Anyone of the fan spend two heurs a throogh this short iod with our incabat, er. I have had twie experience and havý r?there is more mont $19.75 dliverd than any other livest Our 1924 iecubator and pouitry catal fully illustrated with colour plates FR 130 Egg Hotwater Incubater ComPl 130 thickc Braýder and lncubateor 10>0 Hen Capacity Grain Sprouter e Freight paid ta your nearest R.RR L. R. Guildi neibÊtot Dee.Rc Long Distai Super Salesn "Ail ImyN'sales are i bLogDistan1ce' an Ontario mes- "M1y brother, wh-lo tri for the fisrn,' strikes large towns and sel! aisil t-lis in vicinity by 1Long tance. Even1eer quiing for P -,i2e S answercd byý Long tanice. J could 'quote huindrCeds Of isa Anothes- merchiant if a customrer is when a traveller e he miakes note of stock, and a special salesman calis hini Long Distance andI- hixi. Experience shows Station-to-Station can often be used entire satisfaction. E-eiy Bell Telepl*one isc Long Disf anc e Station Aiue Trouble Money and Health Have Oxo Be Cubes alwa: handyin thekitchE Use them evry da: Vanished After Usini EL Pinkhamn's Vege COMPOUnd "~Brax-,iciton, Ont. - "«h to you for heip my actioxiý prompteci ty. I W( Ttoc, 'wO by your m was thein able acti( oves- ako ily assure thrsough îi am seiev( BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 28thl., 19241 ORONO ITEMS daly ch. iep (From The Ne'wvs F'ebruary of 21) f money per- DEMISE 0F EX- PRESIDENTI Charîty Dance postponed ta Friday L:-Or arad WILSON Orano Hig-h Sehool hockey team e proven that defeated Newcastle boys 7-0. tockY " Byhs M ie' .. ... Orono C2reamiery Ca. is turnîng out legue beauti- Denver, Ceoradto aver 600 lbs. butter working days. lot ~1.75 Hon. Woodrow Wilson was the Make Horticulturai Society Flow- 28.23 ;16.5o 28th, President of the United States, er Show on Saturdlay, March 1st., a station. and the first Demiocrat since JackRoxi succese. Ek2L2E0 ta serve twococnsecutive ternis. He Basket Sociafl at Anglican Churchi, occupied that high office du.ring Februarv 14, was socialiy pleasaxit -eight years of such a world caiam- aid(!flnancially succesful-$47. ity, thaithistoryý, fails ta parallel. His Oronos flTst Flower Show March proper place in history cannot be lst ila school room cf Methadist assig-ned ta him iuxtil bis contenipor- Churchi should attract every Citizen. atries have placed li their respective Mr. George Wacldell hiad two niches. Mr. Wilson not oxly rank- fixigers ciushed workîing at a weil ed as one of the grant wnr prasidents Saturda-y, an1,Iran pump falling on ý of the rapubhce, but he exercised a ]ils hand. wder influence ixi world affairs thaxi Miss Leonie Davey visîted har any othar wh'o he!1d that high office, cousi, Miss GiadysRobiis af Nor- Throties collapsed, Empires cruni- mal Schaal, Peterboro, and attexided bled anti thea map cf the civilized the "At Home". - ~' world was mlade ovar, while under Mr. Oiscar Scott anxd granddaugh- bis admixistratiôn the g-reat repub- ter, Myrtia,ý are in Toronto. Miss rice lic abandoned its time honored poli- Scott will -,Pandsortie otswt cy of isolation, axid becainie ain active friends i e okstate. pairtilcipant i wcrld affatrs. In it Ontario Railway Board mieets atý n'an ail Mr. Wilson was the g-uiding hnnd. Newcastle, Fab. 28, ta consider ap- 1ae h Born Dec. 28, 1856, liko Lincoin, plcation of Part Hope Talephone Ca. made bcwas an obscure lawyer in a little Io parnlal certain linos of Oroino says Virîginia 'towni, but unilike the mii- Telephione Co. han. m