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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1925, p. 7

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FOR SPRING Lots of people are already making plans for Spring planting of shrubs and flowers. We invite you to write or make a personal visit to our nurseries and obtain infor-mation and prices of plants or shrubs. No need of orclering from distant green fields when we have the stock right at hand. Visit Our Nurseries Any Time Brookdale Nurseries Phone 7 Bowmanville Jack is Twenty- One To-Day Jack is Vwenty-one to-day. Buit be bas mare than a man's vears ta bis, credlit. He bas one t!îousand dollars in1 the bnnk. It bas gr ow n witb a practical maotber'a love, froni thie initiai de- posit of ane dollar an the first birth- BANKING day twenty yenrs aga. Y'auth and age alike bear wit- FIFTYness ta tbe value of stendily buiidng FRTY a Savinga Bank Account. Your child IVVAD~I as n depositar, will attain a igher stndnginthScmmnty, famiy, or, most impartant, in bis awa es- timation. Open a savin-s account for the cbiid. Ir q STAN DARD BAN K #A OF BOWMANVILLE BRANCHf-H W. Lapp, Manager Br.anches aiso at Newcas£tle, NewtonvitIe 0.-110 Oshawa Costs%-> So Littie YET MEANS SQ MUCH The smnall cost of Firè Insurance is practically Ling when compared with the protection you ive. Don't put off this very important matter. Cal see us to-day. t places you under no obli- on and may mean the saving of many dollars WE INSURE EVERYTHING J.J.MASON & SON ý l Real Estate 1 Phone 50 and Insurance Brokers Bowmanville --'1 SEASONABLE SUGGESIONS ýur coal bin Coal at SUI Also roll ro suit every p- ).L.W. ,eroid Octab eGreen and and manu- grades and ýplace your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets Beaver Brand Har1wood Floor-ing. Cheaper, wholesome, more durable and better în ap- ince than other floor covering. timates cheerfully furnished on ail kinds of ing material. M cClelIail & Co., Limited S t. East ]Bowmanvile Phone '15 House Phones 228, 274, 218 Iwhicb is an essential of dlevelo)P- Differentintian of curricula be-1 dlaim. ment. tween the sexes in secondnry scbools: iDespite those tities, power andpef The mental attitv.(e must be ,rj:_jt. A comnittee of 21 reported to Brit- 'The wretch, concentred ail in self ~ not anly with 'regard ta subject1 ishi Goverament in 1920. "Educationj Living, shall forfeit fair renown; t'nught, but also ta tbe instruIctor. is rot only a 'preparafion for the do- And. doubly dying., shall go down Lack of confidence in the tahrigo ori ae~ i rto To the vile dust from wbence Eo will destroy ail effectuai work and for the speuding of lej.sure -%ý,ieh isi1 sprung,I this confidenceecau easily either bC perhaps of no less importance than, Uxiwept, unhonored and unsung". il BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26th., 1925 fostered or destroyed by the nt-' DEPARTMENTAL EXAMIS. 'titudle of those ia the humine. Intel- lectulai modesty is quite consistentý Time Table of Axnnuai Examinations FACTORS IN EDUCATION wt ef-eineandl mental cour-l Anno-unced by Departmient of (ContinuQýd fromn page 1) "He whio kn'ows not, and knowsý 1mot that ekosnti ol Timnetable of Departmieitalea- At(sAts i (ru-ic) culture suA he lm. 'o'ms oo ations to be heid bere net Jne rfor the mind and physicai culture for iS to hand fromi Departilent of Edu- th o~.He who kno.ewýs not and knows that i Cti. the body. ie knows not is a ehiild; te'ach hi. lcRoeeA father was open to pub- h owokos n nw ltta Dates foilow the saine plan as i H Wo nosandep; is n. maý lt yýTM'Jea, eglýnning 01J 22nd ortinary moral, civie and religlous Hewhlkow, ninnw-tlathe 1 dcontinuing until July 7th-rnear- dutis. 