cuary 1lst.,,1 uptair-- EAST 0F EGLOVE & I will be prepared to do al kinds of fur repairing and alter- ing. Special Values ln Fur Coats. Th-urýstopn éUnr Shop Phone 14 King-Sti. W. Bowmraniville Blooms we have a nice lot coxing into isloomn tr these seasonable r eut or on tise Daffodils la pots et frosu 25c to $1.00 Iaccortilng to varlety anti number 1 of bulbs la pot. ..Daff odils cut et iO $1.25 and $1.50 dozon Give Daffodils New S. J. Jackman & sons Flori8ti Phone 80 Bowmnaiville We Wil Mend a Rip Sew on a Button Put in a 'Tuck Let out a Pleat Press your Clothes Make a Suit ,re's no job too small or too nonse tee simple of too com- to tienanti our caref ni at- J. T. Molloni TAILOR )ne Door East of Former Sisop Zing St. E. Bow,ýmanville B3OuK FOR THE EVENINGS AT HOME IOVING every picture for the chjldren's ani a haîf te th~ n tise years 18541 -lad to finti Mrs. t, ebeerful ant i ýa faculties se aci ed age. vWe e: ieips nh8 il tpam bave no- ýasoni, andi yet, a ýe bure there wer( Issloais, totallia1 or bias been ex -i bis terms witi thinz bas to b( of tise rink foi Iing- expenses, es rry, soon moun- ;that tise player ýy eut of peekel e cro.wd for th( he Oshawa Higl Youre truly, M. G. V. GoulI Bowmanvil 'Y February, 19215, et -2 o'd!ock in tise after- ýh noon et tise office of M. G. V. Gol,c1I dBernister, Royal Bank Building, Bow- mnille O nt-.,b'y Theo, . 'Stilmoni, )r Auctieneer, Lot 1 and part Of Lot 2,l ' )t Blocki 35, Town of Bowmeanvilla, Ibeing ,on tiseNorths East Cerner of Lowe St. anld Be--ch Ave., and formerlIy knewn as e ie ilng Homestead. On the premn- ,g lees are sitwtute a two and one-haîf <- storey brick lieouse with hardweed floors1 ;h do'wn steire and aIl modemr improve- IInstgetiser with eut-buildings. rTERMS-Ten Par Cent (10%,) of pur- cis lase meoney te be paid et tise tue cof sae baac te be paid thlrty dys 30) lt J hý,a r, or if desiredl Fifty Parý", Cent - of purchase mioney mey rernain *on a Mertgege withis nterest at Seten Per Cent (7%) Par Annuni. For fur-" etiser particllars and conditionss of sale h pply to M. G. V. Goilld, Bari5miter, EBow- manville,, Ontc DATE]) at Bowrnanville thle419tis day of January, 1925. 4-3 BOWI Jùst East ofr Bowman flouse BOWMTVANVILLE, JAN. 29th., 1925. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE I TYRONE Read E. F. Weekres' Grocery advt., The 57th anniversary services of1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE i "Al Aoad now for Copeland's iTyrone Church were lergely attend- t FreSal o Fotwar. ed and well sustained. Rev. C. C.1 Read the inerchants' new edvts. Talký about groceries being cheap 1 1hntn B . oricrndr Mr. Sam Purse, Pense, Sask., vis-, -just read E. F. Weeks' advt. j ed miost efficient servi-ce. Hfis sermions ited his cousin, Mr. Fuller Cator, re-1 Havýe you renewed your subscrip- were exceeain ho ir ge y a uch cently. tion to The Statesmanfo 1925? Do enjoyed. Techigaeafl for prograi of well seleeted music whicbi Miss Reatrice Devitt, Victoria Col-i it now. added mucb to the interest: and in- lege, Toronto, was horne over the1 Mrs. Carnet H. Duncan, Rich- fluence of the serviues. The Thiank-i weked,1 mond Hill, is visiting Misses B. andý Offering was aibouit double that ofý Ladies' Coats now clearing et haîfi F. Galbraith. i previous years, for which the offil- Originel prices. Couch, Jolinston& Miss Metcalf, Cobourg, is spend-j cials wvish to express their sincere Cryctersuan. ing thse winter -with ber niece, Mrs. thanks. Monday evening Salerm 1Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Koi, Toron- J. D. Cerruthers. Daai