DEÀTI- Is 1,Janiiary28. C.M. ,Hayes, 's -Iu Claiçe, Jan. 20tli,ELIiza loved wif e of Mr. John Stonu_, -At Coburg, 'General Hospitai, y, Januatry 20, 19-'4, Charlotte her 74tb year. lu Oshawva, on Wedne(sdazy, Éri 94 lmier Bone, yOung-ý M Ar. and Mrs. Johin uili iiery of iny beleved bus- Jolin GoodIwin.-whc di 3. is a golden chain, part but al luii vain, teu by some2 you may be mre you Ulie. wil o ed Sadiy mieisetI by Wt e ory cf Me , Roy Aihu vlio passed wayJanuairyi le who ml>sý,s y9u sad]Y, m[ long 1019 Ijeeyoil wen, ~~otUhjks c01you Irv nd hontent. r that h is1lnt Agh of reUr, Ine F'Elrepyasre forgels. sbid LOST'OX FOUND ýTED tTY 'FOR SALE BOWMANVILLEi, JAN'. 31, 1924. LCLAN TEWS LOC as Tùesday the January thaw ,tC AND OTHERISE for' 1924? JInrier paiges cf this issue are par- Key found. Enquire at States-- ticularly intoresting. mari Office. Mr. Warren Pinch was re-elected Ear Ring found. Enquire at The trustee in S. S. 9 Locharts. Statesman Office. Mrs. R. J. Luke of Kedron re- We thiank al whý,o ha,'e sent ,us cently visted lier qunt Mrs. M. -A. appreciative letters. Jamnes. Do't fail te rend Dr. Shearer's Mrs. John Fletcher has gone te Mothers' Aliowance Laws. Toronto for the winter to reside with Fri'day, Februa.ry 8th, a dancewili ber son. ibe held in Wiugfeot Hall. Rev. S. C. ïMeore attended thel No better time than right now toi uerlservices for the late Rev. have repairs doue. Alex Elluet, Harry T. Lewýis at Oshawa. Jeweler. Roderick MlacKeuzie, farmer, was Miss Ruthi Siers cf Toronto a found niear Baltimore frozen te death recent guest of MiSs Gwendolyn' A wia nd six children survive. Willi a mS. 1 Miss Beryl Oke, Ebenezer, is stay- Keep in rnid the dance on Friday, ing with her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Malin- *Fcbruary 8th. See next Statesmaill'irsg, w-ho is slowly improving fremni for further notices. b er illness.1' Keep Weclnesday February 6th, Rev. G. 1. Camp-iibcll of the Sociab fo h oeadSho lbe-Sr'c catet ilp:hi tertainmient in th~e Opera House. the Methodist Church on Suniday at Eversharp Penceils $1.00 te $5.û00 both services. * educed one-third in price this week Mýlr. W. J. Bragg, MU. P. P., lbas re- -only 9 left. Alex Eîliot, Jewelcr. turned fromng visit te his brother, Rememiber S. Pu' en Mr. S. E. Bragg and numereus ether People's concert on Friday February rltvsi inpg a 8thi, in the Lecture Room at 8 o'cleck. Don't miiss the "Donation Party"i Ever aciveyouig mn ad jl- ~th25 living pictures at the St. ily ~young girl should read "Come! Valentine entertainmeut on Friday *Let's Tatke a Walk" on anether pageeveuing Februay 1 5th, in 'St. Paulis pg.Lecture Reomi. Reserve the date foi~ the musicail ocr ne h upcsc and literary entertainnrent in For-.j the True Blues -will be held in the esters' Hall on Thursday, February Frse' alo hrdy c l.4th. 5-2w Foresters' Hall on Thursday Febi Mýr. A. W. Maguire, Calgary, Alta.,i ruary 14 at 8 p. m. Admission whîle on business te Montreal made 25c. 5-2w% ai short visit here at Mr. John Lane ' Hsmnyfins nti vcut Libery Steet.are sorry te learn, thatMr Richard Regular mionthiy meeting of Wem Snowden, grocer, of Oshawa, lhad te en's Hospital Auxilinry will be held undergo a very serieus operation on inteCouncil Roomr on Friday Feb- T1sd~ in the 3.30 . m. a in Bewmiauvîlle Hospital.