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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1924, p. 5

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Mr. Harold Tliurston, Toronto, Sundayad fiV home. Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, spent the -we ek-endi at hom-e. Mr. Ross Gale, Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives here. DJance in Newcastle Commiunity Hall on Wednesday, Februaiy 27th. Mdrs. J. N. McDougall is- visiting, lier sister, Miýs T. C. Osborne Wlit- by. Miss Beatrice Devitt, Victoria Collage, Toronto, spent Sun'day atl biorne. NIrs. George Claplaia, Iinlois ivislitg her dugliter, Mis. W. J.. M:Aorrison. Dr. J. S. Somers, Toronto, pn the week-end witli his sister, Mis, Clipps, Oshawa, visited Mressrs. Milton and Toronto, Mi. andi ent , Campbell was guest of1 F. C. Vanstonie, "Cedari itow%ýn. r. A. E. Luke recent.- parents, Mr. and Mis. Whitby, iber of Ladies' Porehl 'o00ta$2-75. Coucli, ryderman. St. Paul's Young- it on Friday February ue 1Boom nat S o'clock. s. J. Frank- George af te on Thuisday guests rs. W. C. Washington. wýiidow% of late Judgea Cobourgl, feli on icy eutly nid splintered a .Edutondstone aud iattended the.- Spring ýning-s lu Torontohsi tIdate for the 11usical entertainumeut in For- iTusdy February, rs. Russiel Brown andý )nbuig-, Pa., are visit-' ts, Mr. and Mis. Thos.J lce, tney wi l a of troublé as W. Cox and LOCAL AND OTHERWISE i Mis. T. P. Tennant, Toronto is visiting Mrs. J. W. Kniglit. Somne articles that can2ie late are for lack of space, held overi Owing- to snow-bIociked roads mucli country news failed to corne. 13 Fur-Collared Coats at exactly haif price. Coucli, Johnston &z CrVdeîman. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wv1adle and Wallace, 'Toronto, spent Sundlay withi lier str Miss Eli-lersonl. 1 MissBehaMynd has ret-ui-- ed home after three we'eks' visit wvithi with hier cousin, Miss Florence Moorei Toronto. Breakfast Bacon, sliced 30c lb; Smnoked Picnic Hams 18c lb; Pick-ýled Picnýiic Hamns 17e lb-týhis week 01nlY at G. A. Edmi-ondston-e's. The White Shi'eld Club will hold its mneeting on February 12, 1924,, in St. Paul's Lecture BRoomn at 8 p. m. s ha rp. Don't for-get yo'uî valentine. Mrs. W. E. maybee, Port Hope, celeibrated' lier 95th birthday on Fri- dlay and *Was able to see a few friends who called to congratulate lier. Mr. W. Hl. Thickson, Deputy- Reeýve, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bur- dlen and tw;o children attende:d the funeral of the late Mrs. Chas.' Buar- des at Buffalo on Tuesday. Mr. Alpha Pinceh has sent us a let-ý ter fromn El Paso, Texaýs, where Mrs. Pinceh and lie are visiting lis broth-. er Beraý J. Pinch, 12'30 M1yrtîre Ave. Letter il appear in nx issue. 1Mr. . J. Bragg, _M. P. P., and Mayor T. S. Hîolgate were in Osh- awa on Tu:esday evening attendling the comiplimentary banquet given in honor of Mr. W. E. Ný. Sinclai, M. P. P. Postponed-The Dance and Euecire at Wing-foot Hall is postpon- edý fromi Febîuary, 8 to February 15. Th«s is to allow- everyonýe a chance to 'attend the big Junior Hockey match on Friday evening. The barn of Mr. Wmn. Grey neari Gard-fen lilwas bvrned w' itli a quantity of miachinery, 100 bushels of oats, 1.50 bushel,,s of barley, a quantity of buckwheat, hay and( straw alid 100 liens. Barn and contents were coveîed by insurance. Pire1 was caused by the upsettinig p a ]an-' tern on tlie floor. BIRTHS I4AWTHORNE-In Kendal, Jan. 8th.,! to Mr. and Mrs. Puey Hwhre a son. GRAHAM-In Orono, Janu.