'I Chi*ck-Growing M ash If you want good strong sturdy chicks f eed them plenty of FUL-O-PEP GROWING MASH WODE HOUSE MILK MASH These mashes give wonderful resuits in de-. veloping fast growth. SoId in Bowmanvîlle by II ARKRY ALLIN PHONE 134 DOWMÂANVILLE TRUE ECONOMY You will find it true economy to shop at this store. We specialize in Groceries, ..Baking and Confectionery. H.Se.BR] IT'TON, Newca.tle The NewvocstleI ndîepýenc TIIURSDAY,, JUNE l9th., 1924. lent When C7hoosing Your Gift For The Juhe Bride or Wedding Shower BE SURE YOUJ VISIT ELLIOT'S GIET SHOP We have just i'eceived a most unique assortmient of Silverware, Cut Glass and Mantel Clocks and other pieces which would be suitable for the June bride. Articles that will suit every pocket and of the very best quality. SILVERWARE CUT GLASS Casseroles Marmialade Jars Pie Plates Mustard Jars FEtree Dishies Butter Tuba Sandwich Plates Berry Bowls Bon Bon Pishes Bon Bon Dishies Butter Tubs Creami and Sugar Sets Creami and ýSugar Sets Sherbeit Gaîsses Compotes Vases Candie Sticks Knife Rests FIower Baskets SaIts and Peppers You are welcome to inspect our stockwithout obligation to buy. A LEXE L LIOT B'ownsanville jThe "Municipal Fathers" found it. Inecessary to eut down the huge maple Itree on the east aide of Mili Street Iopposite Mr. Jennings' property, the~ Itree was one of the finest in the vil-I lage but was in the way for thae new sid ew a k , a n d s e a d o b1 r m o ed Mis. Taylor bas soîd ber boate and engines and ail the fishing tackle, fornierly the property of her la-te brotilers, William and John Mont- gomery, to a Kingston fin. The bOats ,were manned and taken dosvn the lake atnd the reels, nets, etc., sblipped by truck. Mis, Geo. C. Wiight, Neweastle, Mis. Walton-BaII an~d Mis. F. G. Brethour, Toronto, leave this Thurs- day on a trip to the British lesi and the Continent. Among the Places Of apecial intereaýt which they wilI visit on their tour wiIî be the British Empire Exhibition at Wemb-. ley. A meeting cf the citizena was lield in the Council Room on Thursday evening for the purpose of organiz- in.- the various branches of sports. The idea met with unanimnou's support and a committee com-posed of the presidents of tbe varions organized branches of sports was appointed Vo put te flatter in shape. Asplendid game of basebaîl was played on the park diamiond on Tus- day afteînoon between the Rough Riders and the Maple Leaves of the town League ,some of the boys aie deveîoping into real base-baîl playersz and bef ore long w-iîl be able to take te measixie of the best in te neigbiborbood. Board Of Education met in speciai session on Monday to ehoose frorn 19 applications, a High Sehool assistant t Vo succeed Miss E. Sandeirson, leav- ý ing Vo pursue Iber university course.t Missq Sanderson, during ber two years here, baïs given complets satis- faction, and ihas given berself wbole- heartedly and eainestly in the in- erests of te sehool andi ber students and the Board sinceiely regret Vo lose ber seryies. The hest wisheN of every memnber wilî foillow hep in c her future caree-r. tý 'ou are flot Il! IL Pe03rImeat. oýu u se Dr. ment foi Eezema and sir- Irrita- tionis. kt relieveg at once aInS gradu- 211Y kàeal t* ki Samplo box Dr. paper and gend 2(,-, tamp for postage. ca box; all dealers or Edmanson, Bate & o. Limited, Toronto. tioni a vivid worrd-pictu ro of the Eatern shepherd carlng for hin sheep and from tha t picture nmade the people to eý the Divine Shepherd'm love and devotion and care, for His Il ocks. Miss Lillian Clemence with a volce of oderfui charm, clarity and sweet- nes, threiled her heýarers wlth ber clear- toned eloquence am she spoke -0f the faitlih,,heassurance, the optimlsm and the cuaeoftoewho trusted