ent fromi outside Newacstle and Ne-w Year by saving in littl!e ways. vrcinity were: Mrs. Wm. Smith, Save money by nickels and dlimes; Messrs. Lorne and Hloward Plummer timie by minutes and hours; save 1and Miss Heatle, Toronto; Mr. and yourseîf by taking special account of Mrs. Norman Plumimer and family, the useless energy you spend and the Mv. nd rs.iRoandM. aleandmany times you waste nerve force dlaughter, Mr. Stephen Jeffrey, Mv. by smali worries. John C. Stacey, Bowmaaville; Miss Then again, save yoiur health by Ruby Middleton and Mv. Russell Wi[- taking cave of the small things that son, Oshawa. barmr it. Do not attenmpt anything Letters of congratulation were r-e- laabgcoscuswy, utb ceived from rnany pointa in Canadavr firini in keeping to your resolu- and the United States and included j on neyer to waste the littie insig-~ thecse: Mr. Wm. F. Eddy, Regina, nificant things that corne to you dayj Sask.; '1ev. John Johaston, Owený by day, t Sond; v..C. H lui Try, Olo; In a fe-w imoltbs you will be agree- M.and Mrs. Wmn. A.,htoii, Campbell- ably surprised wbat you bave ac- ford; Mr. and Mms. Rl-oer Scott, Mt. com-plished and proud of the -rowing Pie asant, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. store-a store that is beld la trust, Wm. Baskervllle, Glen Side, Sask,; as it were, for the benefit of otbers MvT. and Mvs. Milton Fligg-, Glen Side, ats weiia oref. Yuwlds Sask.; MVr. Henry Fig, Hawarden, cv o, i h ow sltff. ortitwilI s Sask.; Mr. and Mvrs. John Steen and evr ohwltl foti wl famiy, oroto; Mm. oge Fih-lcost You. faiely, Toroto; M r-. and Mrs. Wam-!My hearthest greetings for the lengtn, Toonto; M. and Mrs. WKen- New% Yeav to you one and ail, dear neth Sloan, Peterboro; Miss Zetta readers. McFarlane, Fenelon Falls, and Mm. Osaaadfer avagsi Wmi. Lewis, Welcomie. 1924 than la 1923, but tben the birth 0 f course, on ain occasion like this rate almost treýbled that of the death everybody had 'broughit abundance of and was fifty li excess of the pre- povsions of the most tempting quai- j ceding year whi'le deathis showed an ity, but the very cboicest of ail the increase of twenty. dainties, the queen of the buffet luncheon, was the vevy beautiful and delectable wedding cake, the produet of a Bowmanville amtist, cleverlyl dlecorated w:th candied sweet hearts, roses and beils with the lettering on opposite sides "25 years" in glitter- ing, ailvemy beads. Wben the bride! eut it and graiously requested pieces of it to be passed around, it bad aE double charmn.c I. - MCýONEY SACK GUARANTE BOW31ANVILLE, JAN. l5th., 1925.1 ST. GEORGE'S CHRISTMAS TREEj RINGING THE PRAYER BELL NEWCASTLE 1- ___________-______Away' down on the miountainous SILVER EDN Chris-tmans enitertainmient of St. i region oi Kýentucjky almiost inaceess-, WEDINGGeorge's Sunday Sehool was a very abie to crdi-!nary touriste is locatedý Mr.aid rs JeseBaikrvile Bseineresting and ,*olly, event. in ali the Buckhiorn commnunity occupiedý- Lire, Clarke tvrdvr1n br h os and 1 by somte 20 people of the s(outhýern giïe(cqi t temselves with abil- Higlandï type uix-ed wthotheýr Betw\,een 80 and 90 relatives and ity; and it mnust have been very grat- blood. The Christian Work of Nw neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ifying to those who spent several1 York publistoedI in Decemiber a de- Baskerville, Base Uine, ClIarke, ar- 1wýeeks in training them thiýat they al cription of Buckhorn Prs in two rive'd at tJheir home, ýas if by magic iUook theirý parts so wýell. 