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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1924, p. 6

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q i AWANCE nescday after- ýg 1924, with er, or should ursày: 5 I rDR.1 nday.Pho ýWELL PARISIAN LADIES' AND GNS TAILORS .Crydlerman e ndston-e on Eniquire at The LEÇsAL,, 1Wý F iiental or moral shijawrec-k. y others f ound thei~cUrn rily unniothered during the s absence at -work, getting ad company, bad habits and ng violaters of law and candi- .or juvenile court, the ind-ast-' iool, the reforniatory and even r50fl and penitentiary. This -edy for the mother and the i. It is also consumimate f olly comnumunity, the province and ,on. )rovidle for a delinquent costs more than to provide for the ýhild as a dependent proper'ly d and cared for. ýe in reaent years various pro- have accepted the view that hilîdren are thelr wards an'd be provided for as such, th3xt )ther is ordinarily the bhet to care for these wards 4and pays to relieve the miother of 'dons of hreadwinner, set- rfree to give al ber time to ural fu-netion of enothering hildîren for the province and We have received two large shipments of the lat-ý est desiogns in wall decora- tionis, suitable for any room' and at very re'ason- able prices. We will be pleased to show you. W. T.Allen Big 20 Bookstor( some of us elldarly indu lctualts wonl-1 der if s;he really means us. She1 says the festive season through which -,v have recenttly passed is the seasoni of the year, more than at anty other, when we allow our meni- ories to recali the times and festive seasons of long ago. But we not only cliwell upon these iemories: we Salso sigh for then 'i over again, andý very often wilfully hli-nd ourselves t o the présent and helieve in leavingLý the light-heaýrted joyousness to the youngsterca. So wve move on one aide and shut ourselves up in dreams of the past. Now we Ôught to live in the pros- ent and let ourselves share and on-J joy' the many gayeties with which Oie are surrounded, instead of look- ing and feeling moody and msr able, and imagining thait life is hardtly worth living because %we can-, arot live again the dead past of childhood and youth. It is-really r worse than foolish, for by so doing, we cut off any efforts of others to bring us joy.i Memories are very, very dear, very precious indeed, buft, like turning th eleaves of a scrap-hook they areý pleasant to look upon for a few moments, after whieh we ought tol close the b'ook and retura to' the present. Because, after ail (and Bowmanville Hleafth Id buy thie 1beat. -0-3 ~E500 is the pturest and mnost scientifica11y prepared tea, sold todav'. - Try it. Bowuianilile NOTICE Take Notice that- lst The Coundil o, the Mlunicipal Cor- poration of the Town of Bowmanville bas cosrutd saLoyal Ipoeetthe folJoýwing *work: A A Water main on Thirdl Street and W e jc asl pull them forth other people's1 Evervthng "-- ish as owa Electicalcollections and miorbid gratificat RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOlNG EAST GOING WEST 8.42 a. mn.* 4.22 a. .F 9.06 a. in. S 10.0 7 .m 1.0.38 a. n. D 2.2 P. xn.1 1. 26 1p. rn. * 7.13 p. m. 3.00) 9P. rM.58.24 p. mx.* 7.14ip. n.58.03 P. in. 9.58 p. ni. D 12.29 a. mn. P F-Flag D-Dally ý'-BaiJy except Sunday. CANADIAN PAGfrIC AL Y GOING EAST lît OING WEST 10.18 a. ni. 5.53 a. m, 2.46 p. mi. 6.U0 a. ni 10.08 P, M..2M0 a. im. 11.17 p., n. 4.40 P. Mi. 12.26 a. m. 7.42 p. m., CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION Going East lGoint West 6.34 p. mn. D 8.15 a.m. D 4.10 P. aM. X 8,10 a.m. x D. Mondai' Wednesday and Frldaw X. Tuesday ThursdaY and Baturday.. !r postag~e. 60c. a i_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MAORRIS CO. CompleteMtor or Hoi-se Equipmei ING il calîs proxnptly attended to. If you would and a grouser, sonable modern you can, or at interestefi. and, given. Ind,,es. e in 1922 the rper fanlily wý ia, the figures for ýook's Regulatirné "If we As -we If we And rei See our Boys' Sweaters, $1.50 for 98c, only a few eft price. Coiich, Johnston & man. WOMEN IN ALL PA The financial and na5tionafl loss averted is great. The persona] an'd, doniestic traie'dy averted lih 1calcul-j