< runry lst, at30p.m et reports say he is doing as well Miss Lena Priestman aud Miss as eau be expected. fAgnes K. Haddy, Toronto, and Miss Dr. James Bray, 288 Gerrard St. «Winnie Cemifort cf Westen, were East, Tont nuceth e-1 * wek-end guets cf Mr. and Mrs. F1rr~oanuce h n A. Haddy.gagement or bis daughter, Helen A. Hadcly Cathleen, te Charles W. Smyth, B. A.,, Mr. an'd Mr. W. H. Dustan lefti Toronto, son cf Mr. and Mýrs. W. H., Sunday after'noon te visit their son,1 Smlyth cof Fort Frances, Ont. The jMr. W. M. Dustan, YresnG Cal. We marriage !will take place quietiy ear- 'wish them a very pleasant trip and iy lu February. safe return. Levers cf flowers will find a uni- Death oecurred at Ceunties -Home que display cf life-lîke artificial sweet for Aged Cobourg, on Thurs ay of peazs in W. T. Ale's wiuidow ,at the cf Miss Isabelle ]Moffat, Clark town- "Big 20". They wére made by Mrs. ship, agcd 77 years. Remaius in- D. R. Manu and lier iuvalid son,' an! terred in Orono Ccxetery. ex-soidier, who are uo'w livingo Auut's Friendly Letter in this is-, Concession-st. East, Bowmaii.- sue should be rcad thouglitfully by The work cf these urtists is truly t every person over 60 years cf'age. weuderful sud many favorable com-' Wc do net ask youuger f olk te read -nts are heard about the fiowers as it fer their eiders' sakes. citizens admire them in the wiudow, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Mr. W. A bouqu~et would add t ' the attract- H. Gibsont, Clarke, aud Mr ,Alfred iîveuie-ss cf any borne, office or clos- Ayre, Soliua, attended a luncheon at ed auto. They are for sale at 50c Govermeut lieus-e on Tuecday giv- buhch. en by lis Houer Lieutenaut Gevern- WINTER WEDDING or Cockshutt, te about 400 represen -_____ tatîves cf the farming community cf i ~ Stevens-Worden tc, hE February THE BA NKRUPTCY ACI IN THE ESTATE 0F ROSS CAN CO LIMITED) Auth i gnor. 3 p. mi., -when Mis-s Iva M., oniy "g daug-htcr of Mr. Albert 1H. Worden H cf Winnipeg, was unitcd iu marriage J( with Mr. Lorne Stevens, sou cf Mr. tN' an-d Mrs. John D. Stevens, Mapie k( Grove. A The bride looked very sweet in a 1t dress of dark, bhue georgette, wear- ing black satin hat trimmiied with ru henua plumes aud a corsage bouquet! H cf sweet peas. The ceremony was performned byj Rev. C. C. Washington, B. A. The ~ bride and groom ieft for a hioney-, c( wea mled und sii Ltioli. e, au uti roperty IVfoi and that icla] ee as appoill estate of t their tfir Leto adlll orouigu,( at 120,è] CARD 0F THANKS expnss.Larg- tten c for as everyone shýold (b: Is your Purse or Hau(i well worn, Buy ane regular price thlis week, $4. Alex. Ellio,Jewve HOCKEY Junior O. H. A. IOURG many act 1duing lM 0F THANKS un Urip O ioronr, me DricUV iring at býeautiful seai cent tin W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETYi -with sabnle. ____1 IIIH SCHOOL NOTES fI n our report iu last weeks issue ________of this paper cf the auali eeting 'he Central' Inten--CollegiateLe o f the above society, reference was fixt ure here on Frilay niiglit be-1 made te a deficit wbich reaily should ený BowmlanyVille aud jport Perry haýýve been cl, ssed a s a lia bility ac- iucd te fstet hcke uptoi cor ding te the figures given to as e. The locals had ahl they co Uldb President M.JIL itt sfi te i by 5 to 3, aud even thenis : .e cf their goals wvere cf the fluky-, Assêts ety-ý. However, tbey had a de- Balance ou hand ......... $ 26.68 d( m-argin on tep'ysdcr-Grauts sud donnatioun . 6 0.00 yv deserved te win. 1Rents, eýc............... 125.00 [MinPort Perry's star, keptI Values If and........... 2,900.QO teamn in thie runni-ng with a coupil -Main Buildings.......... 1,900001 -oals, while'Osborne was the high ýShbeep Pens............ 500001 ler for. Bowmianville, .getting thriee',Pouitry b-use............80.