WEDNESDAY HALF IIOLïDAY CANADIAN HEALTH SERIES We, the undersigned Business Rheumatism: A PrimeCaeof heNe Ica tie In fepencentj and Professional men o feTown o jHeart Disease Which Ranka st _______________________________________________ Bownianvllle, agree to close our re- Amng Canai fdea hi spective places of business to giveCaa. THURSDAY, FEBRIYARY 26th., 1925 our clerks a half holiday each and Prepared for Christian Guardian by _____ every Wedniesday at 12:30 noon dur- Dr. T. C. Routley, General Sec!retary NECSLIBTARE ECSL ing the year 1925, save and except' Of the Canadlian Medical Association. jN CATEIBTUR SNWC TL CHURCHES thie month of December or any week "Rheum-ratism" is the namne givenl Mrs. Wm. Jamiesoni is sick. 1 The Late William J. Venner PreËbyterian Church-Rev. Geo. in which any Public or Civic Houi- by the laity to most of te vague Young people held a dance in,ý Fond memaories of school dlays~ Masan will preach at Newcastle at day may occur: pains voich occur in the huian Alexandria Hall on Friday.i spent together in the old Newcastle il a. m. and Newtonville at 2:ý3Q body. As a matter of fact, a very Rev. E. R. James was in Toronto1 Public School, 40 to 50 years ago p. mn- Suhjiect-"Thie King b Couch, Johnston) & Cryderman Lt;d. I large proportion of the so-called last week on church business. surged through the minds of Ilis, Friend". ýC Bow . no rhi.iiýtiii"-wih oe otco-former associates here wheni word t. eresCuch s udyi C.Bon ~ fOX"hunain" lih osno o- Messrs. Moffat Brothers are busy ,ca eresCurh s udyi Rice & Co A. Dillick fine the patient to bedl, is not rheurn- with their wood 3awing outfit. mare Tuesday week that Mr. Wil-j Lent, March lst. i .m-on Archie Tait Alex. Elliot atism at ail. It is sim-ply nature's liami J. Venner hadi passed away in ing prayer and Holy CommuilLnion. 'C. E. Hann J. C. Devitt warning signal that somnething is Mrs. Atkinson, Toronto, is visitiflg victoria, B. C., ageci 55 years. He 2:30 p. m .-Sunday School. 7 ~F. J. Horne A. Harnden w1rong. hler sister, Mrs. H. S. Brittoni. 1 was one of a large faml-ily of sons -Evensong. Rector-Rev. E. R. H'addy & Co. Harry AlIan Calling the pain rlie-um--atismii does I. Mârs. M. Garner is visiting friendsý and daugbýters b,,orn to the late Jms W. G. Nelles J. T. Mollon 1Jms W.Jiuly C.S ao not harmn particularly, but it gets us in Bowmiianville and other poinlts, Thom-as and Maria H. Venner. Methodist Church-Rev. E. B. A. L. Nichoîls T. H. Knight nowhere if we are content to dlub a iwet After leaving school in Newcastle Cooke, Pastor. il a. m.-Mýoringi, Jae ent yî odn mere symrpt.oni by that nalle and l et IMr. Erié Pearce has been enjoy- where the late Mr. Morton was his Worship. 2:30 p. ni.-Sund -a' T B1. Glchnist E. S. Naylor i go at that, with perhiaps a liftle, i ng a fwdy'vstwt oot teacher, and Mr. A. A. Colwill and School. 7.00 p. m.i-Evening service. R. E. Dinniwell J. B. Martyn rubbing of affected spots and doigfins-r omnAu n r.Jh .Atesb h hi;De-"Love F. R. Kerslake F. C. Pethick w ,ith sure-cures. j Mr. Clayton B. Crawfordl, Toron- Mollon of Bo'wm-anville, were amongi Divine" by Mm1. W. H. Cooke -id' Dominion Stores H. C. Durgin If, on every occasion people hlad to, spent the weekend withi bis f arn- Ms neighbors and sLhoolmiates, lie 1Mrs, Geo. A. Honey. Editb V. Scobell W. H. Dustan "rheumi-atilc" pis hywuld ac_ il y at Elmihurýst. wvent to an horological college ,andý Ash Wedn'esdlay the first dyo R. W. Copeland Mason & Dale cept the warnîng and proceed intel-i Ms itnWgt1roiec