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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1925, p. 4

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YOU7'L SAVE MONEY ON AUTO TIRES No need of sending your monwy out of towýn to big mail order houses thinking you can save money on your tires. You can't beat these pricees. we don't care where you go. So you might as well corne direct to our shop. Dominionx "Royal Cord", 30 x 3½'ý, oversize, guar- anteed 8000 miles , $10.95 32 x 3½/,-$ 17.25 344 --1 22.00 32 x4 -$20.50 34 x 41ý:2-$28.50 33 x 4 --$21.25 32 x 41/,,$27.00 - 33 x 4½/ý-$27.75 Dominion "Nobby Tread" Cord Tires, standard size, guaranteed 7000 miles, 30 x 3½/, $8.95 WILLARD BATTERY SERVICE We sell Willard Batteries and are prepared to do all kinds of repairs, recharge, rental, etc. We Specialize in, tire vulcanizing, patching and putting in sections. JAMIESOe"'NEB ROS., OshawaBowmanville Phone 438, Phone 193, Church St. Statesman Block Tune U'p Your Car Now Let your car sing a sweet Spring song. Let it whirr along the road iii smooth harmony-hittipg right, look- ing right, f eeling right acting right. Bring your car here for its Spring over-ha.uling and Spring tuning, ton- ing and tonicing up. It will be done right and at a cost in accordance with characteristie economy. WEST END GARAGE SHAW & YEO Phones: Office 188; House 242w King St. W. Bowmaiiville lt-pays to use MARTI N SENOuR MÂWBI1E-ITE ELOOIP FINISH Kot!i :n%0 like- it f'or hÇ.-dvood Floor-s It wears l/tçe Iron Write to Hiebd Offie., Montreid or Free BookIet HM-E PAINTING MADE EASY' SOLD BY Bowmanville Corbett's B~read Satisf ies MADE FROM SELECTED WESTERN WHEAT It is made from the finest hard wheat grown in Western Canada. It is specially selected wheat manufactuired by one of the largest and most favorably known four milis in the Dominion-Western Caniada Flour Milîs. We have always used this high grade flour because the best is none too good for our cus- tomers. Quality and flavor blended with the best ingredients produce the rich flavor and whole- someness of Corbett's Bread. Your bread requirements can best be filled with Corbett's Bread. EAT MORE 0F CORBETT'S BREAD W. P. Corbé,tt Baker and Confectioner flownianville EU WIVANVILLE, MAI-tUi 26, 19251 HAYDON Mr' and _Mrs. Elmer Bradley en- tertained mnenibers of the choir and soie other friends Friclay eve-n- ing and ail had a real enjoy'abie tme . ... A large numiber of fiendall gatIhered at the homne of Mi'. and Mis. Smithu and engaged in ai real lively dance ..Sunday evening's League was in charge of oui' Liter- ary n Social Vice-President, Miss Metsý Ashton. Mr'. J. A. Werny, 1Enniskillen, gave a splendid report of the Temperance Convention held in Toronto necently. Bible lesson was read by Miss> Verna Trewin. De- votional subject was taken by Mrs. Theron Mountjoy. A Song wasý splendidly nendered by the Male iQuartet. A i'eading was also given by Mi'. F. Glithro... Mi'. Samuel Woodiley is quite ill. ... Grippe 'iig- ers ai'ound, several of oui' citizens; bave it. Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale ENFIELD Visitors: Mi'. Fred Asiliton, Mrs. Oliver McCullocb and Mrs. L. C. Pais- coe visîting in Toronto; Mrs. M.« Den- semi and balby, Toronto, at Mi'. Fred Ashîton's; Mi'. W. Prescott visitînig in Oshawa; Miss Grace Ormnistoni, Brooklin, at Mi'. J. Stark's; Mr'. J. Stinson at Bailyduf; Mi'. and Ms Bradshaw, Etirford, visiting at Mr. S. Biay's; Mr'. Albert Niddery,j Tw,ý,eed, at Mn. J. Hepbui'n's; Mn.* and Mrs. John MeCullougb visiting at Or-1 ono. A very sociable and pleasant even- ing was spent hereý on St. Patrick! night. Miss Jean Mark bad invit- ed tbe parents of the school childr'en and a few others to assemtble at the hall when a good pi'ograrn was pre-, sented consisting of bumorous reci- tations, singing by tihe school, songsý and music whicb was much appre- ciated by Mrs. Jas. Pari', Miss Don- otby Pascoe, Messr's, Fred Bi-av end Mr. Alex. McLeod. .Aftei' the pro-1 grami thene wene a couple of con- tests amnong the several large fai- llies present and the winnei's and1 losers were rewai'ded accordingly. Ai dain'ty lunch waS provided before de- parting after a very intenesting eveniflk. Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale ENNISKILLEN A move is on to renovate the Pres- bytenian Cemetery as a memnorial place in memory of lthe pioneens of Darlington. Anyone intei'ested, or relatives of friends inteni'ed there should comimunicate witb Jamea Stainton, Enniskillen, Ont. Wednesday eveniag's League was, in charge of Social Vice-President, Mi'. Roy McGill. Aftèi' devotion al exercises Mn. Ernest Wei'ny read "Eas1Iy Times in Canada". mrs. Wm. Ashton gave a splendid topic on "Canadian Authons"; Mise Mary Wallace gave a synopsis of "Anne of 1Avonlea" after which all engaged in a contest. Meeting closed by Miz- pah benediction .... Rev. E. A. Belk- nap pneached a splendid sermon Sunday evenlng on "The Problem of Suffering". Suffering bas been on the eantb since creation. Job is one character in the Bible wbo endured great suifering. His friends believed that he dad comîtted a great sin and God was punishiag hbiun. Job knew That he bad not committed sin ag-ainst God. He believed that God would lessen bis suffering in His own time. God did restore Job. 1-1e will lessen oui' suferings also. Suff- erng 'brings ian pearer to God. Music by the choir was well nender- ed. Mfiss May Wei'r7y played very aýcceptably Sunday evening un the ab sence of the oi'ganist... .Mrs. E. J. Bunk, South Darlington, is visit- ing ber sister, Mis. Chas. Stewart. . . Miss Winnie Oke spent the ýveek- end witb ber sisten, Miss Gertie Oke, town... .Mr. L. A. Hall is quite low at timc of -writing... Glad te re- port Master Roy Trew\ýin convalesc- ig alter 44his ilines.. . .Me. Diick Griffin bas bad his tonsils i'eroved in Bowunanville Hospital. Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale HAMPTON Congratulations to Albert Allin on his side winning the Iýnten-ScbIool. Shield for B. H. S. Genenal sympathy is extended to Mr. E. L. Williamson -in bis recent beneavement in the death of bis -wif e wbo bas been ilI for over two years. The funeral from the home was beld Monday afteirnoon to Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Among ffose frnm a distance were: Miss ir ý vrh earlng a brond grnile-- A-dMason's Dollar Day Saie boards; Grrniaphone and 35 Re- cords; 2 Small Tables; 14 Chairs: 1 Buffet; 1 Qrgan; 2 Rugs; Kitchen Utensils; 3 tollio IPips, 9 weeks o13; Canned Fruit and geais; Chinaware and ather articIeg too numerons to mention. /Sale at 1 .30 p. mu. Teri cash. James Bennett, Auctioneer. COURTICE Sunday morning Rev. F. W. E. Story, returned missionary frn South Amnerica, gave a veryinee- ing address on the people of that country, tLheir habits, relig ion, etc. In the evening oui' pastor conti'iue- bis series of sérnions onBotehd bis subject being "Davwn in Afric*,a Ladies' "Bereain" lazss meets this "(Thlursdaty) at 2-80 p. n.A in- teýresting- program viii be given on the poets, and music- provided.. .On Tfiursday evening the gentlemnen willj entertain at League and a good time is expected. Corne and hea.r the men's program ... . I. Jas. Shortt -was in Toronto Sundy... .Glad toD see Mr. Evei'ett Walters homre again and able to be around .... W. M. S. quiltîng last week was quite a sac- ces.s. ... Tuesday night of last week oui' C. G. 1. T. girls held their Irish concert. A good programn was ren- deried. qboruses by the girls -who wore green sashes and caps with littie St. Patrick flags for decoration. The orchestra-Mi'. Lee Powers, Mr' Fred Hoekin and Mi'. Dick Metcalf played severail selections and wvere heartily encored each time. Miss MUabel Dowson of Bownianville, read very acceptably; little Miss Louise Gourtice also gave two selections which were appreciated; Louise will make an elocutionist. Miss Hlazel Rundie read an intei'esting piece on tlhe origin of St. Patrick. Oui' Pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington, ex- celled himiself la singing a couple of Irish songs. Miss Vera Werry plea.s- ed the audience by two Irish 'songs and altogether the entertaianent was a splendid success. We con- Igratulate the girls on their two con- certs Scotch and Irish. Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale MAPL.E GROVE~ Mrs. Samnuel Snowden motored toý Cobourg on Mondlay and visited der parents, Mr. and Mrs. Macklin. Her feather returned home with ber on Tuesday... .Mr. and Ms E F. Hart and son Stanley, saa recently visited Mr. .and Mrs. W._ J. Snowden ... Miss Irma Power, -Iedal, spent the weekend at home...Ms Edna Swallow spent the \we-,.i with friends in town. . Mrs. L. C. Snowden were quje g,- surprised; at their home on Mon, ayv, it be-' ing the tenth anniversary,, of their m-anridage when about 2 ý relatives assqembled for dînnen, bign theii' baskets along with themn. The child- ren enjoyed the afternoon by play- ing out of dotors. 'flhe older f olk enjoyed a -social chit--chat. On in the afternoon Mi'. and Mns. Snow- den were presented witb aà set of dishes. Speeches were mde by Messrs. T. Baker, J. and W.'B a k, Mr'. T. Snowden. -Mir. and rs Snowden thankeçi the friends for tihe Lind woi'ds and gift afte~r whiý h everybody joined in singing "o they are Jolly Good Fellows". AMil returned to their homes feeling thaât tbey had spe n t avr plea.sant after7- noon ... .Adult BiblCIass will ineet on Fi'iday evening for election of oifficena and social timle. EveryT member is invited to comye. Special pnogram. .. .-Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Macklin, M~r. and Mrs. Percy Mack- lin and family, Fenella, visited Mi'. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden and at-I tended the Holstein Sale on Wednes- day... ýMrs. H. S. Freeman, Miss Chir issie Freeman, Miss May Noon, Mr'. Wm. Galbraith, town, visitedi at H. G. Freeman's on Sunday.... Mrs. George Pui'dy, Town, visited ber daughter, Mrs. E. R. Freeman .. Pastor Washington will preach next Sunday on "Parable of the Sovier" from ga new angle. Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale "Peter Pan" will stir golden m-emi- ories and bing baclk youx youth at Royal Theatre. TYRONE Mn. Wesley Little, Oshawa, spent the weekend with is grandmcothen, Mrs. Wmi. Little .... Mn. Wmn. Hooey was in Ottawa last week attending a mtintigi off the Grand Lodge off the O (range pOrder,, ... Miss Kietha Fenguson spent the weeke:nd with hier parents at H-ilton.... iMrs. Wmn. Farrell is visiting linergh ter, Mns. Earl Coulter, Oshawa.. ...,r and Mrs. Ernest Gardiner, Toronto, vis- ited with bis parlents, Mr. anfi Mrs. 1B. F. Gardiner. . .. Mns, Chas. tende the funeral off Mise C. LucAl1e Sleemnan, daughter off Mn. and Mrs.ý Chas. Sleeinan st Cobourg on Monday, Mancbý 16th. Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale AUCTION SALES Monday, March 30th-S. E. De- wefllot 927, coin. ,qa'lington, who S. W. MASON & SON'S Double DJay Dollar Day ~Friday and Saturday, March 27 and 28 BE ON. IERY, HAND EARLY FOR THESE1 DRESSES, ETC. THESE1 IN THE PURCHASE 0F Quantity of Circular Pillow Cotton, fine closely woven weavé, ail widi- ths, Regular 60e and 65e yard, Friday and Saturday 2 yards $1,100 Fresh shipment of Imported Engl ish Chintz and Curtain Materials, Reg- ular Value 45e and 50c yard, Friday and Saturday 3 yards $1.00 1200 yds of Canadian Made Ginîghamis, 32 inches wide, make excellent house dresses, children's rompers, etc., Please Note that it is impossible to replace this item at this low price, Friday and Saturday A. yards $1.00 Horrockses' Nine Quar-ter Extra Fine Bleached Sheeting, Reg. $1.45 yd. Dollar Days $1.00 yard Two only Special pieces of- Table Linen, considered excellent Value at $1.35 yard,, Dollar Days $1.00 yard Natural Color Heavy Weight Pongee, Special Purchase for Dollar Days, $1.00 yard Dress Flannels , guaranteed f ast colors and pre-shrunk, 27 new shades, Dollar Day $1.00 yard Tea Towelling, five different patterns, various widths Dollar Days 5 yards $1.0 Quantity of Unbleached Factory Cot- ton, Regular 25e yard, Dollar Days 5 yards $1.0 BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, HOS- PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY YOUR REQUIREMENTS English Broadcloth, a host of neat pat-. terns and pretty çolors along with the plain colors, 38 iniches wide, guaranteed washable,' Dollar Days $1.00 yard Silk Plated over Lisle Hosiery, Hole- proof Hosiery, reinforced toe and heel, very durable and guaranteed to *ear or they will be replaced, Dollar Days $1.00 pair Pure Silk and Art Silk Women's Hose, sizes 81/2 tolO, in Bobolink and Biege shades only, Dollair Days Special 2 pairs $1.00 2 ends Marquisette, Reg. value 35e yd, Dollar