1He -ho nows andknos tbt 'li a three weeks later than in 192,3, duties. knows is wise, f ollow hiI"-erin ,li School enitrance examina- Seotland--4ohn Knox propounidedi Provemb. tionýs -omminenice June 24th, with 'in bis First Book of Discipline1 The whole object of study is to g-rainmar, writing and geograpliy. (1.560) a comprebensive sleeme ofi-11-1 eductionfromeîemntar to rgin wisdomy rather than knowledge. On 25th only two: nrtn~ i n ersciy uths roposaeinas onotca- literature, the -final day, iFriday, veritybuthi prposi ws ot ar-1 .niowledg-e and wi-sdom, far froin Junie 2th, heingl tabledi for co0osi- ried into effect. being1 one, tospiigandhitoy.Enrac Canada-We have gone f ar in Have oftti mes no cononertion. Know-ý stuients finishl their ordleal abut a education, com-pred wit4m the coun- ledge dwelis we ale hnuul tries of trie past and 110w education' In heads repiete with thom-lhts of Lower 'Schooi examiniation, s 0open is an opportunity-.-nothing more.Ai other mnen on Tuesd(ay, June 23rd, and cn m-ay have if, if they wvish. When Wisdom i minds attentive to their j ludle on Eriday 26tbi, with, a tota obtainied, it wili not guaraiitee suac- own ehs of eleven subjects. The Mii die cess or happiness or contentmient or Knowiedge is proud that h a School begins vwith cbcenistry (or riches. Everything depends on learned so mucb, 2nd yeai agriculture> anc,1 compos-,i- what dieveiopmient is produced by iti Wisdomi is humble, that he knows no'to o-ue 2d winding up wvith an-d what use is made of it. It m-iore". 1 Spanishi on July 7th. may make a m-an capable of doingý Upper Schiool eaiatostake barmi in the worid, for an edluc.atedý The student shouid und-ersta-nd ail dates between June 22ndl and scoundrel is ciearly moredneusw he reads. Chiidren, nec-essar- Ji tecpin oiinDy than an ignorant one. pely iiy use many words they d'o not-i h Crsma oEatr Ese eijbployed, bow%,eer, and comlbined derstand. Hence the chiid s'boii, isirtensar hera with hîgh ehractçr with a due re- be encouraged to iearn the meaning, "hard work" terms of the year, and gard for the rights of others in ihrb skn usin o ytetestudlents aIre buckiing dýown in with simple and practicable and high use of the dictionary. i earnest in preparatian for De part- ideals, it should help a mani vey1 Professor James illustrates this by mrental exams. greatly in making his life really suc-, an anecdote: '.,4A friend of mine vis ________ cessful in the hig-hest sen~se.t iting a school was asked to exaa-' As in the 'past, so now, the edlu- mle a young ciass in. geog-raphy i EAST DURHAM'S MEM13ER cational systerno ifeetcolin- Glancing at the book she sid tries has a diifferent basis. Th!,e "Supposýe you sbouid dig a h~ole in J We were pieased when the former- systeni in Ontalo is much like that the ground hundreds of feet deeP, i mevie o atDuhm r i in the United States-based on.71 how should you find it at the bot-1 bert J. Fallis of Millbrookwa ask- comrn il foundation-and educa- tort-wanmer or colder tLan on top? to second the speech froi the tbrone tion has takeni on' a very miercenaryv None of the class ireplying, the in the Provincial Legislature anid we value. lin Quebee, on the ote teacher said "I'm sure theyv knowv have read his address with kee-nesýt band, the original basisý was a relig- but 1 tbink you don't ask the ques~- interest . Knowing how bis 110w ions one and hence the content of, t'oin quite right. Let me tiry. She ask-sane mother-one of the orna- their system dliffers fromi ours-dle-1 ed :-"ýIn whiat condition is the inter-' ments, to ideal niotherhood-would ficient in sonie thi but in advance 1 or of the earth'?" and received the wmvsh him to vote on the 0. T. A. we in othe. 1 inimediate answerfoihî the , watched closely his hrenarks on the W'hat a student gets ont of his ed a- class at once. "The interior of thel proposai to increase the strength of caio dped lrg[yupnwhat hie globe is in a condition of igneous beer. This is what he said, as re- puts into it. He is not an emipty uon.jprdinheppr: vessel ta be purnped full of know-j Stu dents frequentiy say "I u.ndel- Always on Sie to-f Temperance iedge. He is a comple machine Stand that, but 1 cannot explain it". 