THUÉSDAY, F. NEWCASTLEi Haines is visiting 'Mrs. Tru-i lark.1 lo-ward Cook visited rlecentiyl G -or g ys in M. D., C. M. niversity, also sicians, Edin ases of WQn- fice -Parker'F D., C. M. ýoy, Geo. Cain, Mr. John 'Henry Patterson, C. guest of Mr . Iowe Moffat, W. E. Miss Grace Smi 1W. Sherwin, in Toronto over th 1H. Staples, ow, Wmi. Neal. Mrs. D. J. Galbr *. W. Bowen, f ew days with Toc W. P. P., Geo. Mms. Reg-. Lovel, r, Prof. C. B. ing with her motb( on, J. F. Me-, Miss Jean Matcl S. Moffat, S. been spe±vdîng a fe Mr. George Fenr r directors and at J. E. Mtcbett' t Directors end. Feb. 23, at M, ster John Pei Ba, sviiifi a rs . .Alt e Iett s tn tJIs ..~ a iss ý Muriel Tobin, Toronto, i. spn~ga few dy it r.Franl Branton. j! rs. Wmi. Jamiieson entertained a numiber ofber friends oh~ Thursday igevening .- ýand-~ wear on' Lake, Toronto, was given foLr thue, best costumes. Whyny ot let grandmolther's Sunday frock win Bradley is visiting a prize? ,o. Latest reports of our esteemed n, OshawýNa, is visit- tow\n-snanti, AMr. Thomias Montague,j win. are very gratifying. He has so far ehLett is spending a recovered froiom is recent critical iii- nto. niess as to be aýble to sit up for a ilbe k is spen ing short spel daily, and his compete re- Ulbck isspeningcovery is 110w hopefully expected byl 'oto. bis numierous friends and fellow citi-J najthan, Toronto, zens. Sweek-end. tt, Toron~to, i vi- Junior Leaguers held a skating ýeorge Gray. party on the Cominunity Rin'k, Tues- day night, frin 7 to 8 p. mn., after spent a few days which the President, Mlaster Royi ell Rowland. Jones, entertained the whoie partyl ith visited friends at the resîdence of bis parents, MIr.1 hie week-end. and Mrs. Jlarry Jones, of King St. ýraith is spending a West- The girls hielped to provide r-onto friends. the eats while the boys looked after km bias been stay- the gaines and amiusemients, and al er who is sick. together the young f oikis spent a ,hett, Toronto, bas very pleasant evening. ew days at borne. It's not too late to buy a dress at ing-, Toronto, vis- 25 %'ý off regular prices at Couch, b's over the -%week- Johnston & Cryl4erman's. nning of Humber The Junior Suppiementary Choir ýWe have received twý large shipnments of the lai est ýdesigns iin wall decora tions, suitable fo;r an) room and at verv reasn 1 Ke±kard mis oeen sufrer- severe cold but is now ýget the! picture show in Hall on Saturday, Feb- is busily en- Iling a new furnace at hooL. M~rs. J. Anders'on Smith a few of tbeir friends vening. ik Jay of Canningýtôrn, is b er mother, Mrs. J le ORONO DOINGS (Froin News of Februarv 7th) Ms<iss Freda Wilsont is visiting somne friends in Cowanville. Orono Publie Sehool gives a con- cert in Town Hall on Fei»ruary 20. Mr. Hanimond Arch was seized wvith ,a stroke and lies in a helpless condition. Mesdames J. R. Cooper and M. J. Tamblyn attended Horticultural Con- -er, Ms A. A. Q ill! last, bone d theii ais wvctow. For the first timie in giany ye no mail was received here by way Newcastle on Tuesdlay. Tra moved February 5 and evening p ers were received. Mr. and, Mrs. , Albert Tbornt ceiebrated their 40th marriage an versary, Tburs'day evening w-vh friends and neighbors; assentbled a miade a suitable presentation. -give taE »est, fri practise vocal ti ers thý reserve that inE choir. It i§, bomne. ECONOMICAL FI MAPLE LEAF FEED. MOLAS, POOR FEED'GOOD AND G( BETTER CQws, Horses, Sheep, Swin on Maple Leaf Feed Mlolasses. E~ at top notch and reduces the feed Ask Alf. Ayre, Frank Os'bor»e and other wel1-knowni breeders their opinion of these fam- ous moplasses. ]It makes prize winners. ipro, There clearing at show you. is only 30 barrels left,which we atre 2,6c Gallon^ icludes a good oak barrel. barrel right away, for it won't last 1 Bèst Quality Groceries S. W. cnesl INCE OF Coats and e l", Keej vosteu Uontui.e t news. Mcmianus bas s a e as to be able to take a shbort coninirittees wer almost daily. John says t1 S. J ose, Thos. to keep an Irishman down. Po Jotyhnr menîiber ta ac fourtb is Cooke.« Visîti late for the Old-Fashioned Party Re,. E. B. Cool give by the Me-moriai Library jackson, W. C. The proceed-s are for tbe .Medal-W. Cia munity Hall thnEqupe -Dudlley. ls JapJames Best went u~p to Toron- re-appointed il .ii week to see Mrs. Best -wli Board for 192,5 swent a serîous operation at tle Tmsbs -en rai Hosýpîtal, and the latcst re-- Attendange Ofl are that ber cdnidition is *uite Business in brue Factory. anid M Chas. hy hr daghte tion froin the S. W . H.J Chaplin, wbo a 1 ýciety, ask d ed een visiting for the past tbree n e repret s eri nother, Mrs. Grant and Go. addressed stevMrs. 1Mebourneýof Cbester ,' ay somle o >U'S. A., is expected home this graphicai series series. Action ,vastle Mýemorial Library re- Commii-ittee, prev for January 1924: Number of ported hiaving ni nembers 42; total numnber of jMr-. Nicbolson, ers 233; number of books in Founii-es and Men's Mackinaw $5.98, $91.50 for Johnston & Cryderr Boaýrd of Educati( urai meeting on V 6 'witb rhiembers ai] Trustee Moore. M was re-e1eted e ha Grocer it wouIýd be impi cept. As a pi fuliy recognized Lhis sermnons bein qualifies bim ifoý the. gift of tbe ference. Powerfual Med Lowest Prices Prôrnpt Delivery R. ALTON Newca.ide VALENTINES! Thuirsday, February l4th., will. soon be here, We have a great cho-ice in valentines. Select yours early whule you can get wý,,hat you want. Val- entines to suit ail tastes. J. C. HANCOCK Newéastle Ont. BRELAD AND BUNS Made by H. S. BRITTON, ve a CE HAL to 2 ~. .1> JJI es' )t rr7ýLlý i zzz:7--= Eat More