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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1925, p. 2

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The Canadian %tatesmr.,n- is $2.00 a ya -and worth it. Subscribe To-day We Will Menci a Rif. Sew on a Ltton Put in a Tuck Let out a Pleat Press your Clothes Make a Suit There's no job too smali or too large, none too simlple, of too com- plex to demand our careful at- *tent4,on. J. T. Mollon TAILOR Orle Door East of Former Shop King St. E. Bownanville Per Room INCLLJDES WALL PAPER AND PLJTTING IT ON This month 1 will supply Wall Paper (ail 1925 patterns), and put it on any room Up to 12 ft. by l2ft., nt the exceptionaiiy bow price of $6.50. If you are going to do any de- corating it will pay you to take advantage of this special off er. Bg assortmnent of Wall Papers from which te make your seiec- tion. Don't buy tili you have seen muy samplps. G. Pritchard DECORATOR Cor. KING AND SILVER STS., BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26th., 192, DENTAL DR. G. C. IONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Torontc University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King--st., Bowmanvillh Office phone 40. House phone 22. UjR. J. C. DEVITT ,iraduate of Royal Dental College, Tronto. Office, King-s-t. East, Bow- inanville. Office hors 9a. ni. to6 1). ni. daily except Sunday. Phone )Ola. Hoiise phone 90b. DR. R. E. DIr4NIWELL Hlorior Graduate' of Toront-o Uni1 v.ersity and member of Royal College ,,f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. Detistry in all its branches. Office -Kinig-st., Bowmanville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phone 201. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS _1ormner1l, in Bwavle)no, ai112 Yonge-st., stol) at Summnerhîll Ave. Toronto, Phone Randlolph 5197. We can stili give you aur best services. Guaranteed to fit and workmanship at pre-war prices LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY mnoney to lban on Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmianville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRI.STER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money ta koan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones: Offis 102, House 279J. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitor s, Notaries Public, Etc. Coniveyancing- and General Practice of Law Offices 71/ Sjimcoe St. South Phone 63 Oshawa G. D. CONANT, B.A., LL.B. A. F. ANNIS, B A., LL.B. 2l FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipmentl 1 Ail calîs promnptly attended ta. Private Ambulance. Bowmianville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle.1 ALAN NI. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs gîven prompt an.d personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis-. tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- nanville. Ont. 3-t MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity Uniiversity Toronto. Four years attending Pby- ican and Surgeon at Mt. CJarmel flospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and ReIdne Wellington Street, Bow-ý rian-vilie. -Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M- D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Coilege,1 Toronto, formerly 'of Enniskillen. Office anrd Residence, Dr. Bihs formner residence on Church.-bt., Dow- m.anvilie. Phione 259. 44-t' CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Chiro-i practic Coliege will be in office oný Teniperance Street, 'Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afterneon and evdning. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W.~ DR. S. M. JONES Chiropractor and Osteopath Over 16 years' successful practicj Office Hours: 2-5-7 to 8 p. ni. Phone 224 86 Simcoe St., Oshawa. - --VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Caîls Promptly Attended to. Ofice King-st. W., Statesman Bilock, Bownianville. Phone 248. