THIRD CONSIGNMENT SALE 0F il s~e ~Frisi Call To Be Held at Beîth's "Wavrerley Stables", Bownanville Sale Starts Sharp at 12.30 o'clock UNDER THE AUSPICES 0F THE Durham County Holstein-Friesiar 1 Club HERE ARE, A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THIS SALE We are selling a 2M,98.1 lb.,5 year old cow%, (due to freshenApil28 We are selling a 22',000 lb3., 8 y-ear oldl show cowý, due Arl15. We re seling five good record cows and efes due in April to service of a son of the 39. 13Ilb. Ibuill, ing ei rly.Alata n from a 14.9 lb. Johanna dam. We are selling two 1921 and u 92dagtr !lakeview Johanna Lestrange, the I8lb grandson of Colantha Johianna Lad. Two are due at saile time and tbie other in Many to service of Pabst Creator, a-29 lb. son or Creator. Weo are selling one 5 year old Tzawr-rcow that gave 1,888 Ibs. ofiillk in Janiuary on twice a day m1ilking. WVe are sellinig foulrteen one and ltwýoya old heifers wvhichi are either daugýhters or granid-daughters of sucýh noted sires as Sir UKorcdylce, Boon; ing Segis Alcartra Spolford; Pioncler Lord Wayîliie Tortilla;j Prince Segis Walker; Llenroc King Plue Alice; -May FEc-ho Prince;, Earl Burk~e Korndyke; laltevteý Johaýnna Lsragetc. WeP are selling, a dlozen or more youing cows that will be freshepnlng1 to service of some one o! greýat sireýs imeçtioned above witiin a wyek or ten days after sale inie. Wýe are s elling a like numnber Of young,, cow.s that will hiave freshened within a very short time b efore the sale dlate. We are selllng several exceptional herd sire prospects includling a year oh] son of Orndy-ýke Pietertje IKorndye2r., worldï's record i>05 dlay co0w, with 1,122.5 lbs. of butter fron 24,119 lbsý. of! mîlk. (This year this cow bas again just completed a Ï6,, day test with 1,283,75 lbs. o! btter from 2,065 lbs. ml) 96 PER CENT 0F ALL ENTRiES UNDER ACCRIEDITATION For Catalogues' Address L. C. SNOWDEN, R. R. No. 3, Bowmanville, Ont. L. E. F'RANKLIN, AUCTIONEER.1 -= ,- E "conomy In Meats Having sold our Grocery Business we will now devote all our time and energy to gi'Qe the pitblic the best service possible ai-d the best value for their money in, our ineat and provision store. Hée are a few specials for Friday and Saturday: Round Steak .............................20e lb Sirloin Setak ............. .............. 22e l.b Chuck Roast Beef...................... ....15e lb Round Shoulder Beef ...........................15e lb Boiling Beef ............................l0ecandl2eclb Good Supply of Fresh Picnic Hams on Hand. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville Bjusiness Change 1J beg to announce to the people of Bow- manville and vicinity that Il have purchased the goodl-will and grocery and provision stock from Mvessrs. C. M. Cawker & Son and arn peepared to carry on the business as usual. Mr, Alec'Haddy who has been associated with this firm for some tirne will continue in the business. Cail to get 'acquainted and get some of the good things offerîng this week. Here are a few: Syrup Golden, quart gems ..................28c Rogers' Syrup, 12 only, 2 lb. tins ...........20c Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 2 IL tins .......-..20e Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 4 lb. tins ........40e Edwiardsburg Corn Syrup., 10 IL.tis........... 78e IPreserves, pints, Raspberries and Plums ....28e Grape Jarn, large jars ..... ..................... 15e Grabapple Jelly ...................................c5 Jam, glass 4's raspberry only ...........-....89c Salmon, Soekeye, 1 lb. tins 35c,..........2 for 65c' Pork & Beans Nýo. 2 tins ............... for 25e Dates, ehoice ........ ............ 