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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1924, p. 3

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Mason & Dale Now Offer Ylu Plough' Points at 55c. Amis and Ammunition. Old Reliable Brantford Roofing. 1-and 'lots of other things you want and we have in our large stock of hardware. Quality Hardware at Lowest Prices MASO N & DALE The Popular Hardwar --Qualityand Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville C A NN EL c O4A L Ebony Cube-the be'st cannel coal mixed. We have just unloaded a car for use in tire- place or grates. Now that the cool evenings are here let us supply your waiijs for a nice cosy warm grate fire. J. A. HOLGATE & SOIN Phone 153 Bowmanville Select Your ; FURNACE -'1 Be comfortable when winter cornes. We wantto show you why MeClar-y Sunishine Furnaces are the finest heating systern at any price. They burn al fuels equally well. Every Sunshine Furnace in- stallation is guaranteed by the niakers to give ideal heat distribution at minimum.n fuel cost. De- cide now to be comfortable next winter. Estimates Gladly Furnished Free Greenaway & Elliott Heatiug Experts and Consulting Enkineers Phone 18 Bowmanvile Watch our windows this gaturday for extra special values in choice Meat. This is a grand chance to save money on your meat bill. We have the BEST supply of cooked meats in town-all home made. Our motto: "Quality Fir-st." C.~ M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville URINEx~~The 6«IND.DUST &CINDERS,) êr304» OYbtGIî$ 6. OPTICIANS 4C.11vm e >a soovs VÊUoeas ua e uc^oxaAA BOWMA-ýNVILLE, SEPT. 11, 1924.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Oshawa's proposed Subway will cost about $11.5,00Û. Cobourg Public Schools have 16 teachers, 4 new ones. Oshawa firemien were called out to. two tires Fricia-y last. House burglaries ia Cobourg and Port Hope are common. Oshawa Separate School has an attendance of 236 pupils. Magistrates are rîg-htly giving chicken thieves long terms. Principal Adamas of Osha-wa High School reports over 440 students. Legislative Committee maeets in Osha-wa on Septeiber 23 . See advt. Oshawa Christian Church young people held a corn-roast at the Lake. Oshawa is erecting a new steel water-tower on high school grounds. Osh awa lawn bowlers three rinks,' won three games each at Barrie on plus system. John Wesley Stewart was caught in Oshawa wearing female attire- dangerous pastime. Mr. Geo. W. McLaughlin has been appoin.ted on Oshawa's Board of Water Comimissioners. Girls are ta wear hats that bide the eyebrow%ýs. Wbere will this sud-1 den attack of modesty end? Miss Gladys Westaway who has been on a two months' holiday ïný England bas returned home. Alimer Rogers, Whitby, is out on r$13,000 bail, charged wîth convert- ing clients funds to bis own use. Monday was wash day one'. ti the day now we get the hist of killed and injured in Sunday accidents. Oshawa em-ploya 58 public achool teachers two trained nurses and a supervisor for some 2,800 scholars.ý Oshawa is going to investigate ex-1 penditures on new school buildings which, it is claimed, have been ir- regular. American visitors bave been more numerous in Canada in 1924 titan in any previous year--thanks to the automobile. Mr. Geo. Gould's fine residence on Kîng-st., Port Hope, suffered from ~$8,000 to $10000 damage by fire on Septeniber 4th. Rev. and Mis. F. J. Maxwell and family, Oshawa, bave returned home Jafter holidaying at their summer cot- tage at Kincardine. Whithy asylumni iust -have some clever patients if the bealtb inspectai wbo visited. Lakeside towns recently. is an average specimen. Miss Mildred Tape, Port Hope, won at inatriculation tbe Leitcb Me- morial Honor Scbolarship of $60 -at Queen's University, Kingston. Mrs, Hlarold E. Tuck and duhe Dorothy, Toronto, have *been visitingi hier cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and other relatives bore. Oshawa bias no borticultural so- ciety functioning althoaaBwmn ville man says Mr. R. S, cLugX i has the fineat fiower gardon iin East- ern Ontario, Rev. J. H. McBain, pastor of Sim- coe St. Methodist Church, is home fromn a mnonth's holidays witb bis I family at their summner cottage ati Atberley, Lake Coucbicbing. Mis. Robert Cleverdan, East Tor- onto and Mrs. Albert Norton of Buffalo, New York, were recent guesta of their brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Norton. Cobourg Tennis Club won the Morrow Cup, defeating Peterboro Tennis Club in five out of six events played. Oshawa Tennis Club took six events fîom Port Hope and fln-i ishied in second place. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 3Jalleau and.