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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1924, p. 2

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m. A. JAMES Steamsbip Ticket* To Europe-Cafladiali Pacifie, Wht. Star Doinion, Cunard, Americani. AsIc for information. Phone 58, Agents Wanted SAL ESM EN-We offer steady eipY- ment and pay weekly ta seli Our- cor- plete aad elusive lines of guaranteed quality, wliale root, fresh-dug-ta-order trees and plants. Attractive illustrated samnples and full co-opieratiafi, a money- maklig opporturity. Luke Brothe'rs Nurseries, Mantreal. 41-9Q Notice Ordiers for cenent biocks or cernent work of ainy Icind given prompt attent- ion anti at reasonable rates. We are a- sa prepared ta do teaming. Phone 170. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog St., Bowmaa- ville. 35-tf EARN $3,000 TO $10,000 YEARLY YVour future is just what you miake it. Be as successful as hundreds of others who haýve securedl their tra,)Ining ina auto- mrotive mcancelectricity weding, bttryý, brýicklayiingý, plasteriing, barber- ing, beatuiy cltuire work, mechanical dentistry at thie famious Hemaphill Trade Schools. Thie onl1y DOMINION, GOV- ERNMENT Claýr tered sehools teaching these traides. -Dilomias graated. At aaw. Enqire for our speciail offer. Dept. C., 163 1Kiag St. West, Toronto. 51-1wi BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers as agents preferring tO sel1 My own goods thus saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A cal1 solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor BowmanviIle Phone 326W Box 94 Notice to Ou r Many Customers We are glad to an- nounce that our entire herd of forty six head 'have passed the T. B Test. Do flot be deceved- Glen Rae Milk is the only niilk sold in Bowm anville from a Government Tub- ercular Tested Accredit- ed Herd. Our Dairy has the most' sanitary equipment. The public is invited to visit our dairy and inspect our herd. T---hose who handie the milk have passed medical examination by the M. O. H. We can supply a more customers. Cail 175-3 wagon will cali Èew1 and' our on you. 1 R. R. Stevens, Propr4etor Bowmanville Relief from Asthina. Who can~ describe the complete relief froni ýsuffering which follows the use of Dr. j. D. Kellogg's Asthm-a Remedy? 'Who can express the feeling of joy that cornes when its sroft and gentle inflfuenice relieves the tightened, ehoking ait tubes! It lins made as- thmatic affliction a thing Of the pastI for thousands. It never fails. GOOdI druggists overYw1iete have sold it for years.1 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor giraduate in Deutistry Tor-onto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On-ý tarie. Office King-st., Bowmanlville. Officýe phone 40. House ephone 22. O>R. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, XKng-st. East, Bow- Manville. Office hours 9a. m. to 6 p. nm. daily except Sunday. Phone 9 0a. flouse phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni-1 versîty and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeon&6 Licensed to practice li Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office -.King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOIRS (Formnerly in Bowmanvlile,) now at 1261' Yonge-at., stop at Summý,erhill Ave, Toronto, Phonle Rafldolph 5197. We can stili give you aur best services. Quaranteed ta fit and workmaflihP at pre-war prices LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.D BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARLY money to boan on Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmnanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Uoney to, ban. Bonids for sale. Offices:, Bleakley Block, King1 Street , Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: OfliLa e102, flouse 279J. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc, Conveyancing and General Practice of Law Offices 71/'x, Simcoe St. South Phone 63 Oshawa G. D. CONANT, B.A., LL -B. A. F. ANNIS, BA., LL.B. 32-îy FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS Co. Complete Motor or Ilorse Equipmentý AIl calîs promptly attended te. Private Ambulance. Bownianville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. 