Friday-Saturday, Septemaber 19-20 Tom Mix in, N~orth of the Yukoni" Adissinfor chldreun Saturday -Liights 25c. Il accompaniied by parents 15c. M-anday-Tuesday, Septemberc 22-23 -Jackie Coogaiî hn "Long Live The King" Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 24-25 "Nellie the Beautiful.Cloak Model" An ip-to-the-niiinute mielodramiya. Friday-Saturday, September 26-27 ,Shirley Ma5on ini "SoutLh Sea Love" FAIR DAY SPECIAL -or one day' only, Septemiber 17, we offer any Ladies' or Gents' WATCW in thie-store at 25per cent off Reg1larpries. This is an ex- cepti onai offer when you consider ~ihat watches are avn ini price. We gujarantee every watch sold duîing itbis off er. Atex. Eliot SJeweler Bowmanvllle. DARLINGTON COUNCIL ENFIELD Mr. anild AMrs. Arthnur Anni sJl,7vi, Lorne and' Ad elaide, Tyrone, Mr. Jamýs PHolden, MrsE.AniMrs. A. W. Jackson and son Albert, Whit- 1Ly, inis. Goi'don Leas, Tutn MisMabel Tordiff, Myrti, Mi'. Ross- Wel-l Dobsoni, Mancheste?, er re- cent 'guests of Mr. and Mrs Fank Royal îTh-eatre BOýV1MANV1LLE Friday-Saturclay, September 12-13 Dusztin Farniiii lu "Kentucky Days' J*onday-Tuesday, September 15-16 "Behold This Womran" Froni the story by E. Phillips Oppen- hefi. Direct fromn the Tîvi Theatre. Wednesday-ThursdaY,,Sept. 17-18 William Farnmin "The MUan Who Fights Alone" I Fait & Winter - Opening. Our stock It wifl pay this store., is complete. you to visit Men's Overcoats an-d Suits $15.00 to $35.00. ' Boys' Overc-oats ai-d Suits $&.OO to $15.OO0. Men's Hats $13.50 to $6 Men's Caps $1 to $2.50 ' A full range of Fali and Winiter Underxýveari Furs repaired hiere as u1suaL, Al so a ConmpJete line of furs now ý-in . stock- ahl n'ew and U, to date. S. G. CHAfMRT RA N 1 door west of Bell' Telephone Office Bowmanville Town Hall, Hampton, Aug. 30, 1924' 1Regular me-eting of Council. Mcmi- bers ail piresent. W. R. Courtice, 'Reeve, pîe.siding. M,ýinutes were read and approved. C. P .R. akolde receipt of letter, re comlpiaitit (_4 crosýsing at lots 30 and 31, coni. 10, and i'eported thiat tbey hadI advîsed ain inspection of sarne. Filed, Lt.-Col. Johni A. Cooper, Toronto, Presîdent of thie Last PosC Funuud, wrete nsking Counicil to make a grant to thie Fund. Laid on table for 1 mionth. T. E. Edmnondson, Toronto, thru bis solicitor, W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C., Oshawa, îequested conipensa- tion for closing of a road near bisi property at Io t32, con. 2. ThietDep3t. of Hligbways, Toronto,, devistedCithe'r rondi at that, tlius providing the cause of complaint, the cierk was instîucted to forward a copy of thýe letter to tbe Dep. _Mînîster of Public Hligbways. By-law Nio. 859 was given its sv eral reaCdings levyilg rates for year 1924 as fellows: County, 9.26 milis; Toîwnship, 2.5 milîs; Cernent Bridges and Culverts, 2.4 nis; and General Schiool Rates, 5.71 nis, also Local Schooh Rates which vary from 92.27 milis to 9.92 milis acording to thie reest of tàre Local School Trustees. Treasurer ackcno.wledgl-ed foilowing receipts: Çounties Treasurer $133.- 58 for calcum chlorid on rond lai -Hampton, also $78.69 for Absentee Land Taxes; MclCiellan & Co., ce-- pîent bags $12,80. Orders drawn on Treasurer were: T. F'. Stonmbouse, bolts etc.