carruthers, Mis. John Spencer, H. C. Caverly, James Nokes, G. N. Thurston, T. W. Cawker, Neil Mutton, Mrs. M. J. El- liott, Mrs. R. T. Stephens. Honorary Directors--Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., -Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P., Mayor T. S Holgate, Messrs. J. A. McClellan, H. W. Lapp, R. F. Aitchison. Audtor-.J. A. McClellan, Dr. J. C. Devitt. r Memibership will again ha made la the Ontario Fairs Association. Presi-4 dent Elliott was appoînted delegate to annual convention.r Imme'diately following the annuail meeting a Directors' Meeting was l held when R. F. Aitchi.son, Mange local hranch Royal Bank, waýs ap-p pointed Seýcretairy-Trea-,urer fo en suing year at a salary of $15i year. 1' The Executive Committee will in-t clude President, Second Vice-Preni- dent ,Secretary-Trcasurer and John Baker. BETHESDA A Chicken Pie Supper will ho held ia Bothesda Church on Friday, Jan- nary 2 th. Supper sorvod at 5.301 p. mi., after. wbich Enniskillen youngi people will present their play "The Browný,- Mouse". Music will ho fur- niishied hy the Bowmranville Mecthodist Quaet-M7ýessrs. Pollard, Tapson, Mms. Poster and Mi'ss Painton. Ad- mission: supper and concert 50c. SOLINA Eldad Longue dehating memibers Mr. Elgin Taylor, Miss Lyda Taylor and Mi. -Ji Reynolds won the de- hate at South Oshawa on Monday night. Messrs. Chas. Shortnidge, W. C. Werry and Mi. Samnpson were judges. ..Miss Mary Reynolds is homne fîomn the General Hospital, Toronto, and is recuperating nicely fromi a senlous oporation ...Miss Irono Bragg, Bowmanvile, visited at Mn. J. Bakor's last week.. Mr. Nor- mant VanNest in necoveiing frem an axe wound in bis f oo t,. Mi. T. Baker was at Toronto and Mr. C. H. Scott at Hamiiton .... Mr. Jas. Gar- fat bas a new Radio .... Mr. Gaifat, Woodstock, visitod bis uncle, Mr, Jas. Gaifat. The play g-ivon hy the mainie'd women of the neigh>hoihood under the auspices of theo Women's, Inistitute was woll patronized Friday night, the c)iunch hing filled.. . The actresses aIl took the-Ir parts exceod- ingly woll and the play was true to life anid quite hnmorous there hoing mnany local bits. MI-. (Rov.) W, W., Jones and Mrs. Chas. Koîýsiako, Hami-ptoni, ien(lered fine piano duets and Miss Evelyn Brent, Bethesda, sang in fino voice two solos, Miss May Brent accompanyîng ber. Miss Lyda Taylor and Miss Annie Wil- liams nlso fuînished piano duets. Mr., R. J. MvcKessoick actedi as cbaimman. Pioceeds wore $36.85.-Mr. Will Martin's family at Bîadley'n School is quarintined witb scailet fever. Mont for the money and quality' the best is what you get in asuit or overcoat at Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman 's. ENNISKILLEN Mi. Roy Webher, Bowmiaaville, spent the week-end with bis aunt, Mrs. W. O. Honring-.....Mr. Bert We.hber who han been holidlaying bore roturned home with bis hrotheî... Mr. H. Gillelani spent the week-end wvýit4 friends la Toronto. 1 . . M'L. Wm. Oke bias returned homo from theý hospital and Is doing as woll as carýi ho expected.. . Mrs. JohnI virtue who bas been under the cloct(;i's care is improving... Mi Gordon Werry wvhile skating on the mili pond last Tuesday sprained hin ankie. Glnd to report the injured limh is doiag nice- ly. We all hope that Gordon wili noon ho able to join us fn skating agai4i, as li ýsgreatlIy misse . N o Hampton League visit our League League Wednesday evening on ne- to-night (Thuîsdayý). An interestirng count of storm-i... . Mr. and Mrs. Alîy- dehate will ho given, Resolved that maer Beech celebratoed the annivor- "Religion has conforre'd greater bene- sýary of thein wedding at the homo of fits upon the World thanl Science". honr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Th, afrîrmative will ho takea by three -iiih of Hamnpton Leaguers and the Noga- Men's _Mackinaw Coats $7.50 for tive by three of oui own young peop- $5.98, $9.50 for $7 98. Couch, le . Our Junior Hockey Team play- Jobrnton & Crydermran's. ed their fin-t g'ame of hockey on Sat- urday with Hampton Juniors. The game was played on Hampton pond, our boys were hadfly heaten the score HAMIPTON being- 5-0. We hope for better re- sults at the retujrn game here on Visiý,ors: Mrfi. and Mms. Gflhert Saturday 26th ... . Miss Florence