EIOWMANVILLE, JAN., 29th., 1925. HAYDON OF - (Received too late for iast issue.) (From Ti e BOWMVANVILLII JUNIORS WINj Temperace programi here on Mr. Johii1 From Ontario Reformer, OshËawa convenior, Mrs. E. Bradley. Spcifal Mise uc singing b y the S. S.; readings -were n'uest,' of M~, Oshawa One-BowmaxiviIIe Ten g fiven by Mrs. R. Crossmian andMr.~ny T'he score of la-t ni ght's juniort T. o ig...egu servcee i Mr. Harol battie between these two teams just Sunday evening was licn geofte about tells the soyil, itseif anld 3rd Vice President, Mr. Cecl Slemi- truck at Gi't cleary indicates the inargin that thýe o. Topie w,ý splei ily g.'ven his wrizt. League eutry. By virtue of their gave a taik on thle both sîdes oflfrom O., A. victoýry ihere, Bowniville practically, the debate recently7 given n his weekend. ciniched the honors for this group, as home League, and our Leaguers ap- liard and they have now run their string ofr preciated ils message very mnuch and Holloway's win uptosixwhle.thy hveyet wili be pleased to hear him again. entireiy safe tols a contest. i Orchestra favored with a couple se- ýatisfactorv Wit'h al credit to the hard work- lections. Readings, wexe given by Mrs. F. M~ ling local boys who had considerable Ms NeaAhoLod Ton-wt e o tough luck throughout the game, the Son and Cecil Siemon. Bible les- who had pli team was outclassed as a whole by son wa's read by Mrs. Theron Mount- MrQr( their Oopoents, who put up a great joy .... A heavyr falilOf sow nhMr.Frit GC exhibition both offensively and de- un y...eeaiaoxdeeare quet ln Nem fenivey aý! esevedto in he e-cverngfrpm grippe ... :.Mr. Nor- Go- c fenosvl n eeve owute manl Welsh, Toronto, is visitiing at GereB TheMr. C. Aveiry's. late George hers Bowmianville boys possess a Noveniher in stron- scoring teamn and an ag-grega-ý Mrs. McKi tion of skaters who literally skçated I J. Stewart, "rings around" the local. Thedr i EAST DURHAM FAIR has been ver, backchecking was ail that could 'be phoid fever. desired, and their cold, levei-head- East Durham Agricultural Society, Wrss ed goalie, James, does not need to -Port Hope, has a balance of $634.51 Wrme th take a back seat to any net guardian ou 192 opertioes.minie tohd in this group. Hie stood as a vrt- weather conditions Fair Day gate re- Strengthen tf er-Grae'Wr able stone wali between the posta ceipts, weye only $360. Paiu prizes 'vs o ai-d, try as they did, Oshawa could $1,578.70, prirting and advtg $284.-ottepr notbea hm ethr b lng ane 77. Officers for 19,25 are: Ralph Stui by bortiiug ih i clo.gDrang e Hon. Presidents-Senator R. A. ning Factor7 finai five minutes, Oshnwa had their Mulholiaud Fred W. Bowen, EqMngro opponeuts bach-ed up in their oyvin M. P., A. J. Fallas, Esq., M. P. P., ory, Grafton corner and showered miay bombard- Mayor 1T. B. Chaih, Mr. Robert Trutee Bo< mients of ehots at James but lie was Hume, Mr. W. B. Davison, Mr. W. has appointe( equal to the oeccasion and turned H. Symions and Mr. A. R. Westing- taker to sue them ail aside with comparative ease. ton. resigned. I Ilu Chartran and Osborne, Bow Presient-Mr. E. AI. Rosevear. It is ususît mauville have a pair of Bo Isivý st Vice Pres.--Mr. S. Haskiil. a child la pý argieseive 2ud Vice Pres.-Mr. Wna. Austin. restless, the audexelent stickhaudlers and these, Directors- Megsis, Wmi. Lightie aie a poryer gstarred in e gmteDr.Zeaîaud, Geo. Holdsworth, E: testines causi fomrlttu iegoals while. Os-, Ro-we, Geo. Caldwell, J, N. Greeu- the digestion borne got a pair. Chartran is a rd ulWmP.Crth blocky boy who kuows how to use ay rdOg, i.P art-faut from dE his weight to advautage and hie packs ers, F. H. Brown and W. G. Noble. food. MilbE a wicked shot whîch had Goodal at Ld ietrsMs rdScul- detroying th sea m-ost of the eveiugi-,. thorp, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. Edgar, fauits of the 'Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and Mrs. L. H. restore the cý Bert Smrith of Whitbyr, hâÎudled thie Giddy. gamie and meted out ten penalties, Auditors Messrs. l-,arInch and Rev. W.l eighlt of these, going to the winners. E. J. Symous, Jr. t8ary of Bvai Osborne got tIiree, Hooper a simiilar Mr. S.R. Caldwelli-,v- appoiuted vice Depart mimber whîle Waiker, Lowe, Gilfillan' SecretaryTreasurer gtasb Churclh, prea( au Lockin.gtou were the other mieeting of the directors. seutChrh un off enders. Orono Hoi Judging fromi appearanc es, ne- --- ý cers are: Hc ail Bowmauvilie chartered miovableý AAINP', W. Rae, Mrs. vehicles and came over to see th&j CNDANPCli -T. Smith; pride of the town trim the locals. Tt TrnoWs t.Jh hog R. Cooper; 2 was the largest crowd of the year, Sleep.er ServiceTaby;D and the fans weut away welIl cou-j ____ Mrs. J. Dickq ;7 vinced as to which team was super- ucnucinýt