$ .75 Hl Po-wer, stone for culveit 1.215 T. Bickle, break-ing roads 2.00) A. Nichoils, gravel .......2.25 G. Cari, atone for bridge. 2.30 WT. Lymer, breaking ronds 2.40 E. IH. Cole, i'oik on bridge. 2.50 John Brock, tearning ... 0 T. Lane, do ........... R . Burgess, cutting weeds. 3.75 F. Mountjoy, g-ravel......... 3.60 F. W .Allin, do............. 4.13 R. .H Armstrong,- woîk rond 4.80 Isaac Pointon, -wQrk..........-5.00 A. Trimible, work culvert. 5.00 lm. Smith, do............... 5.00- L. H. Hlockin , work on r@nd 5.60 H. E. Rundle, atone culvert 6.00 T. Hl. Richards, gravel, etc 6.08 Geo. Moore, grave!l. .. ý.....6.12 Wm. Bickie, dIo.... .......6.75 G. Cornish, labo, at ...,... 7.50 Alex, Wilkins, do......... 7.50 W. H. Nicholîs, lumber...... 7.70 H. Power, ,wotk, etc. culveit 9.00 HI. _,Bradley, work bridge. 10.0Ô' F. A. Weery,. grave!l, 10.00 W. W. Down, -wo'k. ........ 11.25 G. A. Stepheniia, lumiber, etc t 2.00' Hnarold Bennett, labor....... 131.0 0 Alex. Wigp1ltgîravel. ....... 13.12 'Wm. Brown, work on culvert 15.00 John E. Soniey, gravel . . .. 15.87 John Brock, wok,itlvê,t. , 17.40 S. Tyler, wolc, Foley culvert 20.00 W- H. Wodde~work do....... 21.00 W. J. Allin-i, work on culvcrt 22..50 C. J. Rundie, rond work. ..ý. 22.50 Wm. ,Prescott, gravel, stone 2-3.501 TJ. Wonnacott, gravel bridge 25.00, A. Burgess;, work on culvert 25.00 H., Cowling-l' work on rond .. 25.001 W. Brown, brushiing rond. . 2 5.00: J. Martin, gifhve 1- ,wr. ... 27.63 M. amis, wokoe culvert 30.00 Johin Brock, do............ 35.00C 'F. L. Robbins, cernent, gravel 53.25 F. Adan-is, grnve. work. 57-.62 John Cowlin,-,, rond wr,.629.50 B. Verguson, do ?.........S.:50CI L. T. Panscoc, do............ 133.58 PeirPeeople, culvert tubes 143.28 Ont. Bridge Co.. bars cul 173.97 Mrs' T. Brisbîn, turber. ... 275.75 Holgate & Sont, cerent. . ,.3D6.50 Hl. Wilcox & Ce., work, cernent, etc. .......... 809.00 ïUunicipal World, blank for-ms 4.88 John Luxton, W. F. Bonus 7.25 F. B. GlaspeIl, do...........7î.50 B. Courtice, sbeep damnages. 76.00 Dr. H. Ferguson, supplies, etc 195.30 R. H. Arms1ti'oig, i'e water core.................100.0c) F. G. Kersiake, work un park 10.4il5 Miss -N. E. Nea, Ins. prern. bungalow............7.00 Workrnen's Compensation Board..................10.801 Grant Rural Scbool Pairs .30.00 E. 1-Iaggith, S. S. 19........ 289-45 Debenture S. S. No. 6, etc..ý 407.60 Council adjourned te Snturday, ~Septemnber 27, nt 10-80 a. m. W. R. Allun, Trp. Cheik, Pl"in -additiQni to horse ircing for bigpurestruly an attractive Uine o f events, l for thesnl price of adm1flision, corne to theLisa Cen- tr'al Exhibition for ariuzeeit and education, bring yo'ui famlily and telI your friends. HAMPTON For coniveniencee of t-hose aittend(-i ing Sclhool Faîir, here Sept. î9th, thei WonnsInstitute will ser-vê a caf e- teria lunch frorn129 o'clcUk until close of Fair, flot tea and cold water free. 37-2 Mrs. Hloward Cowling and cbild- ren ha-ve returnied fromi a pleasant visýit with hier friends at Creenore. .institute meeting last eek a t Bungi-alow was well attended. After necessaryv business was transacte'd a number 'of good pickle recipes wr given by Mrs. R. Avery and soe f thie m-emb)ers passed around s-ampiles of their. favorite pickles. A good shower of fres'b eggs was received and senit on to Bowmianville H-ospital Next meet-ing