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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1924, p. 5

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t. APPIY te Mrs. T, G. Ma.son-orJ.J lfT~ las04 & Son. 44tf TIGNU jWATER CHARGES PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE OR RENT.-Brick ho-use,1 Citizens who have net yet pald ntaning c reoms. luiBownanville Ap- their Water Bills are requestedte tdo4 y te W. 'M. ives, Centre-st., B3owmuan- île. sîfi before ThurscIay next, Fe1bruary 14.. B. M. Warnica iss visit. r, Mrs. J. F. George, A lot of Ladies,ý' Blouses at haîf ve~~~~~~ M1.E1ot~PeietWs price. Couch, Johnston & Cryder- li Agricuiturai Society, w'as 11 in ns [t iast week attending conven- mns f Fa~'sandExhbiton ssoia- Mr. C. E. Hlann was a prize win- )f Ontario. 1%1 r at a car'nival held ' at Whitby rink chilren ilt theiant se . andI Mrs. W~. R. Allun, Cobourg mother and dad: Bran Cookies are visitin'g their daught,ýr,Mr.W oz; 'Heath Biscuits 15e doz; fJ. Cleiinence', Shaw's. MsW Cookies 20 doz. Take home MisLur oalsn Mdad en to-night. W. P. Coxrbett's misLuaDnlsoMdn, is spending a few days with ber 'Y friend, Miss Liiy Burns. 'an~d Nrs. Chas. H. Masoil, Miss Giadys Weese andI friend, ter Helen, and son Donald,' Mr. Toronto,. spent the -week-end with ls. Normnan S. B. Jame~s, 13cr- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pearn. and John,' spent 'the -week-end Mr. and Mis. Chas. H. IIaddy MIr. W. C. Ferguson andI son Ciar- r. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, ence, Biackstoêk, spent Sunday with o. Y Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. ~ng oca ciizes ~tening Misses Lenia and Agnes Haddy on'loc lck zesatnd Wite spent the week-end witll Miss Lena Ilat Princess Theatre, Toronto,; Priestman a~NaaaFi~ ,eek included Mayor T. S. Hol- Mrs. R. Tr. Biock and Mrs. F. R. Mrh. arfd Mr. F. F. Morris, Dr. Heai, Toronto, spent the week-end Devîtt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. W. *lun n, Mr. andI Mrs. N. S. B. James Corne to the C. G. I. T. Social on r. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Tuesday evening, February 19th., in 1Brothers saxaphonists andI Methodist Sunday Schooi reom. Ross, comedians, were the Dr. J. C. Devitt was in Toronto1 ýes of the show. on Monday attending a mneeting of F'ur-Collare(l Coats at exactiy the Dental Board of Governors. rice. Couch, à 'lonston & Mrs. H. S. Freernan andI Miss rmin. 'Chrissie G. Freèmnan recentiy visitçd _________________Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freernan, Whitby. _______________________ Mrs. Charles Wattieworth, , Akron, - , ItOhio, is guest cf Mrs. W. E. Gerry, ineeting old friends and renecwing I - e II uintance after eight years' ab- crng arrie I. Painton antI Miss ones, Whitby, spent the with the foriner's parents, Mms. Wmi. Painton, West- E. R~eynolds of South Rox- was in town Monday at- -he Golden Wedçling of his Mr. andI Mrs. Edwin Rey-, Prices Take ....... ...........3 7c .......................0c ........4.......... C at Br 's.- W lUchols, Sonya, visit- A. L. Nicholls tisi Clarka.on where she rents, Mr. andI Ms.. ayeraf t spent. hý votie; Vesta by M' conduvued y the Secretary. Very suitable and appropriate ser- mions wýere preached on Sunday by Rey. S. C. Moore, pastor' of' h Methodist Church in keeping -with the Communion service a large nu-- ber being present in the manrnirng. In the evening in addition te the an- therns by tht choir, solos were sung by Mr. C., S. H1alirnan andI Mrs. T. R. Tennant, Toronto. The iatter was a forier rneanier cf the choir and hber nany oid friends were piýbased te hear her again when she sang "The Ninety and Nine." give a splendid1 accouint of the doings at Newcastle. 't read your report of the Short Course with a great deal of ienterest and 1 arn sure the boysý and girls had a banquet w%ýhick-they willl em-exinber f or sorne time. 1 anw sure the boys and girls at-î tending the three couirses appreciate the splendid way in which you haW reported their -activities. The De- partrnent aise appreciates the sup-ý port and encouragement w\ýhieh you give to undertakings of tf35naue BIRTHS MARTIN-Aýýt Zion, on February 2, 1924, toei4r. and MVrs. Tlhos. Martin, a son. * MANNNG-In Orono, on 'wednesdlay' January 30, to Mr. andaiVrs. A. MIanning, a daughter (-Marion Lereen.) MARRIAGES CARR-PURSLEY-In Akron, 01io, 'otn Janglary î7th, JQon Vanc,ePursle"y, Oklahoma, to Agnes ..9arr. Akron, Ohio, (formerly of Port _Hope.) HAIG-McCUTCHEON-In Toronto, on Feb. 6th, Mr.'David S. H1aig, (ebourg, of theý late AIexandeýr MeCttheon, of Cobourg. 