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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1924, p. 4

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ni out, vertising is inserted free als Ar. Mitchell wats the first merobiant tly xame of firmn referred 1(jtin last week's paper-AdlvertisinL, Boards of 1, )choo1 Trustees May obtain musical instruments for' sehool purposes ini, good cQnd-it ion at pices that will be surprising--almos*t their own pric-es, by applying to F. J. MITCHELL Distributor, Bowmanville Telephones' 86, 92 and 105 )Ur Wants Antidcpated rhat's just our btisiness-to anticipate frorn o day what the hundreds of families in this and district require in the way of baking. Xe see that the baking is done under most r BOWMHANvILLE, JAN. 31, 1924 SOLINA Meeting of Solina Wami-en's In- stitute wiIl be held in the Church on -Tuesday afftarnoon,~ February 5th. The graicnmotheîs will furnish the progra m. A f ull attendance is re- quested as in-iportant business is to be brought before the meeting. Mr. Allan McKessock ýas hbomne tfromi Toronto over the week-end ... Muî. Darius Green was called ta Tor'- onto o'wing to Cie seriaus ilîness of his miother... . Smnall attendiance at Chunch Sunday owing ta the driftodl condition of the roads. . .. Mn. Jim IReynolds was at Toronto ...Dr. INichtols of the Health of AnimaIs De- partiment of Agriculture, was at Mr. A.LPascoe's .... Mr. A. Ayr.e sold a consîgmient of sheep ta go to Maine, U. S..Messrs. A. J. Balson and J. R. Kivelil lst their Percheron Stallion.. . . Mr. C. D. Pascoe had bis annual wood bee on Friday. . .. P. Whitney, Toronto, visited at Mrs. John Reynolds' aveu the week-endl . . . Hr. John Pascoe of Saskatchie- wvan, and Mr. Richard Walters, -Max- wells School Hanse, vissited at Mnr.1 John Pascoe's..Mrs. Kneister, HarmQny, is nursing Mrs. Mitchell who is still under the doctor's care. HAYDON Church service here on Sunday af- ternoon at 2 p. in. as usual. E-very- body welcome. vistor: J. E. Elliott, Bo- manville, andilMr. Elmier Sleminof, Toro)ntoI, et Mrs. R. Slemon's, whio is quite 111; Misses Mande Ashton, Lue-a Seves and Winnie Oke, En- niklevisited at Mr. A,~ Beech's. League service here or Sunday evening wvas well atten'ded. The President again took charge of the devotional exercises. Programi was in ch~arge of Mr. Cecil Sleman. , Bible Lesson wýas taken by Mus. H. Ashton. Topic was given by Miss Meta Ash-, ton and Mu. Theron Mountjo. Musi cal numibers weue given by the Or-ý chestua and a chorus by five boys.;I Readings were given by Mr. Fred Ashton and Mus. W. Tboinpson. League was dismissed by the Mizpahý ay nigbt our Leagtie enjQy- it froni Salemi Lea'gners. had assenibled Mn. C. Averyl the chair and led in the exeucise, ý P&ogram was ýn by the Salemn League. 'A was nicely given by Miss [kins followed by a selection Male Quartet. The next ýg nuniber was the debate 1that religion bas confer- Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke and family and Mis: C. Woods, Orono, visited hýer mnother. Mrs. J. L. Johns, who hai been quite lI... Mn. C. Hastinde and Mr. C. Stonhouse are attendinig the funieral of Mn. T. PeterI at Et bîcoke ... . Mn. ,nd MPis. 