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. VETERINARY SUR.GEON, Ronor Graduate o' University of Toronto. 1Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office Hampton, phone 215 ALJCTIONEERS THIEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmi and Ilouse Sales a Speciaity. Tlerras moderato. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197-r3. I-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' oxperience in farmt, furni- tuire and house auction sales. Ad-; 1drceýs Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer-ý eatKing-st., Bowmanviile, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estato, Newcastle, 011tario. 22-tf M. A. JAMES Steanxship Tickets To Europe-Canadiain Pacifie, whIte Star Dominion, Cunard, American.ý Amk foêr information. Phone 53,! BqwmsinvII. c nce medaaîesome tang,-ues, yeuth-ful tiebates in the publicecoa eimno............. ...$, Non o tisen hodae y netiys. We -were mot oraters then, Ladies Home Journal ........ C)0 Iwho is jenaus et youth or selfish'1 nom are someietfus yot. Our ar -tSturtiay veigPn...$40 anti norfbit, andi who incli;ie to con-!f gumients mnay mot bave boomi very- Fnmuly lenii grWeelstar... $3,750 s ider themiselves oid anti umntti(. logül Ceho~ welh tIbiugýit out, but- Weekly Witness............ $4.0 0 1 hoýpe you wiii ho able ta bieîp y theme wns one unanswerable rIgu. I anaýdian Homo Journal..$3.00 eltiarly friendti t forget hý.ersoîf' antii ment nîmnys put tonrti anti was Farm & Dairy . ............. $2.50 boieve she ena help ?thers, te set1 nover cantradicteti. Whenan youth-1 Farmers Sun............... 350 a vaine upon herseif in an unseifinh ful diebater bnci aothing else te bring Macieaa's Màgazine . ........ $5.0 fwn$r and so become neecieti hy those up he announced with a dramnatie Canadian Countryman....... $3.00 fwho. knew her.f gesture that ho mmw such anti such Canadian Poultry Review -..$3.00 :5 THE EDITOR TALKS OSHAWA EDITOR ADDRESSÉS A GREAT AMBITION We miake no apology for devtln OA OAIN To be so strong that nothing can1 so much space to education. As w;e Gîves Very Thout*ful Outlin of~ disturb your peace of mind. seo it there is no more inlportanit the Making and ValIue of a Geed To talk health, happiness and pros- subjoct. We huave, îndeed, offen Nwppr perity toe eery person you not oIwondered that more space is mot dle- Nesae.To t1ink only of the best, to w7ork ai voted te education in the metropoli- 'The twentieth anniversary of theý only for theý best, and to expcet tan daulics. A page weekly or a founiding of Rotary was met allowed I only the best. e. colmil ni ore daily sol be a to pass without somne recognition be- To be just as enthusiastic about . popular featuro as ever,ýbodîy is in- ing made by the Bowmianville Rotary su1Iccesa0of0others as you areabu terested more or less in eunîp Club at its weekly lun1cheonI at your owvn. Canadians as a people should be the Bowimian HIouse on Yriday, FebI-- To forget the mistakes of the past more interested in an eclucational luary 2th. and to press on te theo greateri et section in their famuily newsDppU To Cubwsvï ouaeùi achieveineits of the future. 12 V-than in the "funny page', whlich is he lbwsvr otat n oý,e-raceru oneine:t 6one of Éthe great curses to the yonthhaving as a speaker On t'his oca- I11To w e andheerful ctea ne at e~~~~~~~~~~ of Caaaa1t pist s îen ion Mr. j. C. Ross, Presidlent o' the i us n ohv ml Ieo aaappt orbtter lthings. iTe ad rmtng& ubihig a. ady for every living crêatui-e I appetEditorrof TherOntargo.Roe 1m- you nmeet. New York World has an çducntionan dtroTe itroRf l' ies mu!til ttI, nl pag wth secal diorTrit 1nier, .Oshawa, vho reviewed in M ogiosaiuhtet outhei-e pae dý aspcil diorTrt,,ýiiconI2se mann11ier the itrstnhi3-! provemlent of youslf thtyuhv Waiker Metcalfe-andi(icontains a tory iian aazing got f LRotal bOtilpt 1-es ýe great varietyv of su,'jects pertaiing from its inepton 'scref yars o be oo largefo worry, too noble Sta ufliversities, clegshigh iand b i ono au asa-fori e, too strong ,f orýf ear t, tr ustees, school inspectors, school neylwo1o hcg, h ogd ence of trouble. in the s oleriuao tldei&e orsd slong -as you Iare relation of homne and school, and totho0(prenttuewen oaryu rut miany other ed-ucat 'ional problenis. International has a mnibership of!