ere achmkn n loms Lent was observed in St. George's, Hlydro Power Comn Nina, .Ned ligently to find but w1hat was wvrongad isvdaiikadseet ' tered the jewýelery business. He hasi Churcb by a service at 10:30 a. m. J. J. Masorn & Son H. J. Ba'bcock somie real progress might be mnade, ited in Toronto. beld good positions with one- of the On Friday afternoon at 4:30 a short' G. A. Edm'ondstone S. G, Chartran because very frequently they wvould PicplCno adMs .Br largest jewelry "frso aaa iaywl esi utePrs C MCawer& Sn . Caue Iesfind that the cause of the pains ol i'rAasn rmtei coldt b out three years ago, bfr go-ý Hall which meners of the congrega- W ason & SonGW.Clad vs bcud[re r betfrn hi eîoldt ng to -the Coast, lhe took a sotio 1 ame>l Sl~ p onn ca tie e m ucli m ore defin tely dia gniosed I es 6wing to illness. v ction and vsteei sse s n a d a r neý,aî urged to attend,î Thurston Fur Shopefnitsteps umaight be and that vry M 2r. Thompson, Manvers Stain Orillia and other places in Onta-io todailcwoda invitation is exended ThrsoeFrfihnit tp. agtb ae ori' pn h ekn hbs "rheumaism", d atin hm. Aadas hsýs ,toal o ay wish to do so.* ____________the___________of the toxinstcakengtn enttew'edwt i ageadth . A.adas i itr On Friday evening Miss Mclntosh i aches. M-s. entertained rs.NSwcastlen le rii enitertained the imemlbers of ber Sun- Agens W nee to undestad wht a George Jamrieson of his ay School Class of St. George's and AgnsWanted ece ounesad wa number of lady friends to, after- News o i udndahcm savr ap vnn vsset h rheurnatismi is and is not. Severalj nooni tea on Tuesday. a shock to his relatives and friends avr ap vnngwsset h Agenits wnnted to represent uis, se11-ehgrlswoaemm rsote 'fng slk dress and ingerie f c. ciffeent diseases in reality are in-'1egi il h r ebr fte conumr. Libra cmmssin.- ii cudd ndr te er "reu, tsm Sorry to report tha.t Mrs. John heme. The remains were sent from class taking a keen interest in the, ton iublic Fabrle C. ork ilon gP1scl a nd renwcnd t oetrn deraim.Golding is critically iii at her home, Victoria to Toronto and were 5}c- varions games and contests. Miss TootoPblc Ont. C.,YrkBu19n-1 regcisarde woras oo ae, a di baving, suffered a severe stroke of companied from theme to Bowman-, Charlotte Rose and Miss Brock lenti Tooelntorthnt. eadth orast oo sp ec acnd i aayssille by brothers-in-law and sisters Iterkidasstneimkn h "Old ss. veliabled asisane nthillgth Nurelfri th. e "Odperible otnecesiay. tnseaore aciacuratoeierm sch as The "Orono Train" was outed via of deceased. Rev. J. U. Robins of evening a success. We off er exclusive territory, liberal co0m- I chronic arthritis or acute rheumnatic Newcastle on Tuesday evening ow- Bwavle efme h uili~.Gog' udySho is find- i zntssions and furnish handsome free intohefoddcdtono the rites at the Cemetery Thursday af- S.Gog' udyShû outtt Start now at best selling time. f vr.g Don river.i ternoon, February 19th., interment ingtecag otehu f23 Stone & Wellington, Toronto. 7-4, If, on the other hand, in thinking taking place in the family plot where i h feno rvn otsc N ~~~of rheurnatism and its possible after- Ouloa hrwre mrans rest the romains of bis father andci cessful.,asteucasn mmer effect, mothrs ofyoung hilf ten edr the big onentiBontof te mother in Bowmianville Cemietery. Iship testifies. Mr. Cannon bas nowc effetsWohe ofyoug cildene bJais onntBonftha at-taken over the duties of supermnten-ý HýPWNTOwere all macc-e aware tout so-calie dý e o, Aogtoepeetwr:Mr for ntpdil prins g nd Susmrom-i growing pains" of