LITTLE MISS LAUNDRESS SAIS ',Don' t be afraid te have your Forsyth Shirts fhor- oughly Washed, because <lie colors are guaranteed net to fade. Even 4 anythirig (Là happen te onie of your Forsythi's9o can secure a new; one for W, have-a complete as- sortment. A4 Newi Shiri for One Ihat ,Fail.N Solt i i Bownanville at Hann's H-aberdashery Opposite B-ank of Montreal B owmvi-anville J3BULK 5iboTEA Wîb ich, teieîcons I3 fa vo r anti e quai to mauly 90e packages for on~e week orly at - .~65c lb.6 PURE CLOVER HONEY Fnesh freai the apiany 5 lb, pail......... 80c 10 lb. pail.....$1.60 SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR Next timie you bake a cake ,try a package of this flur-35c,, kae EF. Weekes Tihe Community Goe ~'Oorxser Kiag andi Ontario St.. Phione 226 ring 4 ____________________________ ____________________________ , j LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Buy adverised goods. m,. and Mrs. J. B. Archibabd, Belleville, spent the w%ýeek-end withi her mother, Mrs. Rd. BaileyT. Mr. and MJrs. G. E. Tailcogtt, Mrs. llninan and Miss Harriett linman maide a short visit to friends n dd- ville recen1tly. lM'r. Wmi. Hislop attended the, edngof is niece, Miss Janet Ris- ]op and Dr. S.-.R. P. Mlontgomnery at Whiitbyv last week. Bowma-inville merchiants no-w have! Fali g-oods 0on displgy. Tt will p ay you to reail their announcemnsc this paper before shoppilg. MIiss Vivian Bunner has joined hier brother on the teaching staff of Hampton Normial and Agricultural Institute, Hampton,. Virginin. .Miss Mary Haine and Misses Lilyý an n urns were guests over the week-end andi for the holiday wïth Mr. and Mrs. James Scarfe, Co- bourg. -Mrs. J. K. Galbraith w'ho has been spending the summner at her cottage at Port Bowmnanville, hias returnêd to hier home ýat.527 Brunswick Ave., Toronto. Mr. and _Mrs. B. S. Long and fam- ily, Toronto, Ms Robinson andi Mm. Pete, Leeds, England,, motoreti downi on Sutùrdaiy and vistied Mr. and iMrs W. H. CarruLtilers. A $ 10,000 fire occurreti at the homne of Mr. F. M. Field, K. C., Co- bourg, on Sunday afternoon fromr an~ over-heateti chimnney, anti destroyei much valuaible furnîture. M.F. F. Morris attenided the Convenition of thie Onitarlo Funerall Service Association in Toronto Iast week, ad1wth Mrs. Morris attendï- edth bnquet at Suninyside. Mr.i Doulas Eby, Toronto, pur- chiased the McMurtry property con-, sisting of two brick stores, store house and three brick houses for $ 1 3,-50 0, The property was! auctioiied by Thý,q. M. Siemon, En- njiskillen. Autumn Millinex:y in the popular shades andi newest styles will be ou display at Dinigmaii & Ed-mondi- sýton1e's MUillinery Openings on Friday anti Saturday, Septemnber 12-13, You1 are invitedt o inspect this attractive! showing of Mýillinery. Mr. Stephien Elliott ai sons Messrs. Hbrbert andi Norman andi Mviss Violet Elliott miotoreti from Barrie on Saturdlay and vsij'ed his brother, Mr. J. E. Elliott.' Mri. Normian Elliott bas resume'd his stuti- les at High School here. Mr. anti Mrs. C. A. Wight in com- pany with