raril-splitter-he went ta a Cicara Gamsjýby writinlg frai Cali- uneiseity, cf ich, he afiinte ands fornia to bis brother, A. A. Gamisby, 'avels ebectma presidnt-of nted S i a ys: We are cii oylng [deal weath- s thle 1912, anid re-elected li 1916. H1e pre- erth inisbadly nieedod. Motored ls to vailod an Congress, April 2, 1917, *iwektLaAnasand met Il t decarewar n Geniay-a inMrs. John Beer and Mr. and Mrs. ithe tqalr a n amn-n x eri. Bear and famrily-nll ligoodi Di- 1918 silidta Paris as thle leader hat- esns9atwshst Dis- of the peace commissýiori, signe'd the Ono aid fria ndsbitwihst lie lest the filht for the Longue of Nat- (ýyur >vexierable citizen TPhomnas Don-j bafore the Amoricani people, suffearivary feoble condlox. Hs o- 2o a narvous bra-akdawn in Sept. 1919, 1aW and Magtr,1tr. axid Mrs. and was strickeni with paralysis at Freoniaan Hoshin, are nttanding hlm, the White House Oct. .5, 1919, ro- Hic daiughtor, Mrs. Gea. H. Lixton,1 say-s tired frai t1hepresidoncy MrhTaronto, ,was here fora fewdays, out 1921, and diad Feb, 3, 19241, of a, Msss . .ad onwre a-ai cirssaxd hmplegia, dowxifram Bowmlaniviile Suxidny. Mr. ~ta1I, J ggravated by a recexit digestive dis- ocsa a ankborcpr his turbanco. Thiesa are the highi points tiva Pocrs but hic recavery is 1 tol lin the careor cf this great miaxi. dohf 1by' i li the dea th cf this reinarkable Aýt llaist Church Suidayý even- selis jpersdniage, the United States has lest sxilM. axid Mrs. JamnesSalrck its maüst distinguishied citizen aand pa- Keidal, assisted the chair. Mr. triot, if naot the most powerfuli ntel1;- wrbrick ccntributed a well rend- thtlactual force ixi its public if e. Hie ared solo "My lvTaski" and ilxi a duet that ý,was perhaps tha greatest presidant With Mr- Rogin'laldl Sutton sang "Nail- caîls since Abrahnli Lincoln, and so wili ta the Cross", axiother duet, by Mr-. with hie be rememiibe--red by future generat- Harold Allia and Mýisas Beatrce euc ions as hic record of achievamients "Jssvds as îuch enjoyod. becomles bettar known, and as time Pastoyr A. K. Edmisan occupied the saftens the harsis judgmient cf poli- pulpit nsrning axid evexing, deliver- tical enemies and theexggrneding as usual well thought out ser- praise af enthusiastic friands. He moxis. was the greatest exponlent of tho Mrs. Rnlph D'awson, Br-ondview, moal sirtulnn cvi iels s Sskis vistiig Oroia relatives the I xecessary for the world's rehb,ilit- Pocwers anid Thorxitax famuilies. Theý ation anid the promotion cf permn-lata Ralph Dawsoni whexi a resident cf a ent peace everywhiere. The xainOraoditnttontdte h: lammom inxi vaini for his equal as- a Gansby farmi. The famiily wexit west - -statesmian, philosopher axid hum i 1904 nixie years nfter lhe was aniitarian. He was a maxi of extýra- killed by lig-htniing. Mrs. Dawson /0 ordinary intellect, of brilhuant pa-wer with bier faîily cf three sons anid a cf expression, cf jnflexýible will axid daughter have continuad On the lanid, cf fixati ideals. TËhat lie was unsuec- a secticti and a quarter, and ha-va cassful li n ccoîplishing bis principal dona well. Olci friaxids were pleans- aints and( purposos, was pes-hapu rst ad ta. ieet lier. dlue toa axy lack cf sympathýy 'wth Social Eveiig li the Preeb-ytariaxi bk-i 1idls, but ta the belief that thay Church- bail a fine prograini. Solos cculd nat be sacured by the methods w,-cea (axidered by Mis Bucaai hae prcposed. But ail -will approve Miss Beatrica Sauch anid Mr. Malvini hlic gTant conception cf world