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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1925, p. 3

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IF IFTY __ - I ýWhat's the H--eath of Your Family Worth? MOETHAN ANYTHING ELSE ON EARTI4! Modern Plumbing a Health Mleasure Scientific plumbing is one of the greatest healthi measures ever planned for the beniefit 6f mankind. You knowý that the health of your ~people is worth more to you than anything e1se, in the world. A cheap job is too often dear at any price. We recommend and instail only frst' quality materials and emïploy only first class workmen. Personal attention' given to all eon- tracts. Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experts King Street East and Cong;uting Engineers Ehone 18W Hatching Season Poultry raising is a most profitable and pie as- an~t occupation. As a side iinethe chicken bus- iness is a money maker. Hatchingý season is about here. Be prepared to give the chicks a good start. First three weeks is the criticai time in chick lif e. Start feeding them H-O Steam Cooked Feed which is predigest- ed. This ffeed gives wonderful resuits. Then there's Chick Grit and Chick Charcoal, andl lots of other supplies we have in stock for poultry. FLOWERS! PLANTS! When needing Cut Fiowrers, Bouquets, Potted Plants, or Wreaths give us your order and it wili be given prompt attention. II-A RRy PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWIMAN VILLE Br o"ý,kdale Nurseries Catalogues Are Ready THERE'S ONE FOR YOU Phone or se'nd us a post card and a catalogue wiil be mailed immediately. N~o need of buying elsewhere when we can supply everything needed in Plants, Ornamental or Flowering Shrubs and fr'uits at very at- tractive prices. Birookdale Nurseries Phone 7 Bowmnanville' Create Your Own Currency YOUR owuership of a Savings Bank Account creates a currancy al your own. A cheque bearing your signature jointly with that o!, the Standard Bank adds Vile prestige of our nama Vo thbe integ-rity o! yours, a combinatimof o inestimable 'value Vo you from s abusiness sud social viewpoint, -while oferig other prac-ical advantages o!l incalculable unuber. The deposit of oua dollair ta your îcredit lu the nearest Stand- ard Bank Biancb will lay the foun- dation for a curreucy all your owu. STANDARD BANK BOWMANVILLE BRANCII-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches also at Newcastle, Newt~onvil1le Or..., O.hawvà BOWMANVILLE, _MA-RCH 26, 19251 TrHE IRIGHT HANtD 0F JUSTICE By Marjorie Bradford, B. Sc., Social Service Councilý of Canada. WXe ask of our readers a hought- f ui perusal of this excellentinom ative article on a very important subjec.-Editor. Nînety-five per cent sucess-if success cani be meiasuradi in ternis of the rastoration of respec:tablýe ctn ship of offenders aigaiust society- ,his is tihe record of the aduit pro- bation department at the end of the first year of existence. A glance at the system as it is wouking there sbould give amploe en- couragement alike to wary legisiators pledgad to guard the interests of their people, Vo social workers %who k ow ouy too welI tbe evil days that corne upon tbe f anily daprived of its bread-wiuuer, and to harassad officers of the law, perplaxed by the constant spectre of recidivism aud the frequent futility of a prison sentence Vo re-astablish the offender lu soc:iety. During 1923, 436 offenders were placed on probation. Of these 4.81 par cent proved a failk ure aud reappeared in court as "e peaters"-a record lihat speaks veli for the excellent inetiaio ork, that is beiag cdoue in counection with the probatio nul work. This work, is accomplishied by tbe joint ý activities of a ymedical doctor wbo is also a psychiatrist and two trained social investigators. The annual. cost of caring for a prùoationer in Torouto has been as- timated at $28.36. A conservative estimate of the cost of keeping Iiiim in custody for that period wou7ld ha at least $3'00.00. Add to this a consarvative estimate of $400.00 as bis earning po-wer, and it is readily sean xhat an econom'ic saving Vco a province its proibation system may become. It is notewoqrtby, too, that the 436 probationers had 425 par- sons dijrectly depeudent on themn, thoug-h two-thirds of themn wera un- der 25 ye'ars of age. Its ecounon-ic valune can ba calculat- ad, as also its su,ýccss permnanantly rehabilitatiug men and womnen in society, but it would be difflcult Vo estimate the aff ect of a probation system upon thea morale of the people it serves. "Probation", says Judge Mott, "at the same time presarves tbe self-respect of the offender and tbat of bis wife and dependents. Self-respect is one oF the most potent f actors in an individ- ual to assist iu reclainiing fimr to so- ciety and should be capitalized to the utenost". The movemeut to establisb pro- bation is growing rapidly on this continent, and from the bighest authorities is receiving the racogi- tion it desarves. An axcerpt fromn a recent address of Prasident Cool- idge before an Assemnbly of proba- tion workars is very quotable: "To save wbhatevar of! good< there is in man for thamselves sui-d for society is not a sentimental dictrine. Rt is oua that is founded on the sourd administration of Justice, Justice doas not require the destruc- tiou of that -whkoh is good. 1V ra- quires the destruction of that whiclh is evil; and Justice requires as strongly the saving of that which lu good as it does the destruction of that wbich is evil. The work thal you do is the saving of that -mhch lu good in the individual, along with th~e most ip-iportaïnt work that is be. ing doue; you are the right hand oai the admîinistration o! Justice", STORMS ON ENGLISH COAST Raceut letters and newspaipers froin our Devonshire relatives tell of severa and devasting souTh-wavst gales that have done nmuch damaige at sidmnouth Éuce, Clovelly, Appledore, Westward Ho! sud other saaports on thle west coast of Devon on Feb- ruary 27 aud 28. A Bideflrd des- patch says: Westward Ho! on Tuesday night and Wadnasday morning f at the fuil force of a strong gale -whieh swaept up from Vthe soutb-wasct, and the idas ou Wadnasday moruing ware des- cr'lbed as Vthe highest experiauced on this portion of the North Devon coast for, ovar bal! a century. Tha wall-kuown Pebble Ridge wbich keeps out Vthe sea from Nortihaux Burrows, on wbich ara sit- vuata the famous golf liniks of thie Royal Nortb Devon Club, was breacbed lu two places, and the greater portion of the Burrows this uxiorniug was under wat er. Ten feat of the sea wall which pro- tacts Golf-road, sud which bad beau uudermined ou Monday, was yesýter- day waslîed away, sud the ileavy seas, forced, their way across ' the roadway, carrying large places o! dlay sgaiust thie bu-ng-alowý,s, some o! which were surrouuded by watar sud suffered considerabie damagae. Thaelifs towards Allbotsha-m also sufferad cousiderably, large piecesi having beau litera»ly tomn out. The storm wrought cousiderabla havoc at Appledore. Two large gaps wavra made in the sea wall along the main parade, but thle prir- cipal damage was doua at West Ap- pladore, wbara about 50 I fV.o!Vie sea wall was wnasbad away laEt night, sud the breacih was considerably wideued his xuorning. Here thie full fury of Vile gale wis faît, and portions of the sewer aud gas manl were swept away with many tons o! material in wbicli they were emi- baclded. The Beaver Inn was also cousldaraqbly knocked about, doors aud windows being smashed in, wbilst sauerai othar bouses iu Vile vicinity were flooded Vo a deptil of several feet. Some of the oldar Appiedore folk can remeunber tile ide beiug ýhgher than it was lsst night aud this moriing, but it wss many years ago. Sidinoutil beach preseuts a perfect picture of desolation frousi Vhe per- sistent &outh-westerîy gales. Heavy rain feli in Exeter and thle surrotrnding district, and, in cornse- quen4ce, large tracts of iorwlying country were undler water. Acres of land at Bude were on Weduiesday under water consequent on the spring tides. h s- wr the heaviest see n at Biide for years.