childhood wereý Retail Hardware men beld inTo- Aon ths pretweeMr dent and with the increased staffi fo lei toc. Ernuwr~o las an indiction oaadm(ematic- onto last week. and Ms Course, Sarnia; and Mr. is hoped to miake the Sunday Sho $25, weei1ly, uising waste space in ot- condition and that the heart is ai- 1 Heavy ains the first of the week Ms cnye rswlMc. more than ever efficient in) its wrk houses, shepds, barns, root--hloiinolve i schaocodiio caused tbe streamis to assume the bohr-nlwadsses r.S ftann h hlrno h eitlier suet. 11lustrated booldet andi they would not be soimaen with proportions of simall rivers, and as a Msn ecsl;Ms .H ik church. A class in teacher training, I impatientt nwhr frstn».s Cf h Orillia; 'Miss Ida Vennier, Jacka!on-1 conducted by Miss 'Brock, is being, pariclas en aywer fr tap.the fretfulnesso Johniny or Mar-y1 result a lot of people were pretty h 1. itr;M. Biln er, at Rectomy on altemnate Frida'y IDoeins ionMuhoom sa , or4asi ~K atooth- wýel lodceout. However. bhrotesi-a n itr;M-.e ftann h hlrno h acyToot hen dam agc. ili wthOrillia; adM.Blake Palmer, Mid-eeins iland, bothers-in-law. Anothe is -____.___1 Oeoftefrtqetosay omth an meein onCrus-terMiss Mary Vernier, résides inj HA R A N R heart seils ssapatient wh b eld teraina leeigo re -Califomnia. h as comne for diagnosis of ca,ýdiac ciay e-\,eninlg. Traurs report A number of dec'eased's formier FE RE O LNIC of The Hambourg Conservatory, trouible is, "HIave you had hem -shWeil a balance on Lie right side acuaintancés from Newcastle and' Toronto, will take on a limnitedi tism-i?" and lie olw this up by the of the ledger and everything points omnil went to the cemnetery to Frnr i hý eto h t nunvlber of pupils at Bowmavile coqst inquiry concerning "grow-j to a successful season for the fol- pay aff ectionate tribute to the mnem-1 tended Orono Faim kli'ast fail were Teacher of ing pains", tonsilitis, diphtheria, lowers of the ancient gaine. ory of one wýho had mingled so hap- reitatly neesed in theedith Hawaia-n uitar Comlete measles, scarlet fever, or other i-1Adult Bible lass of Methodist pfly with Vhern in theit, youth. hibton rranedeby Mm.tMer - Coarsaia spouiti omPpilet te disease, any of which lpay ien da School, Mm. S. Jose, Presi- A fter the burial the whole party L it Frstr tton, Suprntnet o the ndPro- guaranteed to play in 25 lessons, causes of serious heart crlppling, dent. and Miss Odie Warren, Treas- ofbovr-na dssesmt isnsisats1arwodadroi also Ukulele, Banjo-Uke aud tbîough a peiod of thirty years or, urer, bas puchased and presented to r tNecslansptters jfro re fsvrlvriis. Tenor Banjo. jmore iuay elapse between the first J t e scbool a large, bandsome dock ofrte d oN was ters settemet fros tones o fosvral aieis cause andoththeuday'withntheir sisteinfMont fromhoneato four years of age, 1ja Wrie orpariclas a Hm- caue ndthecuultive effect. Iadpacdi n rn f h a ler ason anu hr daughter, Miss H. grown on the two hundmed acre nis' bourg Gonservatory, Oshaiwa, or Heart troubles very often take ' aigteSprnedn' ek Mason. sery farm at Orono were exhibited, phone 1490 eveuings on Monday7 their ise fromn rheurmatic fever in' Newcastle people were greatly in flats and proved to be onefthe. or Tuesday, Oshawa. childhood, and the fever may have grieved on Saturday morning wben fi'cheatrton.Texîbt1 ______________________j en aued3i dsese tnslsorw r eacbed here aninounicing the' Mas., Daniel Hall, Oo fischefatain.Teex Ilit _______________________________or._____1bac a streami of visitors sîl after-f - ther pl'imary infection. Nom is - 'death of Mms. John Grieve. Guelph, Monday imoenixig, Febrirary ')th, Ineon and M~r. Linton and bis assist-ý ne'cessary that su'eb fever should have't after ain illness of a day or twýo. Mm. deatb came -very' quietly to Mary ants were kept busy answýemiïag jbeen acute in ordier to commit the and Mrs. Grieve speut a part of their Jane Pryom, eict of the late Daniel querles snd giving information me-' damage to the beart.noe ooheeaiteoerayr Hall. She was born lu England,j garding tree planting. 