Days 25c yard 400 yards Dress Ginghams,' new pat- terns, Regular 25c, DollarDay 21c yd 7 only, Fancy White Voile Waists, Regular up to $3.75, Dollar Day $.100 each 10 only, Plain and Fancy Broadcloth Waists, Regular Up to $5.00, Dollar Day $3.75 Perrin's Fine Suede Gloves, assorted colors and sizes, Regular 98c, Dollar Day 50c pair Perrin's Pure Siik Gloves, assorted col ors and sizes, Reguar $1.25, Dollar Day 98c pair Fine Cotton Crepe, plain and fancy, suitable for Underwear, etc., the newest colorings, Regular 45e yard, Dollar Day 35c yard DRESS UP FOR EASTER-Whîle in our store Friday and time to inspeet the Ready-to-Wear Department of Ladies' ,Suits and Dresses. Coats are pricedi as low as $11.00. Saturday take Spring Coats, INTER-LEAGUE DEBATE Semi-finaIr-League Debaite of Bowma1nvilleý District Tyrone Ys. HrpcAv iiibe nieldi at Tyronie oni FrîlayAprl 3d.Resoived '?hat mjioral aio without legali prohioi- ý,ary enac-tmient can never secure the dles tructdion o1 the Liquor Traffic". Tyrone will uphold the affirmative, Hamnnpton the negative. SOLINA Eldlad Suncay School is making pre,- pyarations for its usual anniversary. Le(agtue meeting Mondlay evening was in charge of 4th Vice-Pre-sident,-IMr. Er ett Vice. Lesson was readl by Mr.Chs Smnitbi; piano solo, Miss Annie Williiims; vocal duet. Misse-s Frances and Kat, Cryderman. flbate "R'esolved, that what we inhierit determinies more wha.t we beconie than do our surroutndiinlgs," was ably taken by Affirmative-Mi'. ],l- gin Taylor, Ernest Hockaday, and Mýr. Hilton Tink; Ngtve.isAudtrey Shortrlge, Miss Frances Crydernian and Miss Lyda Taylor,. ugsRv W. W. Jones, Mr'. John Baker, Mr. Rtusse! Smith. Time-keepers---Mr. Harvey Har- dy, Mr'. Norman Yellowýlees. Decision given in favor off Negative ...Wood bees mnark these fine Spring dlays ... Sorry to hear that Mrs. J. J. Brown and Lucy have suffered fromn grippe, a so that Master Frank Westlake h'asen under the doctor's care. Glad to heari tluit Mr'. Chas. Parker who undeýrwent an operation in Bowmanville HopI li lmiproving nioely..Solina. football en-, thusiasts met for organization Saturday, evening when these officers were ecleotefl:l Ilon. Preoidents-Reeve Baker and A.1 E.Jennings; Presiden t-Ca rl Wilhur; Vice -Pres.-J. R. Kivell; Mýaniage--.Wll T. Baker; Sec'y. -Treas.-Hairoil Pascoe; Cul)tain- Evere-t t Vice; Çoachi-Sam Dewell.. .. Mr. Norval Wotten has niov- ed to Spruee Grove Fan iireoently pur- chased froni Mr. -N. E. WVright and MCvr. Wright bas moved into the bouse vac- Lited by Mr. Wotten and Mrs. L. Arnot. .Reeve and Mrs. T. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and famuily, Mr.' and1 Mrs. Wifl Baker and famiy, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarthi and famlily visited MNir. and Mrs. Leslie C. Sno wden, Mapie Groveý, on Monday end celebrated with theni their Tenth Wedding Anniversary. ...A good congregation greeted Pas,,torl Jones on Suriday and was rewarded by an excellent sermon on Lessons froin "The Ark"-Joshua 4:18. Recent visitors:-Mrs. Etta McDougall, 13owmatnville, at Mn. Frank Hockadays'; Miss Rowena Avery, Bunketon, atMr Frank Wealtlake'r; Mrs. S. 'hoý n, pson with Hampton frlends; Mn. a ndciMrs. A.% L. Pascoe with Iledron friends; Mr. ad Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, Kedion,, at Mn. R. J. McKtssýock's; Mr. and Mrs. Robertl Scott at Mr. Ira Pac',Bowxavle Mr'. and Mrs. L. C. Paso, Enîfield, ail Misse Mary Hogarth's. Attend Mason's Dollar DaySl Mi*ss Carrne Lathro.p has been vis- iting; relatives at Castieton. Mrs. W. G. Pen-ny and family, Toronto, ihave been visiting her miother, Mrs. Jos. Byers who has been ill. Fl S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville I sGHES Z P-', AID J "DIRECT FROM FARM TO FACTORY» AND RECEIVE MORE -MONEY Wr'iite for our Shipping Tags Appme et. iing F oodto From the choicest of.4empting appetizers to the well known old reliable groceries you will id in our fresh stock everything in the way of good provisions. So reasonably priced, too, FULL LINE 0F 1925 Garden and Field Seeds Blanchard'8 Chick and Caif Foods Goods Delivered W. G. N ELLES CO. Groceries and Provisions Victoria Building Poe6 omnil Phone 62 Bowmanville

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