Club 1braveci the violentI to, spent thse weekendý with herl Mr. and Mrs. Elmner Sheiw enter storm and gave us a piay that wouid, mother, Mis. John Curtis, Carlisie'taîned a nuniber of Oshawva friends1 be appreciated by cuitured people Ave, nFia nn. anYýwhere-. The varlous parts were Ar your home..made preservesi Mr .Har old Jewell, Buffalo, N. Y.,w ell rended atinterstyre getting low? Then be sure and spent the weekend with his parentmrahywI ssand. Trn read E. F. Weeks' Grocery advt this iM.adMs .W eeî rhsr edrdees ui ih MrwndeekH W wi. out stint and were encored to theý Pichhaepon t E Balance of this season's Laclies'l echo again and iain. The officiels Mr. Alph a to visibs ubh E Coats now reduced to haîf price. express thanks to preachier, club and Paso, Mexico, t ithsbroter Coch Johnston & Crydernman. orchestra and wiil be giad to see and and enj oy thse Sunny South for a f ew E oe Ioy elhalh"a huialaan weeks. Eeyn n y elhatyha hmalaan Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sm-ith, Chicago,i laugis, at least once a year.' There - __------ is no limit jto this mnedicine at the iBRH ELi, are spending a f ew weeks with, "Tuxçis Minstrels". Watchl,-! Wait rBITH lier sister, Mrs. Neil YellowAlees, andi you'll Laughl N IXON-In CakJanujaryl17th, to Centre St. Bwsnil oe' nttt Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon, a son (\Vil-! Mr% and Mrs. W " F. Hardy, Oak- 1,will nmeet at thie home of Mrs. T. C a- Hnr' Wood, were recent guests of their Jeweîî, Ontario-st., on Friday afte r- VOSS-Aý-t Shiort Tract, AJllegany Co., niece, Mrs. J. U. Robiins et the -Meth- noon January ')Oth. Ail mnenibers Tilioe R. R . eorkýjj,,to Mr.Ilath odist Parsonage. at retsivtt.Ms ly .Vso aur 1 h Mr. James Jarvis of the Toronto',M.Gro ereo h tn- Police Force, was here this wee MrGodn ereoftsStn-gfofaaule-eeiveEzbth visiing s moher Mra Rd.Jari ard Bank, anti Mr. Stewart McCaug,-- isotn bis very rq R. ailî, of the Benk of Toronto, Coîborne, DEATHS Miss Winnifred Pearce, Welling- parents, Mr.eeand Mwith thF. eres IC n saw n dy, . 25 ton, was guest of Rev. niMs ~ M. and Mrs. IraF.Perc .11orrine F ranes, oly hild of Mr. ad1 U. R obins at the Uethodist Parson*eMr. Draper Dobie of Draper Dobj- MNrs. Fran.k Vice, aged 7 months. 1 îe & Co., 14 Kinig Street East, TOr- B OWAERS-Ini Osha, \..Sinda, Jan- age over the weekend. onto, one of tise miost experienced uary 25, 1925, M1elwin George, infanMt son Mr. A. F. Forester, editor 1and anti conservatîve mnining bro'kers le, of mr. and Mýrs. Wvilliam Býowers, aed6 proprietor of The Star, Oakvilie,1 Canada, bas recently contributed toi 1 RCHIBAISSddI i wavLs in town recentLly aiii gave Theý the press somte very iilumninating eir-, on Saturday,, January 29ý, l192, Johin B.1 Statesman a friendly eaul. ticies on Northern Ontario. His Aýrcl1ibald. in his 67tlh year. Sni-a "Ail Aboarti" we agree was good' latest comiparison of "Pulp ani! f thý1ate -Mrs. ichard BieBw but it ditin't sali like thse "Tuxis Spe- Paper -with Goidl", publish-eti in the GETNI Catigt lo 1, cial" Will. Waýtch for particulersý Canadien Mining Journal 'of October con. 7, onThrdy January 22nd,195 in next issue. It wili pay. 24th, and reprodueed in the Jenuaryý Ellen HTooey, widlow of the laLte Ruaîpl Thse meeting of Tile White Shieldi niumber of the Canadian Club's -Mag-i Edgerton, aged 77 years. Interred in Club wllbe seci n t. au's ec-'.ule, "The Meple Leef", graphi-1 St. Johin's ceeeyUlacksýtock. Clüwllb ed nS.PalsL ct- ryln . MORRIS-m )Montreal, Que., on Son - ure Roomn on TuLestiay, February ,, et I a presents somie snteregting a.s- dayJanuary 25th, 1925, 1Frank I. Morris, 8 p). m. sharp. New corners eordially, peets of Ontario's mnineral E- idier son of iMr. and Mlrs. JohIn H. -Mor- initti Isources. 