-ry -1 19,24, to Air. anmi Mrs. Oscur Grahan, a. son. ( John.) I-ODERT-At Victoria PrivaeRs pital, Toronto, on Thurrsday, Janay. 1 to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. 1-odgert, (nee, Ethel HIoney). 255 Riverdale Avenue, a son. (Albert Keith.) daughi B OWMANVIJJLE, FEB. 7th., 1924.; ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-White Leghorn Pullets, PIark strain. R. M. OCampbell. Liberty tret, Bowmnanville. 6 -1w:1 F0R SALE-7 I-wee-ka,' eld Ynrkslr jg. F. swallow1,lot 20, cqncession 2 Darlwinigton, phonie 142.1w" FOR SALE-16-Horse Power Steaan Engine. Portable. For particulars ap-1 pIy to Fraunk Malcolm, Nesleton, Ont! 6-2w FOR SA LE-Çhesterfield, Wardroye,' Domninion Pino, ail practically new. Bar- gin for cquick /,sale. Ap)pli to EUriist Osoncornier1. ing. anS Ontario Sts., LBowmianville. 6-1w LOSI OR FOUND F0 UN D-At Salerm Cjiýhuc shedearjy in Januatry alarge Brown lCnit ed scarf. Owner maýy hvesameý by pajyinge- penses and phonig21-. 5-tf LOST-Býetweeýn Bowmanvilie an(2o- bourg Janary-6, suit catse contining1 blue suit, soldier's button,, d1iechargeý cirticte in wallet. Makny othier ar- ticles. Rwr for return to G. A. Brown, Coiborne, Ont.. Il. R. 2", cire of WANTED WANTED--Ilorse weighing between 1,250 to 14,0 lbS. Suitable for milk de- livery wagon. APPlY ta RP. IR. Stevens, R. Rý. 3, oniî, phone 17r3 -tf W, ANTED-Mýarried,,lC'uple desiring- furnlishedousefor, providing room.and boalrd foriwnr.Write for particular1s ta Drawer B, Bowýmanville. 443w." WANTED-Çook general, or nurse-1 maid for private homne in Windsor. Ex-l perience preferre(d but not essential. For! further particulars apply Government1 Emnploymnent Service,.,Oshawa, Ont. 6-1wl WANTED-Alan to work farm on shares, one ileb west of Bowmianville, 140 acres land, 30 acres in orcbard. Good 1water privileges, stock anS1 implements supplied. Apply H. A. Farrowv R. R.. No. 3, Bowmanville, phone 124r14. 6-tf WANqTED-Ini your locality, lady ta demonistratte "Pit-Foirt" Rber-Tl Water Bottle, combined wlth special do- *mes tic -ntr-atciens oething- entîirely new. lHousehold ncsty rt for phaimp)hlet. Thie Satmpson Rbe Compatny Limited, Beleville, Ont. 5 -2:1 PROPERT'Y FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RnNT--$ricik -o contiaining C, ro, luBowanvile ply to W\. AM. IVes,Cet-.,B r ville. FARM FOR SAL.E-100 acres eh( soli. one, mile fromi Nestleton Stat Cartwright T.Iownisipl, large brick ho wpitli furnae, barn jj150>Qfeet long-, stone foundation and cerment floors, di shied,.1100 fruit !!,ees, 1000 berry bus beairiig. This farm is well fenced, in high state of cultivation, fali plou ing doue. Possession qlnl terms ranged. For particulars apply F. Bealcock, PExclusive Agent. 