Mr. and! Mrs. Jesse Arnot, North Oshawa, recently took a motor trip thru the Niagara Fruit District! spending the week-end ait Grimi-sbyl Beach. The fruit growers report about a 2,5'l crop the-re. Citizens ge.nerally were delightedi with the 'splendid pictures shown atl thie Royal Theatre during Para- mioutit Week, and also this we whecn large eoctz enjoyed the film- "If Winteýr Comes". MngrRossa ia to be conigratfulateti in mak1ing it, possible for citizensç to see suchh ighb1 class and etrann pictures right in their ow-n ti The first mneeting of the Wonen 's Ganadian Club for the season of 192-1-25 wvill take place on Monday, September 29th. Miss Gertrude1 Petry, elocutionist, w1ho so delightedl hier audience here last winter, will give several numibers. There wUvl also he an interesting, program cofi mlusic gvaby Our 0own11Bo a- ville nmusicians. Members please 11n0t thedate Swans -Down Calke Flour is sold in) Bowmnvile y E. F. Wceekes. Comi- mniityG(rocer, at 35c package. STEALING FLOWERS OR FRUIT We are promnised $,5.00 to start ai funti for proedutiing persons who de-! stroy, ,steal or' tresýpass luin gardensz and orc* ards in Bowmanville. Chiief Jarvis is on the vwat,1h for culprits anti Magistrate Horsey mnay be trust- ed to apply the law if they, are brought bef ore hira. Parents, if you tion't wattyour family d isg-raýeti arn the boys o ornany risk. Boys of good families are of ten in-1 duced to do wvrong by comrades. FINE SERIES OF CONCERTS Tickets are O being soldfor sei. MILLINERYj Eladdy & Co's. Autun display of ilats for Wom- en, Misses and Children, featuring the newest in shapes and shades. Phone 368J Bowmanville Vil i LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Neýýt BigFarB mnvhe Mr.-on Pumr Toronto, isI hïolida,-ying a oe Mrs. W..Wiliamus is visitiig lher niece, Mrs. J. H. Cavan'aIgh, Toronto. E. F. Weekes offers this week, ilcih, deliclous fiavon Bulk Tea equal to'90oc 1b. Mrs. J. 1H. Ashley, Os;hawa, is, vis-J îting her t1,ughter, MVrs. Cecil WTil- liamnýs, -Souris, AMan. Rev. Dr. anti Mrs. J. T. Caielo Alton, spent Suiay with ber cousin, Mýrs. S. Charles Alun.i Mr. Allan Keith Newark, N. J., is here calling on olti frientis, guest of Mr. anti Mrs. J. Reidi. Misses Winifned varcoe anti .Daisy (Julley spent Sunday with MIr s Jamles McJMah"on, Por tlope. Mn. and Mrs. F. E. O'Flynn cf Belleville gave us a frientlly caîl last week whîle passing through town. Mrs. F. S. Blackburn, Proiene visitet her sister MUrs. S. Lawrence,1 Toronto, aint spent a day lat the- Ex. Muiss Annie Baxter anti MissAgnes -Meazies, TrorontLo, recently vis it et Mr. anti Mrs. M. _Murdoif, Concelssion Street. Mrs. S. A. Johnstoni, Hamuilton. hias returneti homre after a pleaýsant mi-onith's visit with her cousi in, Ars. Alex. Taylor. Mrs. W. C. Rosevear bas returneti hdmne to CobourI,ý after a week's vis-ý it with ber sister, Mr l argy Brock axid ther frientis. Over one hundred new bats, ancti nio two alike, wilI await your appro- vald at the Autumn i Miîery Open- ings cf Diagmian & ,Etimontistone oný Friday antid f~'iy