-GlSpudg are invited -to conitribute te the edu-1eeycvlzdcutyi ewrd nie rfc ntenwppr ;cational page and in thIlis way lT It is not oft-en tha-t such inlformai- That was taken as an iunilsýwernle -, madle very instructive and interst tive and initeresting insight into tUie argument. Somle of that supers i-ý gl~aingappôp-tellhgent apprecýiation of their value this day, and accounts in alrg a fuitul ienatt e Very few ta the1 peopleil)ingenleral are present- nmensure for the po-wer cof the Press. peole utteacherý ever see an edu- ed in such brief coiàpiss and attract- There is njo doubt but that thie cainjunlor magazine. The ive forml. Mr. Ross intim ates ht nleneý the rîte pge1 Deprtilen ofEducation of thlen editor's if e is like Godi's blessings supremne. It goes into a homeic at Prviceca 'f urnlish abundanece f -renewedevr morning. it is, a timie when ahi ienIbersar i infoilltio ofinterest that ti-e anMd so are hiis triais and tribulations' receptive moood. Quietly and sient genralpubicnover see. Who has mot hleard of "the troubleus ly it gets in its effective -work, and in n ,;. 1son of journailism)?" IXe present the enid mon, wonien and chiidren teele amd Principal Morrisýo, apretty fully this part of Mr. Ross' cone to believe wh-at they have rend conpreeniveadres adreskniowing our readers will be' in the papers. which wo pulish almiost in its pn întox'ested in bis prncticnlview- -To sn y hat heueditor an grtIIY tirety in this issue, no one will dis- points: responiiîiyi opti dy Sagree with the authorities quoted Newspaper work may not lbe the Thore are editors who faîl short of that an edlucatioýn worth while ea- most highly paiîd in the world, but living up to their obligations, who not- ho obtained without striving it is unidoubtodly the most interest- abuse their positions of trust and 9; persistently and determinedfly. Ani- ing job in the universe?. The responsibility, but w'e believe thut it 1-Othe- thought often overlooked by world is your oyster to be opened.* is to the credit of the craft that parents, and teachers is that those Thýo whioie gamiut of human orne- the mjority of moen who o ccupy who accomplish miost anid win out tions and humnan activities are sub- oditorial chairs stand for, whal is I have to desiîre it gre-atly and labor ject for comminent. The wol 'ssO_ best in the community. They g.on- fer it witheut begrudg-intg the effort. d'ai, pocl and economuie strugl rusysp orteey wrhwle An Id iotto in our office years ago gles.ý are there for edlitorial treat- Ipro,-ject and give moIIýre free space Jwns, "Strive ta exc,ýel." "Watve ent. to g-ood mnovemients than amy other you atteiplt do well; this is the 'bet- The ordinnr.y business mari -oos' erganizatian. The modemn news- ter plan; and if in al you don'É ox- to bis stor.e, or office, or factiory, and 1 paperi S the hnndmaiid of Lnw annd coi, just do the best you cn." faces tnsks whieich resemble thie tnsk, Order. Au high nnid strîve ta attain." ho porformiedl yestorday anld Iast1I A few facts reiating ta neu~s 1o condition is very common in week and iast year. , Perhaps there gatheprng may net coul a amiss, al- these dnya ha a u mm s ro- is a cer tain amiount of mionetony though these fncts relate more to the g1rettable, more esýpecially in se(- and rOutinle about evr obt ag erpolitanl dailies thnto, ondary schoois, that is the mnany di- thie