NEWCASTLE The editoar regrets hnaving to cen- iMrs. jaMý -dense some articles for lack- of J i space. Tuesday IjMiss Gertrude MuMuilen, Osha-va, Mrs. Jamle-S ISun dayed at, Mr. W. J. S. Reade a lengthy ili - 1,Shaýw's. Phamey Cli * Mrs. Wallace Holmi-e-- s s 1 (1 n township of -a few days with Mrs. Coulter atThe years ago. tTowers. a 1 Thie funer - Further Newcastle articles crowd- lvdw' was very lai ed out of last issue appear on an ironb muiner pag-e. and f ormer Mrs. -Mitchell Zealand, Nevtorn- cas3tie and 1 ville, was weekend guest of Mrs.: ýpent most' Wade, King St. 1 as heen sul Miss Rena Thomas left on Thurs-1 dise2a5e and Clay for a visit with hier brother 'an operatiorn Floyd at Orillia. Toronto, vît Mrs. Johni Abar, CamipbelýlfOrd, ig ht be eff( visitng ler dughtr, M r fobt. cheerful pati vistin br dugter Ms. last. fR Waton, King,- St. tor, conduct, jMrs. C. W. Baker has returnedl house and at h-omie to -Montreal after visiting her Beautiful Io -nother, Mrs. Jas. Rowland. pressed thee jM.Smith and childreri, Stoughl-! she waa be ton, Sask., are visiting lier parents,ý friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hl. Cowan, North Those fr( le Idpnei ýY l5th., 1925. OBITUARIES NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY &e H. Best, Newcastle Newcastle Horticultural Society afternoon, January 6th., hieldl its annual meLeting Monday Bezt pasýsed to rest after evening, Jnay1ti oni ineS. Shewasforery~ Cham,)er, Mr. Thomas Moffat, Presi- vke and was born in thee(dent, in the chair. Clarke, a littie over fiftY Mrs J. E. Matchett. Mîother of the Society, and its ind]efatigable secre- ial of Phamey Clark, ne- tary since orgaisation, presenteci of- Mr-. James-H. Beaýt,! her repr-f ,In 191 thr i Ot19, dety ri Masse) be ýrSh )wer an GROCERY SPECIALS Campbell's Tomato and Vegetable Soup. .15c each Apex Tomato and1 Vegetable Soup ........2 for 25e Fresh Cheese -.................... .....-....25e per lb. Fresh Choice Mince Meat .............20e per lb. Ladies' Delight, Fresh Grotund Coffee . ... 60e IL~ Large tins of Raspberr-y and Loganberry Jam... $1 H. S. BRITTOe'N, Baker & Grocer Newcastle DO YOU NEED E. B. Cool, and dlaughiter Miss1 have returned frein a pleaeqant' weeks' visit 'with friendis in di Mis. Win. Ken-2fick visited cer acted aý .er and sister, Mr. Patrický She is su Annie Keneflck, hurch-st.,i Matthew at 2turning home. Amos Best mre Cobobledick i.srepresent- GCeneral :eI end of Shaw's Union Mr. Best -w s trustee. suceedçing Mr.1 reft of his ývekin, retired. 1comtpanion rk paid a visýit to the hýome Who servec nd _Mrs. Keuneth Gray on W~ enlisti and presýentedI them with a lives in T or( Isoni and heir. position. 1parties have been lookiing eral. iug-s in the village evidently ew; of becoming reside nts of Lucy le the Neat". ecsl iam Tiuk, prosperous farm- sorro-w orf 1Deer District, AIberta, resident, Li winter -with Ontmrio rein- John Kenef becen g-uest of Mr. Norman until his de, by. MsMark Blackburn, Darii-g- enor aomaidher son DParewell "In Necsl n Saturday, and remu ac- edl over at Mr. W. C. Bla jeta burIn's. Rev. Geo, Mlason hieid the aur gue, preparatory service in the Presbyt We can gîve New Butler, Eillbeck, Chris. L 0"cock anudIr. ]3 oard of 'Dii ida secretary. JChester D.M kson and Dr. J. E. Atkin- ade hy Mr. Dr. Butler.~ iLua i armrlng0on anl e having upwards of 20( cultivation. [vs. N. T. Reibhv,(4rai vast tO 7Club r flrsti ceiving Word death. AUNT The otlu, Secretary-Treý ' Pvogram Co ies, Evelyn Il and Loftus Macfarlane ai jNEW( IPresbyt Mason -i p. in. entes." c FOR nd' CE SHORE, CLARKE sadness j p~eople, a edays at LESI tfle ereaved fTam-1 lin such dcae IOna h Footwear Jn.l Peu ta s, This i those wl lectuai surmise brains. that lauý Inte.llect- gtour' r willi and groom od will and HIG H and C( es lu .J. R. ,NG CARDS Co the best' f Anthra- y I sympi DURHAM LODC