1 G u uIt is now generally agreed that ago. Newcastle fr. riens exten one of a very large family. The To any one wishing to refomes-tý G 0 D C O E far as the 'child is conicerned, an'uy s ompatey toMmriee nths i old. scbool-house still stands'in whichi sorte of his 1ad h Ontario Fores- invasioboumthofbdeepy' hem parents taught for 21 yeams. t rBanch will furnish up to 3,500 !sceprta odad is for ail practical purposes, nva biMr. Clarec AllinM ntetluI 1862 sý,e was married Vo Dani- trees free in any1 one year, or enough th q~1t h etCa.Isuff ering to-day from adane Crydermlan sud his class at the y' ears. Their eight children a year. We know of several farml-ý have suufly o the bestrheumnatic heart disease owe tiheih-om Te of Mm. sud M. TN oysan re-î are ail living: Mms. Ed. Morton, i ers who are planning to take ad-,I av asupyo th betstate directly to tbe erroneous ides iporn eaeeing. The oy me-1i Clarke; Mrs. H. R. Rowe, Orono0; vantage of bis standing offer, aud Coeotial.that acute rbeumatismî is necessarily ~Mrs. J. Anderson Smith, Newca.stle;: intend to plant out somle tree;s ini theSI children joints may escape entirely, alprmg.Mr.J.T Mrisn Highest grade of Anthra- but hesrt involvemlerit is au invamL Love was the themne, "Now Abidleth, San Diego, Calif.; Mm. Geo. Hall, in Dnha oul harve a ontee nrserylI isbe ccopaimet sudo 1e-,heFaith, Hope sud Love, but the great- Sitenah; m raDHll r uhmth vemid tro nhic ert cite always on hand. ibeacmaietadotnte est of these is Love". etlWah;M.Fan a', rigbt i hi ist hc hey' onIy manifestation of acute rheuima-. 1 ono., She also left twenty grand- can drive in from sny part of the gi.jts.jFrederick McNeillie, fommerly of cbildren, sud fifteen great grand-, o suyad take their trees homnel 'Il this fact were thoroughly tin-' 68 Strathcoua Ave., city, is decad lu children. Three brothers sud thireelcouty hm re orwnlra- J fthsfatwretoruby n ClmdoSrigaccomding to a sisters in Englaud, and oue sister, Ilbsppiduto50fee fI G eo J mîe or derstood with ahl its serions inpiea ooaoSrns ilb uplicau o 0,freo tions, by prnsud practitioners message eceived here. Mr. Mc-, Mrs. W. H. Benuett, Bowmanville,ý cost. NewcstIe Ia aet Neillie was boni at Newtonville lu wbo was with bier when shýe passed Lno rvn kieae thiavgs homauche 1874 and went to Toronto in 1891. i away. ca oetySaîn.Ooo ncrn _________________________ disese wich ow ocupis th bea He was a printer heldl in high esteem ljuI Septeniber, 1872, with ber fani- ustthewlbega Vo upyi of th Jia in he cusesof bath bolhy employers sud by members' ily of five children under tes years bultn1u pliainfem n r migi besensblydereasd. ~ of the unio. He is s vidbY1bisu d her sister, she left England for gv esulavc nrqet placing o humprhar ises e proa dic nrqe disoder is ongoverue.a brother sud two sisters. ceded bier in tbe Spring in bis young) Anyone contemplatigmaing a Suchl placing wvill be dlone effeet- Let there be s go1od tuurout from nlianhood, 33 years of age, made the 1 stoat reoree