In the Divine Shiepherd while gooing through the troubles and the darký places or lif, ee the valley Of .the RhadOw of Deatth.vl Mis enedliet with quiet, earnest, convinclng- argument spolte on the clos- lng Portioil of the Psalm: Fror ail Godef goodnes and miercy to man, man owes as3 a duty Of love to God, hi 11if e, his service, bis ail -I will d'weii l-n the house ef the Lordfrer" l'r. Howard Pearcie read as a Soripture le8son, the psaim undeor study. The Inteîmediate Choir of young men and women, ail Leaguers, sang tWO beautifuliy appropriate anthemq and af- t r the addre-sseg, miss Grace Bragg sang with sweet effectiveness, accom- panied hy mrs. Ear11 1 'imher on the or- gan, "There were -Nlnety and Nn" Four young mon agio Laur-r Orm. Parker, Mr. Eric Pearce, Mr. Ewart Clemence and Mu AcheGienny collect- eS the offering and pîesented it for the Div ine blesslng. Worshipping and Iiiîtenlng at this service, one could not help but reali1ze the diff erence-ai the, difference in the world-between these splendid Young people, typical of thousaids(L throughout this province of Ontarib, reared in Chlristian, çvholegomne homes1 br9ught up in the chureh, tralned In our rural achools, their mental and smpiritual if e developed step) by step in our Sunday Schioois and youn- people's &ocietiesý- and that other crasa of young people, the story of the crImInal deedi of some, of whomi have be-en fIlling pages of our daily papers; young people bred in the weaith infested hiomesi of a great city, nourished in languiS luxury, poilU ted by a sordld soclety and educated An, reig-- lously Ptarveýd by colleges largmly de- Yoid of (Christian teachlng. What a dIfference! It le tins, as Rev. 2,lanison D)oyle affîrmed In a recent mermnn bre, that not in' ail the worid have any people left to poqterity sncb an intellect- ual and reli,-lous heritage qs 515 the plonaers fathers and mothere of Old On- tario; and oui young people of to-day are provin.- worthy heirm of that Ines- timnab-Le beritage. meget-Cowan At the Oakwo-ad Parsonage, Tor- onto, at three o'clock on Saturday aif- ternloon, June l 4th., the marriage of ~iis;i Orena M. Cowan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cowan, Newcast- e, and Mr. Charlem A. Meg-et, Tor- nto, was quietly -,olemnnized by the Rev. W. W. Wallace. The bridle looled very charming in itailored suiit of navy tricotine with black hat and cairried lily of thie ialley and sweet peas. After a short~ honeymoon they will ,eslde at 235 Winnett Ave., Toronito. a b TE Cinpers' Needsiii Footwear MEDICAL NÊWCASTLE NEWCASTLE CHURCHES ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University,, lz Mr. C. T. Moise is home from the Methodist Church, Rev. E. B. of Royal College Physiciana, 'Edn pe-ae frasothoda. Coe Pastor. 11.00 a. m-op burg. Specialty-Diseases of wort- The five hundre.d club picnicked In ing Worship. 2,30 P. im.-Sunday en and childien. Offie-Parker'a Law'ýs Woods on Tuesd1ayý afternoon. School. 7.00 p. .-Evening service. Block, Newcastle. _Mr. George Gaines has severed hisMr. J. J. Lindsay whose' ser7vices connrection -with the J. Andrson were sýo greatly appreciatedl here will J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Smith Co. be a visitor at the miorning servie lionr gadute f Trnit Unverityand~ will be delighted to greet hias Hloo rat of Trinity é i olersity Mrs.fFrank Bennett has returned many friends. Fellw o Trnit MedcalColegehom ate a vîsit with lier daughiters Licentiate of the State University of in Toronto. New York, Matriculate of the Post-. Graduate Medical School and Hos- Mis E. Sanderson was -week-end NEWCASTLE ME-MORIAL pital of New York and F'ellow of theguesto r rdW oeM . IRR Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office