newspnper man bas less of thîis tesaltw weIe. I so versions that 'students mieet witbý in than anyone elso. linthepbih-vosy mosbe o moeppr connection wvith their school life - ing business you neyer know what te niaintain correspondents i eIeryl wo refer ta the seruous intorferenjce a day mlaýy bring forth, The miews-' imiportattCentre in t1he worid. Toj with the actual business of learning, papermian is in touch with the oie- ovencomne this thiere bas boom formýIedl, athietics, the class spirit, the schoal ôJmontai forcýes of nature. W'ar, Press -Associaitions,whose represen-! spirit and the like, aise fads and pestilence anti famine ny ho in tetaiear cteiialsrteîi frilis of various kimds that takze the stories which cone te biis leslç . pens gather the now-%s, and send i t iis of studonts fronii the mestnt mans of teiegrnph and cable, radIieJinto one central agenicy whiere it is important thin.- in school life- and tebephone hoe is transpiamted as cla9si~fied, boiledl dowani rds study. In th e ceuntry te the south by- a fairy carpot fremi capital te tributed. tof us it iis a degree worse than in cpta.There passes before hini 11n Canadla we have the Canadian Canadiani schools if we miay jutige every phaIse of humnan emiotions, love, Press Association. In the Umiited' freni a deciaration mnatie re!entIy ha-te, pity, dreati, the mnysteriaus anti States the Uniteti Press. At by- L. L. Jacksýon,AssetSt',a te thie umknown-a vast andt ever Bi i h the maternas s (-i-ii gLlanrd byn Coimmnissionier of Education in iNew changing pannrania, the raw imaterial h Uitdrssscmpeiananlf Jersey who asserted with somoi heat of art anti literature. A now-ýspaper- ncr1ýoSsste the Canadian Press Office thatti- modern highi schooi course mlanl keepsz a diary of the activties'11, Toronto, whlicb reciprocates bLY is mothing mi-ore or lesn than a jay- of rnamnkind. semding ta Unlited States the mecws of ride that tIoes, the pupils ittie goad Ini 14411 printimg was discoveretiteDoiin I unthsnw in the matter of mimd developmient At that tume the pnst was a vLIS t (is'- waidaut tesAssai on.rsoThes ant i ftting thoni for the reai activi- cemietery with hardhy an epitaph. Candua Pre Asitiiion Tis tics Of practical if e. Fortunately, The ideas of mon hati mostly perinh: iO]5ta hn mt.m apn this 'boiti statemenLrt cdes mot ppily ed in the brain that prodlucedti terni in California, or there is anl epiemnic ta the samne degre in aur secondnry The lips of the humran race had beeî n Nm rnClisi uidi schools. sealeti. Printing gave pinîons te caVe iii Kenit-cky, the rendors of thought. It matie possible f'or mam papers in Canada know IlI about it' ta bequeath ta the future the riches' ns soon ats it happoens..1 MORE 0F AUNT'S ADVICE of his brain and the wealth of hisl nuoe SuhA:ca utai seUl. When people rend they begiiin,,rio ther parts of the warld thrie Seemis te us that like aild wine Le rennea, anti whem they rensan are sirnilar Press Associations, and Aumt's articles get stranger andi bet- theyv pragr s . theenibie is usedi to boring the eut- ter ns she grows aider. This is one jThere is mot the slightest doubt! standing n lews itemls ta the press of of ber very best. She writes ta her but that the newspaper is th, n- Canada andti te United Stàtes. In iece thusly I est educationai facter i the worltLI this way the editar of n newspaper11 We al have a certain value, andi Th e newspapers of the country ild, wshich mkes biheus bte ot it is Worth while ta try andi discover rench more people than all i 1-e-vrd hc ae o the is what your, particular value is. If s chools andi ioUleges and churcheIs interestimg andl excitimg in the uni- 1i you can flmd eut what you are b3est coîuined. It goos inte the homes verse.1 adapteti for, do your b est ta cu1i- of the rich and tho poor. t hI n a i r wa te smai oa yau wilmot tireati the coning of aid creotis, ail