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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1924, p. 6

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r ~ E, FEB. 7th. DOINGS j,. j9 Oa. DR. R. E. IINNIWELL Graduatc- of Toronto U ni- anti member of Royal Collee atal Surgeons, Licenseti to ,e in Ontario and the Dominion. try la all its branches. Office g-st, Bowmanville. Opposite of Montreal, Phone 301. Share in .924 -et a bigger Il s i nl e s s in Lpeople lear'n- get the mnost irLocal ail anein 1923 btefore. Our' ie onicern f to sales by tele- onm $200 a Ultis nry perly luip- era- 5 and 7-9. day l9th n'oon and, ay, Thurs.- 1 1--Monday and Friday. How Lydia PARISIAN LADIES' ANDl.GENTS' TAILORS (Formerily ;IliBowmanýtiville,) now at 12621 Yog-tstol) at Suimmerhili Ave., Toronto, Phione Trinity 3217W. We can stili give you aur best services. Guaranteed ta fit anid workmanshrp at pre-war prices LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A,, LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farm an'd Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowffanville. Phone 351. W. F. WVARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bieakley Block, King SStreet, Bownianville Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment AIl caIIsý promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmnanville phon)es 10 and 34 BrAnch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalimer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis-s tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow-s manville, Ont. 3-t DR. S.M. JONESn Osteopath and Chusopractor s 86 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, oyer 14 M years' successful practice. Examina- tion Free at office. Phone 224. 2-tf MEDICAL e B. J. HAZLEWQOD, M. D., C. M. 0 Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy-o sican, and Surgeon at Mt. -.Carmel b, Hlospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and f, Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- tc man~ville. Phone 108. 0, C. W. SIiEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, p Torionto, formierly of Enniskile , Offce ntiResidence, Dr. Beith's, ai former residence on Church-st., Bw manile. Phone 259. 44-t of 1 i VETERINARYe ilo Dr. F. T. TIGHE ipi VETERINkRY SUR~GEON. Day or ni Night Cails Promiptly Attended to. Ai Office King,-st. W., Statesman Block, Pr Bowmanviile. Phone 243. i1l se AUCTUONEERS THEO. IM. SLEMOq Auctioneer Fnrm anti House Sales n Specialty. Termssmoderato. Ennisisillen P. O.1 Phono 1 97-r' . 1-tf JAMES BENNETT 10 oas xpoionce in farmi, fumai- e turo anti hoiuse nuction sales. Ad-1 r tiress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mor- k- chant, Ring-st., Bowmanviile, phono g 131, box 83. ,o tel! JOSEPH COULSON Imenti Licensed Auctioneer 1do." i aryey Vaiatior & Real Estate, Newcastle, Com-2-t S, has sickI t. l SHORTHA ND, TYPEWMRITING al anLa !es. e. G --I V. S.,, *cases givi fIl r Phone irsdtay au ývenizlgs id 1 Mr. ,Lydýia Tourjee andi sister, J W. MPlieýrson are boule front onto. Mr. Robt. Leishm-an,, Bracebri visited his son John at Mr. Gec Mitchell'ýs, Mr. and Mrs. Henry N- Jun ow ocupy their hantisome r resitience. Whethor tihe cora hoc of old new grow%,th, it must yielti to Hoý 'w-ýay's Corn Remover. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith aire Desboro with their daugliter and sý in-law, Dr. and Mrs. John Clieste Mr. W. E. Davey is remodeli hlis shop occupieti for years by3 R. Hill and wiil have an up-to-d, sho-wropm. Mr- and Mrs. E. G. Beamish a daughter, Winnipegý are visitil thieir miother at Mrs. A. J. Stapi and son Arthur Beamish, Toronto. H. B. Kennedy, secretary Hum]t Oil Company, informrs us that t company has been reorganized a drilling operations will he resuir immiietiiately. Many niothers'have reason to hiE Mother Graves Worm Exterminat( becalise it hias relieved the littie on of suffering- and mnade them healti Mr. Welinùgton Bi*ewiett