stitis dsring j J 'alyony he te aiy ppenndcountry sud village ou Thursday long train trip Vo Quebec sud wass sol e t nea t Idesmabc thatpais calei "reumaic~ lueveniug Vo bear Rev. S. G. Piuuock,'on the dock to greet themi before thtapiatosfrte* hudb Firat ~ ow ing eopie f any rge, se or clrnateToronto, Secretary of the Uppr' they left the ship. Aboutfot- ~ ~ st ~hltsdn peope o anyage se or liliat, th apliction ca bcaccepted after 0f f tat befre the can b eithe pre-Counceil Chamrber, Community Hall, f ar7m"Millvale"' retirigtoh i-Mrh3s.- icuo ventd, cred r delt ith e- o the-,,,t ok th Socety asllageof Oono boyeamsen Thes stockocklli for19or i 1925 e ventedcuedo dai iclae ofnhee a t ws ork th enSocieyosba I In 1912 they quietly celebmat- the following: C oi prehensive Dr1eelsF ake fJhspe oteutrotprso h ed their golden wedding. Coifers: White, Red, Jc Hopkins University, when receutylsrtni Puokwl l orteps w e rMs. Hall Scotch Pine, White Spruce, Gedar.j t'y ustatehis address by lanteru suffemed occasionally with a 'sore Hardwoods: Elm, Ash, Hard and R ange of intean oa bodynof ieTnt e wshw n Studyfoot, sud a few îmonths ago gang- Soft Maple, Walnut, Butternut, nd on the Causesof _Nerous Brak- 1iTethectagedhowonmsntrduf- Cuttings; Camolina Poplar ou he"Case ofNevos Bea- Te ictlm jf ere d bravely tilI death r eles--sed hlem. White Willow, dowun', said: 1 night dre'w, a good bouse aud the pst- All thait could be doue, was'Cdoue, by Tee fr idbeas: Wbt B eautif ul " - - iIA1r" f+e to establish just where f ocal ne disease of oldI age. By intelligence i sawmiill, Omono. IV is a great coun- Hono r graduate of!- Triuity Uuîvers itDry Goods sud Ladies' j tion is aising. sud sane precautions it nay be' venieuce to have a mill withiu such t ellow o! Trinity I4edical Colleg, 1ed- -erIlI you would avoid rheumatism , avoided. Chronie ýarthritis, by a easonable distance. There are 1 Licentiate of the State University of Phone 106 Bowmanville strv'e Vo paevent the infections dis-j careful pursuit sud rem-oval of teiawy ayue o i :d !NwYrMtiuaeo thePsî onders wvhicb may give it ise. Watcb' focal infection causing it, la often ilumben on a fanin sud a home growuî Graduate Medtcal Scbool sud Ho, your body intelligently so thatfocai curalble. Blut there must be lu pa- pile saves mauy dollars. Amn piaofew orsuFeow fth infections if tbey develop mnay be tients aud doctor alike, first, the will those in this huudaevcnty who Toronto Academy o! Medicine. Office reroe ths utye a to know, then Vo do. Given these have been hauliug logs Vo Oronlo are: -Mr,. MeNaughton's Residence. fôr thangn est. I you ar rPrYCa'even the naglngs of "nheumatism" Russell Osborne, Reginald LeGresley Newcastle. Hous-8 Vo 10 a. in,, fo h hnigsaos fyumay be cast ont. snd H. R. Pearce. il t 3 P. nm., and by appoinLtinexit. f CHURCH UNION NOTES CARD OF HAK Northemu Ontaio is almost unai- mous for Chumeb Union. Thet Rowland fml fNwa Eight members of the United wish to extefid hrsiceth Chumch of Ottawa ou Suuday wüe to' the mauy friends and neighh ordaiued elders by the laying on of for their kiudness duming the il1hz bauds. The inaugural message andl death of tLhein beloved moti read Vo the congregation began wvith ________________ this sentence: The gl'ad new days which lie befome us are bnight witb promise. ITime!y Churcb Union Bur-eau reporýtsj for union aud ouly 465 against. Sugg si n Fo r Your Feet IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs. William C. White , (uee Gertrude Brown of Hamupton) wnit- iug on Februamy 