2 lbs. 25e Corn. Flakes, waxltite per package ............loc Classic; a genuiné cleanser,............. 3 tins 28e Soap, genuine castile, ................. .7 cakes 25e Toîlet Paper, large rolîs,............6.. for 25e G, W. NELLES Phone 62 Bowmanville SALEM U. F. O. NOTICE Mis. Robt. Collacott, "The Ever- Providence Farmiers' Club will' greens", lias returned from a Visit meet at thie home of Mrj. J. F . Os-I -with hier caughter, Mrs. (Dr.ý) Wil- borne,. Tues(day evening, March 25th. lard, Toronto .... Mý1r s. -A. Randal, Mr. lYerkley 'wýill outline the co- Port Hope, and _Miss Ida Jones, operat ive eggpool. Ladies are re-! Whiby hae ee onoyng vs1 quested to bring their 'baskets. withMts F.L. quar. Mrs.0. R. Bragg, R. K.Sqar Diavis and famnily have mioved to Or- î dtSceay o)no . . .NMrs. E. J. Doidlge is visiting ______ friends, in Bradford, Pa. M¶~r. R. K. - Squair spent the -weekl-end wth URKETON friends in Toronto .... No service here on Sunday mourning last ow%,ing1 League to-night 1,Thursdlay) at to the storm. 8l p. M. A Lantern Lecture entitled _________ Lif e on the Prair-ie" will be given T YR0 N E by oui pastor, Rev. G. T. MWcKenzîe,, Miss Olive Skinner is visiting hier miission: aduits -'?c, children 10c., sister, Mis. G. Scott, Oshawa .... 0 wing to the rough vweather Sun- Mr. Moore of Toronto, gave us a day orin our attendance at ivery interesting as wýell as proftable church -was very .....i.... Miss Mai- (sermoni Suniday evening last .. . .Miss garet Reid's miany friends will be Beatrice Bigelow, Peteriboro Nor- îSo1ry to hear that she has been iii mal School, spent thie-week-end wtith for the Iast -1 or 5 weeks, while visît- bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ing fin Pittsliurg, Pa. We ail wishi Bigelow ... Mrs. C. Byamn, Bowman- bier a cpeed-y recovery .... Mrs. Mc- ville, spent the -week-end at.h-er Cutchieoi is yisitilig hler parents at son',s, Mr. F. L. Byai. A num- Ardndl for the week-nd. ber of the younig people enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the home of Mis. John Virtue Wedniesdiay ENFIELD evening. , . Miss Edith Smith, Bow- mnanville, is visiting her mother,' Mrc. Visitors: Miss Ruby Smith, Whit T. Smith... .League meeting was by, with lier parents; Mrs. E. J. Alex- held Thursdlay night. The Mission-' ander -with friends near Oëshawa;l aîy Vice-President was in charge. Miss Dorothy Pascoe and Mis. John After 'devotional services, Miss Flor- Hepburn with Brock friends; Mis. F. ence Gardiner gave, a verylhelpful Gilbert is teachÎng school at Haydoni, topic, "The Mlissionary Society O)r- durinlg teacheî's illness........ Mr. ganized". Miss Eleanor Thompson, Geo. Cochrane had a very successful gave a piano solo and the Orchestra, auc(tion sale and party at night... favoredî with several selections. Miss! Mr. Morley Gilroy bas nerve troUble Lola Richards gave a very interesing ... The choir and a few others weîe reading. Meeting closed wivt Miz- hospitably entertained at houl!e of Lpah benediction. Mr. W. Ashton on Fîiday evenîng. . Friday evening 'March 21-"Life MAPLE GROVE on the Prairie" wî,7ll be I?îesented by ______Rev. G. T. MeKenzie with lanterin Mesrs. F. Swallow, Arthur Lymier! lides. Silver collection. Don't ndAfred Laird are ýdelegates fromý miss this inteîesting event. Ylere to the Dominion Alliance Con-! 1vention in Toronto this week ..