h asbudA. .Knx ior.In onnctin wih te EstbundPatterson, M jor.sailings of the Canadian Pacific S. S. Houeywell M Bowmanvilie broke fast and hard Mnrs nJnay2,adteS .MKy checking featured the first period. Montose on January 3, a~ the S.G. chy Oshawa held their own for en min-, stanca lm on January 30, a throug Relief froil uteis but then the winners opened sadr eeprwilb peadb escribe the up the couniting. Chartran tried a the Canadian Pacifie froni Toronto suffering wht shot from bis own side of the rinlk direct to the ship's side at West St Dr. J. D. Kell aud it completely baffled GoodaIl, John as f ollows: Who can exp flnding a corner of the net. i Leave Toronto January 22 and 29, that comes ws It was. the sub Goalie's first g niý9.00 a. m.; ar-rive Montreal 5.10 p m. influence e and hie appeared quite nervous, glam-! Leave M~ontreal 7.00 p. nm.; a[- cehokirig air tt play-thfee wderive West St. John 5ip5Sd tutiafle ir'ih fewideapart and -not be-ý shP12 20 pe ffie ing overly fast in clearing. Several 1 .20 . m. January 23j and 9(j. fo thua tumes Oshawa players got through This direct servic e it is confidently Good druggist the f orward line and seemed ina expected will prove a great couvexn- it for years. fiue position to score but took too ieuce to travellers to Great Britain. AnulV much 'time and spe-ut too much Oilu __________ aviour's C getting in on James. Many excel- 2lst. . Trear, lent cpportunities. were passed UpI SPLENDID CONNECTIONS MADE Gubstantial b Sn hortlyafter Carrn cre 1iatFOR SASKATOON ANDEDMON- sud other ex Shotlyaler hatral sord hs, TON BY THE VANCOUVER cers reelectec first tslly, O,3borne snd he comnbimed EX-P~RESS Rector's War on another getting expedition. The ___ People's Wsr( latter passed perfectly ýon meeting;I A greatly i1up~odtruotne-ryCe;R rethe deene adnd chartralng didt eaiservice la provid ed by the Cana- Clerk; Edwar rea. henCoden cin aongwihidian Pacifie Railway in the Vancou- The ladies se-Y 'another long shot before the period, ver Express lea'ving Toronto every Ru iti eudned, mkntecunJ-frtei nighit at 9. 0 0 p. m. (effective Janua rY brisk rulibing C nners. ltrteil ero p-11) for Vancouver. lectric Oul wiil Shda octl after h md prod hll' Direct connections are made at Re- skia will iin ei~e, alocl mn sht fom alfgin'a for Saskcatoon, and at Calgary ditVilp lway a'nd the puck csught Chartran for Edmonton. bndit g spe in the eye. He was laid out butj Leave Toronto 9.00 p. m.- Ar. coninc ped alter being pstched up came back cnicd o. This did not affect the leagu Wnnpe 1.0'a m; r.Re inu, the pain c( leading goal getter auy as hie securedt 1.05 p. m.; Ar. Sask<atoon 6.05 a. ample grouudf three more hefore the gaine ended.' M.; Ar. Calgary 4.30 p. m. ; Ar. Ed- au excellent Bowi-nanville played rmrkbemouton 11.10 p. nm.; Ar. Vancouver Weduesday remrkalel7.00 p. nm. conibination an~d checked Oshawa] heupeto h acue edoe a closel no giingthewings uchExpress is of the highert standard, and their wii leeway, Theý local rushes were incîuding diuiug car, Tourîst, Stand- sweetheart an broken up continuously without any ard sud Compartinent Observation one of the Oro amuge to the winners, Osborne Sleepers.eut the Distric I eut in alone and beat Goodall in Travelling to the West ou this er, R. E. O. C Sfour minu~tes- sud then Walker got rainnakstetpapase the work witi sf te g ae o sh. A the o lue Let your nearest Cana dian Pacifie self and staff'. îoug thlayi ortsin a. A iitta e agent supply definite information D.D. G. Ms. C o Rfrege Smirt i tti saeadconcerning tickets, refervations, etc.,adEd. Ob pealtirees ~ t thaudnel uts an~sd Victoria, Canada's national vew tatein 'puite t li i ,rs. wu ter installatioý }Osb~orne anid Chartran conmbiueul ter resort where sumnmer sports may were madeý. for ahother goal, the latter gettingý be enljoyed the year round. 3-10 and lunch pro the credit. The final period wss ai orco dreani to thýe locals. Repeatedly Ales --Manyt the visitors went through the tes IVAUUi lUIpesenteil sho( sud buliet like diep udte E ~IR 1~Io r Te hoa mark lu t deinets Char trahoe ir ~ te ohr a ii ecîgd~ truttk n'en iid a( Tes - rices are goiug up rnainly 1 Doï,,'t acrîfiCe your C OfOetOngc- 1 lent iry moi because tea la being demauded b y ý O t 1prejuidice or ïkePti---,TrY the. fniendtsrhip millions more people. Tes is the tarA anLow. 25c ai dealers oc by 1 asked my 'nm cheapeat and certainly one of 'he . r2ýPaid. B. IN. Robùnuiu &C and angex most palatable sund 'satis-fyiug bever- Reg'a.C.atlcook, Que-be, Ibalot My mon ages known. But the tea-g-ro-wers f cause I w have- be-en unable to uwet the tremi-tu IfI had my mi eudous demand. It takes three 1 once ha4 yesrs for' a tea bush to miatu~re to, I would mînd 'the pluLking stage. i friencl and