( riters. Ray Cole sud Wil Foinj- Grand Stand . . * ,0.( right defeuce, Will p ointen';ieft de_ Liabilities fence, Jack Cole; iglit winý1- Eiwood Accountis unpaid......... 418.78 iFenfne1ll centre, Harryv Osborne; ieft Owiug -ou note(.......... 1,250.00 wigÔrville Willismns; subas., Ray MIemibe(rsiiip fees 1924 ..,125.0Çt Cü d sd rnest Rosch. $1t,793-78 i HOCKEY NEWS There isý a slighlt deficit on the yenr's business duÎe te the permanent Bowmanl?"ville hockey teamsiý have huroee o f building, a new been mkighiStoryý duning the past1 fence r', s cost cf $300. cd a record Fridtay niglIt when they, woni four -aines as f oîîows,: Ite- Dii yoii ever k ocf such a van- miediates defeated Port Hope in 1the i ety cf weathe-fickic ns -a youug Ihilsi e tw-1 to 2; Junior trouniced irlcf sixteen' Cobo0urg-- on thei2r own iiie84 Higli Mr. F. W. Bpowenl, M. P. -for Dlur-' Sch.,ool defecated Port Ferry at Ta- jam, an! exý--wanden, visited' Countes lor's Rial 5-3 tud Pub-,lic ,Sch1(ooll, ads Couiucil and by request addrcsscd we(re victonîcus over Orono jnu- j the iî,ember. ,les by 2-1 on tt, lam iiýi.ce erir- ni the evening. Fretty fair recordi wherIcie teamis areý coiposed of all1 home-brews! ' Ir-t K E The iargest crowd cf the season un'?E Anud the fastest gamie to date wvere I thle feature.s cf the B-owm-anivîlle- Osha'wa intermiediate gamie at Tay- JUNIORS lor'sRink -Monday night wheu the visitons fromi the Motor Town nesed p eus gam-i-e froni stant to fiih Inu -wic(h somne bnlliant plsyîu$ was cou- tributed by hoth teamis. Moyse and WHITBY Piper Brothers played wcli fer the local tcam while Houck sud Row- d'eu were the pick cf yisitors. Iu an Intencoilegiate League gamne O M N IL played here Tuesdlay afternooa Bow- mnanville Hi-'h School defe-ated Wi FRIDAY, FEBRUAR' let. by 14-2. Wi- Report cf Bowmianville-port Hope . at 8.15 p. m. gaine appears ou page 6. On accouat cf soft ice the Dow-r TAYLOI'S ARENA mianville-Wiîitby Junior gamne bas been postpoued tili Friday, Pcb. 1,t,Ad iin 5 at Taylûy'.s Riuk d iso 5 SUCCESSFUL W. I. MEETING The Women's istitute held 1 ts Éégular meeting on Fý,iday afternooai at the home of Mrs. T. C. Jewell, Ontario-st., when a goodly .number, of ladies -was present. Mrs. W.ý B. Pollard, President, pccupied the chair and after a round of commun- ity singing led by Mrs. John A. Gunn, the business was transacted. -A piano duet was nicel1y rendered byý Mrs. M. F. Ifooper an~d Miss Peters.i Mrs. James G. Rickard gave ai short talk on "Howý to treat uIlon- g<eniial tasks". Mrs. Alex. ColevillIe sang a solo very nicely after whichi, a spellin g match was conducted by Miss l-taycraft, the words being fur- nished by the miembers, captaiped l'y Mrs. F. Jackman and IUrs. H. Jamie- son, the latter's side winning. A social hour was eijoyed and a hearty vote of thanks passed to the hostess. Next meeting on Friday, February 29, at the honte of Mrs. Qeo. Hl. Biek-eji, King-,st., when Mrs. Florence Smyti, Sperntendent of the Hos- pital, is expected to give an address. Her addresses are always practical and highly appreciated. HAMPTON- WOMEN-'S INSTITUTE Three interesting meetings of Women's Institute have been held since last report. November meet- ing at Mrs. Jas. Jebson's -%vs larg-ely attended and ail enjoyed a good de- bate "Resolved that Country Lif e 'has more aIv-,nita--es than City Life'" The aff.irmative \vas upheld by Mis Knox, Mr..Ente ancl Ms. Clat- worthy, while MViss Reynolds, Mrs. Niddery and Mary Niddery support-, ed