> M\essrsý. Ross, Stevens and 1Ivisoix SOLINA Munday spent Tuesdlay in Toronto. TEwrh- -geh1la Sjt Miss Edna S-wilow spent the week- Te porithi tl~u e ld a"SoPa) eld with Miss Marion Pickard, 13-v- ngh, iving an Irish play. Thechr muanvifle. . . .1\Mr. Will Houden, Tor- aceinceldtemovsl rol Ii on1to, is visiting relatives iere..wtt ;aud lail enioy'ed the selvesimen- ely. ...iss Ellen J. Jars s bas been un- MisBlanche Crydra,'apo , dr t otors ar .,..Geo. Armour is spending the week with ,Miss Edna 1having sold 100i, acres o . frm te r Swallow. ..Mr. and Mis'. Thomas A, T. Stainton for iii ,,,jwillis Snd Mstock ýand i imleme'11,ntý orWedn osday, Sowden, Mr. an rcs. H. R. Foley Marh Gth. .Sll attrdac'- at ch urcih and family were visitors with Mr. on Suindayý7... .Mrj. _A. J. !, e, ated and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Town i, on Sat--1 e the fUneral aI Torout"o ou Friday o! urday and Sunday..OurLeage j ebas ben in ailinghea1t ýiisEbenezeoe League this (Thurs-* foi, ertelteRxcX.By day evnin... 1fisesViola Stev- Oliflon Sprugs lu the o L o h enis and Ida Stevens have returned 1Wîn"tor.-fie ws we-11ku ttead Ilsgfrly I homefrom he ...... .Mr. ad Mrs re ilcebre as ho was born and rais- hom fointh cty. Mr an Ms.edl inand around Sollua. Hs rran J. D. Stevens an.d daughter Jean a, e1 çrd tUio eeerOh tende'd the Golden Ju!bilee of Mr. aa Couuicillor WVilliamns has been an Ms WhteCabry advi-1ýirs aJno akrviîday t i uo tho home.ýjj andMrs WbstrCanbra, nd is'taltig hoidyviiioronteal.ii. laud,ý ited relatives at Peterboro.....o!fber fathier, M'r. . J. Bragg,M.P Leagueoes will give their play"Wati . Bwavilounbrdy Doth it Profit" at Ebene-zer. WHERE THE BEST TEA G'RflWS HAMPTOUN charge of Mlissionary Vice..President, Miss Louise Johns. Scriptlire lesson was renad by M1rs. Lewis Allun and the topic in the missionary work of Dr. Eh-y was ta-ken,, by Rev. W. W. Jones, B. D. Mrs. H. Peters and - Mr. T. Salter sang- a duet and MisI- Ruby Clatwor'thy lave a reading. Miss Helen Johns played a pin solo and meeting closed with the -1z pah benelction ...The . Young people are busy pbIactîsing their play "Martha Made Over" which will be gliven near the end of this month ... Thank-Offering services on Sunday wesre well attended. The addresses of the Rev. A. M. Irwin of the King Street Methodist Church, Oshawa, w-ere miuch appreciated. ...About f orty attended the wood-bee at IMr. Hl. Smiythe's last -wee ý. .. Glad to know that Mr. Smlythe isrecovering fromn his recýent illness.. The young people are quite busy preparing a draina to be given in 'the near future 1 . . Mr. and Mis. Geo. Edg-er and daughter Rosina, and Miss Lottie Challis, Oshawoa, visited at Mîr. Jý H.i Wilcox's. . .. Mis;s Reva McGill, En- nliskillen, visited Miss Marjorie Pas- H. D.Moses Carpenter, Contractor & Repairer Box 461 Phone 206r4 Bowmanville Estimates Free 12-tf -l i r T The tea plnt flurs es et on the well drîned side of a mountain in a country where finie is plenty of moisture and a warim sun. Certain parts of Ceylort, India and Java are ideal for the grovving of deliciaus tea, hiee fom tlhese countiieorne the finest varieties. "SALADA" ilaa blen'd of the choicest qlualities grown, in ýthese, the three maost farnous tea- gro'ing countiies in the world. Notice to Creditoirs IN TUE MA-TTER 0F the Estale o! Margaret Susan Thursron, o! the lown o! Bowman4ville, in the Counly o! Dur- ham., married .worani, deceased. -un NOTICE is hereby giýven pursuat Sec. 56 o! Cbap.ý 121, B. S. 0., that al persons haiviug cdaims or demandas againat the estýate o! the said Margaretl Susan Thurston, deasofi, who diefi nui or about the seveutoeentb da y o! Fei- rur,1924, are required 10 seud by postl 1prepaid or deliver 10 the underaîgnedi Admuinistrator The Trusts andi Quaranîee Cmaý,Limited, Toronto, or t o the fi esin d 1. B. Simpson, K.C., ils Solicitor, ou or 'before the tw'enty-fourtli day o! April, 1924, thoir chilatian audl suruames and addiresses wîlb full par- ticulars iu wriling o! their dlaims, and statemient o! their accoQunls and the