'A. Pet-ýV recenitly entertaîned the- mmrsof the Bibl-e Class Exéeýutivc, and a numiber of othensý...The Young People's Leag-ue vix'ted Tyrone Leag- ue last Thursday nIight ...Coni- g,-ratulations to Miss B. Sargeant,, Miss Ruth Johns and Dr. E. Kers- lake on winning the debkate at Ty- rone .... The young people are pie- paring a programn for Valeèitine's ni;gt.... Qilarterly mneeting service -will be held on Sunday evening next...Dr.E. G. Kersiake has been, kept qujite busy lately. v......The ice harvest bas begun on Hampton pond. It's not too late ta buy a dress at, 25%off negular prices at Coach, Johnston & Cëryde-rmian's. MAPLE GROVE spent stev- Miss Leagne i day ever weather in,, Stell when Jeý story of slides wv Pastor M charge o viola St, Ebellezel Grave Lea Glad ta recoveredl ain was' d by al recent- i Th-urs- ýcament le uead- ýow and Power; lantern by the waslni v~td MapieI1 night. ýtr her opera-1 n Bowmnanvillel of our baking regularly, P. Corbett ýce.ssor to Thomas Tod) ifctionier Bowmanville Ir "Life-Buoy" Rubbers Protect your he-alth. Save doctor bill§. 'ilulhiffiThey are -made in shapes to fit any shoe, and 1wýea-r longer thant other malkes do. Prices vary according to 1 Iii size, in children's 75e to 90e Mns ..................$1.50 Wome .............. $1,15 Boys'._...... ......$1.20 Misses'.................. $1.00 Men's Dolrset -White Sole & Heel fLor, farm wear $3.75 Knee Boots with redt sole pressure cured $5.00 pair ýs foür woi.nen ren s city bootý "silk legs and Iined, 8 to 101,> ...$2.50 pair .sizes $3.25 pair hn and get a pair Pay Cash i the rt' m.i ai real jolly urne. TYRONE A social hour will be le1dl in con-1 nection with the W. M.L S. meceting' on, Thursdlay, Fehruary 7th atù 2. 'D p. ni., in the chunch vestry. Cordial invitation is eten fdoa al, A,ýnniversàrysricson undy iast wene tveuy well attended c onsidi- ering ,he terrible noa'ds and weather.; our mlinister. Rev. M. Sanderson gave usý very inteuesting aTnd helipfnul se'rmrons at bath serviýes: I A very int'eresting League service asheld here on Thuusday evenîng w\ýhe-n Hamlpton Leagne visited ou League. Amnongst the interestingl numiribers of the evening w-as a de- bate "Resolveci that Religion bas coiiferred miore benefits on the world~ upheld by Miss Sergl-ent, Miss Johns and Du. Lrîk of Hamipton, and the tiegative by Miss M. L. Wight,, Mn. A. Hilîs and Mn. A. W. Annis. The judges gave thiein dlecis-ion in favon of the affirmnative although the negative deserve mach praise for the ale way in -which they condncted the science question The timie- keepers were Mr. W. S. Staples andi Mrl. \W. Wilbur. Music -was funnishi- ed by miembers of Ham,-pton Leagne. After ani inteuesting ceontest a sca hpuu 'was spent. Missesý Louise and Margaret Lilli- crap haýve retnrned ta their home in Ganninigton afteu a mnonth's vis;it with thelir sister, Mrs. F. L.Bym . iMr. J. 1), Colwill is viisiting friends here.. . Misses Elvan and Marjonie An.-nis, Du-nbeýrton, visited at Mu. A. H.BrenVs. . isMrae o spentý a f aw days -with friands 1-in Bowiljaniville. . A sleî'gh ioad frn Shere îttended( the chicken pie sup- per at Bted and the draina "The Little, Brown Moanse" given by Ennisý- illen young people on 'Fridýay night lenst '1nd( report a good 4 ýimé'1 ... .On Modyevcning theý draina entitled "Uner the Laurels"' was weil gi en by the miemibers of the Epworth feague. Th'b acts ý,eue inteusper- sed hýy music by Mn. C. S. H111alîma, Dr. C. W. Siem-on and Miss V. Stap- l es, Bowmianville, and -Misses iSile and Florence Gardiner. Proceeds $35.00. ...Mr. and Mus. Art Smiith, Raglan, visited ber parente, Mr. and Mus. Thomnas Scott. Winter just seems ta be starting. You will -et a lot of wear out of that new coat at one-third off r'egn1ar price. Couch, Johaston & Cryder- absence of -eléveén- yeýars.