r Stili Good ABSOLUTELY FREE: Electrie Heater, $10.00 Electric Reading Lamp, $10.00 and Electrie Iron $5.50 or any other Goods in store to value of $25.50 with every purchase of a $150.00 Electrie Range, absolutely guaranteed. Cali early 'as there's a reason MASON & DALE The Popular Hardware -Quality and Right Prices ione 145 Bowmarnville Biath ïRoom Accessories For the convenience of citizens we have now stock a very attractive dlisplay of Bath Roo-in ecessories in nickie plated, brassand glass, sucli I Twel Bars Soap Dishes I Glass Shelves Glass Hiolders Sponge Racks Tooth Brush Holders McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES Be sure to see the latest in with ail the newest improvements. in stbck now. jGreenaway & Elliott IHeating EXP-erts and Consuting Engineers East electric ranges We have one flown-ianviiie Phone 18W 11- t Pure Milk Start off the youngsters to health and hap- piness. Give them in abundance food which will bring addecl golden years to their lives. Give them plenty of fresh, pure milk. But remnember it should be pure milk. Glen Rae IDairy Milk is from T, B. Tested Cows fromn ~a Government Accredited Herd. You are sure it 1$ pure. Serve Gien Rae Milk generously at meal- time and between meals. It's the cheapest and best food for children. Phone 175r3D and have wagon caîl. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens, Proprietor Bowmanville Par Excel]lent Roasts, woniderful juicy Steaks, delicious Chops-of such we always carry an ample, fresh supplyT-have made this store a shopping place for particular people for over. 50 years. You likewkse can be satisfied here. C. M. C A W IKER & SO0N Phone 64 Bowmlanvlk and Daugbter banquet given by the C. G. L. T. on Wednresday evernng ia thre Methodist Scbool Rooni. It is funay how some people dis- I cover te great importance and ia- ~fueceof their local~esso wbed tbey get into a sciape, says the Piattsville Echo. They live for years witbout subscribing, and wbJiear asl-ec Vo advertise say "it don't pays'. Bat the minute. they get inito some trouble thiags look different, and they cannot geV Vo ie editor quick enugIo ask hlm not Vo say any- tbiing,> about iV ia the paper. Whby? Wardea Jamies L. McCanrus, reeve of Cavan Township, was endeied a sýurprise baniquet aV Millbrook, Wed-, nesday evening, Februaiy IVbby ,tembeîs of Cavan aad Millbrook Couacils andI Officiais. Counties CIerk N. F. MacNactan, Govenor McLauglin, Roads Superintendeat George Gr-eer and Superintendent J.ý F. McMilan of Vbe Counties Home for te Agedl were aning those froni Cobourg wbo attended. Many congratulatory speeches were madle and a pleasant eveniaig enjoyed: A rmillion dollars was spent last year in advertisingl coffee. A lot of moaey, but it reaped a barvest, for he average per capita consuirp-î tioni of coffee wasý increased ei gbty cuips a year at an adveîtising cosV of less titan one cent per capita. AI fanious soup canner's avetiigex- pense ruas Vd enormous figures. But before be tarted Vo advertise bis sales cost -was twenty per cent. To- day it is five per cent. A ce nt's wortfr of advertisingl sella himi sixý canis of soup. Advertising pays, botb buyer and seller-the buyer' inj smaller costs,tite seller 1i1icieeasçd te March issue of Caniada are sure Voi sV of every s'ports-l MIl on Horse Sens-e,ý ping, Western :Ex-ý îaid Grabani., The a.m1- is antaruiee rini !of a informtion. There arect, [a stories-Adventures Witb lreat Hloîned Owl- by Bonny- eDale and Enmperor Geese and ýnly gwans by J. W. Win-sn. depabmetaleditors, W. C. y, R. P. Lincoîn, C. S. Landis M/. U. Bates bave brought their tments up to tbeiî usual nigit aid. Published monthly by, FTaylor, Limnited, Woodstock, Dalton es h.r WEDDINC Jenkins-.Oke quiet wediding day, Febiuary ie of Mi. and ook place 7 18, 1925, ims. Wmn. *Toron'o )The (f ormn- 0f course, RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST GIGWS 8.42 ~. m. 4.22 a..m P 10.8 a. . D10.07 a. m.