nature ofl the securities (if auy) held by thiem ' lly verified b11y stalutory (de- claration. saifi 241h day o! April, 1924, the aaid Administralor will proceed 1ri diatribute the assola o! the sald deceased amnoug the parties rutitÎefi Iheroto having regard only 10 thse caims o! which il shall then have notice, and the said Adminitrator wlll not ho hiable for said assola, or any part thereof, 10 ai pr$o or porsons iof ýwhose aimi notice shall not have beau Ircivedi by il or ils said Solicitor at thael I ime o! Such istribu1tion. Dated March lSth., 1924. TeTrusts and Guarantee Companiy Limited, 120 Bay Street, Toronto. James" J. -Warren, -. E. B-. Stoekdale,. Preaideul. General -Maniager. D, B. Sim «pson, K. C., Bowmuvile.Ontario Solicitor, for tlIeseaad Administrato r. Specials For This Week Now%ý is the time to buy lard at 161/'tce L, by taking 20 lb. for- $3.2-5. Also we have a few Pienie, Hanms at 10c; only one to a customer. Our homne-made Head Cheese is made fresh every week at 15e lb. Solid meat. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville ' I I '-.------~---'------------- il S)pring F4ashions F-or Immedieate Selection Emnbracingc Every Important Phase 0f Spring Mode Interpreted in a Distinctive Mariner. NEW ARRI VALS More New Coats, Suits and Dresses for Women, Misses and Children Arrive at C. S. Mason's Upstairs Shoppe This Week We sold quite a number of our most exclusive garments last week. As our selection m~ust at all times be kept up to a standard and we neyer sell the sanie style twice, we were forced to go into the market and procure more new models in Coats, Suits and Di-esses, whieh will be in our Shoppe for your approval this week. Youj are eordially invited to caîl, see and try on these garments ithout any obligations whatever. ii~ I ,~ Il WOMEN AND MISSES UPSTAIRS SI-OPPE Phone 25J HAYDON Visitors: Mr.' and 1\r1s. Elgin MNounit-I jo-y adsou Donaýll, vsid inonda at Carwniht ocetly . .MssEdna Coul- sou teclirhas returnodie( to ber home aiOrugvileon acce-unt o! il ii health, but, trust that sho will ho able 'o restinue beýr dulies afler aster .... .Mr. 'andi Mrs. ,S.Wody enlortained a înmber o!f frieufis at thoir hiomo on Thurdy Mnr. Theron Mouintjoy bias purcsd niew pianio. .. .A-\ very pleasant and so-i ciaLblo ovening was spent at thle church onWdnda nighl when oir annual copregtioaaýl nmeeting _waS hid ', 1andI very satisfactory- reports reeve romi che varions officera o! the Sunday Scbiool,l Cbourch adLeague. Mn. Clarence Avery very eficenlyated as chairman. A îirogram )was also intersporsed consist- ing of muaic by the, orchestra and the maie cquailot; readings by MUisses Mabel Beech and Vera Slimon, IL was de- cided 10 hold our annlivorsary on July lst. A!,tor the busineuss part wýas con- cudd,l ro!l(-resbiments were served in abundane. Th ŽationaI Antb Lem broughtz the n-e(etinig lb a close .. On un a aternoon a splendfid number as- somblef ioteheair Mr. vMoore o! Toronto, sisted by -Mr. Milton Sanderson vwbo brouiglit Lit eurnest appeal for assistance for the, connex,-ional funda. ENNISKILLEN Miss Elva Griffu bhas takein a situa- tien inteu..Ms Maudie AshtonbaIsi returnied home firom visiïiug beil'l R1ev. HI. Stnton, Scug,,og .san... .: Nathan Byers bias returned homne aflerl sliending tbrec nmontbs with biis son. lr. 0. L. Byers, Toronito . M....iss E. M. Werny, Ottawa, at lber sse-utws tirs, Jt. J. We,-rry. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Aly-ý nqrýi TTerning attended th, party givon hy ti1r. Roy Webbor, Jowusanvillo, on March 14ibh... .Miss Luella Steveus entertainied the young people, aller anl enjoyable r-veuing on the pond. AI report a good imo-. .We are vory sorry to report that tir. Wmn. Oke who bas been confirned 10 bed for sonie tim, is in a critical condi- lion ...Symiatby is extended ta Mrs. Jobn Spry on the death o! bier mother, tirs. Windsor, Rîngwood... aster con- cort March 13M undor auspces of! choir and Ladies' Aid waS gi ve'I in tîwo parts. The first part wvas a paigeant, "The Fiîst iaster"'. This pageant was very in- struotive ,and illustrated the worda !romn tho Bible of lhe risen Christ. Each acted beir parts well. Pentus PltKr Poter; Soldions or guards-LonnieLab tliltoni Staiinton; Josephi-Mr. J. A.À_r 'y; Chie! Priest and Pharisee-1-arvey- àieGill and 1Lloy d A-tu;Anel Ilh Uordl-B.oyMoGllThree Maty-Mns. Thos. MeGicilI. M-\ls. J. .A_ Werriy and Mrs. S. Tnein,,ý Pel'ter and John Flrarlk Dor- land and Enuiesi ery Other Pharisees -[.GLlea and J. Wood(lmani. Thiis pageant was gîvon lisn alscenes, be- tween wblicb the choir rendered musi c Jnd1( _Miss sadieCai gave a recitation «'Ho is BSu. Tesecond part wvas given lu sougs, recitations aud drill. A recitation "Faith., Hope and Love" was excellently rnordby -Misses itrl Brunt. Eduia Lamhl and Elva Qrcbiard. A 17ecilaliou "Itesurlectioni" was beaiuti!ully giveu by, Miss Am Werry; A Lily drill was givenI by twoulv0 girls. This drill was exceedjugly we t oile amd rci a. grea"t deal o! a ýP lse. AL th, closeý of this dr-ili th, girls formod( a Semlicir'c' le and sang -The Lillies' Mýessatge". Thin- teeni little girls gave a hymu and rela tion' on "Chlrist is lison" aller wioh. thleir leader, Miss May Werny- recitIefi1 "Christ Arose". wvhile holding the. cross.1 Four' lttie'lots Saing "For M," in wbich was sung the answer "Ho leivofi and diodi for you-' by the drill girls. I\Misýs Ednal Uamib made a very pieluresque angel ho- side the cross. At the end o! the cou- cert while the platformi was blcd the formier girls and littie tots evýeryone sang 'Jeaus keoIp me noar the Cross". At the close Mr- 1o~adStevens mnoved and 1\r J. A.- Werry secouded a vote o! thauks and appireciation on bebl! irof the choir 10 Mirs. Theo. SlIcaion on behal! of the clgeain Much praise isi due 10 Mrs, Slemiron for the wvay she trainefi Ibis drlliand little tots. It us moure workers like Mrs. Stemon ibtat our, chiurcb need-s. Thie accompaulis for the drill andl littol, ots wvere Miss L. A.ndrew and Mrs. Hl. J. ý_orry. ... The sermon ou Sundahy by Pas tor MKui ou Self Saicrifice, taking7 for his tex,,t eb. 11:8.,vwas well given and greatly ape ciated. Thoso wbo vwere not Ibere mhiss- etd aniothltr o! aur pastor's good sermons which ar eY befeicial and instructive. Most for the money sud quality the best is what you get in asuit or overcoat at Couch, Johlnstoln & Cry- lerman 's. C. S. MASON FR EXCLUSIVE WEAR FRWOMEN AND CHILDREN Walk Upstairs Pay Cash Save Dollars Rest Room on Same Flooir It's "Up To You"y to Buy the Best At this season of the year when the appetite heeds tempting there is n'othing better or mnore, tasty and appetizing that somne of our Fresh Picnjc Hams at .........................1c ~ Watch our windows for other special prices. Sçalded Crea.m always on hand. G. A. dmondstone Phone 21 . Bowmanville Can't Eat.,Too Much Corbett's Bread Baked fresh daily-of a uniform goodness, delivered to you in the same sweet satisfactor-y state in which it leaves the oven. Corbett's High White Bread is making friends rapidly. It will snuggle up to your appetite in quite friendly fash- !on if you allow -it. We SeIl Willard's Ice Cream Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. CO"«orbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Conf ectioner Bowmanville Comprehensive Display of A SwaII "Deposit WiII Hold .Any Carment Selected Until Wanted Jâ 7t Ïç t r