is at Mrs, Claitworthy's- on October 2, -when each iuemiber isî asked to brirrg sorne antiquearil and tellîthe history of it. An inter- esting tinme is expe-,cted, If -You wanit to assist in thle donations of cannecl. fruit, etc., for Sick Child- ren'sý Hospital enquire for emipty jars at Mrs. Bateýs', Corne to Bowmlanivîlle Fair Septemnber 16 and 17. HAYDON, Visitors: Miss Phoeb)e Beecýli bas returned home after a pleatsait~ vist with friends in Toronto... ... Missc MUuriel Ashton, Toronito, recently visitedl at her home here. .,. Mr, Rugene Beech bas started duties at bis schiool at Scugog Island and Ms Hlazel Brown of Newcastle -.s on. duty he...... . Mr. C. Avery has been mk ing great improvenents in their niew' homne and bas lately erected a new ban.. Oipastor, Rev. J. . Downs, preachýed a very impressive sermion hiere on Sunday on"t "he Barren Fig Tree", to a splendid congr-egation. We are ail pleased to learii that Mrs. Down&is imiprovingi in health and we hope she maiy soon be anong us again. . League service on Sunday evenîtig was ini charge of thie First Vice-Presidefit, Mrs. Ther-1 on Mounitjoy. Bible lesson was re-ad by Miss L. Garrard ;; topie "The Výictorious Life" was 'splendlidly ýgi-j'- en by Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy aadà Mr. C. Avery. A solo was sweetly rendered by Mrs. Hl. Asbton, also a; trio by Masters Lewis Ashton,' Lloyýd Thoinpson and Fred Beech whiwasl niuchi enjoyed. An îinteresting read - ing was given by Mr. Gordon Beechn. League is planing for a concert at! Tbanklsg-ivingl. . . . Mr. David Graiai has purcbased a new threshin outfit. Corne to Bowmianville Fair September 16 and 17. ENNISKILLEN The old scbool bell pealed out loudly on Tuesday rnng saying "ývacations are ovîer". We are glad, to have Miss L. Andrews ini our mnidst i ,again. We welcorne Miss Smith of Lýondon our Jr. Rcoorn teàcher, to our conmnunity. Quite a large congregation greet- ed Pastor Belknap on Sunday even- ing, bis subject being "Th.e Commnon Places". Sermi-.on was very imipres- sieand wil]l help us to revere miore I the wonderful works of God. Whenl the offering was bheing taken ~the Misses Luella Stevens and JXajo7y Smiithi sweetly sang a beautiful duet vvYhicb was enjoyed by ail. Leagýi- Wednesday evening was in. ~cbarge of lst Vice-Fresidenit, Miss i May Werry. After opening exer- i cises "Wise words of WiseC MenI' were read by several Leaguers. Bible reaHling was taken 'hy Mi,ýssReva - Gi, ýThe topie o)n "The Eai'ly Jd ean Ministry" was ably taken by l Miss Vera Slimon of Il,- Vdon1 who expressed th-e ideal character of Jes-ý us and Rlis great courage in perforni- ingZ Ris Fatber's duties on e'artbi. A duet -%as exceliently rendered by Mr,. E.ý E. Staples and Miss Marion Or- chiard acconpanîied by Miss May Werry. A reading "Lives and Leaves" was given by Miss Lillian Walace. Mr. Staples and Miss Or- chard again favored with a beautifulj dluet. Meting losedt by thie Miz-ý Recent vîsitors: Mr'. and Mrs. Watson an~d son Clifford, -Mr. Langl a[nd M' Clarence McMillan, Agin- court, recent guets of Mi', R. Ben- hamn; Mi'. Francis Werry, Aurora, viitng i s parents, M11. and Mrs. a A. Weri'y; Mr'. and Mrs. Oscar Silver- .sides, Mi'2. and -Mrs. Reuben Silver- sides, Zephyr; Mrs. Scott, Hmitn Sundayed at Dr. 