pence. Staples; a quartette by Messrs. Aluin, This was bast expressod in his famn- South Éros. aid Raed; a cluet by Mir. ous "Fourtean Poinits." Humnan self- Albert Mortoxi and Miss Searn, ishxiess pravexited bum froni realizing piano selecti ni y ,MiýssMarlo Gr ee n thase points in thie trenty of Vers-. rendiigl by Miss Wotherspoon axid a aillas, andti tît wns dcubtless thelsor address cxi Popular poemns fundamlenital causa, cf the failura cf (authors ux-ikxiiown) by Rav. J. W. ef the treaty x ta Uitt tae.Re. Thora w as alsamost inter- SNana kxiw btter than hoi the fate- as nig *ueSssiig centest, whîcb y fi ffect cf the las, cf sorie of the lose, margixi was won b y Miss enl. fourteen points, but ha cluig- to his WaVý7tbersp)onx, ideals nxid lost hic hiealth, anxd finallyl__________________ bis lif a filting for is grantwrd cancýepticti. stil be-hld the paliticians thora, Thie ranjlly ýrane ft hîs gagathlere(l, wrappillg about the evs araef ew li numiber, but ixi avery cris- a patcbed robe cf xationalistic dip- is, Providence ceeone to blasse hum- lcmailcy,. that scarcely coxicealeti thoir, anlity with a prophet aid leader. spiritual inkedess-standing in awýe _____ Mr. Wilson passoessad ai mmd (ï,rîci-andlcokixig cxi bu abashad! ly sto-re'd and disciplîied to aiimcst -It bas been sait[ that in thses-eaiu perfect praýcision, and ha, was flot hrplntaebo, nd he neeciç tha wn porlcee aindodthe -pirit cf nations daviset inlxa cosnlec need f th -word ofpejumatrixer the Granýt Architoct thinks baedoniidarstaii-andingp-I ýu in advance, whnt shah lab the dcaphysîcal and h mentali a dgreathatcheresiyththoas IN dahxgsad h'hdcorge ot ate cf nations and who shail leati raraly equjleti, aven lixi very gý,reat Il(, suci thiing ns blixd-chaxc- men. hstor-Y, but mlai anti nation march g Lydia, But ail miust dia; dleathi is no re- by rate accorting to the original de- etable pectar cf pranand car haro vc fteCetr mtbe tust cboy the grant natural îaýw, vc fteCetr ax' lydcx lf'sbrdxs ia h The thoological conception is neaxiest subject. A lonely seul was brught tc mimd when thinking oves- on 1 wrate was bis whien it teck the diin andti te part played by Woodrow Wlson ra otymsty path ixto the shndes. In hisien Anieren cnrs-ont history, foas- k [by carias- mest hour, lusý hand, g-roping for the w asdcedthta hudb a ,onderot ifU strengtb of anothier's founti it, but le-ading- participant in thae wos-ld >nhldbeneflt e-,ssentially lia dieti as ha had livoti-tdraina anti how lia came ta a posit- sediixi. ~nioe. is wns n coul apnrt, neyer ion cf authority sa tnha i conîti ke nost proft- to ha mioreL than iînipesfactly appre- a leader i the strngg le anti what io I haveè hendad by the geieratiaor wouild follawed Jt. The antira nat1ion, in xiI hart hae srvei.simpifle but ftting hcmage to this I Wadow ilonthse existence c ixe ileanti Sea how quickiy -00'Langul e fuation," wheter forthey go. j gat or11, tsefutrecanalne de- Everyý. suiffers-wbo tries Dodds, termine. The fact that the se sta-1 Kidnay Pille is delighted with the penldaus a monument te the dreasi comforting relief thnt they 50 qniclk- cf international salitiarity existe i hy crante. Thousandis are buy7ing and tlisa worl'd to-day, is glas-y exiough for usixig tIis semiety solely throügh the itas authos-. recommandation of their friands who Adal that pence tabla, thora inI fisst discover-ed theis- woidesfui s-e-ý iFrance, five yens-s aga, what , figure lieting anti heaiing prolpostias, In- he muet have madie! We cati in mind sist on having Dodt's Kidney Pille. ep e riment. ing wisen UZEMAS.Ont ou se Or.t ment for Eczensa antd Skin Irrita- tions. If relieves at once and gradu- ally heais the skim Bamnple box Dr. Cbhsse's Ot1inerit free if you mention tis paper aildI send 2e., amp for postage. 