* 1.26 p. m F202p. m. -.06 . i.7. 18 .m 7.14 p.ini. *8.24 p.Irn., 9.58 P. nI. D 9.06 a. ni. Sunlday only. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26th, 1925 OBITUARY CHURCH UNION IN 1____ WHITBY PRESB' Mrs. Raymnond Davey, Tyrone 0 ih hrce uD.r LOCAL AND OTHERWISE (fEgtCuce nDsr ________Af ter a liiigering illnesýs of ~vr Voted Union. Mis,. W. H-. Argue visited rela- 1al years, death clainlied Florence, tiesinPeerboro recentlY. iChvristjina Fraser, wýife of Mr. Ra- Eigbt churches in Wbitby Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freenian, miond Davey, Tyrone Ont. Deuclesed ytei-y have voted on Unic Whitby, rec-ently vîsited hiere. who was in bier 42nd yeai, passed Bownianvile is one stili to vote Mi% and Mis. T. H-. Eveison01, O away on the miorning of Fe3ruariy;bytery territory e,tends fron-t weei tw alig o rienda a Bowmianville Hospital, castie and Newtonville on th, awa, r ntw aln nfins1to' West, 1Hil1on the West. on Fiiday. She was thie onlly daughý1ter o(f thle! churchies havt\e voted against Miss Irenie Trew, asSaa, w -sle Mr. Donald Fraser and Mrs- . W* Port Peiry by a niajoîity of ti -tiest of Miss Marion Piekard over H. Hicksý and was well knowni in the Whlitby by twenty. Resu) the weekend. coi7iinmunity having beeni a resident of. date aIre: It is sfrt judge a mnan by what. Tyrone ail b ler life. Before ber sfrt For hie sans about others than by whiatmarge 21 years ago, she was or- 0Osh awa .......346 they -av .about himr. ga-nist ini the Methodist Chuîch there Whitbv.......99 Ail Statesmian suibs;eiptions for I foi a number of years, and took aý Dunbaýrton.......58 195should be paidi bef oie Mareh prorimnent place in cbuîcb work. She Brooklil............3 lst Vo secure the $2.00 in adane hd a wide circle of friends and was' ouiu......4 t1greatly beloved by al who kiuew Port Perry ........88 rate. br.Pickering........25 The funeîal of iMis. (Rev.) kA.R Cambel, ioheiofMis P(ev.) Deceased is survived by bier bus-I Newtonville..........2 Canipellmothe of i-s.band, four chýilden-Verna, Donqsd, in Presbytery of Linidsaý G. Lewis, vanoveB.,* was Laura and Jean, and biei mother. brig oe 7frUina bheld at Peter4boro. i~g oe 7 o no Capt. T. B. Greenaway, Cieveland,ý ~is t and Mi. Leo Gîeenaway, BowmOFan-NK ville, visited Veiî uncie, -Mr. Frank CR FTAK Tbmpon Tunon-T 1e _.Mi. Raymond Davey and finily,l SPLENDID CONNECTIONS Mi14. Harvey Winter, Bo\v-ianviileý Tyrone, wisb Vo thïank tbeir 1-11Y FO~R SASKATOON AND EE Public Sçhiooi teacbing st aff, re-' frierds and neigbibors f or the miany TON 13Y THE VANCOUV cently spent the weekend xith hisi acts of kindniess ieceiv.ed during Mrs 1 EXPRESS c ousin, Mauirice Winteî, 217 Athiol! Davey's iilness and also for the symi- jSt., Osbawva. pathy' and floral offer:ings receivedI A greatly improved transcon Dr. Alfred E. Laveil, Obairmian o sine ber death. ai service is provided by tbe Tuesdlay, Maiech 3rd. Subject: Th1-einigbitlat 9.00 P. 111. (effective ;Jo _______ xrsslaig oot Cueoth Crimninal.SAE 11' for Vancouver. jTbe copious d(ownpour of ramn on_____ Direct connections are made M onday and mielting- snow gave town Report S. S. No. 9, Darlington for gina for Saskatoon, and at sewers more -w.teî Vbhan tbey couldFeuay for Edmonton. carry away witb the, resuit tbat Si. TV-Johni Cator.j Leave Toronto 9.00 p. in water back-flooded into many cellars 1Jr. 1V-Sidney Elcomibe and Eail Winnipeg 10.00 a. mi.; Ar. doig or o les.amge FoWier, equal. 11.05 P. im.; Ar. Saskatoon We are aiways pieased Vo receive Si. III Mýereta Mintz. ni.; Ar. Calgary 4.30 p. ni.; scbol epotsfroi tacers Thse Jr. 111-Helen McDonald, Leslie mionton 11.10 p. ni.; Ar. Van publisbed encourage the worthy pup- Weiýsh, Violet Strutt, Stanley Cw-7. 