Sept. 12-13. Mn. anti Mrs. S" T. Dowson anti famîliy, Providence, motoreti to Tor- onto andi took in thoex. Mab)el anti Alvin remaineti for a few tisyas' visiti witb Miss Alma andi Master Osmnondi Rowe. It will cost m-ore to present "Theý Covereti Wagon" hiere than any picture yet shown in Bowmavle Be sure to sec thia g-reates.t. cf screen ativenitures in Opera House, Septem- ber 17-18. Mr. Rienzi Thomas of Belle- fontaine, Obio, lias been guest cf Mnr. anti Mrs. Davidi Morrison, Sr., for a week. Mn. Thom-a s is a hrother-ini-la,,w of Mr. Kimbaîl 1Morrisont, Birinighiam7i Alba. Miss Gertrude Hamiley wlio hpîds a First lass Certificate ,a on the Albert,. St. teaching staff, Oshawa, was at homne ôver. the week-end. Osfhawa bas 9-1 teachers anti ovýer 300 scholars registereti, this termi. The Cý G. L. T. are having- a homne- rumatie cooking sale at* Bowm.ianville, 'Fair. Also ca)ndy, bot tos etc.,1 for sale. Lunch serveti at any hour, Help the girls by calling at the booth' ou Tuesdlay evening or Wedaestiay afternoon. Ladies are invite(]i te the Autun millinery Opeainga at Dingman & Edmondstone's o ndyanti Sat- urday, September 12 anti 13. A1 beautiful array cf Millinery fashions cf the season will be on (dis pl1a-y. Pure Clover Honey, just receiveti at -) lb. pail 80c. E. F. Weekýes', GCmmuaity Grocen. ORONO FAIR Septeaiber 25th and 26th. The Officers anti Directors cfý CI-tlrke Agicultural SCciety, wis parýtic-ularly, to dr)aw the attention of i the Exhibitors ani patrons to the Ifact that every effort is being- matie 1 te mrake tis t he grea)test y-ear in the bistory cf the society. The Pnîze Lists have been increas- eti anti reviset inlaseveral tiepart- ment giving the Exh,-ibitor a greater oppcrtunity cf winning more mioney. While the Society suffere 1 'the-'losa cj f thein Main Exhibit Building by fine on Aýug. 22nd, accommiodiation. bas been securet inlatheAruie that are on the same street leatiling, te the Fair Grountis. The Armrounies provitie ample space, ai the best cf protection for: Dairy, Domestc~ Science, Ladies' Work, Fine Arts, Flowers anti Fruit while on display., anti with the double ticket provitiet the exhribitor orl patron will not be iacoaveaienceti in any way. The Orono Driving Club is puttn on Three Fas;t Races on the 2th Music by Orono Citizens Band * See' the Baby Show,ý. Plav Fair Ni-ht l Openai Houe-"Dust cof the Earthi." Plan at Gilfillani's Drtsg Store. Pize List may be hati from tbe1 JES~ L.j.A~Y'~ç The picture the whiole conitry's talking about. Hlere's your greatest screen aid- A vast thniliniig spectacle-a heart- appeaiag romanice.1 Opera House, Bowmiianville, Wed- uestiay anti Thurstiay, Septemben 1 7-18. Childrea's Matinee at Royal Theatre, Septemben 1,8 gt 4 p. m. BIRTHSArticles For Sale AL LE N-At Torouito GnrlHsîa Augat18. Mr. and Mrs. Harper ORSLEBbyCrngei go cn Picerng asondiio. Apiy to îrs. A. E.