the ne'-ative. Se ma-iny goo)d arg-um-en ts Were 1forthcomning that the judges, _Mrs. (Rev.) W. W. Joncs, Mrs. A. Peters and Mrs. Stevens, were obligedi to cali it a tie. Miss Ruby Clatworthy favored with a piano solo. Committees reported sending clothing valued at $72.00 toý North Ontario needy, and cannedj goixls valued at $20 to Sicl< Ghild-1 ren's Hospital, Toronto. Decemnber meeting at Mrs. F. Stonhouse's -was also a profitable meeting. A splendid report of theý Toronto Ccenvention was given by Mrs. A. H1. Cleniens and MissKo, and an interesting tayk on "Christ- mias" aise a "Christmas Story" by lVkrs. John Coiwill, Jfr. A few sug- g-estions on "Rest and Recreation for the Mother ini the homne" was --!yen by Mrs. Niddery. Ail the items on the program were well giveni and full of good practical suggestion's. A committec was appeinted to sec If the hot school lunch could be carried out in our villag~e sehool. This 15 Febi'uary 20-21 IPouglas MacLean in "Bell Boy 18" February 22-23 Dorothy Phillips la "'The, ol' A Stage By Ellinor Glynn Anna Q. Nilîson and James Jirkwood Fedbruary 29-March 1 "The Light That Failed"- By Rudyard Kipling The Shop That Leadsj Men's Overcoats~ and Suits SpecîaIly37 Reduced for Quick Clearance You WiIl Find This the Big Buying Ev'n't of the Year To make room for our Sping Ciothing we are offeriing for one week only our entire stock of this season's Overcoats and. Suits at next to Manu- facturers' cost. These garments are ,el1 madle, choice materiais and newest styles. dwingý to these big reductions charges mnust be made, should altera- tions be nece~sary. BIG SAVING ON OVERCOATS Overcoats, Regular $22.50 now 416.95 Overcoats, Regular $30.00 now $21.95 ÙOvercoats, Regular $28.00 now $19.95 SPECIAL VALUES IN SUITS Some of these Suits include extra trousers. Suits, Regu1ar $2-1.00 now ..$17.95 --Suits, Regular $25-00 now ...$18.95 Suits, Regular $27.50 now ....$9P *Suits, Regular $30.00 now ...$21.95 Suits, Regular $35.00 now ...$26.95 Lt xiii pay you to buy now even if you do flot require it immediateiy. L VE OL.OE JEWEL.RY SHOPPE-ALEXC ELLIOT /January 30-31 "The' Girl of the Golden West" wîith J. Warren Kerrigan and Sylvia Breamier February 1-2 Douglas MacLean in "A Man cf Action" February 4-5 Betty Compson in "The White Flower"- February 6-7 Katherine MacDonald in "Refuge"-- F'ebruary 8-9 S"Bright Lights of Broadway" with an Ail Star Cast February 11-12 Gloria Swanson in "Prodigal Dnughters" Febriuary 13-14 Constanc e Talmadg-e in "The Dangerous Maid" February 15-16 Ilouse Peteirs and Ahl Star Cast *ni '/Don't Marry For Money" Feboeuary 18-19 Madge Kennedy in -. N. THURSTON Bowmianville's Up-to-date H-aberdashery and iFur Shop. GETTING -WELL WORN? If your Purse or Hand Bag 1s'shabby, cilapi- dated, worniý-ser-ved its uséfulness-then, this little message will be of special interest to you: We have Il LUather Purses and Hand Bags ýlcft over from ou.r Christmnas trade whieh we have re-. duced to less than cost Price-to be exact they'are now marked at Haîf ]?-ice. Were originally $2.00 te $8.0ûJ. ReqI leather, silklined, some outfitted-.Mind, there's only eleven of them. By Special Permiission We have reeeived authority from the Ever- sharp Penicil Co., to sel auiy of their pencils now in stock at one-third less than regular pr'ices. Regular prices are $1.00 to $5.00. Figure what you Save at this rediictiçon. Jiist 9 left. No better. tim<e than right now to have your~ 'watch, dock or jewelry repaired. ALE, LLLIO T Ye Olde Jewelry Shoppe Bowmaiiville ý 1