1 ALAN M. WILLIAMS Ombalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow-, m-anvile, Ont. 3-t MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. G-old Medalist of Trinlty Universityý Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office a&d Residence, Wellingtonl Street, Bow- mahvile Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Cllege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRA-CTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Chiro- rpractic College will be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdayý afternoon and evéflig. Poes Office 141J; Residence 141W DR. S. M. JONES Chiiropractor and Osteopath Over 16 years' successful practice Office fours: 2-5-7 to 8 P. nm. Phone 224 86 Simcoe St., Osha'wa. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day ori Jight Calls Promptly Attended to.ý O)ffice King-st. W., Statesmuan Block,j 1 owmianville. Phone 243 E. ~ ~ V q.__RLAEv.S.-B V. e Auctianeer Farm and flouse Sales a Specialty. Termas moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. -tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience in farm, f urni- tiire and lieuse auctuon sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bowmanville, phione 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer vaillator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf A Prime Dressing for Wounds.- lat some factories and worksliops car- bolic acid is kept for use in cauteriz- ing wounds andi cuts sustained by thec workinen. Par better ta keep on hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclect- rie Oil. t is just as quick la actior and does not scar the skin or burr the flesh. BOWM,1ANVILLE, DEC. 25th, 1924ý CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Fling Wide the doors for Christmas, Brin'- in thje evergreeas, Exchange the oldtimie greetiags, Revive the oldtimie scenes; And may. the Chrîstnias spirit Rile heart and home indeed!, Because it m-akes folk inde- And dit' te world's great need. -The Editors IT'S CHRISTMAS It's Chris,-tmiar! Get out your good- will-poiish up your generot- hurry your heart-beats-warmi your1 faiti-tir up your tenderest emio- tions-save your secrets-stanîd fast for surprses-get out the red ink- aiway with the blues-where are your gayest greens?--Coire on, be cheer- fui. It's Christmas 1 _______bave stensils furnishied w\ýith their Great men ini different countries box. Why do' rn'ttyouseoxtbeM. are in their publice'addresses andBetrtîibin yoroxoMr writers li the mnetropolitan and James Neediiami, Centre-st, and have other publications singing -the same himi, letter the box se, that the namne tune or piayiag on the same string mnay lie readi four rods distant. for public guidance as they enter 'The postal regulations demand upon 1925 activities and operatioas: that names be printed in plain let-I Economise, Retrench, Count the ters on the box, ýso the blamne for the Cost, Keep down epn trouble mentioaed rests eatirely withI dlitures, Watchi the Smnall Leaks u the box-owaers and not \wýith the mail sBycarriers. See thiat namnes are print- Cfu -only wkehat ydous van pay ed on your box and save yourseif for, Don't ta etcarousetc ncaland others more trouble, please. r isks, Do't plunge tec Presi- - l ent Coolidge i lahis Congressionai Address stressedl economny i every home, institution, industry, corpora-, TOWN ELECTIONS tion and ail state, goveraimental, !- - municipal and other ipendiag arganii- Monday. December 29thi at 7:30 zationssml or great, and thus ail p).Ini. a meeting of electors wilý be cooperate in bringing back to the held in Counicil Roonm, Bowmi-aniviile, country at large better times and for purpose of nominating candid- safety in business undertakings. Can ates for offices of Mayor, Reeve, De- hîs adviecebe acted upon? 0f pt-Reeand sixý Councillors for i cýourse, it can. Scarceiy a mlan, nlext year's Coci; alsýo for nomin- wmnor child livesý to-day who ating candcidates to fill three vacan- cannot econom-ise la a lesser or ciesý on the Public Sehiool Board for greater measure. 