Wilkinson, Toronto, at Mr. E. Tru-ll's; Gardiner and Mr. Bon F. Gardiner Mrs. W. Horn at Allandale; Mr. W. visited the latter's mother at Lind- White attenidedc the Winter School at say or' Saturday.. Miss Hazel Cobour... .IntalIlation of the Sunl- Hodgson, Codai Cree-k School, was day School officers was held Sundlay home for the week-end .... Mr. John evoning. The printed programi was H. Mutton made a business tri p to f ollowed ...The Young Poople'n Toronto on Moaday. ... Mr. Wîlmot Loag-ue will visit Tyrone League on1 Wright, Peteirhoro, spent the wee- Thuîsday night when a debate will end with bis parents, Mr. and Mis. ho given by tbree miembers of each W. A. Wrigt... .Monday last wias League.... The radio service broad- the coldest day of the winter, the casted from St. Paul's Presbyterian thereinoneter iegistering eight he- Churchi, Bowmanville, on Sunday wsîlow zero. gnoatly appnciated hy about 30 poi- sons at Mi. C. Hastings'.Th'amne Mn. Levi Skinner returned homel service was enjoyed by quite a num- on Saturday last from OttawaWn ber at Mr. Sykes' .... Young Ladies' ton Fair securing a godly nuinher ofl Bible lass mot at Mis. J. Curtis' f or, prizos. eloction of officers. A very enjoy -__________________ able social time was spent af toi. Young People's League was in charge of Miss B. Sargýent, Social Vice-Prenident. Sc., ýture Lesson was uead hy Mr. Hilton Petors and the topie nicelyprend by Miss Lottie Horn. Miss Maryv Niddexy played a piano solo and Ms Louise Johins gave a îeadin'g; r G Banron and Mi. T. Salter sang a inetl their usual pleasing manner. League thlis Friday evening will ho i:hrawa on account of oui visit tc. fyr;one on Thursday evening. We are always pleased to see any new comers at our League meetings. We welcomne any and ail wbo can come. See oui Boys' Sweaters, worth $1.50 for 98c, only a few left at this price. Couch, Jobaston & Cîydeî-l man. EBENEZER Mr. and Mita. Wm-. C. Fursey and Norman of Coynwall, wrere welcom~e visitors with fnienids here. Mi. S. Boddy, Oshawa, Miss Boddy and Miss Cherry,' Baîtimore, with Rev. and Mis. C. C. 'Waghington at ther parsonage . .. At the invitation of the. Supt. R. E. Osborne and bin wife the) Sunday Sehool Executive held their recont business and social meting at "Lakiew"on Friday evening. About 40 gatbered for tne occasion and speal- Àwell of the enteitainmint funi-[ nished hy Mi. and Mis. Osborne and1 family assisted by Misses E. Boyel S. Penfound and Annie Pansons.... The many who faced the changed at-. mosphere and hlustry we athÈer of Snnday were givon a splendid tient in a sermon fnomn the text "The Just Shaîl Livo ByFaith", hy pastor. Atu the ovoning service the second in the series "Youjng People and thoir Wonk" was dleait with in a voîy practical mnnneî by Rev. . C. WIIash_- ington and carofully listened o y a laýrgo; numrber of young f olks. i Boddy of Oshawa_ sang as a solo "A Song of Trust" whicb Was mnue n- joyed. Next Sunday theno will ho a songý service and ad'dress on "Young( Peýoplo and their Fiiends". Leaguers will mreet Oshawa 'Simcoe Street Les g-uers la debate this Tbursdayl evening.. U. F. 0. Club are arrang- ing for their annual Qyster huntý beeearly la FeInn'ary.. The Brooks' and Muin pond with its fin, ehocf ice bas been a groat attraction andi affordor imucb enjoymont, to the young folks with the shining steels dluring the past f 0w weeks.... This zero weather looks lil<e the hegianiag of ice harvest. Boys' Mackinaw Coats, special valuies, regular $6.75 for $5.50, Coach, Johnston & Cryderman's. The CanadianStatesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day Ladies! Cins! Ma, t'hag!lei4tr iari N-eoblase y-uha-3 waoted .0og-oss th Il --yof -ot b. .- ethti. o eho o-sveM i sor frm $00 51~00aY.ouje-,Ietey str-ro b, qu ; k to tbe dvatag oSthis oppoIltuotty. ..'t uào y.