11, Fergusoni's; Mrs CrukrigeBelleville, visiting ber sister, Mrs. Jas. Bradley; -Mr. Richý- ard Sandlerson, Mrs. Philp, Haydon,- MIrs. Everett Sanderson visitedMMr. Wiifrid( Sanderson; Mi'. Fred Saýnde-r- Mi'. and Mrs. Blake Short and son.s R-ussell and LeRoy visited! with his- sister, _Mrs. Bert Winnicott, on Sunt- da! Mr. J. J. Langstone, M' n Mrs. Harld Langstone, Miss Bertha Laingstoine, Toronto, MNIi, ss, îr Wood 'Chicago, spent Sunday wit their cousýin, Mi'. W. H. Wý,ood.1.Ml-s Hienrietta NMann, Towvn,vstdMs Gnet Syrnons....Mi.andmi J1ames Morgan, Cahr aebeen visiting their nephiews, Messr's. G or- don and Roy VanC'amp.. . Mr. J. J. Abernethy is erecting a new !ernent silo. Corne to Bwnnil Fair Sep)tem"-ber 1$3 and 17. COURTICE Oui' Pastor, Rev. C. C. ahatn preached to large congregations Sun- i day both rînorning and even ing. At thue evening service be starteda er lesý of serm1ons on the difretr-1 ligions taking for bis s ubj ect t he Mabioniet religion, g-iving a very in-, teresting presentation of it. ,.. W. MI I .,wil] bold its mon101thly meeting 0on Thiu-rsday at 2.30 p. -ni., wýýhen the [irst chapter of the study book will be taken up by Mrs. Russel! Gay and1 Musaý Louise Osborne. Mr s. F. Nichiols and -'Mrs. Penberthy having ch-arge of the program. . WVe are glad to have ŽMUr. Alan MvcKessock in thie commn-uaity and welcome himi to oui' Epwort h League and Sunday ser- vi ces.. . .Mr. Glen T. Courtice, Toi'- onLo, spent the week-eand at home.. Mr.W. H. Nichiols visited friends in Toronto for a wek.. .. lYrs. Mai'- shaîl -Soules, Misses Ethel and Dor- othy Brooks were with their father - and mother over Suaday... . Look out for particulars later of oui' Chiçken Pie Supper at Ebenezer, Oct! lst, Cor-ne to B owm-anville Fair Septemnber 16 and 17. ENFIELD Miss Kerslake, Hampton, recently visited at Mi'. F. T ,Asiton'....Mi' Elmio Ahton, Detroit. recently vis- ited at Mi'. F. T. Asbtm 's. . . . Missi jean MarkPirkh1-ill, lvscommenl-1 ced ber cduties in oui'sc', l .. Miss' Merle Ashton is visîting in'1 Toronto Miss Helen Pascoe îis attenîding Oshawa High Scool.... Mater Ray 1Snitbis attending High ilSe ;ýool la IBowmnville .... The proýý-'rn given here on August 26 wvas .,jyed by al. Thbe selections given bY the(f Iiddei-y Orchestra and the solos ofl Miss Laura Mackey, Brooklin, werei heartily eincored. ,Thoso talkîng 1part in drarna played their parts ex- ceedin-ly well. Proceeds about $13.0J.. . Mrs. Heniphili, Bond Head, recently visited a-t Mi'. W. Presott's .... Mi'. and Mrs. B. Fer- guson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smrith and farnily, Messrs. Harold Ormî1Jston1, S. Williams, H. Ashton, Hlenry Saýund-' ers and Wallace Pascoe attpn-ded IToronto Pair. . . Dr. Mark Pascoýe, 1 'Taft, Mir .Lewis Pascboe, FHampton,i Mr-. J. T. Run.die, Solîna, recently rvisited at Mi. L. C. P'ascoe's. . Mr. W. J. Ormiston ohtained (il!]prize on "Black Model" at Toronto.. -Newly elected Ladi(ies'Ai offiersý are: President-Mrs. ClaIrenice Nid- dery; ViF-Pesient1-Ms. 1ran Gilb1ert; Secretai'y-Mîrs. E. Qrhis- . ton; A-sistant[ Sec etry-Myrtle Or- miston; Treasrer-M-ýrs. Nelsoh Smt;Organist-Mrs. Lorne Simp- so0.r Corne to Bowmanýtville Pair Sep)temi ,ber 16 andl 17. SOLINA Som1e fromq here are exhîbiting at! Osbawa