5o rnany f olk! two years;. f orget the old saying: A penny saved We have net heard of any prob- is two earned. Tbousands of per-1 able change in the personnel of sons are poor to-Jay because they Town Counicil as it le usual to give id not practise ecconomyý and thrift tbeMao a two-year termi and we in their personal, famiiy or business udrsadth-habrofCm affairs. And per contra, tbpusands mj1erce lias requested ail of 1924 of persons are in comifortable cir-. ebr to serve for195 As cumnstances becaïuse they have prac- thIere seenis to be no speciai reaso ni tîsedl economny anld tbrift. Reader, fo hne odn ots in which class are you? would seemi to be a nieedlesa expense Mr . eb ý tHo gn n Më this yeur.j le sM agaJ. iebert HodgrileMan- Should a contest be niecessary pol-1 Ieans Mgazne n a aneartcleon ing wili take place on Monday, Jan-1 Municipal Taxation deals exhaustive- uary th. ly and sensibiy wihbis subjectvewhieli1 interests every taxpayer at this sea- soni of the caiendar year. fis ar- LADY'S PRACTICAL IDEAS ticle le headed "Playîng flop-Scotch' With Our Taxes". We have no Reduce Christmas Gift-Giving space for- the article, but its mnotif: may be judg-ed by these closing sen-ý Mrs. -Marila R. Whbitmiore, Mani- tences: The vast accumulation of toba, w-rites The Farmier's Advocate tex arrears is a significant h)aro- on a True Chiristmas Spirit thatimany mneter. It arns of th-e ineed for a other bs house-wives willi ense searcbhing examnination of every i by a bearty Amieni: comnt blnesheet. Whýen I Inte days ,one byý, long, before you and 1 reach ai nimpasse in our! the day of the big department stores, dom-estic finances, wben we van no' the spirit of Christmas seenied dïiffer- longer make our incomie and our, ent. Nowç, witb our long and neyer- ou2tgo properly balance, one thiag decreasing list of presents that nmust reniains to-be dJonie. We must "Pull be given, the Yule tumelias conie to, ia aur haras." Why aliould not be to most wornen a timie of streni- commiiunities do ikewise? uous and nervous work, a thie of * t'1 great worry lest Mrs. X or Mrs. Y. The solution is up to you and tol may give bier a preseat 'a bit better ine. The year-end brings us, asý than she is to reeeive. To the men, taxpayers, to the tume when we may 1Christmas lias corne to na time publicly register o ur opinion. 'We' of irrreasedl worry, for as the hea'd should definitely aliga ourselves1 of the household the bills come to wvitb those candidates for miunicipalý him iandnust be paid at a time office who pledge tlimselves to wl,,ieni other bis beecome dlue the first maunicipal tbrift for 1925. Let usl of the Ne-w Year. "cut out" folderols, when we 'van not, One woman said, "Oh, I just hate aff ord tbeni. As 1 see it, rno1st of' Cristmas, and 1 arn alwas tickled our comimuities and institutions are' to death whlen it is ail over witli".ý like smiail boys. They waat wbhat Wheu affairs corne to such a state they ýwant, wlien they want it! Whicli somiething mnust be done, for the true is by no ians good, even for snal] spirit of Christmas is eatîrely bst b oys. Soundly fiaanced, soundly, siglit of la this mad rushi of gift ex- adrini.stered corporations an d com-1 chalnging. miunities will surely bring a content- I Long ago we decided la our famr- ed people and a souader basis for ourI ily to stop short, for with escli national life. We have oniy Our- Christmas there carne a nervous selves to blarne la every election if, breakdow anad a subsequent doctor we 'don't vote for ecomoiy-pledged bill. Holding a famiiy counceil it. canidaes or 92. Tis iess.was deicided to do aay withi the you and every other taxpayer. Christmas list entirely by writing to t' * *each friead wliose naie chanced' toý The wonderful advancýe made in bce on the list, and explaining the the Art Preservative-printing--is i situaýtionj to thlemi. Now, I arn, sure s onl this season's Cliristmllasî that those people were fully as glad War- Cryý offliciai organ of the Sal-; as we were to drop the present ex- vation Arm-y. We do not recaîl the chianging, for seldomi does one get a eýquali of. this year's production in gif t suitable". aay previous issue. Truhy its il- l Next we bit upon a plan "for