ý The River Strat overlowed its, banks, and the water entered theý Strand, rendering it imipassable to pedestrians. The Wesleyan Churchi an~d buildings were eut off by thej water, and the tennis courts on thel Bude Haven Recrention Ground were su)bmerged. The tide sîso1 camne over the banl< of the river by the Masonic Hall and entered one of the crescent bouses. Notice to' Fa xrme-ÀF rs 1 arn prepared1 to pay,ý hig1hest price for ail kinds of Forwl, Extra good price for good fat liens. Phone collect Whitby 15ror Geo. Cowling, phone 320,4, Bo,- rnanvi1le, or write J. Herman Whitby 13-T' Cst s More the longer you wait DIT NOW sud save mouey. Thisrnuontb 1 will supply Wall Paper (thiis year's patterns) and, put it on any roomi up Vo 12 ft x 12 ft at $7,00 Do't delay. Sea my assorV- men of beautiful Wall Papers ha- fore huy;ng. G..Piltchard DECORATOR Cor. KING AND SILVER STS., BOWMÀN VILE F i -r [I-mmâzi R LOCAL AND OTHERWISE i LOCAL AN<L> I 'LKEW1,SE Neyer ini any recent yèars have The 5tatesmaap is $2.00 per year there been so .many lettersrcivdn Canada, payable in avne expessngkindly an( appreciative $2.50 otherwise, feelings towardý Thc- State-,manii. Port Hopie Guide reports Rev. Dr. Maniy writers have told of wbait it J. T. Daley_ recovering nicely froi, bas been in their f amîi ly hog ffets of .iis recent accident. many yeýýrs, and bave spolhen of their fathers and aven thieir gLiandl- -Mr, and Mirs. Fred Mý,cCainn, Tor- fathers takingy it in the days long ontio, diad xithin three days of each gonne by,. And miany, too,]have in- other, age('d 60 'and 671 years respect- sisted that they stili flnd tha )pper ivaly. inter!est-ing and helpful, and Vary mnuch worth w,,-ile. The 75th. an-niversary of the Trin- The Sntatroy A-ýge_ contains the ity Methodist Church, Napaaiee, was f ollowing notice'of a son of a formý,er fittingly celebrated on Sunday and West Durham, boy which will intereat Monday. The services on Suniday many relatiives aýnd', old friends herc : were conducted by Rev. Haroldf Herbert N. Couch, B. A., formertly Young, M. A., of Peterboro. The o)f Torontio Univarsity, bas been request of tbe Board f'or $1500 was awadedth unvsiy ch1'hp responded to with $1835.00.-Np in casscalarchaeologv at Johns anee Express. Hopkins University, Baltimore, _U. S.1 Iev. G. C. Welsman, Winger, has A. Mr. Couch is gold mredalist in 4 accepted a cail to the Central clasiesof astyears gadutîn Church of Christ, Regina, Sask., and class at the University of To-ron-to-. has gone to tbhat city. Mr-S. Wols- lie is a son of Rav. Isaac Co iman and daugbters, Lois and Olive, M. A., BI. D., Stratihroy, and a broth- are guests of hier parents, Mr. and er of J. Hlarold Couch, B. A., wbo Mrs. John DeLong, Elnibrooke, bc- was gold medalist iu science in 19:22, fore leavîng for their new homne.- and who is nwCOmpleting bis finlal Picton Times. Rev. Mr. Welsmnan year in maedicine at Toronto. was a former pastor of Disciples The Caniadian Marksman for Feb- Church, Bowuiîanville. ruaîýy contails a sketch of over four pages on the nachievemielits andc Many 012 our readers will be in- death of thl-P g.F .Moîstrsa in knowing that the lV in tbe hEýadîng of which the assertion Wini. Hennie, the fottnder of the is miade that hie was "Canada's Pre- wl-nw Seed House that beaus miier Shot". The report givas tis, bis name, was superintandant in tha item mnot noted lu The Statesman, late 9' of the Ontario Agricultura] sketch: Inu1191l1 Lieut. 