60e'. a ;o a tIl d1ealers or EÈdmanson, Bates & Co., Linistemi, Toronto. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc HnrGraduate of University Of Ail cases given prompt anid care- fui attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 RELIAFBLE AGENTS wanted ee1ee to handie mesi "narkable Medical Prodtc evrolered to thse publtc. Nothing Jîke it on mnarket. Genu-ne product of Nature, entirely free fromn drugs or alcohol, possessing1 Medîicinal qualities actualiy marvellous. Pro- duces such dlefinite beaing action- for -varlous ailments- Rheumatismý-, 'Stomnacis, Liver, Kidney and Blad- der Trouble, Piles, Femàie Internlai Disorders, Eczema, B1oad Or Skin 1Diseases of ail kinds. Each cus- tomer brings you a dozeni others. Thoroughly established for years iu oDther parts. Sent by mail any-where on receipt of $1.50. Free iiterature, furnished, and splendid oppartunity frenergetic wornan to secure handsôme monthiy ,ncome. Higis- est commissions paid. Write to- day for particuiers. LANGS MINERAL REMAEDIES. LTo, That's all. Twenty minute- after tainig a ZUTOO tablet your hen,,_!c iill be gone. ýOne of these littie tablets_-sue, reliable and harmiess as soa-w J tp aniy headachelhi 2o0 minutes. Or, bectter stili, taken when v'i fýe the ticadachie coinig on, a ZU1 tablet wiil ward it off-nip it in ti.e b.d. No -Ileadache u"TheOnnlyR"emedy" Says 71-is Doctor, Tihe treatmentaf skin diseases,(eezema)q and diseases of the scalp is known te ta difficuit," wrîtes Dr. W. L. Rqando!lh "However. tisera e ianc remnedy thiat is known te tbc entirclydepexidable in this distressing and tros,,bleome ditsease. 1 refer ta D. D. D. Prescription., Kf Yeu have never tried D. D. D, orsieds cases, whether a snmail spot, or vhether oneof tise dreaded formns-tise tornent of ýczema or thse isard scales of psori asis -gc t a mottile at on ce an aur guarantee tisat if it doesn't relieve you veu r auoey wiIllha refunded. $1.00 a battie. Try D. D. D. Soap, to. JURY & LOVELL, Druggists ASTHMA USE us,,MA No Sokin-NoSpraying-Io u ff Just swatlow a Capsule Restores normal breathixig, stops mucus gatherixigs in theb ' cha tubes, gives long nîg 'lts of quiet s cpcontains tnhao -fr xgdrug. $1.,)0 at your druggists. Send 4c 1x stalops for- a generous sampie. Ten-pletons, 142 KngWest, Toronto. GUARANTEED RELIEF R19 For Sale By Jury & Loveil MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 imnp,-tor direct af SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANRTES and only the best grades cf VýERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ ne cemetes-y carotaker« as 4gents preferring ta fiel!tmy oawn )goods thua saving th~e purchanear tise agentls commission, A eaU sollclted. F. 11. BOUNSALL Propriotor.' Bowmanvlll,. Phone 52t.V Box $4 Oaur ladys-entiers wohava votesý will rend with peculiar relish our deaz thoughtful Aaxit's philosopby inlier weekly latter. Shae writes: It matters very iittle how you anid 1, lu'aur hum- ble opinion, regard votes for woiexi. Equal suiferrige lias came andi coma te stay. So it behorres us to look up- on it intelligently, anti nat a4ý a bogey anti a nuisance. T-here are mnny mare ixitellectual, wrmen now thax ilii former timas, mnany who owxi prop- arty, equal men lin the ixidustriai wcrld. You say ycu cannot ha bothes-ed, anti thsat you have no time or patience te etndy axiything about politics.