- Lu1,1, Ailen, CentrISticl .,B ma ile phn 37- ROGE:RS-lu Bowmanville Hosp(talo37w Suuda, Setembe 7, 924,to -Mr. andI__________________ Mr. rni Rgrs adugte.FOR SALE -12:GaugeSbotgun, lu CAWKER,-Aýt Bwraniie ospîtal 1g1ood codiion Cn ho-secun I W J1 u Mouiday, Septebe , 1924, f0 ,Ir.Bgels toBo avie. 3- nm Ms. T. Wesle akrasn _________________________ PGS FOR SALE-Wbitt Sow Sud a Apy to Jas. A. WerEnsie, iM.ARRiAC-ES pon19r.a3w HALL-S LE EMA N-At !Mîethodî,st Par- sonage, Port Hope,, on Septemiber 3rd., 1924, by Rev. J. W. Bid Ceci!l Arey! Hiall, Osaw,and wnol arae Sl'eemn, PortHoe onSet 3,2, by Rev. E. Turkington, assiste(1 by Re-v. 'Mr. Hudson off Tor- onto, Janet, da:ughter of M'vr. and MNrs. john HIislop, "Wbi«tby, ïsudDr. Stvnley otgonmery, Toronto. COWAN-BROUSE-On Tuiesday, Sep-ý tèîmber 2, 1924, at, St. philips Angl;ican Chiurch, London. Enrglanid, H1ariet Dean, dughiter of M.W. H. Broiuse, 7 t Geourge, Street, Toronto, to Mýajor R. (ccsi Cowan, son of Mlr. anfidMs Frederick %WV Cowant , Os hawa. DEATHS T R EB ILCOC K-m owanile-Sp 9,12,Pauýl CuhTreiicocit, agod 7Pi Funeoral froin hjs laite rosideýncee Divi - sinSt.. onThrdySptme i. elil a 4 oc!ocký. H EDGES-IiNwcsteon Tedy Fuineral from tho ethle!odist dChurmch, Newasle 1onThursdaly, otmbri a ).3p m, Interment i omni PARKER-On- August 31, 19-14, at 1 Bailie.poro, Sarah Smithson, blvdwif e of Richard Pairier, in ber 79th year. IN MEMORIAM CULLEY--In beloved rernembrance. 0fi our preclous babiy, Noren isobel, wýhoI (d i pt. 1I 191 God 1bas taken bhorne ,outrdarling, Take"n borne thje onie we- love,. Fromnthtis world of toi] and trobe To that Heavenly land above Saidly missed by Ft 7rMohesis- tors andBrte. Lost or Found Bag onnte idetour or in thie viciit-y 0f Haimpton, on Tueýsdaty, _Augua7t [lt. nd er plaebv tstatesiman Office. 3il-2' STRAYED-Fromn lot J1, con. 7, D)ar-1 ligtoi, abou1t toýn days ago, tWo yot1ngj ShropshireEws Reward for informna- tionbLeading to terrecovery. L. T. McILautiglilini, Tyrone, phione 3-20-3.37t Board for Students BOARD AND ROOiM-For twoR-h scbool pupiils. Applýy to 32 Lîberty-sy., Bowmianville. 3-f Notice Orders for cernent lslock,ýs oircent work of any kind gtýýen prornpttet ion and at reaisonable rates. We are ai- so prepared to do tearninLg. Phione 170.* Mýrs. A. Turner, Scuigog St., Bowmail,!- vile35t For S al1 e - or- Ex-cha n-g e FOR $,ALE OR EXCHANGE-An s- 24 -, 36 ft., onecr of 1iind it fruit trees, crnrofLber-ty sud Concesin St., Bowniliel, for, ai6-roorned bouse lu town-r or Toronto. W. B. Pncbox 97, Borsvil.5-tfi Articles Wantedt POULTRY, RAGS, IRON W,"ANTE[D Weaeprepared to buy ou fowl StIt tbe. bighe"st pice'. Don't eLiyuI poufltry until yubae ct ouric, s 320r-, Tyrone, kir phione 156 bty Phýono a'fter 6 p. mn.354 ESTATE OF JAMES McMIlIL LAN, DECEASED PRIVATE SALE of tearn 0f regi'ster- dI matres, flive asud si-x y _asin fine-con- dition, quanitity of hbay, farrnimpe mewnts sud housýebolIdfurniture; rFOR SALE OR RENT--OS 3a.rus on Býasel'ine beinig part lot nlmber I 2, rokýen Fron t, Dirl inigton, knownT i a1s the amtes MMlln farmi, on 5wbJicb is statd a brick dweling of nie rom ith neces- sayoutbuildingsbarru 36 x 50 witb of stbe and poultry acýornmnodations Propè,rty withh in he rrmiles 0f brh ttalwa Sttios nd Town tiof BHorman- viand oeqatr mile frýomjscbool. Appy o prrnses toMs s MNLAs- bury or box 212, Bowmanviiýille, Ontairlo. 