able. The young li'ves saved froa wreck and ruin are of inestimablei value in the sight of God and men. COULD HARDLY STAND THE PAIN Digestive weaknesses tortur- ed Mr, Hicks tili Dreco came to help him. Won-j derful improvement re- suits f roui one bottie of! this grand remedy. Mr. Allan Russell Hicksa of 24 West Lynn Ave., Toronto, was hav- ing- a terrible timie of it whei ho for-, tumtely heard o Dreco and dacided I to 'try it. Here is bis experience with this g-reat natural health-buiild- noliday promotion commîrattee, looksu mate meat, and h( down" for his ýdol a murmur. Blesi town business mai AMATEUR Tells of Dodd's Mrs. C. t Wvay, r551oiial Most for the money and puality the hest is wha-)t you --et in asuit or overcoat at Coi.lch, Johnston & Cry- deriiaa's. weak idnKeys. Tney are usecl ancil recommnended ail over the civilizedI world. Dodd's Kidney Pilla have restoredi sound health to thousands of trotub- led womnen and men. Obtained from ail driuggists, ori The Dordds IMeicine Co. Ltd., Tor- onto. AULD LANG SYNE It sing-ethI low in every heart, We hear it each-1 and ai- A song of those who inz;wer not, However we piay cali. ThJy throng the silence of the lreast We see them n as of yore- The kinir, the brave, the true, the swe et, Who wn-lk with us no more. 'Tis hard to take a burden u~p When these have laid it down; They, brightened ail the joys of life, They softenied every frow'ln; , But oh! 'tis good to Vhik oftem 'When we are troubled sore! Thanks ha to Co'd that 'such have been, Althougii they are no moral More homielike seemis the vast un-ý lcnown Since they have entered there; To follow theni were not s0 hard, Wherever they Dmay f are; They cannot ho where God is not- On any sea 'or shore; Whate'er lbetides, Thy love abides- Our, God foravermore.1 -John Whfte Chadwick.1 The special assessment is to be paid in tent anualinstalments. The. estimated lifetimie offtle wok twý,ý-ety years,. i 'O A Court of Revision will be ld on the 6th ayofFerury,12 , 730 o'clock, P. M., at thie Couineil Chaniber in the! Municipal Bu>Iildlingý, in the Townl of B'ow- manville, for the pjurpose f 0 a1 n compflaints agaiïst the proposed 'a11,,1- Ments or the acurc of fro;ntatge ileasurements and any' ot(her,1,compiaintý wihpersons intereated mla1 1Y desite toi niatke and which is by-iaw cognizal$eo by thecCourt. John Lyle, Town Clerk. ]Jated at Bowmat-nville this 19th dIay of JaInuary A, D., 1924. 4 -2w IJhles wors hoexpelled froim the systeni, no ohild can be healthy. IMother Graves' Worm Extermninator ,is an excellent ftneicine to ,destroy~ Worms. -Sick -Nervous -Dyse i Relleved by Zutoo 1_ASTHIUSEH 1just Swo a pCapsule Restores normal breathing, stops mucus bterns nthe bronchial tubes, gives longnghsof quiet sleep; continis no hbtfrigdrug. $Lon1 at your druggiý_,sts. Send 4c in Stamips for a gen11erous sample. Teniletos t2 KnWest, Toronto. GUAIRANTED RELIEF ~ For Sale By Jury & Lovel ESTABLISHED 1857 Imp<urter direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and orily the best grades aof %rERMONT BLUE MARIBLE 1 emnloy no ce-metel-y caretakerq _9 igents preferring to oeil my own goods thus saving the purchaeer the agenmt's commission. A eaUl solicited. F. M. BOUNSALL proprietor. SowmarivIII.. The Greatl BhgLisli Preparatein.. 1ones and invigorates the whole' pervous system. makes new Bloodi in old Veins. Used for Nervous ËepidnDebility, Mental and Brain Worry, CepndnyLoss' of I3ner-y, Palpitation. a/ the Hearl, Failiig Meroryt. ?rice$2pe-boxi.t for $5#IDSoI4 Iby al 1 ruggists, or mai led ini plaur pkg. on receipt of price.>New pamkhlit mailAi re&Te. VWOOD MEZpiÇIftE O.JGRGNTO,OWT. [Imm CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAYS Double Track Route Between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago tJnexcelled dinIng car serv'ce. S1eep,.. ing cars on night trains and parloy Cars on the principal day train«. Fil infor~mation fromn any Grand Trunk Ticket Agenat or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-. ontoý ~J . H. . JURY', Agent Phonze 78 Bowmaawlfl DR.,,S. or, sonie e. 1 WJ. SL JAMES BENNETT rate per loot Ir, A si(lewalk 4 fe,

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