1 id'on't know whetber 1 shoildi wbich elucation should help to run';Sncb a student deceives humisel; le touch on th-e O. T. A. lt is a cjeli- propierly. 1 does not un'derstanid it. If he un-' rate question. I amrn l favor of Theain o edcaion asdef )oi erstands it thor'oughly, hie can ex- the best conditions that wivil pro-, thebuidngofchracer i eprss plain it ciearly and without ambig-, maite temiperarce aniong Our people. ed mr7rb ytewr oe uity, and so that others wili unuer- (Louci appiause from both ids of d tba obyen ther. ythe wonypower stand h'¶nii. Hlerndon in bis "Lif e of the Houseý). We cannot ail ag-roe phnbyayoer.can ee oloped ç Lincoln" sayse of that grea mnsujet as ta what th-ose conditions are. on th poe partliof the stucens "He studied to see the muictnat- Mnny mien who voted for Govern- Theffrontear ction hetisent.du ter clearly and toe express it trulyl ment Control were honest temlpeir- cTieon Telest tat thel and strongiy. .1 bave known hlm ance mien and believed tbat it riglit catin. he est hattheteachier 1ta study for ho urs the bestwy of be controlied mruch better than un- can do for the student is ta showv three ta expressanie,. te0T.A 1'hv lw hini what hie can do for biniseif and aie. hngi'ex h ,T . aeawYs liow he can do it. This is well il- Students sbould not expertc{ gsstaod on the side of temperce. iustrated in learning ta, write. ta be easy. Strength is gauinel One of the principies of the Con-- "I ltielao, iti ae 1u oniy by the exercise of tnaidied' servative party is caution. 1 arn a gains, Man'ls fortunes are acording:powvers. Therefore,.lie should do Conservative. efreI ov I tabs"everything for hiniseif as far as pas-' want ta know where I1nam gaing. I tohspains" sible. If probl'eims are ta, be solved, don't believe in dealinig with tis B u'. labyor must be properly and,, the student should solve them, even' questian without givng- it sîncere lntcell'igenbly directed. The amount if he makes mnistakes.1 and earnest thaughit. The speaker dlre k mled vl thtanoe nac-of 1In the saine way examinat*-insl said that variou;s measures would 9uie, omprei '~'it th mas hnbuî& lbe welconed, )ira. t is betr corne before the Hause a.nd he Would inawýlecge on aniy special stth ec,'fo astdet ê a rather vote on them as bis coriscience die- entiely insgnifoaf. Tereore tham j'ust scrape tbrough. ' tated. He bad much pleasure in mov- unless the edlucation o .by îs~ sucb that it enabies hilm ta take up Students should h-ave a period of, ing tbe adoption af the address. a new subjeot and study or master continuous study, wlich shQuld bec it himiseif, hle is handicapped. long enough ta show continuonls The true order of learning shouId effort and not toa long lest thme mlnds work'. be first, what is necessary; second,1 becomnes over-fatigued. Sonme atu- I "In the cause of justice and what is useful; third, wbat is orna-1 dents are restless, spasmadic, and, equality between the sexes we may mental. Wbatever mnakes a aman while they seerni ta be eontinuaiiyý suggest that for many girls, ai inter mare capable of legitimiatee e mpoydteyaciee nohg age for passing examinations, and. metor heips ta, make buý content- Others, less biiiinnt, by a contin-, for ail girls, a shorter period of ed and happy, or ta eniarge bis¶ nous pull achieve miucb. school bours, are imperativelîy neces- brendth of view. is realily useful