- Glad 'to see im ilooking so well. . . .Reeve ,w. Rn. Courtieattend'ed Counities Coun-, cil recently at Cobourg. ENNI SKILLEN League WedÏnes'da1,-y evening in c-harige of President Roy McGill. Af- ter openiniý'exercises Rev. R. G. Caýrruthers, Blackstock, led in pray-, er. The (del,,at'Le "Res-olved that, RPeligion has coniferred greatèr bene- i lits upon the worhd than Science", was debated affirmatively by Lhe Black-l stock teamn conisisting 'f'Of Mrs. R. G.ý C'arruthbers,' Mrs. Wallace -Marlow an'd Mir. George Crawfordý, and neg-ativeI hy the > home teani consisting qf Miss Laura ' Andrew, Mr. Frank D'rland end Mr. H{arold Gillelan. The jud- ges -were The High ScIrool teacher, iMr. Mas- -Malcolm, 1Blackstock, and1 Mr. E. E. Staples, Enniskillen, and Lad a very hard tasýk in deciding- that the negatîve won, by one andl a hýglf points. The debate was great- ly enjoyed by aIl. 'A piano trio w-as îcely renderedî by Misses Mande Aýshton, Wiinnie Oke and M-aster Or-1 ville Ashton. A s;olo by Miss AInial Werry "The OIdl-Fashionedý House in an Old-F1ashioned ow",wa s greatly enjoyed. After which a social haîf hour was spent. Lunch w'as ,served by the Young people .... The "Tra,-e Blue Class" met at the home of their teacher, -Mrs. (Dr.) U . Ferguson and elected the follo- OkeY ViceiPes-ili Wallae Seetar- dsStainton; Treas- Luella Stevens; Sick Comm'litte- IMary Wallace and Miauade Ashton; j Look-Out Comi.-Mnrjaîoie Smith and Elva Griffin.,. Mr. Alfred Brown and b,-ride (nee Rose Cronie) of Sas- kathewnare honiey-mooning with relatÉives hçbre. -Sony to report thait Master Freddi - e Tre-\iýin is con- fined to his home through Ilînes. His little friend~s and schooj chumsý wish him a sped rcove-y ... . Glad to see Miss Florence Brunt is able ta be àmongst us again ... . Miss Lenore Beathanm is attending Albert Collage, Belleville. The Ca'nadiain Statesman iS $2.00 a year -aand worth it. Subscribe To-day JOHN'STON'S M ID INTE SALE ENDS ml SATURDAY liL FEBRUARY 2 kÂL Em SALE ENDS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2 Our Mid-Winter Sale is in full swing, every article of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing and Furnishings in our store is recjuced to prices that should fil1 this store to capacity every day during the week. This Sale needs no - introduction. Ainy person within 15 miles of Bowman- ville knows, what it means to the purchasing public, and hundreds, of shrewd and careful buyers wili take advantage of it. Everything in the store reduced. Men's Ovçrcoats We have on'ly 30 Coats ieft in our store-ail sizes from 36 to 42-but broken lines-worth regulaly. from $30.00 to $50.00. Out they go' at $19.75, $22.50, $32.00 Boys' Overcoats This lot is for boys from 12 to 18 years-in fancy Olive, Fawn, Grey and Brown shades-all round or fhree-piece belt, shoulder or ful lined. Coats worth $14.00 for ....$10.50 Coats worth $16.50 for ....$11.50 Coats worth $2000 for ....$13.50 Coats worth $24.QO for ....$16. 75 Men's Odd Pants Regular $2.75 Pant for ....