114 5vo view Ave., Toronto. TO LET ROOMS? FOR RENT-At present oc pied by Bowmnanville Business CoIL Modern conveniences. Possession, lst. Apply to Mrs, T. C1. Mason ori Mason & Sou.4 Misýs Florence -Moore, Toronto, is visitingli er cousin, Miss Bertha May- nard. A lot of Ladies' Blouses at hall price. Coucli, Jolinston &Ç- Cryder-. man's. Dr. F., Trenton, xithla deputation of medîcal men waîted on Hastings County Council urging ac- tiori to îemedy conditions ini North Hatneby p)rovi'diïng better medi- cal aid and liospital and nursig ser- St. Valentine's Day, February 14th -the finest selection -we have ever shown, beautiflul andi artistic, comic qnd humiorous but flot offensive. Post Ca,-rdsL that you will enjoy sending as well as îeceiv-Ing. W. T. Allen, Big 20, Booketore. COBOURG HORSE S140W The dates for Coboiîg Show, 1924, at the annual meeting of the association were fixe'd f or August 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. Blection of offi- dais resulted: President-J. D. Hlay.. den; Vice-Preident-J. B. MeCol;- Secetary-4. H. Davilson; Treas- urer--J. W. Spragge. Finances of Association were re- ported by treasurer to be in good condition, a balance on hand and grants wouldi he redeived 'from the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ments. Cobourg couducts the banniez horse show, of this Province in face of automobile cotepetition. Fancy dr-iving horses are rnuch iess inumer- Bacon and Hams Reduced In Price We are mnaking a special tXis week of the fol- lowing Gunn's Famous Tip Top Bacon and Hams: Gunn'is Tip Top Breakfas't Bacon, sliced 30e lb Guinn's Tip Top Smoked Pienic Hams ....18e lb Gunn's Tip Top Pickled Picnic Hams...17e lb 20 lb. Pail Pur*e Maple Lard ................$3.50 Remember these prices are for this week only G.A. mondstone of F. F. Morris Co. Bovananville inse, Ap- Iilti 'tion. witli rive and tighi- Saturday Specal-WhiteHalMrsho --- Cher~ry Chocolates, regular 60e for ..........49e lb Several other special linesof 60e chocolates )c for 49e on Saturday. lege.Eskimo (Ice Cream) Pies 10e each. 44 -t BUY CAKES AND FANCY BUNS FROM WAGON son, teachei DEATHS J 'L' iJ):i cie(ton unctay, "0e DEACON-NecoesareaJanuary 27,1 Hae waLs boîýn lu Deceiber ýSarah De)acon, sister of Mr. Harry -Dea- . The distinguished Ameirican ile Con, Çart-wiglit. gnized as onýe of tlie grea1t Ment WRIGHT-A-4t Toronto Hsia.Jain. is countîy and Lils timne. 24 Frankzlin MU. Wright. ldetson o ýrs. N. S. B. James andI Mis. Geo.1 Albert 'Wright of Buiterpris.. Jamies, weîe lu Toronto on Sat-! LOCKINGTON1-A't -Port Hope on Jan. " 1n9P4r Sandly Lockingtou. Born at iyattending a hWr ivn1PýtHopù, January2 , 18.' he Misses VanNest at 147 StÈratli- HLIRA Rvncag" Bw 2Bul., lunlionor of fiei couisin,! inville. on F-ebmuagry 1, 1924, Solomon Helen Catbleen Biay, àa bride-i Ca'rtwrigh't HIeM. D., aged 8n years. e. A ver-cy bappy tima wa,""s i EANPseSpaeu away atl t. ort Hop,1ouSaturdlay evening, Feb. Z lenwPublic and Continuaition 1924 ame etak ea. gd ol at Brooklilu was officially O1P WOWR-uBwmnilJn on~ ~ 1ensa veigb .15, 19214,the infa-nt stillboru child of1\1,.! rSinclair, K. C,,M. .P L',-Wheun1an'd Ars. RnoihWoodward. In terred -ge nmeofpple front var-ý inlu Orono. parts of the district gatbere.d ta HEARN-InCare on TueS day, Jatn. esc the ceremony. It cost about 29, Elleýn Grha, idow of late James (0(). Heari, ui er 82nd yea3r. Inte-rment aft [rsýPos 'ýen0n 113Ber_-;frdýPort THope ýUnion Jeinte4e1y.1 rs~Ros ~enou 41 Baeefrd TROTTER-At Neýw York City, <tt t1eý nue, Toronto, annouinces thceue-reiec of lier soni-inj-lçtw, Mýr. Louis metof lier daugliter, Violet, Vo croly,, on Januiarv '129, Jane