'Just Arrived Paper White Narcissi 10c each; 90c Dozen; per 10 Fragrant white flower TEAM 0OF HORSES FOR SALE-1 Clydes, 7 uand 5 year-, welht about 300 1b1 Apl J. J.HugsR R.3 CAR POR SALPE-IMiS FordTorg starter, ne- pantgood uning orçIer.ý ApJply t o G. Srnithl, -o0 G .A. Lvnsoe Rý. R>. , Oronoý. 37-1w CANARIES FOR SALE-H1aviuig sold rny husinuss Ixviiis'ýll ail imy hirds StLS ruedprice to clear in Oneek.A E. Jenings, ampton1.3-t COWS FOR SALE-Two goofimic cwone with ca1If at, foot, on1eto re- iie,% soon. A. Hl. Ce Ens '. R. >6' Bowmnvil1e, phione 2_37r3ý.3-t PIGS FOR SALE-Six wek'old, bestl ba<-con type. $8 per pair. Mrs. Oison, Wiltshire ,-rrnm, MnesRoad, R. R. , Bowrnanvifle, phone 181-r5. 3-t FOR SALE-Brindieco, ar Jrsey,' to reýnew sortly, gooci dean owre placing it urbrdcow. rH. M. VPos- ter, Mavr R. owrnanville. 3-t FOR SALE-BavyPercheron Hre 1y,"ars old; Bay Cl'yde Horse, 4yeasoid A good i havy pair of chunks ini goofi condlition aud righit singbe or double. C. J. Mitchlil, Newcastle. 37-1 STOVE FOR SALE-Steel range, Hap)py Throught, witb water front, Iu good condition. Reason for selling have an electrie stove. ApplY t Ms Js Courtice, Scugog-st,,Bwanil, hn 147w. 37-tf CARS FOR SALE-One Baby rn Cheovrolet Truici, 11- ton capaclt. mode T. Also one 85-4 velnd Potb on good condition. Brgn for quicit sle. No eas, b off or will be oiefs- e. Apply to Irwin & ColosGage Bom-mauville.l31tf Help Wanted WANTED-A reI-fine, ,capable bous- kiee)per.Wrt to Mrs. (Rev.) J. 113. Griffith, Blackstoci, Ontario, or phionoj Port Perry 104-25. 37-tf A-ny person desirous of maigfon $10Q to ý2Oweel nspare tub, w 'itb'out interfeing witb prosont employmencit, senfi for patrticulars or free pe book Imperial Ar" Prsonal Cb'rîstmas Cards To Let TO RENT-25 acres good pastur aS watered ,and well fenced. Rn o balance of si3mmer. Âpply T. Warl, R R. 3, Bowmafiville. 2 8-t FARMA TO RENT-126 acres, lot 3,B. P'., Daïiilington!. Plowiug pseso-a once, fuili poýsse-ssion April 1, 1925. Ap- ly to _Mrs. Jamels MacConna1,'cI ie, King St., E., noB0wranvllle. 34-tf, FARM TO RENT-Well situated be- tweocu Oshawa and Laie stroot cars and city water. Imdaepossession ecan 5e arranged. Apyto G. 1). Conant, Bar- rteetc., Osbawa, Ontario. 3-W Farms For Sale FARM hOR SALE OR REN-120,, acres, lot 5. con. '3, Darlington. 14 acres !lu wood, about 100 acres tillable, brický b10use, barnl witb atonie foundation, acilool aildl cbu1rch clIose by; ' miles frornl Bo.wmalnvilill1ýe. Plougblng possession septemboer 1, 1924-, fil! po'ssessionI Aprl' 1, 1925 -'. Ap'ply john11 W,'tson. osra or _Mrs. Margaret Fuller, 67 Avenue Hoad, Toronto.354 FARM FOR SALE 115 ce, go land bnglots 19 sud 20, con. , 10ârigtn On Wicb a, re g'od . rarne w sgn b)arus, stabling, sbieds, etc. HFard sund soft wat,nrunina si,, tream niof water, or- cbard, snall fritýs. 