and Mrs. Bowen. ________ -Mrs. MeNaughton's Residence. The memibers of the Lawn BowlingÎ Report for May 1924: Newcastle. Hlour--8 to 10 a. m., Club are making good use of the,____ 1 te 3 P. nm., and by appointaient, green these fine evenings. New membher- 1(; total nuinber of M.adMrs. Herbert Brerton, books 297; number of books circulat- went up to Toronto to be present atl ed during mionth: Non-fiction 55; J lT iithe mariage of Mia. Breîton's niece. fiction 694; juvenile 162; total num- Ji rauey Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Jennings have ber 911 books. Fnso vru N.waaj.returned home fromn a pleasant visît books $3.16. Nec«leto Winipeg- and other western pointa. The followinz books have been Canerai Insurance Agent 1Mr. H. C. Allin was in Bellev'ille purchased recently: Juveile-"Tom-. 1ýlrk of 2nd Division Court, Cou:. this week assisting the Port Hope my and the Wishing- Stone", "Tom-i rissioner. etc. tBand at the big celébration in that my's wisheï corne true", and "Toni- - town.my's changèý of heart" by Thornton Newcastle Young People's League Burgess; "Bannertail" by Thomson- wlhodits annual picnic at Osh.Liwa- Seton;- "Judy of York Hill" and Ç O Kon-the-Lake on Saturday afternoon, "Camp Ken-Jockely" by Ethel Hume G u u u GalraitKhasr"t0nedBennett. Fiction-":Fortune's 'Foo1": is cheaper than wood and jS h ome fi1oa Hamilton where she has ston l; "prit flon", HtanPrter the equal to the best Goal. I been assisting Mrs. Wynn te settle in and "The Virginian", Owen Wister. havea supl of the b-et rNon-flction-"Jack Miners and the hav asupl of th bst Mr. Wilfred Mereer, Osha.wa, re- Birds", Jack Miner; "My windows on Coke obtainable. cently visited bis relatives, Messrs. the streets of the World", Professor J. C. and H .E. Hancock and families Marvo; "The great war as I sarw it", Higestgrae f A thr-'of this village. Canon Scott; '4Here, there and 1'e Anha Messrs. S . Rickard & Son sold 3 everywhere", Lord Frederie Hamil- cite always on hand. head of their choice Shorthoins to a ton. 'breeder in the West. When they The Library Board offered prizes want the best they aIl corne to New- to the pupilm of the Publie Sehool fer G eo. Ja-mie:son castle. i h en the ;best postera remindïng men and Mr. an-d Mis. Crawford expect Vo boys1 to remove their bats upon en- Newcastle ccu.py their new home "Elnihurst" trn h Library. The prize tîme are makinz some repaira and second, Mabel Garner and third, alterations. Mary Adair. Similar prizes were Rev. Alex. K. Edmiaon, M. A., offeîed toplthe High Sehool pupils for O0rono, preached two good sermnons the beat pster for silence in. the in the Mvethod(ist Church on Sunday,ý Library. The first prize -was won by whîl PatorE. B. Cooke was con- Hilda Rowvland. R ernnantducting anive~garyservices at Les-_ _____ Mr. lDouglas Watts, London, En- YOUNG PEOPLE IN CHARGE Sale of 'Wall Papers land,' Miss Mary Watts, Toronito, and Miss Watts, Brantford, were récent If our church leaders of yonng peopies guests of Mrs. W. J. Moore enroute work and religious education had been From to attend the R. M. C. BaIl at. Kings- at, the Mlethodlst Churot, Sunday night ndseen and heard younig people of thie 5 pe roluwrs ton. League conduct and carry through the Mr .Harry Jose, determined not Vo "1""e service, it would have dlone their b e stuki the nmud another wet cel'ved suich encouragement an.d inspira- In quantitieQ of 8, 10 and rigba been doing considérabhle tion as to belp themi far alongth a tile draini ng with the help of Pinch 0of their lifie's calling. Broterswit ther pwerdithing Rev E.fl.Cooke, the Pastor, being Brootshfersttrn mac ine. i oerdtc'9awa'y at Conpfereýne,the Young Peopie's 12 r lls of a p at ern ach ne.League, by request of the Quarteriy Oi- Rev. E. B. Coloke and Mis. Cooke cial Board, took the Sunday nighI-t's Suitable for any roolm, co-pn4d sdùbtr Ele ervice. 