- T'bat is a peor uxiheaithy spirit, You, as a mother anti home builder, have a r4git ta undesetanti the laws of yoas- tawn, city,, prosvince anid country. What concerne tiha countr-y cancarne you, pereonaliy. Do not be intiiferent, for in diffes-ence le stag. nation, andti t boneit cf your indif- ferencee las if yen were prouti cf the fact thnt you enreti xothing of what may be for thse gooti cf yens- child-ren in the future. Nothing stands stll- it aither improves cr deteriorates. If you cati do coemsiali action t9 hm- prove things yen as-a helping to bauid up a better country, anti if yon tic nat raap the bene-fit, yous- cuhils-en wiii.- ft doas net take np very mach tume ta, s-at abhoutwhat la geixig on arounti as, lieten te discussicons, anti csk que-stions. Insteati of rend- ing 50 mach -fiction, which, thongi adinible for recreation, deals miostly -with fnciýüs, tsot facts- rend speeches anti others' commente about the tepice cf the present day, This wiil be foodi for the mmnd to digest whilst you ns-e busy with yonr tiaily work. If yen romain blank anti apathetic, feeling no con- cern or axixitty ns te 'what geoti or hanm my foillow, you wll vota blinti anti ignoraxitly. It la feolish ta coîplain againet iaws if you take ne ixitereet ln the makers o! thein. We wamjen shoult i sako n point ta untieretandth iinge intelligexitly, for the walfas-e of eus- home anti chldrexi as welns fer thse commun- ity. The whoie contry is matie up of individuals, anti it le the people who swny gaves-niants. Ench individual b as a respcnsibiiity towards his or- ber country, anti ehoulti ha prouti cf that responslJhility. Gocti citizenshipi isý akin ta religion. By taking an act- ive interest yon wiil broaden yons- mind, anti be pnlledcn t cf the groove inwic yen as-e ncwba!-sie awaitixig others to do ail!thse ws-ki for your benefit. COULD NOT EXERT HIMSELF Toronto man in bad physical shape tili Dreco cleansed his system and put him on highroad to' health. Ms-. S. Harrison cf 177 Gootiy Ave., Taronto, bas nething bat ps-aise for Dreco ant i ts raîn-akaible help to hlm -iin tua- of trouble. Tis grat remiedy has worked wontiers for this maxi anti ha talle you caout it ixi the following statement. "For yens-s I suifes-ad fs-ci stomi- acis anti liver trouble. Aftes- meale, gai wculti forc lin îy stomiach like a lump cf iead. It cemati to affect my hast as well, as I woulti simply gasp far bs-ati when walking fast os- at the ienst axes-tion cf any kinti. Spots foateti bofore my eyes ant iI wouid get terrible dizzy spells w,'bien bexi'ting oves-. "The recuits I bava obtaixied withi Drec9 naewontiesful. My bowvels aire regula-. I ami able toeaot anti anjay a1ioet anythixig anti am so mach stroxigs- in oves-y way that I do nat mmnd wo-k lin the least. My biggest surprica, however, was the way in whichi Dreca cleareti my face of plîiples, wbich ha4 beaxi a sens-ce of mauch embars-assxisnt te me". Dreco is a splendid blooti purifies- anti systeni cleanse-. lIa s-leb, root, bas-k anti ian! micas toxie anti regulate the etomacis, kitcineys, hiver anti hcwele nti epeedily put the wiihoie systni lin prime wos-king as- des-. Dreco, the saf e, reliable ram-ý edy, coxitains ne mes-cary, potash os- habit fos-îing tirage.1 Dreco is being specially introduced in Bowmanville by F.. Kersiake and is sold by a good druggist When Exposed to Air tea loues its freshness and flavor. 