Trotter,' wid- ik Wells Koken, of Akroni, Ohio, 0" of late Reýv. John E. Trotter. of Mr. and IvIs. E. H. Koken of Februa Bowmainville, on 'nto f o Bomanllleor ryP, Berniece Aibsyoungest 'o, ýrm1crly ofdaugliteýr of Mn. and Mrs. Randolph nmaîriage will take place quietiyWodaLiet-. aged 15 months. v in FebruarTy. CORýNISH-ln Taunto-n, Jamietry 31, adMrs. E. W. R und1 1e and 19241 Olive Blnhe1rull, beloved wife of Luther (Corishý,l, in betr 44th ye-ar-daugh-q ,hters Doris andj Wilmal, OShawa, terv of Mr. anti Mrs. John Hf. Truli. B ow- t the vweek-end wVli lierparenjts, avle and Mis. J. T. ýBragg ioh0quit- DEAN-At the reiecof -ler sou-lui- ýJýbatd hethrt-sixth anni Iw-Gog Street, d'ohoujrg, ou Sund7ay, labîtadthe hury eruary 3, Elizaý,beth Curtis, vidowvof, of their lmarriag1-e on Frd,, hele AI0freSDerarn l, br 59th year. 'uai lsV nluthe _1preseuce of ftre in PortHoe -family and friends. BUiEN,-Iin Bu1ffalo, N.--.ou Sat- uayFeb.2,194,Mairy Tap'soi~, widow cnetunder tVie auspiýeS of of the l ate Charles 1Burden, ig(,(ï' True Blues wllbelield lunthe rers femely f owmanviille, sister str'Hall on Thuîsday Feb- Lyle Burdeno o this towf y 11 a 8 ).n i. f hi-tv A. Mulholland, Ragent afi Daughters of Empire, rap- thie Dominion Body, pre-ý t Hope Sehool Board withi Memorial pictures ta bel bthe schools. Dr. Mc!Kînleyl ,accepted Vie pictures andj ýrs. Mulliolland and Daugi-1 [ipire for the gift. HOKEYA Junior 0. H. A. OSHAWA vs BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, FEBRU.ARY 8thi at 8.15 p. m. 1AYLOR'S ARENA Bownmanville, Admission 35e NOTICE tlWATER CHARGES Citizens who liave not yet~ paid their W,'ter Bills are re'queste'd to doe before Thursdlay next, February 14. Any accoLints outstan'ding on that date wlvll necessitate shutting the wat- er off the premises concerne'd. By order of Counceil. Fred C, Palmner, Town1 The Canadian Statesman is $2.0O Oa year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day Wool-Crepe Skirts Any Skiff flow in stoci has been ;duedto NEW DRESSES Our dlisplay of ne-w Dresses is causing consid- erable ment. favorable com- eall and see the newest Spring styles.y C. S. Up-Stairs1 Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Balker and Confectioner Bowmanville Ives' Shoe Prices Fal 1n Great February Sale After, taking st( We lhere Sare some ai f ewrsizes public the advantage of buying cost. isted a f ew of our value giving a. visit at our store will give you a MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES 40 pair Mp n's Black sud Brow,ýn Boots, Regular Picýe $8.50 Vo $9.00,........ Sale Price -$6.95 20 pair Men's Browna and Black Bluclier Cut Boots, regularly priced at $7.00 to $7,50 Sale Price 49 12 pair M.en's Oxfords, regular $7.50, larger si........ for $4.95 BOYS, SHOES 20 pair Boys' Boots in good colid caîf 4eatlier, Special $2.95 241 pairs Ladies' Black Kid Boots, regular $10,00, Sale Price $5,00 30 pair Blaciford Shoas lu strap aud oxford styles, Clearîng f rice $4.95 50 Pair Oxfords, stiap elippeis, sold regulaîly ut $6.50 Vo $7.50 Sale Price $2.95 40 pair Misses' Boots, regular ly $4.00 Vo $5.00 at.... .$2.45 No goods on approval duiring sale. Ahl goods sold stictly cash. Pay Cash and P'ay Less Cash W. CIL Shoe Store 60c CHOCOLATES 49e aT A

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