0 0p. ni. ils. Place tbe report in an onseaied ing and Williami Cowling absent. The equipn7ent of the Van envelope m-arked "mianuscript" and -Si. 111-Doris Goiiacott, Edgar Express is of t'ehe bigbest St a one cent stamip wili carry it. Cator and Elnier Strutt equai, Mere- including diningl car, Tourist, If you can't boost the town you itb Little, R os s Richards, Bertj ard ai-d Comipaitment Obsei live in, then, move Vo a town youi Foster, Olive Morden. Sleepers. can boost. A man wbo is living Jr. I-Marian Honey,, Beatrice Travelling Vo the West oi in a town be can't belp aiong, and Cator, Aifred Youn1g, Lorne Foster train makes tbe trip a pleasui do somietbinig for, is out of barmiony and Audrey Cowiilng absent. Let your nearest Canadian witb tbin1gs, he is loosing tuie. .TIe fSr. Pr.-Lily Morden and Marie agent suppiy definite infor ougblt Vo nmove. jCliacott equal, John Foster abs-enit. concerning tickets, res;ervation Tb erone f tnin Coin- Jr. Pr.-Thelma Little, Wiiiie and Victoria, Canada's nationý mittees in ttbe Legisiature were an-Dic.ereotwbe umrso nounced Iast week. _Mi. W. J. Neil S. Stewart, teacher. be enjoyed tbe year round. Bragg, the popualar representative fioni West Durham is a miemiber of ______________________________ tbe Private Bis Commiiittee ia ad- dition Vo other committees hie servedj on iast session. Miss Sily Laugher, graduate nurse, Sarnia, eidest daugbiter of _Mr. and Mis. C. C. Laugher, bas been visiting Miss Mari orie Plummer andi lier nuinerous girl friends in own. cni. v+ 1 q' ý1( mli-d1.t, 7.26 p. ma. 119 CANADIAN PACI1FIO RAILWAV 1 GOIN.G WE s'r GOING EAST 2 25. n. m F10. 12ani 7.1 a mD 7~2.45 p. nm.1 98 82 .nDD 8.0ý5 p 22 S i.$11.27 p i 16(; 7.42 p m.1) * 1.58 a. in. ly ux- tFFa Daily except Sunday. ind 143 S-a ' xeplt Sra I*Spa day only. I D-DaýiIy ex-,cept Stlnda-,y CANADIAN NATIONAL RAI LWAV TYRONE STATION MADE Monday, Wednesday, Friday MAEGoing West Going East EDM0N 8.15 a. ni. 6.34 p. m. VER Tuesdsay, Thursdaiy, Saturdai Going West Going Eaet 9.00 a2. n,5.50 P. ni. ntinent-' eCana-1 Tancou- 0eveiy January eat Re- .;Ar. 1iOn Monday, Februairy st., 1 wiioccupy roorris upstairs- 6.a. ONE DOOR EAST 0F A.r. Ed- ncouver BOWMANVILLE GLOVE & MITT CO. ncouver 1 will be pre-pared Vo do ail Stanid- kinds of fui repaiîing and alter- ,rvation ig. in this Special Values in Fui GoaVs. Pacifie ,mation h stnF rS o is, etc., Phone 14 al win- Kîng-st. W. Bownianville rts may 3-10 above price does flot include Children's Shoes which are also marked lower thafl ever. The Statesmai-i is always gladi to publish news of your travels. if you intend to be away or have frïends to visit you, send in the in- formation to us or any ot}ier news of an interesting chiaracter. Phione SKATING Band at Taylor's Arena, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Notice to 1 Farmers! 1 J arn paying the higliest price for'ail kinçis of Fowl. Extra good price for, good fat hens-as high as 25e per lb live weight. Phone collect Whitby 81 or drop me a, post card and I w'ill caîl. I. STEIN Whitby Ont. 8-8t COPELAND'S SHOE STORE FIRE SALE The re Cuoing Fv st We now find we have less than 500 tpairs of BOOTS AND SHOESi 'I left in stock-less than 500 pairs-iiicluding Owens-Elrnes., Blatchford, Classic afld Lady Bell, also Siater and Astoria, priced as high as $10.00 a pair, while they last we are clearing them at rAIR These Shoes, with very f ew exceptions, are just as good as the day they were unpacked. There* are sizes f or everybody, but stock is lirn ited so corne early bef ore your siz~e is gone. C'hildren 's Shoes at Greater Reductionsl Than Ever This Week No approvals. No exchanges. Strictly Cash Sale. Sale is being held in McMurtry's & Co's. Store-West End House. Copeland's% Shoe%àt Store, 122p. in. West End House Bowmanvîlle King ýSt. West