1Né YET THEY RING THE BELL One of Percy Auger's advertisingI storles ruas: A mxber of my prof es- clon, an advertising man, was lin the eiiploy ofc a circus. It was his fun- ction to precede the circus into v'ari- lonis comminunities, cali at the news- pi1per oifices and make sure that the notices woui.d be flattering, put up on the fence ilosts and the barns pie- tures of the bearded lady anid ýhe mxan-eating snakes, anid finaliy ta get in touch wlth the proprietor of some store anid cantract with him for the space on either si'de o! the elephant ta be used for advertising in the parade. Comring ta a cross-roade town one time, he found there was oniy one store. "Why should 1 ad- veýrtise?" saild the proprietor. "I have been here for twexity years. There, isxi't a man, woman or chlld in these paris that does not kxiow w,ýhere I am and what I sell and how 1 do busi- n.ets." The advertising man ans- swered very promptiy, because in Our business if we hesitate we are lost. "What is that building across theý street?" "That is -the Methodist Episcopal Churchl." "How long has it been there?" "Oh, 1 don"t knoïqw; 75 years probaiby." "And yet," raid the advertisixig maxi, "They ring the church bell every Sunday rnornixig." AUNT'S BRIGHT PHILOSOPHY For that resason is nover sold in bulli. Hardlwood Foors sold that house' PERHAPS no single feature of a house re- commends it so highly as '"Hardwood Floors Throughout". Hardwood Floors mnake a house more attractive-more sanitary-easier to maintain. Consequently hardwood floors maire it easier to seli. Seaman-Kent !l-ardwood Floor- ing is 80 perfeçtly matched-so exact in grading. -that it is the standard flooring, of Canada. There are undoubtedly rooms in your home which would be brighter, cleaner, prettier, if they had hardwood floors. Measure themn up. Give us the sizes an-d we will tell you how littie it would cost to lay hardwood floors. Local Dealers McCIeIlar & Co., Ltd. B3owmanville, Ont. W ODS PPHO ÎODINE. WU 'The Great l nglis'h Prepara fuse. *m ~Tones and invigo"rates the whole ,UU) nrvou-s systan. imakes new Biao,, IIU in old Veinas. Uaed for Nervoue JJebilitfy, Mentaol and Brain Wlorry, os rEnergv, Paflpitation of _______ te Hart aiingMemaory. Price $2 pe ' box, 10p for î5.'eSold by alldruggisîs, or mailed in plair Bew re f mittiost pkg. on receipi of priç. New pamphl alUe UnIess you see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on txabIets yout are not get,- ting' the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safle by millions a il(1preseribcd bhy physicians over twenity-thiree years for Colds iHeadlache TootliaÀ,hhD Lumbago Neuritis Rheumnatism NeuraIg,,a Pain, Pain Aecept "Bayer Tabiets of Aspirin" only. Each uxibroken pack,:age contains proven directions. Eandy hoxes cf tweive tablets cost fe-w cents. Drug- gists also seil botties of 24 and 100. Aspirin is thie trade mark of Bayer *Manufacture of Monoacetiecidester of Salicylicacid. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL WAYS Double Track Route Between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago UJnexcelieti dinIxig car servce. Sîeep- ing cars on night trains anti parloy Cars on the principal day trains. PuIl information froni any Grand Ts-uxk Tick-et A~genit or C. E. Ho>rn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- on J... H. H. JURY, Agent Phoue 78 BowmavIII H551 - NiI K 1! M wc vil- f 1 FUL wRffl llm-