-r -ame nd addr,,, today ..danS réceive-Posi ad ony 6boe o h.Edo',imo,-]y utdn abOtutl, retble A!dy o htpiokeow il i byoo, 1-1,eehntenveae e liudk H0Fet.Cie G cOte aropsntrg aV48 xte Style Headquarters Where Society Brand and Hart Clothes Are Sold ~MAPLE GROVE Ruby Lancaster spent ' the week-end ut ber home in Port Gran- by . .. .Mîr. Raymond Sno-wden, Tor-ý onto, was homo oveî Sunday .... .Mr. an'd Mis. A. R. Scott and son Lee, Town, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mis. H-. G. Freemnan on Sunday.... Rev. C. C. WashingtÈon', Mr. Ross, Stevens, Mvr. Clifford Srwallow attend- ed the Boys' Conference at Cohourgj one da y last week,...Miss Nora Tucker, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mis. Wmn. Fairhead, Winteî just seemns to be sta-rtin. You will got a lot of wvear ont of that ne-,, coat at one-third off regular puice. Coucb, Johnton & Cryder- man. Mr. and Mus. Frank O. James, Contre Street, entortained a number, of their friends on Tuesday ovaiag, to a card party. During the oven- ing a prosentati<ja of a cut glassý cemand sugar bowl wns ,madl thiem, it being their -wedding anniver- sary. Dainty rofreshments -were served and a most enjoyable eveaing spent.-Oshawa Telegram. JOHNSTONS Ear-ring foun6. Enquire at The, Statesnian Office. Fire destroyed the barn on the farm- owned by Mrs. P. Gott, Cavan, on Friday night. Mr. Floyd Me(- 'Manin who rents the farm lost a~ quantity of grain. He was at Ponty- pool at the time of the fire. TYR014E BURKETON Anniversary zervices of Tyrone Longue to-night (Thur-sday) at M~ethodist Church will ho held as fol-! 7.30, Citizeaship night, in charge of lo-WS: On Sundlay, January 27 at 4th vice-President, Miss Dinia Mc- 0.30 a.-mi and 7 p. mi.,-special ser-!Knight. Good programi is heing pro-j vices wii h conducted hy Mr. Milton pared. Everybody welcome.. ..i Sandcrson, Toronto, University. The Mis. F. Waterhouse is spending al local choir will furnish musie t 'both' few days with friends la Bohcay-ý services. On Monday, January 28, goon.. Glad to see such a good con- at 8 p. mi., Tyrone Dramiatic Club gregation at Church Sunday morn- will present its popular play entitled ing .... The girls of the C. G. 1. T. "Under the Lauwrgis». Good0(lvocal met this week at the home of Mrs. music will be fuîni.shed hetwenat Shortridge. hy M. C 5. alîan nd D. C W. It's not too late to huy n dress at Slemion, Bowmianville. Admission:2%ofreua pcsatCch A'dults 85c; children 20c. Every- Jobinton & Cryderman's. body come and enjoy a good time. STREET DRESSES EVENING DRESSES Newest Mateials Latest Styles Great Values Walk Upstairs-Pay Cash -Save Dollars C. S. MA SOe"N Upstairs Ladies' Ready- To-Wear Shoppe Bowmanville Boys' Clothiug January CleBaring Sale Thursday, Fri'day, Saturday January 24th, 25th, 26th. gig Reductions Men's and Boys' CI9th ing, Men's Underwear, Sweater Coats, Neckwear, etc., Priced To Clear Quickly At This Sale. Men's Underwear Ail Wool Shirts and Drawers, "Pen- man's", best quality, heavy ribbed and guaranteed, ail sizes and regular $1.50 garment. Priced to clear at '$1.00 each garment Men's Sweater Coats Ail Wool made from the very finest and best yarns, in the different shades, a big warm comfortable coat, regular price $8.50 to $10.00. Clearing at this Sale $6.75 each Men's Blue Suits Extra value, Pure Indigo Blue, ie fine ail wool quality and guaranteed a lovely suit at $35.00. Clearing at this Sale, only $29.50 each Men's and Boys' Overcoàts Just a few Men,'s an-d Boys' Overcoats l1eft, these we will clear out at, and in some cases below cost. It wifl pay you to see the many splendid bargains we have in these lines. Boys' Suits We always carry a large stock of Boys' Suits. These have been marked in some cases to clear at cost. It will pay you to buy your boy a suit at this Sale. Prices from $6.95 to $11.98 3 Doors East of Standard Bank Men's Suits Space will not permit mention of the many choice values we are offering in the above lunes. , Every suit in the store is marked down for quick clear- ance at this Sale and now ranging in prices from $18.00 to $35.00 each Màen's Fleece Lined Underwear Shirts and Drawers in the best quality heavy fleece lined underwear, a splen- did buy at $1.00. Priced for this Sale at 79e each To Clear Quickly Men's Neckwear Ail our Men's Neckwear will be re- dtîced for this Sale. $1.^00 Ties 79c $1.50 Ties $1.00 $2.00 Ties $1.50 To Clear Quickly i2OPer Cent Discount Off AIl our stock of Men's and Boys' Sep- arate Trousers will go on sale for three days, Thursday, E'riday and Saturday at 20Per Cent Discount Off Regular Prices I ________________________________________________ Phone 271 t- f i Johnstons BOWMANVILLE AND OS'HAWA SPECIAL DISPLAY DRESSES