2Mrs. Matt. issues fromi the pen of Rev. U. L. on New Y_)ear's evening, took posses- J Brown, MUrs. W. 1-. Anderson anidMae, D. D., of the Preshy' terian sion of their house f romi kitchlen to1 Miss Phocebe Brock spent much, Synod of New York and wý%e have attic and assistedi themn to celebrate thouglit, timie and labor in planning: readi the story withi keen interest. th, 25th aniversary of thieir wed- and training the children for the' Neariy a thousatnd church mCemibers ding day. eVent. Mvs. Anderson and Miss' are veported in the commiiuniity and It is true that Mr. and Mrs. Bask- Brock were the piano accompanists religious instruction is g-iven in the erville and famiily and nearest rela- throughout the evening. CompIete ý sehools. tivsabut outen aoud heprogram- was :-Chairman's address' Perhaps no other one thing in- I boarç, ab eoen eebrinaldathe Rev. E. R. James, Recýtor; recita- dîcates È-he worshipful spirit of the with a sunmptuous New Year's dinner, tions by ail the young peopleo r.commiunity more than the practice foliwe anulta smptousNewM. Brown's class'; chorus b r. of ringing the Prayer Bell, as in the Year's supper, biiutrthe icpalos Nof' Brown's class "Woni't vou comte to days of the Angelus. For m-any this Silver Wedding anniversary lit- y eaPatn"; ilge," er n fteedrywmno i te touht fChrtbigantmasr Lesson" and "The Days, the pavish lhas runig the bell every able proportions the event was to as- of the Week" by seven littie girls;1 evening-no fixed timie being stated,1 sume in the evening. One would clever recitations by Miss Mabell but it is recognized1 at the fira-t hardly believe, seeing the youthful Garner and -Miss Mary Jamies; vocal stroke when instantIy every head is faces and figures of -Mr. and 'Mrs. cuet by Miss Mabel Garner and Missi bowed in prayer. So far as is knowvn Baskerville that they have lived long Aresta Martin; song by Buddie Hay,j there is not a man, womnan or child enogh o b weded25 ~ar, ad ason of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay, Tor- within the sound of the bell who does stragerwoul ned mub crro o n; piano instrumental by Miss not bow the head in reverence for a staiepr of. Neertmhessthe cr- M. L. Bennett; song 'by Miss Phoelbe;few m noments in the presence of God atiie pdeclare rth t h ee mr- M .Brock, '"Who's at my WiInd-' while the-bell rings. One mnay hear ried a quarter century ago by the, ow'"; solos by M,-rs. Frank Branton the cl'atter of dishes and babble oF lat Re. . J Emisu>tenpasorand Miss Eleanlor Anderson, eacJsf conversation in tl'e dining hall buit of te eTho, dis Cusrc,Necby the echool. the instant the bell rings there isý of which the contvacting Parties wei"e 'The coming of Santa Claus wsslneadeeyha os n thon and have been ever sinice, memi-1 heralded by "Santa Claus is comn- may listen to childreni's cries on t,.e bes ing." On bis arriva ihe ,vas veny play-ground, but bef ove the second Thuvsday evening, although taken generous and impartial and gave stroke of the bell there is absolute 1. nice preszent and a bag- of candy t-, silence and every head bow,ýed rever- comipleteiy by surprise be seeing soieeycidi h aih ently inpry. A person may mnany guests arviving, Mr. ,n Mrs.1 N. B.-Jaadvertently ovevlooked, be ln a store miaking a purchase Baskerville and their delightfully ,by the Editor last -week.