Fair. Mi.and M"rs. N. Yellowlees visitedI at Toronto and Hamilton. Mi'. Chas. Parker is erecting a new silow, .Mi'. Alfred Ayre la exibit-, ing sbeep at Ottawa and Mi'. B Gispeli1 at Lonadon Fairs. Congratulatiýons to Principal R. J, McKlessock on bis succeas in the re- cent Departmiental Examinations thuns completing bis Uppecr Sch-ool, Course.1 Women's Institute meeting et Mrs, A. J. Reytiolds' wazýs well attendedý on Tbiursday afternoon. Arrange- miente were made for sending fruit. to the Sick Çhildi'en's Hospital again this yea»,r. A program of clippingsa was much eiijoyed as, were a couple of solos beautifully îend (ered by Miss Lena Taylor. Our Institute expect a. visit -fi'om Bowrna,3nville and TyroneH Institutes at the October mreetinrg. Mi' and Mrs. R. J. McKessock an'di family held ai picnlic at their homei TYRONE Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Mlarshall and sonlBoîe, Peterboro, attend- ed the HaIIrvest Hfomne and -Visited with Mis. _E. oly Mrs.mhos WooleyPeterboro, is viiigt i'. N. J. Woodley's. . .. MI'J. and Mrs. T. Findley and 0O1a. Unionville, spent Sundniy at Mr'. Ed. Virtue's. . . Mi. and _Mrs F.' L. By arn and Doreen spenit Sunday at i' LilicappsCaninington. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue vîsited at I. Chas. Virtue's on ýSuniday. Cone to Bowmîanville Pair Septemiber 16 ad17~. The Secîetary reports that ai- ready miany entries bave been r-1 ceýived in ail departrnents, and th"a' this yenî promlises te be a b anner one in ýhe Live Stock exhibits ut the iLindsay Central Exhibition. NESTLETON A delightful timle was spent by the Worne-in's Institute on the pretty lawn of Mrs. Fred Philps, sen., on Wednesday afternoon, September 3, wben about tbirty lAdies were pie- enlt. A good deai 3f business came up for disucasion and was disposed of, one item being the desisi-on of the Institute to have a sale of goods for the "Institute for the Blind" la con-ý nection with a social and entertain- ment, tne procceds of the 'latter to be sent te th-e Sick Children's Hoes-- pital to take place on Ha-llow'een. A good program was rendered after whichi a delicious lunch was seîved by Mrs. Fred Philp assisted by Mis. Harry Philp. The next mieeting will be heldl on October lat., wit'hJanet- ville Institute in atenanc wo ill give the prograni. Ail ladies wvei- ccrme. Corne and help us malke.oui' nieigib-ors welcome also. Corne to Bownanvijll Pair Septemnber 16 and 17. Tt will soon be here, of course you mieet your friends at one of Ontario's' gmeatest Pairs. -The Lind(say Central1 Exhibition. TJhe best hlorse races, in the district is at Lindsay Central Pair, Septeiber 17, 18, 19, 20. - CARD 9F THANKS Having, sold rny grocery, business at Hampton to Mi'. Robert Deward of Preston, I take this opportunity of thanking the rnany citizens of Hampton and Darlington who have, favored me with their patronage during rny four years in bu 'siness. Mi'. Deward cornes to this .om rnunity very highly recomnd ed, and I trust ydu will continue to give birn n liberni share of your patron- age. Store will be closed latter days of tIhi-- week while taking stock. Thel busine2ss transfer will take place on, orabout September 15th. Hampton, Sept. 10, 1924. Tenew color.s' in -Millinery are like the tinted leaves of the woods