5-1 ris, Beech Av., owmnanville, aged 46 I ______________yeas. nterred lin Bowmanville cer- Do not miss the Sale of Homne- eey niatie Cooking, Fur Coats, Clothing, EV 0 AA WRE cKEE-On Tùesday, Jan. 2oth, 1925, Boots and Shoes, etc., et St Paul's _______Theas denee ofher bohe, Mrss Presbyterian Cuc Saturday, Jan- i tteoeig sesoLfte1etitia mcKýee, youngest dauglihter of thel uary 31st., from 3.30 to 6 p. in Pro- Counties Council of Nortbumiber- late Mr. and Mrs. f1eniry McI<ee. Inter- gram anti afternioon tee has been I1 ]anti andi Durisar heid Tuestiay even- ment in Blackstock. airrnged for whicýh tise small sum of1 ing Reeve James MisCamius of Cavais_________________ 10e is requested. Everybotiy welcome, Towýnsh'ip, was eiected Warden on Mr. Gordon Lapp, Premnier andi the third ballot, dýefeating Reeve M. IN MEMORIAM Minister of Finance of th-e Fourth J. Eliiott of Bowmanvilie, by, one CORNISH-in lovlng memnory of ourl Ontario Oltier Boys' Parliamient, will voýte. dear daughiter and sister, Olive Truli pay a visit to Bownianvilie this Cornish, who died January 31st., 1924. Trhursdey, January 29 at 8 p.mi when , Oh how patient in be uff ering when n0 ~ il se~ ls etodatSuda MOTHERS MAKE ER hand could give lier case, Sclxool Room in tise interests of grief and sent her peace, C. S. E. T. work anti the Parliamnent's Tise White Shield Club celelbrateti Jt one yahuw swift tise tim, files, B.ond 'Sellîng Camipaiga. Publie is tts 3-.,d Birthday Party on January lWe's be esmiemoiry eeerulas corc,îally invited to his meeting. i 3th., 1925, when close on 100 mem- We itsh er swe s ent anyhappy days MangerBlak o th Bel Tle-bers and frientis turneti out to have it jsnottat the time that the tears arel MangerBlck f tseBel Tee-a gooti time. Evory7one was delight- shed that tels, that thse keart is torn, tac io a eutt apolin.phoneý Company announ-eos tisat a re-ý ed to have Mises Heeley whlis But thse rassionate tears in tise after cent re-arrangement of long ffls-1gjlat feren~itr~n years and rernembrance silentiy ditacircuts ba esten Bo villne, alk a very happy social timie uns Sadly mlssed by Motiser, Fathey, and dietcrut ewe onas ispent. Sses andi Oshawa. Tise result, asMr. i A short 2-act play was stageti by Black. points out, ahoulti be a genaeral seven of tise sembers, entitleti speecing up of icommunication be- "Fretidy's Great Aunt" andi proved Lost or Found tweeni thege points, with delays re-ý excellent fun for ail, the per'forrners, duceti to a miniimum. PU 51 dolng their parts splentiitly. Thse FOIND-Boston Bull dog. Apply at Mr. anti Mxs. W. -H. Plsiey,1 various ch'-aracteirs wvere taken hy1 Statesman Office. 5.3 '<Eimwooa", Richmond Hill, Ontario, Mrs. Cooie, Mrs. Braunti, Mrs. Read- KEYS LOST-A buncli of keys tri announce th-e engagement Of their er, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Goulti, Mrs. j leather case. Finder please return to' niece Elizabeth, only tiaugiter cf thea Brookbami, Mrs. Blunt. Recitationts, Statesman Office, B3owlnanvilie. 