ý Misses Bernice and Ruth Alun spent the week-end with Mrs. V 1eus parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. A. Eggle- ton, Stirling. Misses L. Marie and lia B. Valleau returned home withl their parents. During August Osbhawa bad 53 births; 9 marriages; 16 deaths; anrd 13 acses of communicable diseases.1 The diseases were: Scarlet Fever 1; Cbickenipox 1; Dipbtberia 3; Whoop_- ing Cougb 4; Measlos 1; Mumps 3. Lucille Hairdressn Parlors, 231/2 Simcoe St. North, Osbawa, Shampoo-' ing-, Scalp Treatmonts, Hair Bobbing, Curling, Marcel Waving, Massaging and Manicuring. For appointment phone815.Business houira 9 to 6.30. Open Monday, Wedniesday and Friday evenings. 85-tf MNr. -And% Mis.TJames Lewis,088 Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day A. L- Nîcholîs; Local Dealer.. could hoe given ber anýe of the ani- mals haid tamipl(2d on ber bond and body, causinig seriaus injury. At th"e bospital it wnas found she was sufforing fromi a fractured skull and brokoen collai bone. Hor condition [s considiered seriaus. Do, as a boy, the best you can, And you shaîl prosper as a nia n. COME TO THE FALL FAIR -1Taîl corn, and big turnips will sur-i prise the natives next Wednosday ati Bowmianville Fair. Favored with fine weather Wed- nesday next will be a big day at Bo-wmaniville Faîl Fair. Grandmnothers, be sure to exJibit a1 t the Fair the pîetty fancy work you have been doing the past year. Grandfathers, corne to Bo-wmanvil- le Fair next Wednesday ta see the grent progress in frnrming since you were a boy. More bigb cîasscattle, shoep, swîne and poultry are exhibited at Browmianville Fair than car be seen at many similar shows. Mothers, get your work abead so that you cen came witb y'our hubby and the children to the Fair next Wednes;day. It will be i'. Don'.1,1t fail ta mieet your friends there. AMONG THE FARMERSr W. F. Batty, Broaklin, won sever- al prizes on Heavy Draft Horses at C.ý N. E. J. J. Virtue, Hampton, was judge of the standing field crop com- potitiom in connection with Percy Ag-ricultural Society of East Nor- thumiberland. Miltion W. Staples, B. 5S. A., a native of Durbam County and, a re- cent graduate from O . A. C., Guelph, bas beeii appainted Assistant Agri- cultural Reprosentative for Oxfordi County. Junior farmers fromn this district roceived awards as follows in the stock judging contestt et the Cana- dian National Exhibition, Toronto: Beef Cattle-8Sth, W. H. Swain, Cavan; Heavy Horses-9th, Roy Hall, BroQjdin; Sheep-Sth, Harold iPa9scoe, Sauina; 1 2th, Lawrence Cry- dermen, R. R. 4, Bowmanviile; 13th Archie Glenny, Newcastle; Poultry -1 Otb, Arthur Wilison, Port Hope; Fruit and Vegetafoles-Zn1d, J. H.1 Jase, Newcastle. LAKE SH ORE, CLARKE (Aîrived too late for late issue) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lake spentl Sunday at Tyron..... Mr. J-ini Mc- Minn and Master Douglas Hender- son, Oshawa, visited at Mi. John Hoxdîy's. .. Mr. John Hondry went to Toronto Exhibition on Labor Dayl ... Mr. and Mis. Johnston eand son Rorbert, Brantford, spent the week- end at Mi. J.- F. Bone's .... Mr. and Mis. George Wragg, Port Hope, and Mi. and Mrs. Macklin, Roseneath, recently vislted at Mrs. Gaîdhama Wragg's .... Sui2day visitais at Mr. H. A. Adams': Mr. and Mrs. Howard Challis and fam-ily, Bowmanvillo, Mi1. and Mis. Albert Souch and fai-ý ily, Sbiloh, and Mr. anid Mrs. Arthur A. Gibson and family, Orono. Corne ta Bowman.ville Fair September 16 and 17. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Came ta Bowrnanvillo Fair Soptemiber 16 and 17. Pollutod water may be the means of s-preading cholera, dlysentery and diaîrhoea, but particularly typboid foyer. Mr. anrd Mrs. Stewart Stoie and family who spent the holidays at their home in Caosarea, bave ro-, turned ta the City of Oshawa. "What food, whon on her gentie knee Did mother always give ta mie, That made me grow wben I was wee? Oh! milk!, just milk"! Canadian National Railway did a humnper business in passenger traffic during Toronto Exhibition. Trains weîe rua with over twenty packed cars. Coîboîne Fair, Tuesday and Wod- nesday, Septomber 23 and 24. Big display of exhibits, several new at- tractions, fiee acta, boise races, good band, grand concert in the evening. 37-2 Epidemic of sleeping si ckniess be-1 in Englaxid and Wales early iný 1924 and shows little sign of abat- ing, baving extended withaut a break froni February until now, the only redeemning feature being a campai- atively low death rate.,IYuring this perid the number of cases in Eng- land and Wales amounted ta more than 4,000, deatb rate being from 12 ta 21~ per 1000. The great possibilitios of commer- cial aviation in Canada and the val- uable services- it renîdors, alreadyj MISS LEPHA N. DONCASTER A. -r. C, M,. Teacher of Piano, Theory, Hwia Guitar. and lUkujiele. Class ne-opens Sept. 8. Pupils prepared for ail grades of exaininations. 