-Editor, when buyer and seller rcogniize the chavming daughters, Irene and Mar-' bell, the transaction stops and they ion, and their stalwart son Wilbu-ri !ave bowved together befove their who -in much iess timne that it takes THE LATE JOHN E. COCHRANE Maker. Tt is a beautiful eustom to aspire to a silver weddinghs ut1 and of tremendous religlous value to stripped his dad in vertical m-ensure-ý The death occurred at his home' the entire populace of the commun-, ment, each and al did their utmi-ostiinear Baltimore on Christmas Eve ofi ity. The chief means of travel isi to make the friendly intruders wýel-!John Edwvard Cochrane. Mr. Coch- on mule back for considerable dis- come and comfortable. Certain it rane had been ailing for some mionths tances. Farms are 'cbiefly on is that every one did enjoy themr- with rbeumiatîsmi and later gangrene miountain-sides and produce corn, Po- selves, even the Bowmianville finadiaibetes developed, hie beîng 'coafined tatoes, sorgbum, fruit and garden who, not being thoroughly familiar' to 'bis bed for about a, mlontli before stuff and the country possesses enior- wîtha the labyrinthlic highwvays and his death. Mr. Cochrane was borni mous resources of timber and coal. bywvays of Southera Clarke, becam-e. in May, 1860, and was the son of the ________ Iost la the maze, Lad to be searchedt late Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Of AUNT'S NEW YEAR THOUGHTS for and succoured from the snowý Hamilton township, ,vhere be spent1 I drifts and bought to their destinia- his entire Hietm. 1e married lAitho ecrowdvced into third issue of tion some time after the principalý Miss Maryý Jane MclClelan, Maple 195 Aunt's New Year thouglits are ceremony was over. Whien nearly' Grove niear B3owmaînville, who s-ur-ý stili apropos and will be read %vith everyone Lad arrived, Rev. E. B. j vives hlmii, with their 5 eilîdreni: three keen interest as ail of lier- articlesi Cooke called the company to order s ons, Garnett, of Wainfieet, Welland ave: and explained to the puzzled bride' Counity; Baden, of Rochester, N. Y>'.; Once again we bld gooIýbye to and groomi the reasons of thiis inivas-ý and Elgin, athomne; and two daugh- the Old Yeaa- and Weieome ini the ion. MvNi. Cooke wvas particularly: ters, Misses Hilda and Edna at homle. New Year and n arly everyone wili jelrwith hiis January jokes and H1e is survived also by a brother , W. remiavk how quickly the timie files. NewvYears nuggets and put eey H. Cochrane, of Moose Jaw, Sask.,l Again comes the desire, innate in body la extra happy mood. Mrs. . and two sisters, Mms. V. J. Mann of i ail of us, "to begin agin," to make C, Hancock then read to MvI. and Cobourg, and Mrs. M. M. Stuart of a fresh start, to re-miake, and miake Mrs. Baskerville this address: Cobourg. Ia religion deceased was a greater success of 1925 than of MIr. and Mrs. Jesse Bask<erville- a Preshytevian and in politics a Con- any previeus year. D ar F, nd:aogst the esant servative. Tne funerai took placeý Do not wvorry aibout how m nany exer~neswhchmak hepssage Of on Saturday from bhis late residlencel timies you made a failure lai the year t i 1ime '1" no o oorgUinCemietevy. pashe to aetcasnons hen d eet t Coboug Unio'Thehat is ps (,because just the desire oftimeýs. 0)f 1these occasions, none11 pal, bearers weve deceased's three to Cd o btter is a great thing in itself, could lie nmore mrt-t1h-11ie, as sons, Garnett, Badexn and Elgin, and and the mistakes we inak~e belp us to this eeig yotuvfedsaeghre Messrs. Fred Cochranre, Williami do better in the year that bas now Itwish1 you a "aýpyNw ea" to congý.ratulate yen on havig eacdStuart and 1Homace Davey.