5-tf late Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Da;ison, songs anti community slnging ail _________________ Newniarket, to Mr. James Sidney went towairt making a very jolly MarabauiT, only soLn of the late Mr. evening af ter wiic refresbmntsA:t 1ne andi Mrs. S. J. Marshsall, Cannington. I were serveti, anti ail tilt justiceAtonts_______ Marriage will take place quietly etltise good thlngs providedt. Thon ecamie Hut os aemnwn o the cnio ieï~nh the big event of cutting tise iue aters.Cmlt n.Tet-two A number of frientis of Mis. Anna; birtbd-ay cake by Miss Allie, whicis per cent-commnission. N.'ortlisera Hosiery Elforti, Elgin-st., Norths, gave hier a1 looketi very pretty with its threel Co., Box 611, Barrie, Ont. 5-1 pleasant surprise on Tisursday after- cantiles brightly burning, anti every-_____________- .- nooný, it being thse 75th anniversaryi one hati to partake of a piece or take of ber birthday. After a pleasantj it home to dreans upon. TL social hour was spent, refresismentsý Very reluctantly goodnights anti [Not ice LO Creditors were serveti in whlch tne birtistay 1 gooibye to, Miss Heeley were saîi cake figureti promninently. She was b ut ail went home happy after bey- Estate of Fanny Mitchell, Deceased assistet i n servinýg by bier tiauggter,l ing a very jolly time. Mrs. Lorne C ohbletilck, New,ýcastle, parties, having ciaims against the Es- ber slister Mrs. Kate Wight, ant iber BOWMA14VILLE WINS GROUP ltate of Fanny Mitche.ll deceased, Dr n~iece, Miss Eva Soucis. lington, who died May lOtis, A. D. 1924, Biggst alus evr oferti l !3rt ounsll' juior ~cky ~ are reriuired to send the sanie to W. E. .-t BoinallN. jSinclaireyK. G., Oshawa, on or before boots andi shoes at Copela nt' Fire matie it seven straight wlns for the February 24th, 192)_5, after whvich dailte Sale. season by defeating Oshsawa here on dsrbto1iîbemd aigrgr 8-0. Tis givs 00W o caimis then filed. This notice is Ovr ifý mnies f h YunýMontiay night by3-. Ti give n lun pursuance of R. S. O. 1914, Ca." Lader' fiftye abrs of tis etYoungt Bowmnanville tise group bonors anti, ,121, sec. 56 arnd amendmrents thiereto. P Ladis' ibl Clsa f tse ethti~tCtey will no tioubt be picketi to enterW.EN.SCLI,. , sunaltia Sehoo njoyeidayplaasnt1 ýtise lext series witis winners of Lied-1 Jan. 24th, 1925. Oshawa, Ont, soilgte1gon~liyeeig say--Peterborg group. 5-2. et tise home of tise Preslient, Miss 1 The hockey stick artists from tise ________ ______ .Florence Richarti, Centre StreeAn, ____Cty"cae______ndv, lnteresting prograne of contests ant i igBaby Cty cae d owsbe Monstiay musie conclutiing with refresisments nith leterminest ifa possibletose tice to Creditors; ~comxbined to give ail a goodtimre.1 ts oa os 9c asbt it iIt The appreciation of the membersi was not to be. Every man on the - Ta Bowmanvillen teate oplayeti to tse l ai- ind ly notice that ail .persons havIng was~~~~ exrseii oeo iek oIt Gilfillan, Lockington, Chartran, daims against tlise ite l1ariett Beer of ~4rs ani Mss iekad mvet byOshorne anti Cortien, al gave a goodti tis Township of Dar1ington, le the Miss Eniti Soucis anti secondetid con o tsmslvs ntie owatiCunty, of ]7urhemi, Widow', whe dic on let- you P I ion ofthe Asset of thensaideéstate sha Articles For Sale CUTTER FOR SALE--fn first class ,ï!nclition. Appi)1)Y to Thos. Ham11 iton, Jin St., Bowmanviile. 1 5 FOR SALE-2 Igeod muskrat rbs WVill seli at real bargains. AplPercyv Cowan, Libeurty St., B'owmnanville. Phionei 270. - FOR SALE-A numnber of plionograpis rcords in good conïdition. Apply to A. Nçwomb, c9 iho. Pingle, Elgin St., COWS FOR SALE-Two good Dutrham jti miich cowýs, just renewtd. Apply) to 1( Aibert E. Billeit, R. Rl. 1, Rampton, phone 190I-11. 5-1w5ýý _ENGINE FOR SALE-Gasoline En - gin, oudShl)%Y & Mulir. 