17, fmom ber home!J in Darlingford, Manitoýba, sud send- 1fil; ing hiem renewal for hiem homie paper, .I1j says: The Statesmnan hias been1co1 ing regularly suad is as welcome a- flî;TtI ever. -We h'ave had very little suow il aIl wintem and ne bad stonins and not very much neal cold weathem se far. We are getting s great deal of en- joyeu tiswinter fromn our Radio. M" IVi eranya woudèerful invention Mif sud satisfaction for people in the,ýI country dnriu'g the long evenings of wiuter. Mr. White býas been down' lu Califomnia for nearly Vhree months, sent there by the doctons I Vo escape the long cold Canadian wiutem. Rubber Boots the need (j the hour. STARKVILLE Men's ............... $5.04 The "cold" epideuiic see-ms Vo bave Boys' ...............$C struck this section of country. Miss j W\omen's ... ........ $4.01 Grace Savery is laid up ...Wood- ýmes bave, been taking aivautage cf Misses il to 2....$3.04 the good sleighing Vo han! their wood Child's 8 toû 10½'. ... $2.5 and logs but the mecent nain and the few warmn days have somewhat changed conditions .... Mn. C. Reid sud family recently visited at Mr. S. G. Hallowell's ... .Mr. T. J. Bal- [agh bas gont to Kingston Vo unden-0 go an operation on bis eyes. ....- Mns. Lockhart of Wesley-vilhe, is visiting! lier sister, Mrs. John MeKay .. [Mr. R. Hallowell sud Mn. Albert Wmagg w>ere delegates at thlÏe Tempem- auce Convention held lu Massey Hll Febrnany l7tb. By unanimons URA invitation of the Quarterly Board Rev. Thos. Wallace was învîted Vo me-e nain for the f oumtb year on New- tonville circuit...Mms. Wmn. Stutt, Men's double sole O x- Onono, lias 'been visitin-g at Mrs. S. fords, Black or Brown, G. Hallowel's ... . Rev. Thos. Wal- laepreachéd a very forceful sud $6.75 to $8.0C excellent sermon the other Sunday on "Faith" or losiug self -confidence. H~e pointed ont tbree factsand gave encouragement to every ose , yonng and old. Mr. Wallace is giviug a series of -ermons ou the L.ord's Prayem and ail should attend and îeam these hielpful addnesses ..'..... M,'iss Norma Hallowell is visiting inI- Toronto .... 'Over forty weme presentf t the "Sbfloh Scicial Circle" 1-astj %'eek, held at W. J. Westhenilt's, lie sext tVo be held at Mn. R. D. ~ ~ URY- Whitmee's .... Glad Vto report the ittle daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lo -ue Todd ou the way Vo recovery. .nem Bert Reid shipjed a car o! stock me- ceutly... -Mrs. Arthur Dunu is i11 Men's Dress Oxf ords, in ....Everyose is lookiug f omward Voj the St. Patrick entertainmeut Vo bel Patent Leather and Black held at Shiloh on 17th .... Mr.. sud 4Ms. Wm. Savery recently visitedl hem ualf .... $5.00 to $7.50 pair sister, Ma-s. T. McMulleu, B owmas- ville.... Mr. sud Mrs. Wilfred Mc- Kay spent Sunday at hiem mothem's,1 laude Ives Mtrs. Saim Gordon's, Elizabethville.j Are you lucky? Then nead Alex Elliot's advt. __________________ Your Home Tells Its Own Story Among The Many Influences Which Create the Home Atniosphere None is Greater Than WALL PAPER There are many cumrent patterns asud colorings for every mooni in yonr home, but there is ONE WALL PAPER wblcii will best refleet your aste sud persouaiity. Front oua- countless patterns yen msy select those wbich best support your decorative sehemne. Neyer before have we lýad such a large sud beautifal ýelection. W. H.0 A. Patte 85ý SIMCOE N. P HONE 125, OR 1846 GROCERY SPECIALS Be sure to get my Special Prices for Groceries before buying. We Save You Mone y. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newc.stle