Thurston is Men' s Sy, and Store îixtures. Sýtock at Cost 1i09 1 and Less. to condiions- over whjIich we e no control we have deemed it advisable to. seli out our haberdashery anti fur.businîess starting immediately. To accomplish this in the shortest we are putting on a Cigantic Sale in whichk every artic-le-including Store Fixtures--has been reduced in price to at least cost, and in many instances less than cost. Let usý' you the fi-act that we do , ot expect to make monxey ouit of thiis Sale. Our one aîm and desire is to dispose of the goods quickly, and without too great a losa. As f ar as we are con- be a "No Profit Sale". T he stock is al1 high tclass qualfity-coansiderable goods have been received for this Spring's seling. elow prices we haemarked tiiese Poods one, flot familiaer with our stock, migbt th%,nk the goods were old or shop worn,-but you have only to visit our shop to he convinced of the 0t grade iuateerials heing offered. As everything in the store must be sold we have nothing to hold back. It is an opportunîty which will compel may thrifty shoppers to lay in a iings for years. And you ca-n't very -well blame them. Read for yourself sonia of the hargaîns and visit our store early while selections are at their best. Nothing on iexchanges SWEATER COATS Jumibo Knit, Regular $â.50 ..... .. -........... Now $3.79 Jumbo Knit, Regular $7.00 .....................Now $4.79 Fancy Knit, H-eavy, asso-rted trimmings, Reg. $8.50, Now $6.49 UNDERWEAR Men's Comibinations', Penman 95, -,-e sizes only, Regular --4..5.......... -l........... ............... Now $2.69 'ýShirts and Drawers, Penman 95, R"g $2.00....Now $1.19 Men's Conmbinations, ....a $.2 ......... Now $1,49 Mený's Combinations, Regular $2.75-....... .... Now $1.89 Men's Combinations, Regular $3,2 .......... Now $2.19 Regular 50 Now $16-95 Borsalino, this NO. SHIRTS 1 dlt f ma andi -IAKI P. .00 and .Nowl NECIKWEAR tlar- 75c....39c Ilar $1.50-.89C $..69C LINEN COLLARS Arrowi and Tooke -Mâkes, all the new shapes, Regular 25c,_......................_....New 21ceach or 5for $1.00 OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Big "B" Brand in Black Blue, Regular $2.00.... .New $1.69 KHAKI COMBINATIONS Regular $3.50-......._-............................ .Now $2.69 MEN'S SCARFS Lot No. 1 Woollen .... ..._................. ...... 69c Lot No. 2, Woolleni, Regu-lar $1.75 and $~0 Fr$1.39 Lot No. 3, Sillk, Regular $3.00 and $4.00 ..........For $2.29 MEN'S GLOVES Cap'e Gloves, Greyî, TanBon, Reg. $3,'50 ....Now $2.69 Suedle Gloves, Grey an-d Bruwnr, Reg. $2.75 ....Nowv $1.79 Suedle Gloves, Grey, Regular $2.00- . .......,..Now $1.49 Grey and Brown Silk Lined, Reg. $2,25 and $3, Now $1.69 Grey Su9de, Wool Lined, Regulat $2,50 .......Now $1.89 Browý,n Mocha, lined, Regular $2,00 .......-....Now $1.49 Tan Cape, lined, ReguIar $2.50, ............... Now $1.89 BonMocha Mitts, .......-..................... Special1 $1.00 WORK SIHIRTS In Djark Blue, k, Flannel and Dûck, also Blue Cham- bray, Reguflar $1,75 to $2.25 ....................Now $1.29 SWEATERS ROI Neck and V-Neck, assortIed colors and tri ns var- ious weights, Regular $4.50 to $6.00........... Now $3.49 FURS FURS FURS Furs în this Great Sale iniclude Sable, Martin, Fitch, Hud- son Seal, Mink, IBeaver, Wolf 'andf Coon. Aýi few of the re- dluctions include: 1 only, French Seal1 Coaàt, Austraflian Opposum trimmed, 381obust, 40 inches long, regular $235.00, Sale Price $1 65.00 1 lare able Cape-, Regul ar $85, 00 ...........For $67.30 ilarge Sable Cape, Regular $135,00 ..._.......For $97'.50 1 oniy, French Seal Shawl Cape, Reg. $30,00 For $21.50 1 only, Manchurian Sable Wolf Stole, Regular ý$27.50 For $20.00 1only, Natural Wolf Stole, Regular $15,00 For $10-00 i Oflly Natural Wolf Stole, Regular $13,50. ..For $9.00 G.N.--Tîhu.rston, Bowmanville Meni's, Shirts and Draweir Mei-'s Shirts and Drawver Maj ~O0f This P-3.7 5. ................... Now $2.69 ;5.00 .. ........... -....... Now $3.49 ........................ Now $4.69 35 ................. ..Now $2.69 Dýtlar- $1.25 ................ Now 89c ~'lr$1.75 ............Now ,v$1.29 gular $3ï,50 ...........Now $2.69 u1r$2M.-00 ........ ..Now $1.69 Prwear Is Ail Pure WooI Co ,ttont, Lisle, fancy shadfues, IRe2'g'. 5ea 0d--, !3c pair or 2 pair for '25c- Jlercerized Cotton Sox, do0uble heel and toe, Regular 50e .... Now- 39c pair or 3 pair $!.Io Plain Lisle Hose, IReg. 50e and 60c .... Now 39c Silk Hose, Mercury"Jntrwoenandt other well kniown Enes, Reg. $1 and $1,25, Now 79c Silk and Wool Hllose, leg. 1,25... ýOw 89C Silk an-d Wool Hose, Reg. 85e.... Now 69c Hose of English Worsted an-d Cashmere yarnis, season's latest, heather shades,' etc., Regular 85c and $1.00 ...............Now 69C Fançey Eýnglish Clocked Hose, Regular 90e ..........Now 69c English Ribbed Hose in heather, lavat and plain shades, Regular 85e to $15 ........................ ..... .....Now 59e Special-Jaeg-ar Plain 8lack Cashmere Hose, all sizes, Regular $1,00 ........... NOW 49c Leav NSECKWEAR -ial Kitted Ties,, Regular - -............. ...N ow 59e