$2.10 Regular $3.0 Pant for....$2.30 Regular $4.00 Paint for ....$32 Regular $5.00 Pant for ....$3.75 Regular $6.00 Pant for ....$4.75 HEADLIGHT OVERALLS AND SMOCKS In Blu.e Stripe or Black, Special $2.35 lVen's Suits In Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, plain and fancy patterns, in young men's S. B. and D. B. modie1s and the 2-button and 3-.button Sac Suit for the conservatîve dressers. Sizes 34 to 46. Suits worth $15 to $16.50 for $10 Suits worth $18,50 to $20 for $15 Suits worth $22 to $25 for $18.50 Suits worth $25 to $30 f or $22.50 Suits worth $32 to $35 for $27,511 Suits wPrth 38.50 to $40 for $32.50 We guarantee every Suit to be just as represented or money back, Men's Blue and Grey' Serge Suits Men, nowý, is your oppor-,unity to secure a pure WTool Fine Tw,,ill or Fancy Herringborie Serge Suit. Suits worth $30.00 for ... $22.50 Suit,,wrt $35.00 fo-r ...$25.00 Suits worth $38 to $40 for $28.50 Every Suit is Pure Wool and guar- anteed fast colors'. 4Ven's Work Shirts In Khaki, Grey, Black, Blue and Fancy Colors in Cotton or Wool Malterials. Regular $1.25 Shirtsfor ......95 ýReg-iarm $1,50 Shi-ïrts for ...$1.15 Regular $1.75 Sirts for. .$1.25 Regular.,$2.00 fShirts.for.$1.50 Regular $2.50 Flannel Shirts $2.10 3 Doors East of Standard Bak Every Boys' ,Suit has extra Bloom- ers-we have rédue~ed every suit in this store and -we offer wonder- fui values in this department- Tweeds, Homespuns andi Wor- steds, in Oreys, -Browýns, Olive and Fancy Cloths, sizes 26 to 36. Two Bloomer Suits, Regular 12.50 for................................ $9.75 Two Bloomer Suits, Regular $13,50 for,............$10.75 Two BomrSitRglr$15 for ............................... $11.75 Two Bloomer Suite, Reg. $17.50 ]Boys' Two Bloomer Suits In Blue S§erge Very specially priced for -this sale Blue Serge Suits, Regular $15.00 for ............................. $11.75 Blue Serge Suits, JRqgular $12.00 for ............................... $8.75 Boys' Odd BIoomers and Knickers In Tweeds an~d Blue 8ergiýs for ages2 to 18 years and priced at~ 20% lîscount Off Regular Price Men's and Boys' ,Furnishings 1 Penrman's Pure Wool Ribbed Un- deriWear, regular $1.50 for .... $1.00 Watson's Shirts and Drawers- Regular $2.50 for ......... 20 Regular $2.00 for .. ......... $1.60 Regular $1.50 for- .......... $1.15 Mén's Comnbinatins- Regular $2.00 f or ... .-ý....... $1 .60 Regular $2.50 for ...........$9 Regular $3.00 f or ..........$2.35 Regular $4.00 for>.....$3.15 Regvilar $4.50 for.....36 B.oys' Underwear 75c Fleece-likned for,...........60 75ic Merino for ...--............ .60 $1-35 Pure Wool for...e..... $1.00 '$1.50 Pure Wool for ........$115 $1.65 Pu1re Wool for .......$1.25 Boys' Combination, Underwear- Pernman's $1,50 values for .... $1.15 APenmanp s $2.25 ,values for .... $1.65 Penmran's $2.50 values for .... $1.95 Peinman's $3.Ô0 values for.... .$2.35 Men's Ilose Cashmere Hose 20% Discount HATS HATS HATS Any Veloûr Hat, Regular Prices $6.50 and $7.50, to go at ...$4.75 20OPer Cent Reduction on al Mi en's Fine Shirts ý'Jo!hnston 's BOWMANVILLE AND OSHAWA ,MEN'S SWEATER COATS, Warren's quallty only, Regular $8,50 and $10, to go at $5.95 25% Reduction on, Al Boys' and'Men's Piglovers '$weaters and Jerseys Phone 271 HANIPTON 1 Boys, suits 1

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