and, It heas been said thlat the differencE Sar3-". heips ta give bu power. between clever and ordinary men[ "Finnily, we venture ta sugge3t Thefirt esenialis battheboyoften rnainly a differenice in the that the study of muisic, rigbtly un- ahe girsould htaes a the raer en power of direuting nnd contralling1 dertaken, can be of-the b igbest edu- tp. atitue-ri ttiud ofmenalthe attention. Sanie ninds go cational value. Its range3 is not toa attitdeaniat i cfketalt wool-gathering or day-dreanîng less wide than literature; it appeaus ivenea, i youwiil. He mat ng from one tbing to anatber, Vte the sainie facuaties of emiotion ind derstand a su ,bject, nat siiuply read nccomplishing aotbing.1 judgment. a book. He must not accepotl Tey should rend important' It is a language witb a poetry nas blindly, as trutb wbatever hee sc tbings weli. Herlbert Spencer said: noble as that of Shakespeare". on a printed epnge. This is studyj "It is murh better ta- knowý a f ew! "Intelligence Tests in thxe United by rate and produces a man wba' books thoroughly thian ta know nany States showed that 55% of 3,000,9000 inerely iitaes but does niot thinlçk.1 sup)erxficially. The sanme philosapher' nien. in the prime of 1f e possessed "Who rends ocnad hti h a aa smny only the mincis of hblidren, having, Incessanitly, and ta bis reading baooks as certain ather persans bad come ta a mental standstiil eariy'in brings nat rend, be would know as littie as tbey life". A spirit and judgnent, equal or~ i15 xrie i eesr Education should be progressive Superior, hscleecs il eesayoyraig yteueo l Pbe Uncertain and unsettled, Stijli e_. taassure na onrd nd mmmd in a rea di, by theuseof thyPubic- mains . ~~~sounid body. ILbayHsay ignhFc manstion, etc. Deep versed in booka and shaliow in Success in the work of the world Story of Prof. Dale--education isl himslf.depen'ds mucb more ulon WILL than l ike the miaking of a clearing in the1 Baicon-"He that questîanetb! upan BRAINS, but ail faculties Woods. mnuch shahl learn rnucb". whether mental' or moral can be cul- "Un)fortunaitely, the average stu-i tivated and developed toan great ex-ý "A fundamental factor in a teacb- dettet growth". Sa i.kewise on part of written.,, but often does nat refflect' Mr. Luther Býurbank observed that isuet upon it". evrything depends upan the trent-ý.suet 0f ail formas of educatiani relad-i mnent the'seediing receives the ifirsVi Why study history? "History ing i- s possibly tbe m1ost viluable.1 f ew cnys or weej<s of lits life-tlhe imakes phan that the entire ad- Bacon aays:ý "Read( not ta contradict,1 soil, the moisture, the culivation: ac fhmnt rn aaeyt narta eleve bt t wegbnndet. -nhoti 1evion _ntA-civilization bag been dependent uponi PIANOS, FREDMITCHELL Let Us Worry For Voit We are specialists in the line of repairing ail makes of automobile and radio batteries. Bring your battery in now and have it put in flrst class condition before the Spring rush. We have the equipment to give proper ànd efficient attention. Agents for Pr.est-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. Fisher's Battery Servicie çEormerdy F. W. Kirkendall5s Shop) Moffatt Garagl.e Bldg. P~hone 248 Bowmanville BuyYour Radio AT ALLIN'S RADIO SHOP -There's a Reason- When you buy your Radio Set at this shop you get a prompt and ellicient service. which mail. order houses andl out of town shops cannot give you. WE SELL THESE RADIO SETS: Splitdorf Nightingale Atwater Kent Freed-Eisemann DeForest-Crosley Radiola good set for country use Work Rite Radio Set, 3-tu~be neutrodyne reflex, complete with loud speaker ONLY $135.00 Tubes, Batteries an-d Radio Accessories always in stock-Batteries Recharged. HARRY É. ALLIN Phone 3137 Bowmanville

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