80 od fromi achooL, Oburcb and store, two miles from r swa tation. S miles froirnBow- ravle Terms to siti purchiaser. Ap- ply to Wosley Oke, Exýecutcj for esta1te of late William kEnikleu 6t Special No. 3 $5.75 Boys' Fancy Tweed Suits with I pair of panits, buttonet ii at aeck, -on) Sale to dlen quickly for $5.75 Each A Choice Showing of Hats and Caps in ali the new Styles and Best Makes for Faîl. MEN'S HEAVY WOOL MACKINAW COATS For Outsîde Wear, Warni and Comfortable at $7.95 and $9.00 Each. Boys' Ali Wool Stockings In hea-vy Worsteti, a gooti wea?,rnn stocking for schOol wvear, large sizes, -worth $1, Clearing at 78c Pair Golf Sox For Men, Boys anti Girls, ail sizes, in wool Or cotton, From 40e to $2.50 Pair Merino Underweà A mediium weight uznderwear shirts anti tiraiwers,'splendid for thýis time, of year', 98 Eack Blue Stripe Overalis- With bih, very heavy quality, a, linle worth $9-.50 pair, Cle'aring For -$1.95 Children'.s Jerseys AIlWooLl, hbneck, also y- neck, Warren's nmake, " From $1.60 tii $2,50 ea Balbriggan Underweair Shirts andi Drawvers, Regular up to $1.00, On Sale 69c Work Shirls at 98c Ia Blue or Klaki, gooti anti stroirg andi matie large ani cýomfortable, 98c Each Men's Sweaters AIl the best makes are-,bo4re, showing la alI the new styles anti best shaides, From $ $6.50 ea Sik Men's Sox Siand MWooil worth $.5 Black AIl Wool CashmrereF. Botany Yara, worth 8-5e for For 69c T.B. G"ILC"ýHRIST (Formerly Manager Johnston's Clothings Sto,'re) Bowm anvilleIPh io ne 27 1 Ready-to-Wear..,-. A ON S Mies' Shoppe Ci__ eý' NEW LOCATION-NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. New FaIl ahio'0ns 1 in Exclusive Models Whether you cone to-day or to-morrow-or any day now--you will find new apparel ta, admire -- new styles to interest-new values to attract- couriteou-'sservice to appreciate. We present smart ai-d correct intexrpretations of the new season's mode. "Materials are 'verýy different-all European fahrics. Every garment is an individual model. Sole se>lling rights for "Betty Brown" and "Sapera",t* Dresses, "ýFreniston" costumes and "Mil- 1er', Garments. C.S.Masô'n, Exclusiye Women's Shoppe Phone 161 Bowmanville Where the selection is lrage- Whiere you neyer sfe two gar- ments alike-Where you are neyer urýged Ito buy. 'I. ________ ____________ il SOCIETY BRAND WAT THEY WEAR HART - CLOTHES EEYCEELOTHES Our stock cf Me-n's Ready-to- Wear Clothing, suits anti Over- coats is complete in evilry tbetail, large enough to malke choosing a Suit or Overcoat a pleasure, but net large encugh ta burdea us 'withi expense. We believe ln taking sMaller profits ant imakingý more sales. Men's Retyt-Wa Suits from-1$15.eO to $'38,56 Speical Matie-to-Mea sure Suits anti overcoats' from $25 te $45,00 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BOYS' SUITS? 3 BIG SPECIALS THIS WEEK Special No. 1 $8.95 A fiue cf Boys' Fanjcy Grey TedSuits, very bieavy qult with 2 pair bloomer pants anti regu- bar up to $12.50, j Clearing For $8.95 Special No. 2 $10.75 Alhue cf ]Beys' Faacy Tweedî Suits -with 2 pair of bloom--ers ;ùn heather anti grey shades ,in Herrna- boue anti plain effects. Regular $13-50 fer $10.75