in such popular sbndes as Castor, Maple, Toast, Wood Brown. Go to Diagmnan & Edm-ondstone's on Friday and Saturday and y ou wili sec what is newest in Mlillineîy. "Sohool days, Sohool days, Dear aid Golden Ru'e days Reading and wvritlng and 'ritmetic, Taught ta the tcune oa hickory stick," etc. IlJust n-ow Ives 'School Shoes should be what you are talking of andf buying. A .splendid assortment aWaits, your choosing and it costs you nothing to looik them over. Get mne ôf our 6hopping books and save 5% on ail dollar -purchas es. Youth's Shoés 11 to 13 1 Black and 'brown ehk with bulldog soles and solid rub- ber heels . . . .......$3.25 Blaçk an-ird brown, caîf with double tee caps and solidi ruhber heels......$3.25 Boys' Shoes 1 to 5 Black and brown elkx withi bull dlog soles anC? solid rub- ber heels.. . .....$4.25 Black and] brown tcajf Xit h double toc caps and solid rubber beels.........$4.5 Growing Çirls' Shoes Oxford an'd strap styles in 10ow v heels and rmediIýIm round toes, welt soles, $5.00 Severa l lnes - at elearinig pOrices, . l~ $6.75 and $7.50'values at ...... $5.00 Misses' and Children,'s Shoes Black boots and brown boýots in good strong caîf leather, at..................$4.00 Balance of patent leathiEr sippers at clearring pr ces, i'1gular $. $3.50, $3 .75 goods at.,. .20%,I Discount W.'CLAUDE IVES, ]PHONE 241 BOWMANVILLE S. W. MAS ON & SON PRESENT Women's and Misses' Coats il For Autumn Wear Chief ly Concerning High Grade -Merchandise at Reasonable Prices "Howv Smarýt", "Just Won-derful"> "Awfully Reason- able" these are a f ew of the many commients we have b.,eeni delighteýJ to hear the last week or so about the, New Coats that have arive tou tre for Faîl. We hionestly believe we are off ering the finest se- lection of garmients we -have ever been able to collect to- gether at prices that are truly remnarkably reasonable-- prices that make it possible' for every woman or girl to puLrcliase a stylish coa~t for autumn wear. May we have the pleasure of your- inspection of these models? We are only too glad to have any lady or young lady corne to our Coat Dept. and try on, in.spect anid examine any or ail of our merchandise without feeling under an-y obligation to buy. Our salespeophe are aiways at your service. S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Lai' Ready-T'o-Wear Phone 106 Bolwianville 7' CARD 0F THANKS AUCTION SALES Mnrs. I. J.Werry, Ahlma and Gor-1 don, Enniskillen, ish to extend Trhursday, September 18,--Aucti nuheirhertel gratitude tu ail thir ýSale of 30 bieadi of fresh cw and friemds who helped in any way 'dur-! feeding steers, including sorn ing Gordon's absence and for the' choice calves, the property of 011 niany letters of sympathy, beautifuil ver Denny., lot 2,4,, con. 4, Whitby floeri and fruit sent duing his Townsip. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. stay in Toronto General Hospitdtl. Sece bills. Wm. M_ýaw, ,Aucti9neer. The Statesman has four- tirnes the Corne to BowinmnileFir crulation of any, othier iiewspapei' September 16 and 17, vub)lishec iiù West Durharn G1'4 ToronQito-, at -Mi'. H, G. Pns!oe's; -Mi'. and Mrs. Douglas MLugl and aiyOsbnwa, at Mi'. A. L. Pas- co'S; Mrs. -John. Reynolds and soni Jack at Cberry-wood. Corne to Bowmanville Fair Septemnber 16 and 17.