is at Win sor and Detroit, Mich., visiting1 niece, Mirs. P. C. Lawrie at thse fori oer city. His niiece, Mrs. Barstea aqccompanieti him fromi Toronto, Orono Public Sehool wiil give concert on February 2Oth with i tereLsting program of choruses ai sing-ing by the chlldron. Knox C chestra, saxaphone- and reed, wiil f u nish music. Drives Asthma eefore ItL TI smoke or vapor feroni Dr. J. D.,IXe logg's Astlima Remedy gihý;s asthay no chance to linger. It eradicat( the cause. Our experience with t] reliof-giving remnety shows how ac ual and positive is the succor it give It is the resuit otf long study and e: periment and was not submîttedti the publie uritil its makers knew wvouid do its work weli. Orono Women's Institute held ii [anuary meeting with a large ai tendiance. A good program wa givenl of c<onvunity singing, reading Lnd instrumental music-. Roll Ca' vas answered by splendid egg dishe. son-s of which were tested in lune served- If Miiler's Worm Powders neede, the ,support of testimnonials the, oulti be got from mothers who knoe the great virtue of this excisîlen aedicine. But thse powderis wl. speak for themseives and in such way that there can be no question oi bhem. The.y act speodily and tisor )ughly, and thie child to wlsom tIse; .re admninistereti wiil shbow improve. ïxent from thse flrst dose. Mr. Aif. Garwood, Preston, is vis. ;xng friientis here. He -was a f orin. ,r resident. At Preston he carrieî, ni a wall paper anti fancy goodý )usiness. Two sons are enxpioyec ithe Gord1on McKay Co. stores, Tor. rito and Lontion. He reports his rer-niw Mr. Wm. Richards, a >rflrer resiclent here, living in Pres- on, hale and hearty withý a family ýf five chiltiren. For BotIs House and Stable.'- 'here is a gooti deal of similarity, iysically speaking, botweenl humar ,eings anti the lower animais. BOti-, re subject to many ailmlents arising om inflammation and to ail maniner fcuts and bruises. Dr. Thomias' ,electrie Oil is an entirely reliable metiy for such ailments and mis- aps in both human heings and tise )wer orders of animnais. S$tate of Montana has as it-s re- esenltative la House of Representa. ves an Qrono olti boy, Dr. W. W. .drus, 'Billings, Mon. Wym is at resent at the Capital, Helena, look- ig after the interests of hia City anti tate. The w,,ýeighty affairs of State n't interfere with hlis love of )orts. His son, li]ee hinsseif, is me sprinter, o111Y more so, havingi record close to the world's best for )o and 220 yrds, and ins rocentlyt ýen called to Philatielphia to_ traini ) tise Olimpic Games shortiy to ,e place in France. Excellent for Croupy Chltie. lien a chîlti is suiffsring with croupý is a gooti plan to use Dr. Thomas' ýectrîc Oil. It reduces the in- iriation and loosens the phýleg±,, 'ing speetiy relief to tIse lîttle sýuf-' rer.ý It le equaiiy reliable for soreý 'ont anti cheat, earache, rheumatici ns, cuts, bruises and sprains. Dr.J lomas' Eclectrie Ou' is regarâdtiby ny thousanels as an indispensable thse family mneticine c'hest. A.t annual meeting of Preshyterian rxday School 'Mr. A. Henry feit' at for one yoear hie mtxst ho free Bookstore1 Bowmanv:lle Everything Electrical Buibs Ranges Heaters Fixtures Washing Machines Wiring and Rep.aîring Free estimate-s given. Distance no object. 1 ! 1,W) A 1 - ' We have received two large shipments of the lat- est designs in waIl decora- tions,~ suitable for any rôom and at very reason- 'able prices. W e wilI' be pleased to show you. W. T. Allen Iin tà he hs stan n Non 1 a -, 1 1 mý l - Ori Oshawa Wîhietxiwas axea at DURHAM OUI Februarv' nfo+.tin Two Doors1 Phionos: i King St. Ea KEDRON NEWS COULD NOT WORK (Ontario Reformer) A WHOLE DAY1 Mr. A. L. Paccos, Solina, epent Kde us Sunday at Mr. R. J. Luke's inyPls Quarterly Sacramoental Services But Now He Praises Dodd's wvas heit on Sunday Reburary 3rd. ____ Miss Editis Peatrdon has returnecj Alfred Na<Ieau is entinsiastic over after visiting with Mis. Mitchell at tIhe remedy that brought