53 MISS REGINA PERCY Will resume hler class the secn ej of September at her residence, Silver-st., Bowirnanville, 36-2w.% T. W.STANLEY Carlisle Ave., Bawmnanville le prepared to accept pupils for Piano, Voice, Organ. Fali term com mences now. Box 481.,'15 - 4w OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 16 Simcoe St. North Intensive, Individual Instructions in Shorthand, Typewýriting, Book- keeping, Secretarial Training, Ac- counting, General Office Practice, Civil Service and General Iniprove- ment. Recent siuccesses 22 graduates. J. O. McIYeirmett, B. A., Principal. 37-1 FREE RAILROAD FARE TO NEAREST BRANCH A Job For You $20-$35 Per Week We want fifty mien. -We will train you for .Auot, Tractor, Garage eecbanxcs. Hundreda of jobs vacant. Qiiynw Write quiekly. This is a special off e good only for fifteen days. Menionad Hemphill B3ros., Auto & Gas Tractor School, 163 King St. W., Toronto. School Opening We Have a Full Stock of School Supplies Consisting of Text Books for High and Publie Schools. Scribblers, Exercise, Note Books, Pencils, Pens, etc. Secure your wants early. W. T. Allen Books and Stationery Bowmnanvillo HIGII SCHOOL NOTES Congratulations to Miss Gladys E. Jackson whose name appears among successful graduates of Toronto Nor- mal School as having taken a Second ciass Provincial Certificate. Pos- Elocution and Expression, _Miss Jackson sbiould be a valuable acquisi- tion to any teachîng staff as so fewv teachers are well qualified to teacli reading, a subject of first importance on the Public School curriculum. WEDDING Hannamn-Secor The marriage was solem-nized in Kew Beach Preshyterian Church, To- ronto, on Saturday, Sept. 6, by Rev. J. A. Cranston, of Muriel Marguerite only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A11. M. Secor, to Mr. Mark G. Hannam, youngest son of Mrs. and the ~lt Mi. G. Hannamn. Thie bride, who was given away by her father, w-as char1uing in a gown of grey geor- gette and ivory lace, with hat to match, and wore a corsage of sun- kist roses and lîlies of the valley. Miss Gladys Westa-way, L. T. C. M., Port Hope, cousin of the groom, sang dluring the signing of the register. Mr. Peter C. Kennedy played the welding niarch. After a short honeymioon the happy couple will re- side in Montreal. Music Teachers MARGARET I. ABERNETHY A. T. C. M. Teachier of Piano. Puipils prepareci for Toronto Conser oyExamis, Studio at J. Hl. Abernethyv's, Concession St., Bomnilli1e. Phone 183r13. 35l-3 MISS VIOLA BROWN Teacher of Piano -Will take a few pupils at her homne on Centre Street, Bowmnanville. 36-Zw;' RETA R. COLE A.I. C. M., L. C.C. M., F.G. C. M. Teachier Voice production, placing and interpretation, sight singing, piano and theory. Studio King St. West, Bowmian- ville. lass reopens Septemnber SUh. Phiono 57. 35-4 MRS. J. ALBERT COLE A. T. C. M., A. 0. C. M. Honor Graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, pupil of, Geo. D.Atkin- son. Teacher of Piano' and Theory. Studfio Centre St., Bowmnanville. Phiono 1M7 Classes will be reoumned in Hamyp- ton beginning Sept. Sth. 35-3w Thrifty Housewives Use Quality Oroceries The prudent housewif e knows that it's false economy to use Groceries not of the best. Her table carnies food of quality which she can obtain at the lowest market prices at our store. It costs no more to have your groceries de- livered. HA RR Y PIIONE1 lU ALLIN, fflumAMVgLLE The Good Cook Buys Good Groceries The thorough housewife knows that good cooking does not start in the kitchen. She realizes that one must have good Groceries before one can create toothsome and wholesome dishes. That's why she buýys here -where quality is high and prices low. ARn"C HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowrnanville c Corbett2s High Loaf Bread Is Stili the Cheapest Food. Brimful of Hleaith! Nourishing and appetiz- ing! Makes children Happy and Healthy! 'You can't f eed the f amily too much of Corbett's Popu- lar High Loaf Bread, Owing to the advance in price of flour we are now compelled to seIl this wholesome bread at 20e the large loaf. W. P. UC"orbuett (Successor to Thomas Tod> Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville TASTY EATS!e The kind of Meat that you can eat three times a day and be the better for it. Every fibre of it is rich in substance and appealing to the taste. Have'you tried our MoeMd Jellied Meats at 15e lb? It's deliejous. Choice Smokedl and .-Cooked Meats always on hand. Wilbert J. DudleyJ Horsey Block Phone 225, Hôuse 272 Ilowmanville

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