When Yiour Money Travels By Mail SEND your remnittances by Stand- ard Banlk Money Orders. T'hey are convenientL, efficient and economical. The moa-ey is fully insured against Io&s or theft in t ransit. It can reach only the person to whoîn it is addressed. Standard Bank , on.ey Orders are as good as cash and are acceptable aiywhere in Caniada. BOWMANVILLE, JAS'ý. 29th., 1925. L. T. bas since moved to Hanipt 'n with lis family andi Mr. Isaac H il 1 _____________-and family are on the Pascoe farfl- SOLI'NA'S3 40 YEARS ACTJVITY r.Wn ery ved at "RQst _____lano(ivale" wvith hýis family. Thèlr (Contnued roni ege.eldest sonR Luther, was on Montril (Cotiue fompaeV% itness s aff rngarly 15 years rdi soFexrbert is a ,unccessTul cheese hï, s-ince been on tise Fam4iy Her- miaker at South Roxton, Que., while aid and Weekly Star as Agicultur-al Have moved to Penilsylvania and, Editor. TeredrsnRyi is in the dairbsiness. practising lawyer and tLe youngý,r Mr,. A. J. Reynolds soied thel farm W ýilfrid a Chiartered Accountant Inl iwhere--thie writer nowv live,- andMfointreai. mnoved to Scarboro and concucted a' -1en ry Fletcher Werry mlovqd i saccessfu1 farming and dairying bus,- to Kedron, East Whitmy, J)-i'S' miess and sold bis faim for a lre: Arthur to the "Swain Fairni", figure. He is now a resident of the ' Enniskillen, W. Charles with Rlog~ village and a miember of the rv-I & Lytie Flirm, 0sblawa, Miss Nora cial Mtes Pension Board. His teacher in St. Catharines Busineisf eldest son Russell is in Toronbo and College and S. Ecgar is on, the Dr. Ellis at Erini. honiestead and is conducting a dairy Mr,. J. C.9 Groat kept store on the business and frig coïner and afterwards mnoved to Or-: Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright ai-if angevifle ,his son Joh"n lives ini Osh- famiIy have Iivedý on the Geo. Wnshi- aw ,d worked for, years on the ington farm for a few yearswio 1Street Railway. j hey purcliased from W. Chas. W\ýerry JMr. W. C. Batten then, took overý on which hie lived previous to mioving thie business; and conducted a tailori to Oshawa. The farm bas now; been shop with it doing a big hu,-ines, purchased by Mrs. Norval Wotten. having Mr. Samn Champion working. iMr. and Mrs. 'Samuel Bus-h reside with him., now where Mr. Walter Vice resided. The Battens mioved to Colorado1 Their son Cecil, alter sonie years in where the family of seven or eight Lhe West, live2s with Mr Ray Mc-j children have married and are do-; MeLaughlin, Columibus. iùg welI. Mr. Thomas Ward lived on the Mr. Daniel Tramner then took over fi where Reeve Thomas Baker the store and later hie oved to Osh-. and son Wil1 T. now live and moved' awa with bis fainiIy. M r. B3. G. up near DiaYbOnl. Mr. Levi Ward, Stevens then D~urchased the property elde,.et son lives neai- BowmanviIle. and enlarg-ed it and did a Mr. John Baker lives on the farmn good business, finally quitting it and where bis parents did live. Arthur *going into the carpentry business. movezd to Saskatchewan and is in James William Werry diedeon the'bus-ýiness there and Miss Vera is farmn, where Mr. Sidney HoskadaynusinteJnkeokeHsptl nowv lives, and bis mother, Mrs. Wil- New York City. liam Werry moved to Bowmanville . Mr. and . Mrs. John Van Ne-st, Sr., where she died. Pioneer residents m-oved to Bowinan- Mr. Wm. Ashton thçýn leased the ville withi their daughter Abigail farm and later mnoved west of Brad- wheire they dîed. William Vian- ley's Sehool -where Mr,. and Mrs. Ash- Nest is on the homrestead, his son