him re-ý BoVmanrville. lief-Dodd's Kidney Pilîs. Mr. anti 4rs. F. W. Lee attendedj Albertville, Que., Feh., 4 (Special) *the Suntiay Schjool Convention at I ie i getpesr otl Whity onFriay that 1 ans feeling very well, King St. Choir, Oshsawa, enjoyed sýince 1 starteti1 taking your Dod.t's a aloi gh ride out to the home of Mr. Kitiney Pilla. I was not able to work anti Mrs. H. F. Werry on Tlsurstiay a whole day without severe pains in,. A very happy evenisg )was imy kidneys. spent anti a hearty vote of thanks ex- 1 Your Dotit's Kitiney Pis are a tentiet to Mr. anti Mrs. Werry for wontcierful remiety for weak kidneys. their kçintiness anti use of theiir veryj Kintily puiislisli my testimonrial, soj conifortahie anti spacious home. that ail those who suifer ma,; knowl See our Boys' Sweaters, wortls i about Dotti's Kitiney Pilla." $1.50 for 98c, only a f ew left at this I Mr. Alfredi Nadeau, who lives hiere, price. Coucis, Johnston & Crytier- miakes thse ahove statensent. Ho feoli Man. that ho owes it to other sufferers with sore kitiIneys,. to tell thons how he founti relief 'from his suffering. INJURED BY FALLIN-G TREE Ail M'r. Natcieau'.s troubles camne firomn diseaseti kitineys. They speetiIyý Sherwo'od Stevens Brought to Ed- ceaseti when ho commrrenceti to use monton Suffering f rom Fractured the one sure help for diseaseti kii-1 Skul neys-Dotid's Kitiaey P1illa. Thiere is! o1 reason why anyone shoulti contin-ý Edmnonton Journal of January 16 ue to sufer when Dotit'a Ki5lney anys: Sherwood Stevens, of Peavine,1 PiIlis can be citaineti frons truggistsý Alta., waa struck on thse hoati hy a everwhere, or Thse Doddts Medicine falling tree -while cutting loge onj Co_, Ltti., Toronto. JlilLrsa~Y, wïtn ais orotnerin-Jaw .1 A.Romeo. A twelve-incl tansarse tree was heing f elleti ani startoti to fail in an unexpecteti direction due t-o it hoing rotten in the centre. Mr, Stevens rusiset to move iris team, which wac in danger anti wns struck on te hadhy tise failing tres. The teanstook friglit anti ran aw%,ay, one horse breaking a ieg. Mm. Romieo accomplishiedth ie almnost superisunran font of carryýing the uniconscions, man nîmioat a mile anti a Ifalf to hic homle. Mm. Stevens is niowý in tise Cenerall hoapital in a very serions conition, hnving -sustaineti a fractureti akul in tise accident. Latest reports roceiveti by hic par- ents, Mr. anti Mra. Enioch- Stevens,1 Hiampton, are that hoe is £loin, nice-j IV. Hua brother in Toronto has just retumneti froM visiting im.I, JOSEPH BRAUND OS}IAWA'J Passed Suddenly Away in Peterboro Josephs Baunt, 98 Athol Street,l Osha-wn, who was vsiting hi,,sn, J. T. Baunti, Peterboro, çied very sud- 1denly. Mr. Braunti was in hic Siat, year anti up to tise timje of his death enjoyeti good henîth: Mr. Braunt -%ns n native of Devon- eshire, Englanti, came to Canada when, n yo'ung man engageti in farmning. Huali firat wife pretiýeceaseti him fif- teen yenra ago. Besities his wife ho is surviveti byý thmree taughters. Mrs. John Founti,l Darliaton; rs3. Thoima Stacey anti M\rs. Thos. Gale. Oshlmawa; anti five ons, Frank Braun, O h wa oeph Baunti, Etinore, Norths Dakota; anti R. C. Braunti, Peterboro. Tise romains were bough o n ioIn Cemnetery for intermentRev J. H. McBain, Simicoe Street Meth-g odiat Churcis, officiatiag. James Davis for about fourteen year-s sawyer at George A. Stepisens' mili, passeti sudtienly away on Fmi- day' , January 25th. lie hati enten n hearty dinner, steppeti into hils room to change his apparel, anti feil over daid. Deceaseti ant isi wife wore fooemerly of BetlsasrjL consing to Stop-1 hens shomtly after their marriage. Hie -, aves a, family of seven. -neren took place at Orono cemnetery Sun-1 Iday. He helti an insumance 'p'olicy for $lOOO.