31,2 R. P. wlh nagneto, Hopper eooled. Appi)y toý E. C. Houar, Newcastle.2t SEWING MACHINE FOR SAE- Ray'mond Sewý-ing Mcinin godcon- dition. Apytu (1,0, Weekes, Dukc-eti BowmaInnville. Phione 2-88W. 4-tf iBULLS FOR SALE-2 Aberdee n-ngs Eulis, reýgistIeed, bred froni thlelbest cf stock. Apply to Trmuman Pwr ai Grove, 1Phone 13-31, Bewnmanile - FOR ALE xfor Reaer, elf feed- er; cmp ibed; single bcd; baIiIth tb; ýis seil CarpetSwepr Apply tu Charles FOR SALF_-Cedatr fence poste fromi 20c eachandf p;also imixed drwod cut in stove enth, t 10 pr cord -Mrs. OseWiltshire F jm . R.f_ FOR SALE-12 scisool dss ml organ; 1 heaýtjing ,stov-stattionI Ageu<t No. 24 ini good repair; a1nuber',f7-ilIch s;tove I1ipes; building lx ] wth1good roof, ini good shlape. Aply b t 0W,. JS. FOR SALE-Goed Ford Touring, 1921 model. starter and lectrie light, sheck absorber, humper. and cerd tires. A barsiin if suld at once. AIso thiree por-imakers to uise with cair toe cut W001d, grinid feed, (e. Phione 185 o r cali at A,. W. iokards, King St. East, Bowmanille.49-tf. Articles Wanted Wýe e ar redto Ibuy al i lasinds cf apples and ottees. Phone 104r14 . Podpaleck, bcýx 263, Wnitby. 2s To Let HOUSE TO L ET-7 roe rc lieuse with ail modern convenience"S en Ontairlo St. Rntreatscfnable. ArpJY te John1 Joncs, .Bowrnailleiil, p!honel 43À:. 3-w Wanted I-E\ý WANTED-Th,- Security Life Insuirence Comipeny desires an ener-getie RepIresentetive. Exýcellent centract tel reliable man. Apply 3'92 Water Street, Peterboroughs, Ontario. 53 JANITOR WANTED - ror Sh11aws 5(ohIool (S. S. No. 1 Darhington and No. 1., Clarkeý.) Apply te W. J. S. R"ickard, 80 rode edst of scisool, phone 1P111-14, or WC. Aitn R. R. 4, Rowmnanville. 5-2 t:e do0 plaiin cookýing and geneiraýl1bouse - werk. Apiy ý-to Mrs. 1). B. Simpson, Silver St., Bowmianville. 4 -ti Farms to Reint FARM TO RENT-126 acres, 1lot 2. E. F'., Darlington. Piowinig possession at once, full pessession April 1, 1925. Ap- psy te Mrs. James MacCennachia, Ring , St., EP., Bowmianville. 34-tf 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE-WIýithin two miles of Orono, good land, geed. buildings. veluebie tumber. pienty o1 weter. Convenient te sciseels and mar- ket. Noted as a great producing fanr. Land in good state of cultivation. Bar gain for quick sale. Liberal ternis. Get full particulars froi3i R. Z. Hiall, Postniaster. Orone. S-tf' Farmers' Attention FARMERS ATTENTION-We are pre- pered te do yeuI ' wood cutting 'ihcir - culr awing o'ft,chreresnb. S ymons & Shoprt, pisone 18:-31. AlsoI quantity ef clover hay for sale. Gre BROWN & BENNETT'S I E' Attractinlg Thrifty Buyers Goods oniy slightIy damaged by smoke are being greatly sacrificed in price for quick clearance. Stock incluçies: Hosiery Glassware Wall Paper Sweater Coats General Dry Goods Yarns Ribbons Work Shirts Stationery D. M. C. Cotton Underwear Embroidery Silks Leather Mitts Fancy Stamped Goocis BIank Account' Books LOOK AT TI4ESE PRICES Goloreti Sateens 35e yard fori.......... 25c yd Cusision Tops compiete $1.75 for ........ $1.0 Untierskirts $1.25 for............ ....... 85c Princeses Slips $1,25 for........... ...... 75c Boys' Ail Wool Combinations $1.75 for $1.00 Boys' OtitiV'ests $1.25 for............... 35c Plaid Dress Cootis $1.25 yard for ..,........ 60e Flannelette 85e a yard for................. 25c Rope Silks 7e for.................... ... 5c D. M. C. 7c~ skeln for............. ...... 4c Lace Curtains.$2.50 for........ ........ $1.65 Hua tre.ds of otiser bargains Bowmanville RingS1t. W., BowmanVille E. F. WEEKES-9COMMUNITY GROCER -KING& ONTARIO STS. We are overstoeked in certain, lines of high quality needied groceries w,ýhich rmakes buying particularly attractive from now tiil February 7th. Whetlher you have bought from thýis store or rot send us your next order et these extremely low prices. DeIicious Canned Fruits aind Marmalades These preserved goods have thýe taste of fresh, ripe fruits, their dIelicacy of fiavor, their richness and health-giving qual- ~tes. Th-ey are just -whole ri-pe fruits with ail their juice and strength. Used'for breakfat, afternoon tea or dessert they are always well received and the ýhildren klve theixn. iCanned Cherries, No. 2 size, in heavy syrup, Reg 20e foi 15c Lombard or Green Gage Plums, in heavy syrup Reg. 20e for 15e Raspberries, in heavy syiup, choice quality, Reg. 30c for 25c Raspjperries, in heavy syrup, standard quality, Reg. 25e for 20c Strawberries, in heavy syrup, choice quality, Reg. 35e for 29c Pure Jam-l-Raspberrýy, Strawoerry, Black Currant, in Perfect Seal Quart Geins, Regular 75c for .................... 63e Pure Loganberr<y Jam, No. -1 size glass, Reg. 70e for ...59c Pure Straiwbefty Jam, No. 4 size glass, Reg. $1.00 for.... .89c Orchard Brand Strawberry Jarm, No. 4 size tin,\ Reg. 65e for 53c Stuart's Strawberry Jam, No. 4 size tin, Regular 75e for 63c Stuart's Orange Mlarmalade, No. 4 size tin, -Reg. 75c for.... .63c Sherriff's Oïrnge Marmeladle, No. 4 size tin, Reg. 75c for. .. . 63c Sh-erriff's Orange Marmalade, in Perfect Seal QuartGes Rgar80c for ................................... 69c Sherriff's Orange MNladil(e, in 16 oz. jars, Reg. 30e f.or 27C Sherriff's Pineapple MKarmealade, in 16 oz. jars, Reg. 40e for 32c Apple Jelly in glas, Regular 18e for 13c,........... 2 for 25c Appetizing Sauces H. P. Sauce, Regular 35e for ......................... 29e C. C. Canaien Sice, Regular 30e for ................ "c Hlejaz Beefsteak Sýiuce, Regular 35e for ................ 29c Lytle's Worceýtershire Sauce, Regular 20e for ............ 13c Hieinz Worcestershire Sauce, Regular 30e for............. 25c Lee and Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, Regular 410e fOY33e Fuit Flavored Cocoas Cow,ýan'îs or Baker's Cocoa, 14 lb. tins, Reg 15e for 13e, 2 for 25c Cowan's or Balker's, 12 lb. tins Reg. 28e for........... 23e Hlarry Hornýe's Cocoa, in tubes about 1U'~ lbs. Reg. 25e for 21û Pure Bullk Cocoa, as good as any, Reg. 20e lb..,.. .2 lbs. f or 25c Po pular Toilet Soaps Glycerine Soap), small, round, transparent_............ 2 for Se Castile Soap, ini long bars, Reg. 25e fo;r................. 19c Infant's Deligh.t Sioap, 1Regular 10ec at..............'3 for 23c Plantol Soap,' Re.-ular 10e at .................... 3 for 23e Castile ýSoap, small' cakes,, slighitly diseolored, ...10 cakes 25c Miscêlae>us 'Groceries Pure Malt Vinegar, Reg. 30c bottles for_...........25c Pure M4alt Vinegar, Regjilar 15e bottles' 13c or 2 fo-r 25c Peanut Butter in toy pails, Regular 30c foôr............. .2 Victory Pork and Beans, larg~e size, Regular 25c, to go at 22e Vietory Por1k and Reans, No. 1 size Reg. 1t0c for 8c, 2 for 1$c Bensoxn's Golden $yrup, in 8 lb. g~lass gei~ns, Reg.50e f or 43c Harry Horne's Double Crea#m QCusard PoýWer Reg l'Oc, 3 for 23e Jelly Powders, Nu4éeli, Sherriff's and Ptlr'e old, 3 for 23c Harry Horne's Vanilla, Reg. 10e bottle, 3 for 25c If you suioke Qigars ask for our ~Speciaf Price by the box. Youen Lave snoney. <Cash and Deliver Prîces-Phone 226r4 These prîices sacrifice rny profit. Afl goods here edvertised are for eash only. Tis E.F. WEEKES TeCornmunlty Crocer BROWN & BENNETT