'Morris, than Collage at Guelph. Many agricultur- ain officar of the 45th Regt. woni the iSs in this yîcnty xiiieeme territorial aggreat-a soiid silver Mlr. ennlie as a lecturer in Agicult- trophy weigiing about 300 pjouuds, mulle wiose knowledge oTf fariugi kmown as the Ho p Bitters Trophy-waseodtnnanCnd. with a score of 1ý35 out of apsil _________________ 140. lie jualifled 12 Vîmesfr h Bislay T eam n. Mjor E1. rH. Pc, O TG ~ S L Secr-etary-Ireasurer of Ontario M£iLGA JI SAL Rifle Association says: Sgt. Franik ___ H. Morris -was lu mny opini on without Indrandl by virtua of the p)owerý, a ~peer in the Dominion as an ail- contarned1 in a ceýrtain miortgagen whi(rl rounid SI-ot. wili be prodlucad at tueý timei of the, sale, there wifl be-offered for, sale hby pui Faets and fiction for the sports- ,A-uctioni on Fridlay, 1AprilSr , ., man, interesting and of a wide var-1 19215, at the hiour of 2 o'clocký, standardýtý jety, areofffirneinonheherpreisseesofl yiJam on th- iet, aa ffeadlu he prl isu hop. AuLctionea2r, the following prop)erty Rod and Gun in Canada. $hanty In the Township of Darllngtori, in tlw Up By the Gens-de-Terre, by Alden couinty of D)urhbain, comprising 162 Grifu ereitba tle of ilvr at'e o land more or less. com1p0seýÈ fpart' f Lo t No. 32 luth( 9th on prospectiug will hold attention of 11, cession of the said Townshiip. On the In Motoring Legions Are Colinu, hland1is sai to stand( a two storied, frami Wmi. G. Irwiu beralds the influx f Weling ilou se, bane ba rn wJih stone forcation and ïthe iusuialoutbujiiurgs sumimer tourists into Canada. Ponl- The p rop)erty is ait present sa.tî1 to oc nycastie Dale and J. W. Wjuson dis- ccuied, by one Clarence N.*iddtery. ,course on wild bird life. F. V. Wil- TiERM-\S:-1O% 'of the purchase mooeî liams and Martin Hunter add their at the, tjimaof the sale and the balance to 1 ~be pahd within thirty days. The pro- 1quota of good roadiug. In Fishing peuty to be offered is subjeoct ti a re- Notes, Robert Page Lincoln takes up serve bld. :the question of different lura-s Vo be For further particuiars and conditions .used for fisbing. Stories and Of the sale aPpfly to , s ketches deal with soma seasonable CONANT & ANNIS. V ujc ntrsî1 o the sportsman. Barristers, etc., s uiïed intest . . TyloOshawa, Ontario, Publshe monhlyby . J.Tayor~Solicitors for the Mortgagee. 1 imitéd, Woodstock. Ont. i ja< es-Bilio, uhaw, ,uctoner.1 COPELAND SHOE STORE-WEST END HOUSE Whil 1e Thu ley Last Any Ladies' Boots or Shoes îeft in stock flQw clearing alt $1,98Pair They are going f ast. No wonder. YoujIl neyer be able to buy' good foothwear at such a low price. Corne'in and see if your size is here. OnIy a f ew Children's Shoes lef t at 50c pair No Approvals. No Exchanges. Strictly a Cash Sale. Sale is beihg held in McMur-try & Co's Store-West End House. C opeland's ShQe West End House S5tore King St. West Bowmanville L Le ;2 d' L-- le Le, ýe ty ltpaîys f0 tuse MA&RTIN« -SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT & VARNISHES1 ror EveyPurp ose - Fo. EveySuf ce Write to Head Office. Moore i For Free Bookiet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD BY W. H~. DUSTAN Bowinanville Aiberta Coal Here We have a limited quantity of Alberta Coqal for sale from one of the best mines in the West'. Order now and be sure to get a supply while it lasts. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND ROOFING Giye us an opportunity to supply your needs for Roofing, Cement, Gyproc and builders' sup- plies of ail kinds. ORDER ANTHRACITE COAL NOW Anthracite operators anticipate a general strike next September. You wiIl therefore be well advised to order your next winter's supply of hard coal now. ORDER LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE COAL J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 Bowmanville

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