the lustrations ia c'armen an'd blue are hfomie people. This wIas ta have a exceedingly artistie and b eautiful 1 fuald naintained during the entirel and the letter press is very clear and year, land wîth the money saved by distinct-easy to read. The con- I a i members o thefamly somiething tenta are in keeping with the spirit astoi be pfrthaed at hr ta of the -Advent of the Savious of thei for thle home ltself. worid. The edtitorial greetinigs to j War Cry readers are warmn and sin-; This proved to be a br.illantidea cr.This elegant aum-ber beariag, for la this way nias acquired a va- àate of Decem'oer, 192-4, contains a um cenr itaa e glorlous mnessage of a wonderful electrie washer and different articles Saviour to prociaim .,aad some fas-1 added te the home ecd year far too cinating stories of this infaili-ble nmru to mention. love and power to tell, and desiresi Ia this way everyoae was pleased, tliat every reader may be able to re- often an article of great heauty was joice la a personal realization of I added ta, our home, and -with the f ils saving grace at this blessed sea-ý la'bor-saving devices installedl at .son and hencefortli. This numiber different times came a ligtenýýing of !contains an unique feature: Aý the actual labor of the householti, 1Yuletide Story Comrpetition of eigbt, thus relieving the liousewife to sucli iaterestiag stories ta be read and lai-n entent that sh-e co-operiated withý judged on their mrerits and vote'd aur plans for amnusement so, mucli -upon before January 9 prox. Thel better.1 prive of this number is 10 cents and1 There la no last-minute rush and1 -worth more. The office of publica- I bustie to buy some forgotten gift, tion is 0AietStTrno but ail is serene whea Christmas Eve cornes. Now there la time t sar to prepare the baskets ad buadilesý FARM AGENCY for the needy poor sud andt ta take _______charge of the towa's community wiliougliby Farn Aen wish tol Christmias tree for the poor cliii, d'en, annlounlce to the pepecf 3owm-an-ý that every one seernistoe, "too IT COSTS SO LITTLE It tak'es so little to malte us glad, to cheer us up, to make us happy; it takes and costs so little to lie kindc, to be thoughtful,. to be con- siderate; it takes so littie to cheer others who are discoýuragedl, 50 littie to lend a helping liand; yet it mneans so mucli to others as well as to our- selves. Wet..thinik too much abot dioing the things which look big ini our lives, un.d we think too littie of the everyday littie acta of thouglit- fulness, of llindnels, the lîtte help- fulnesees to thiose who are, dîshe-art- ened and down and out. After ail, is it not the littie Vings that make up life? RURAL MAIL BOXES Several rural subscribers faiiedl to get The Statesmar. last -week for two reasons-1l. A new mnail carrier on thieir route. 2. No naine visible on thei- mail box. Why do not those Ih ha,~~ve rura mail boxes have their IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL It 'surely lm'ales the edlitors feel that their labors are flot in vain to receive a letter like Adjutant Ger-, trude Hollande of Bethlesda Hlozpital. of the Salvaltion Armny, Rivervijew, Avenue, London, Ontario, sent us on Decemîber l8th, enlsigler sub- I scription. ln part she writesý: I sbudlike to say, that I jusýt don't kznow how 1I vouldl do without my j home paiper, 1I devour it as 1Iwould a good m'eal when savn hnrso this ivs ouan',lidlea ofIhow I ov the Ojid Homie Paper. N1o paper, hloweveýr interesting it may ýVbe, ini- teýrests mie like The Canadian States- maa, foi, it tells me about the doînga around the OLd Town in which I was borni and had muy sehool days. And whiat dlays thiey were, too! I sure woui(l't mmlid living thiem all over againi, although 1 did have s o mie geat strugg!es,. 