'Mr. Erneot Gilbani<, tePe accomanie by aug-her Eleen dent, aniouneed the hymn.,i off ered prayer 1ceý1eIbrated~ theW ý wedding anniversary at thipesentation of the offering, read some with and with at week at the home of Mrs.teanucmtsnd roucdte Cooke's parents, Mi. and Mrs. Camp-'bneition, alilln an earneet, reverent b orders. lin of Unionville. wsoitd ithi him on the platformr "Scotty" Cameron, the popular we""re Mr. Ciarence Allun, Miss Lillian juirin the Standard Bank here has Ciemence and Miss myrtie Eenedict, the junior peakers who had chosen for their even- been tîansferreçi to Brighton. Scotty ing,'s themne the Twenty Third Psalm. will be much inissed here as he was They took It up In three sections, and llDtI very popular with the public and wasý seldom. if ever, have we heard a bette 54/ 0T. A t a nd of the main spokas in basebal psit. ino hni a ni ir se111e andhocee.Mposi i ni anliar saiheper Books and Stationery u-4 Wv. CLAUDE IVES Bownianville Cash Shoe Store MORE BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK Read our advt. every week and you wilI find it to your advantage if you want to save money. Here are some extra good values this week: Pickled Picnic Ham~s ....................16e lb Boneless Peamêal Rolîs ...........18 b Smoked Picnic Uams ....................18e lb Regular Smoked Hams, by whole or haif -95e lb G. A. Edmondstone R Phone 21 Bowmaziville Meas i jt what it implies: Sunshine gives heat Heat gives comnfort Comfort gives satisfaction Satisfaction includes economny -~, McClary Mfg. Co. are Vhe largest manufacturer of furnaces and stovesQ in te British EnipirE Greenaway & Elliott Heathsg Experts and Cosulting Engineers Phone 18 BowmanviiIe ýrs Le t Us Deliver The freshest vegetables, the flnest canned goods, the most appetizing fruits-groceries that will make your daily meals a huge success for the housewif e. Consider our quality-cornpare Our pries. Then you'Il trade here. R. WALTON Grocoe Ne*wcastle j Where is one sure route to economical tire mileage and that is via present-day' DunIo Cord Tires, which are available' i every nook and hamiet throughout Canada.:, Note the tremendous number of big cars equipj>ed ail around with Dunlop Trao..ý thon uCord Tire&. "Thnese Are the Onfr- T ires You Need DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER' 1GUODS CO., Limited Head Office and Factorfes' TORONTqJ BRANCHES IN4 THE LEADING OITIF,& q Your Grocei Dunlop Tires SoId in Bowmanville by MOFFATT MO0TOR SALES CO. Royal Theatre Coupons Given Away Phone 248 1 - -, Grocer il WHITE I-2Q5 Oxfords with low heels and rubber heel lift$3.2 Strap Slipper~s ... ........................ ... $3.25 Kid Trimmed Sandal, Louis Heel ......$4.50 Kid Trimmed Low Hleel Sandal........ $3.75 Rubber Sole Strap Slippers and Oxfords in various Colors. CHILDREN'S SANDALS Smoked Elk, Brown Caif, and Patent Leather Sandals for- chuîdren, are well made with welt soles,............. sizes 5..71/2ý $2.00; 8-.1012 $2.25 Stitchdown Sandals in brown ....$1.50 to $2.25 MEN'S OXFORDS Black and Brown Oxfords on the new Park- Way last ..................................... $7.50 pair TENNIS GOODS Brown Canvas, leather soles, rubber heels, Oxfords ....Shoes.................................. $2.145 High S o s ........ ...............$3.00 Brown Tennis Boots with heels ........$2.50 * Brown Tennis Boots ...................$2.00 Oxfords, flat heels ....................$1.75 Tables of Special priced goods in store. AI- ways busy here. Prices to suit every purse. Ye Olde Jewelry Shoppe Cash Sh.oe Store Bowmanville le --j JUNE WEDDING 1