colors. oiui~. Yuaenatkel nge or plain looks or an iability te A - ne-wspaprmian of nocessity' interesteti in the acfivities 0f Your tirens iii up-to-date fashiens, or tJei mst be lert. Wboever eise may hochuilrchl, your schools, your council, cernimg ef grey hairs, for vou will content ,vith the itiens af yse-ltges, clubs, thie comng at go- hoiti a secret w-ieh will niake lite day, the journalist must be eq uipped ings of your neiglibors, 'the fr-ientily Worth living. witb the idens of t-oro.Who - ospftecmuiy h oa Yeu need mot worry because you, ever else may mati, the editor amust espnper gives you nill that and niay mot ho afile ta jain the youn.ger ho awake. 'mare. Iset in their gamies, tances and lnte Sonmetimnewaes are criti- inl many respects a bit af paper heurs; neither need you feel isýer- cized hocause they print too much IIIa Yho the monýt -wonderfui thîng in able andi foalish because you cannat scandai, ýoo mi-uch about crime amd'f t'lewrd Shakespeare or Brownl- jein in thieir gay chatter and re- the sordid things of lite.. ->To these- ing takes a piece of paper anti on it pnrtoe. objectars we wish te point eut that writes sentiments whîcb leave their Ther is ometing1 ouInado, I the strean iwili nt rise higber than ipesuo eeainatrgm kmow aniYi you r, ve ill do it its foundaien. We hlave ne botter eraion. A roa pintr asa Weil. You can cultivate n big stoýk nmon represoating us il, Parliamnent f ew s;trokýes upon anpaper Or cal'a of patience, symnpathetie undýerstand- than the gemeral averag oco the and excites the admiration of thei iorid. uiinwie , ing- anti a large reportoire of uiseful ebector&. If the people wnnt botter aoos Amsca rtsa fewý kmnowietige in simali tbimgs. If you mon la Parlamlent it is in their o-wri'n't anti bars and clefs ýand the GLOVES and MITTS- Sat. Feb. 28 --- One Day Only Hlere's a grand chance to buy for future use. You neyer had such a thance as this to buy goorl Gloves and Mitts so cheap-oly onie day at these prices: Boys' Lined Mitts, sizes 4, 5, 6,.3...9 pair $1.00 Men's 10-inceh On.e-finger Mule Skin...,3 pair $1,00 Men's Jersey Gloyes............. 4 p air,$1,00 Men"ýs Horse Hide Buck skin ai-d hog skin . Gauntiet Glove 1. unlined, per pair .......$1,00 Men's Short Horse, hide, unflined glove pair$10 Men's Mule Skini Gauntiet, un-linied .... 2 pair $1.00 Men's unlined grey, fawn and brown, 1 button glove, any 1 pair for ........$.... 1,00 Bowmanville Glove & M îtt Ph'1one 296 Orie dcior east Statesman Office Bowmanville What ? Indi'gestion! No!1 1 eat Jacobs & Hillyer Bread. Thiats whiy Try a loaf from The Bowmanville Bakery. JACOBS & HILLYER The Candy Shop Successors to Christie's Bakery . Bowmaniville People w1ho use "Redi Rose" are usually those who like tea of extra good quality TNEk 's good te? The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it! BUSINESS IS GOOD Now w\ýe're ail set up in our new butcher shop-r-ext door east of W. H. Dustan's-and are in a better position than ever to give our custom- ers 100%c service. And at the same time give yo-u good quality meat anid reasonable prices. Don't take our -word for it-buy your meat here and be convinced first hand. By the way, have a look at our fine new mod- ern reLfrigerator. It wilI certainly keep meat in prime condition during hot weather. Wilbert J. Dudley BTHERBOWMAN VILLE DURHAM ÇOUNTY SHORTHORN ASSOCIATON SAL.E OF SHORTHORNS AT BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MAIRCH 5th., 1925, at 1 p. m. 18 FEMALES 7 EULLS Froni the hýerdls of J. F. Osborne~, R. Os'borne, Fred Parker, J. E. Allin, W. J. S. Rickard, W. F. Ric'kard, Sami Rickard, C. H. Muniford, W. J. Leask, J. Baker, A. P. Pollard, Ail godniiuasogodStc Breedig. Ask for catalogue. ;o idvcul fgo etl W. F. Rickard, Newrcastle, F. C. Patersam, Port Hope, President, Seciretary. BUtCHÊR'

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