1 have f or mi-any yearsý tried to live a life that would brîng honor to mny Old Ho1ýme Townii and to My Heavenly Father, and God and Salvation Armiy havýe seen fit to place Me in on)le of their most imu- portant institutions, which carriesi onl PriV'ate Hospital Work, as well as Rescue Work with the Unmiarriedl Mothersý. In closing, let me wish the 01(i Friends and Sehool Chumis of years gone by, including yourselves, a1 Most Prosperous and Blessed Year for 1925). IN SUNNY FLORIDA MUr. and _Mrs'. Frank Bambridge,1 DeKalb, Mi., writinig to The States- mnsays: "We ar'e spending the winter at Tam-pa, Flor-ida. Orange, lemion and grape fruit g-roves aire delightful with their golden fruit. Thie parks and hay 'beach drives are wonderful. Thle cimnate would ai- miost take awa1ýy thioughts of Christ- mals, being more like July weather at home. We expect to spencý Christm-aa wvi tIlMr. Bâambridge's cousin (a sister of the late John HTenry Phure, Tyronie), Wio lives only16 mles istat. Tere are hundreds of northern tourists com1-1 ing here, somne by train and others i their: cars. There is a large amup- ing ground for themi here. O11 friends in Tyrone an(, North Dar - lington wiil regret to) leari) of the deathi of Mrs. Geo. Earl, sr., who passed aa about a mlonith ago aLI lier hiome in Malta, Iii. Shewsj loved by' vnîl who knew bT er. M 1Earl is still living and in his 92nd year". NO ABBREVIATED CHRISTMAS Discontinue the ablireviation of the word Christmas to "Xmias". Effort of that kind mnust have be- hind it an elemnent for thie ay of ahl days in the year; and that mneans at least the paying of respect by a 'oni-f merciaIizecd worid to the Great Nuz- arene from whomi the day gets its foundaton ndits naine. Even thougli the X in Xmas may be con,- sýtrued to represent t1he c o,,3s on whli the Saviour died, it is not! neary so close to the thouglit of, divinity as the "Christ" part of Chlristma--,s, and anry eff ort to preserve this Rnme as, hallowed shlould mileet withi unîversal endorszement. ANNUAL MIEETING 0F LIBERALS i The Annual -Meeting of the On- tario Liberal Association will ie heIdý in the King Edrward Hotel, ToronIto on Tuesdlay, January l3ýth., 19)25 comnig at 9:30 o'clock, a. m Tàis meeting was called at a meet- ing of the iManagemnent Comimittee held in the offices of the Ontario 1Liberal Association at Toronto, on1 December 9th., 1924. Ail Liber- als are requested to take %vhatever steps that are necessary to insure representation fromi every conistit- uency both for the flouse of Coin- mnon.s and the Ontario Legislature at this meeting. A1Il0mtherscý aliput awa ax iety regardîng their suffering chld- ren whert they ýhave Mother Graves' Wormn Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are sure and lasting. "IWish I had Corne here Fi@rst" "'The Big 20" Many customers have said. COME IN WE WON'T ASK YOU TO BUY The goods seli themselves and the prices are so reasonable you will be surp)riseçi. We have the largest assortment of Fancy Articles we have ever had. Boxed Stationery,Fancy Vases, L1eather Cases, Silver Articles, Cups and Saucers, Brass Goods, Leather Goods, and many other articles boxed in bright red boxes. W. T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BANIN9 FIFTYI LE!IJ G. A. Edmondstone Bowmanville Phone 21 m 1:f Christnîas SuggestionflS' AUTOMOBILE SKATES HOCKEY STICKS and host of other things you would expect to find in a well stocked hardware store. MASON & DALE The Popular Hardware --Quality and Riglit Prices Phone 145 Bowinanville Lots of Good Christmas Beef and Poultry at Edmondstone' s For the Christmas festivities and the many happy family reuniQns we will be filling many or- ders for meat and poultry with some of the choicest stock obtainable. We will have prize winning beef fattened by the best feeders in the district. Our display of poultry will be a show in it- self. Leave your order now and we'll deliver when wanted. Character and Individuality In Banks, lI the course of deveiopm-ent of a banking business policies are formed, habits mnaintained andi methods prac- ticed which are peculiarly and li- timately connected witb the institu- tion that gave them bîrth. It la these thiniga tlat give a bank in- dividual character that influences a max in li aking has finanicial affilia- tions. Ia affering aur services, we solicit your eniquiries regardiag Standard Baak policies as affecting your own business. STANDARD BANK BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Brnhesa aaL NwaslNewtaow'iIIe. 0,.n., Oshia-a

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