-Cobourgoendpnus the Twety-Fift anntversayo or etnlYour new resolutiona sound good, Wedilid bgDa. Tru] a of er ddMng especially the one of trying to save, siiokt e1atimof rejiigtanf we are A Power of itsThom- 1adeconom-ize. That is well worth hetà] nmake theic- lcasion ai brighit and as' Eciectric Oil lis a subtie power' a very bigefo. Economny does hap n fryuan orfaiy tof its own. Ail whio have used itý not meana meanness or selfisýhnes,, is rigl t thiaw slould dlo so, for durng kno t- and keep it by themn as the i fri stuyüesuc fuslih a ceiRth is past yotilr mowt v$hîelnmn vial. t o t1 h suc fusli hiome fias been uin ri iis aubl iietaalbe tlness and generosity. neýighbor)tly lpi andi good-chieer hias rac- uses are innumecrable and for many I Look at any people who neyer ât- iated. YoUrS lias been, a hiomjewhere years it bas beent prized as the lead- temipt to save, and note how miser- oene, d neyeýr akin vaýin for, sym-ing iietfrmnadb's. si byae opoet opan atyor assistance. Your time, Yo01,9lnietfrnaradbat talntsandyou mteral ossssinsings and whinings; pesteving others whve alays lipeniat the ser1ve et rtose wiiiir,< ,ith their tales of want and begg1-ing who nededtbemand ou hae seved Pumme,id duet by Missý Plummnersmpby comuity wt ngugnggnr-,n Miss Marion, Baskerville accomn- It is a mnistake to say you are Durinig tee25 yeýars, too, otnela panied on the piano by Miss Ireneý afraici you will neyer be able to save been kind to yon . Startîng aýs you dlid Baskerville; also a speech by Mr¶ anything, and stili wýorse to say you h(ere a brideu andi grocom, yourhomie bas' Norman Plummier, Bowmnanville. will not save unless it is la a big way.I heen imnrnvêi and i dcd h- toil w(e. Aii-ion, rltvsdfi.rn .-., n,.s,, , _---- 1 sý -ae p yurm1 to Itltt Phone 64 Bowmanvil) -- CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GrOý0C!?RS A1ways at a Saving As an indication of the consistent> low prices at Dominion Stores we are listing three speciais onily this-week. Shop at your nearest store for real econômny. FINES'T ASSORTMENT 0F CANDIES 25c LB. S TARP'"T THE DA Y RIG HT WI TH PORRkIDGE and CR&'ZEÀM TRY H LLD Reg. WALNUT4c 9 BR-1EADV .-1NUTS i.1. zpc SINGAPORE Sliced io DELUCIOUS WJTH CUSTARD IFTYI What We Have to Offer NO ONE chartered Bank in Can- ada bas anytliing~ greater to off er the business community than its conteni- porariles unless it be in the char-acter of the service it renders. 0uTring the half-century of its lif e, the Standard Bank bas developed a dis- tinct indiviuaility throughi the kinci of service imaintained la its daily tran- sactions. The commercial aspect of thi-, individuality is found la the miany unique services for whicb the Standard Bank is peculiarly equip- ped. STAINARD BANK BOWMANVILLE BRANCH--H. W. Lapp, Ajnager Branches also at N-,cast1e, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa After taking 1000 ZUIOO IABLEIS Says they are iarmless Mrs. (Dr.) Shurticif, of Coaticook, saya "I niust have take-n 1000 Zutoo, TableIïL After trYing every remedy witbin reachý, 1 discardïed them ail four years ago for. ZU'TO-O, which 1 have taken ever 8iflC 1 find the Labiets a harrulessa nd effict reniedy for ail kix3ds of headache." - i ce:nts per bo-at all dealea. If you'd like a littie better tea than yoL- are usinig, pleaseý try "Red Rose" t,, The saune good tea for 30 years. Try QUALITY PFIRSTo' -THAT'S CAWKER'S There have been mny changes, Qne way andi another, during the 50 years we have been in business-but there is one thing remains the saine, and that is the high quality of meat we always seIl. We select our animais frQm the best feeders in the district. We insist on young stock which lias been well fed and healthy. Customers are then assured of the getting the choicest cuts ofl meats. C. M. CAW&rKR & SON -à r --A 1' 1 'x-