ton bàth died and their son Frank Normian is with the Maclean Publish- now lîves on the farm. îng Co., Toronto. Mt. Frank Hockaday then bought Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pascioe were jand lived lhere several years, nLtW old pioneer residents also. After retired. their demise the youngeet: son Eti Tehe Awde , family moved to look the farm, and he too passed Driaytoni and _ George is conductig away in early life. Mr. C. H. Scott a crearniery bsn there while and Mfr. Fowler have been there Jonathann je located in Dakota and since and Mr. E. J. Black, now lives' Thomas ln Saskatchewan an(! Joseph there. lan C. P .R. telegIraph at Toronito. Thie Colwills mnoved froni the vil- Dr. L. N. Hogarth is a dentist at lagýe corner farmi to Bowmnanville !Detroit, Mich., and Geo. H. Hogarth, whrv h arnsde adtel B. A., Mathematîcal Master ia Re- sons Richardi and Williamt both died giÎÏna Collegiate Institute. -Mr. AI- early in life. frdHgat ndfail eve o Mr. Harry G. Argue mioved froni Hampton and James D., IS 110-W Ofl the Argue homestead to the village the. C. . Lnmi n aiv here hie still lives. Two of hiq M . . T Lngîiic ad faiil daughiters reside in Toronto, one in 15to moi ~ Symons ýw i n v 11. 'fil -ative poý er nmade boes in FREFIi-ETSF -MA-NN FREEE)-El S 11EMANN RADIO RECE.[VER; The Finest Radio Receiving -Set in the World. Demionstrations on irequest F. J. MITCHEILL Bowmanvilie Ontario nuInunasare in business, ana naj ýonducts a shoe shop in Orono dol igood business. Mr. andi Mrs. W. H. Gorrill liv n the 1village and Grandmna Gorr )aked bread and nursed babies a vas a m,-otber to many of them he comimunity. Mr,. Alex. Hloc .ved in the village and with his wi ýn son Frank moved to New Lowt here Frank is now manager of singe farm of the City Dairy, Tor< o, Hie father lires near Midiai- Mr. Wl Lamnmiman moved wi is famnily to Oshawa and Mr. Biý -.ammiman wlho was a brilliant et lent and a clever doctor start )ractice in Bowmnville and died ýarly life. Mr. aLnd Mrs. Wni. Trim-ble îve Mdr. Levi Arnot li .ew ye-ar's, bis widlo Urs. Norval Wottoc ere. Mr. Frank Westla ne left here, of a 1 ýept Will Who lives choolhouse. Mr. George Wilbw d here forai and daughter, still reside Tom- Il isoUewlln uleat The other datughl Gorrill and they bo if e. ,eynolds wîth bis famn ,here be farmed, bi ýt live stock and collec rorma.-n is a teacher y at Toronto, James 1 Jack is ini business Joseph îs in Bank wmanville. Two gii -o and May at Cherr wltJl a Tew 1 andi try lt--4 the big wIze, Obser t0l Buules 2 1 0 20 on Of two or . ore a 1 n 1tsel f 1s anl b and nearest eur- ,ets and artiple.s ith the letter "P" itetness, style or decltllng the Win- operite ia answer- vil be awvarded to aw be awarded to twe or mure have prize offered, the awarded to each ),al bin with Geniuine D. L. & W. at StJMMER PRICES. roof with Ardstic Ruberoid Octab Shingles. Coors-Sage Green and Very best miaterial and manu- oroll roofing of various grades and every purpose. 'fully r. R. J. live on thei.r sor à q- on 11E McKeaýsoc th e Tri r )nt of and fani ble prope. les school as a ipen 1 to have over-f uany A. L. Pascoe, mer Wilbur Jus-t awve moredc to be r A. E. Jen- th a store on th i teeth. who was a teci on ail kinds of , that a part Subseription Ratq b>' Mail$5.00 Per Rural Route Subscribers cO , A.>fm*ontgome, Is,4:~ FIFTY YEARS yod'ur us'l Lnd miostgrocersj r - - b, 4 Hiow SEAS""ONABLE SUGGESITIONS 4ive 1.50 rejnt Of a tic for of saich Prize wi 7.50 15 YOUCi nx fo subacisr rq