-Orono N~ews. I Ther's- lots of money being saveti by thifty buyems turing our Janu- amy Clenance Sale of Conta anti Dresses. Coud,. Johaston & fry- J erman. COLDS l..ArrP1J flANDU- BURNS» Bewareof Imitations! juiesa you see the "Bayer Cross" ou package o;r on tablets you are not get- tling the genuine -Bayer Aý,priin pro'ved sýaf e byv millions and prescribed hy physicians over twenty-three years feýir Coitis He-adache * Toothaehe Lumn-bago Neuritis Rheunlatism Neragia Pain, Pa'in Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each nubýlroken package contafins provenl directions. Hlandly boxes Lif twelve tablets cost fewv cents. Druig- gists as sel boýttles of 24 ai 100. Aspirin is the, trade miark of Batei- Mauacueof Moïioacetîciacjdestür of Salicyliaii 20 RMINUTES That's ail. Twenty minutes after takîug a ZUTOO tablet your headache wil be gone. One of these4little tabIe ts..-safe, reliable and h-armiens as soda-will stop anly headache tilU 20 m1-inutes. Or, better stili, takeni when you feel the headachiecoinig on, a ZUFOO tablet xvill ward it off--nip it in the bud. NoVal(2a d ache ESTABLISHED 1857 IMP.u'ter direct of SCOTCH AND) SWEDE GRAN&TES and only th. bout gradies of IVERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 emplo7 no oemetery c aretaker& als agents preferrlng to H,3il my owil goods thus aaving the purchaaer tlhe agcet'ï commission. A cau F. H. Propriator. Pihono 826Wý BOUNSALL BoxanvD4~ Box p4 ~eE TeOe ng1,ýish IPreparatýnn., .T oncs and inivigorates the whole nervons sYstem. mnakes new Blaod in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despnde Los ofEuerg Palpitation i0f the Heart, a1ilï,g Memon>.ri.ce $2 pee box, 3 e for S.eSold by alildruggists, or mailed in pIaý*a pkg. on receipt of prce. New Pa mphLe't maited 'ree.N;E WOOD MEDlINE CoJlORONTO,ONT, ICANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAYS Double Track Route Between MontreaI Toronto Detroit Chicago ;Unexcellet dining car serve Sleep- ing cars on night trains anti parlir Cars on the principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District~ Passenger Agent, Tor- J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phne 78 D.vmauaIU the dfense Both prisoners pleaded not guilty.1 John Walter telling lis 'story, saitir the rohbery wns comnitteti on Sep- tomber '7th last. Undefir crosa-examination hy AMr. Swanson wvýitness atitteti that Walt- ers tolti hins who hoe was anti also gave the address of his father ir Toronto. He titi not see eitherMe Brion or Walters in his store. Provincial Constabe Couzens,. whol arresteti Walters in Toronto, saiti the prisoner matie anti signeti a state- mont, placetinl evidenco, In which 1he admîtteti huying oil from thse coin-, plainant, anti also telling lsim his naine anti Toronto attirons. He sait he thon got back into tise car and that MeBrien hati fot left tise automobile at all. On tho wvay back, fromý Courtice to Toronto theY stoppeti at1 Oshawa ant i Whitby. One Zetter, thel thirti man in the car, purchaseti cigar- ettes at Oshawa anti at Whithy anti paiti McBmien $30 for thse use of the car. Wh*en they got near to T-or-- onto Zetter toidti hat hie hati "fleeceti thse olti man at Courtice" but witness tieclared ieh got nione of the money anti knew nothing- about it excepti what hic comipanion hat toit him. Detective HlilI of- Toronto, who ar- resteti MeBrien, sâiti that tise pris- oner hati told him a ctory which coin- cideti with that of Walter. SBig 20 THE COURTICE ROBBERY Two Toronto youths, Russeli I Walters an"' Harold MeBrien, appear- ,d before Col. W. H. Floydi, county police miagistrate of Cobourg, at ~B o wn avitilie, January 3lst charged ,vith .he theft of $100 in cash and b-w7o' heques for $67 andi $27 each from 'John Walter, general store iteeper anti P. m. at Courtice. The mien were cominîtteti for trial at the assizes at Cobourg anti were admitteti to bail in $ 1,000 each. W. F. Kerr K.C., ofCobourg, cr.onattorney,' conducted the prosecution anti D *A» J. Swanson of Oshawa, appeareti for GRE.NTE~A i s thec finecst uncolored green tea rocua Iein the wor'1d. Superr tothe best Japarts. - Tvy it. à

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