11ev. iMcD. Hjaig Ashburn, DURHAM GIRLS IN RECITAL I DEATHS MissRacell Coelan, Cna a's MONTGOM ERY-1n Nýecastle, Tues. MissRachileCopeandCan da' dY. Pcb. 12, 1924, John Montgemnery, Master Violinist, in joint Recital aged 68 years. with Mr. Carneron MeLean, farnous Funeàral frein residence of his Mrother, ScotishBarton, asistd b R~in-Mr' Robt. Mentgomery, 5 Wloolfrey Ave., ScotishBarione assste by egi- Trento. Iliterment in St. James Cern- aid Stewart, noted Canadiani Pianist, etery on Thursday. at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Tues- VANCE-At Port Hopeý, on Feb. 6th,ý day, February 19lth. Tickets' 50c, Peter Vance, age-d 80 ye,,rs. 75c, $1.00, $1,50 and $2.001. Plan at GORDON-At Elizabethville, on Feb., Hambourg Conservatory of Music,, th., Jesepýh Gerdon, aged 71 yearm. Sherbourne andI Welesley Streets, MCCLELLAN-in Unewmanville, on Thurlsday, February 7th., 1924, Maryi Massey Hall box office ofen Monday Perry- widow of the late John Mc(:illan, Feb. 18. Miss Copeland, wiii bel in her 8th year.1 heard in a Toronto recital the fist~ FREEMAN-in Bowmanviile, oü prFn. time in severai' years. H r Bwna- day, February 8, 1924, Rhoda, daughe ofMr. and Mrs. Jamnes H. Freexuan, aged ville friends will be glati te hear lier. 21 years. Interment at Bobeaygeon. OBITUARY ARTICLES FOR SALE Rhoda Freeman, BqovmanviIIe FOR SAILE-16-Horse Power Stearn Engine. Portable. For p)articulars ap- There p assed o rst n Pida. JlIyto Frank Maloolrn. -Nestieton. Ont t FARM FOR SALE 10fj acres "Choicê soil, one mile froi» Nestieton station,ý CatrgtTownship, large brick house with furnace, br'150 feet longw,, StoneO fouindation and cernent floor, cdrive tshed, 100 fruit tes 1000 beAry bushes, bearng. hisfarin is well fenced, a 1 in high state of cultivation, fall 01011gl-( sing clone. Possesston anà termns ar- ranged. For 1particuilarls apply W.I.l view Ave., Toronto. 3-t EUCHRE Ar 'Any accounts ou tnd g on that date will necessitate :shutàing the wat- er off th~e premises concerned. i y -order of Counil. Fred C. Palmer, Town Engineer. Friday, February i5th aàt 8.30 p. m. WTNGFOOT HALL Euchre and 'Olde Tyme' Dance wifl be held in Wingfoot Hall under auspices of GOODYEAR ATHLETIÇ ASSOCIATION On Fridlay evening next. Euchre ,8.30'to 10.30, dancin~g 10.30 to- 12.30. Lunch will be served. GOOD PRIZES GOOI? MUSIC Price 35c each (including war tax> More lBargains There \vas such a demand for the Hams last week t1iat they w,,,ere sold quickly and some were unable to share in these special values. We have therefore secured another very choice lot of bar- gains for this week: Gunn's Pea Meal Back Bacon¶ by piece 30e lb Gunn's Pea Meal Back Bacon, sliced .......3.5clb Gunn's Tîp Top Smoked Pienic Hams ....8e lb Gunn's Tip Top Pickled Picnic Hams ....17e lb Gunn's Pure Maple Leaf Lard, 20 lb. pail . .. .$3.50 Scald Crein, fresh daily ................45c lb. G. A. Eïdmondstone Onie door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 21 *Bowmanvjlle in an( BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY 0F IMPORTED CHINA. A piece of China is always a~ welcome gifi You'will have littie tro'uble in finding just what you want arnong our larýge coliçetion of bea'utiful China. Maany a person has been made h~appy" by a gifi of China from our store. Corne in and look around aflv tilne. ', CLUBBI1NG LIST 1924 The Canadian Statesmran., . (payable in advan-ce) Tbe Canaclian Statesmran wil coluhbed with any cf the foll publications for 1924 at the f( ig prices: Globe............... [ai] & Empire..... »........ TJoronto Daily Star ......... F'armers Ad'îcocate.... ý...... Christian Guardian......... EhristiaiHeraltI............ Delineator.............. Ladies Home Journali....... SaturtIay Evening Post ,.. Family HeraltI & Weekly Star. Weekly Witness .......... ... Canadian Home Journali.. Farm & Dairy............. Farme~s Sun ............... Maçiean's Magazine ......... Canadian Countryman ....... Canadian Poultry Rçview .. f ALEX Yè Olde Jewelry Shoppe 4 pairs La Boots, regular achford oxford Europe-Car ýr Dominion, .for inf crr Sale Price $2.95 40 pair Misses' Boots, regular- ly $400 to $5.00 at.... .$2.45 rsizes at the special price cf These are Patent Leather, ýon and laéea-nd smme brown. approval during sale. Cash is $2.0% pe Mrs. .o onl of R er rea Our1 Isplay of new1 causinig consid- ~ ,vorabie coin- all and see the ring styles. Mason iast wec nerchan advertLý ,r--The meeti ver ý1200 1 f our days. If 1u use the.i' In States.-,t the woau-1 ýe held i our rd, Amie Phone YE OLDE JEWELRY ........................... m ............

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