gneous trial. Temiploton, Toronto GUÂIRANTEÉb RELIEF SOUND BONES Let Nature try her best, she cannot very well build a sturdy body or sound bonies or normal dentition, unless given thre right kcind of encouragement in thre foîm of vitamnin-activated nourisirment. SUol's Eniulsion 'iras encouragedi thousands by nourlshing them into strengthî and vigor. It abounds in vitamins -and is the food-tonic that en- courages normal growth- Scott's Emulsion helps Nature do lier best te irelp you and your child keep strorig anid Jealthful. Scott & Bewne, Toronto, Ont. 24-28 ve OIS POSPODINE.' neGratEtglshPreparatiam. STonesanad inigorates the whole p ervoies systeni. makes new Blood in od Veins. Used for Nrvous lDébiUy, Mental and Brain Worry, tepoe q, s fEegPalpitation of, for .5 , n cf by aildrggitsor maîled in pain 'i-o 7c;to pwr z.-fpifl ,-LC louands of Canadin bave fbua4 flat TR.C.'ý voQucke3t anid aureEt relief from pai, (jairetly ptejoisons tiat cam tepin ly otlnn angeroua or ýabi fo X d ra. You drglt reScD- Mendse= zn oc.fer gearue trial $1.0 QQfheumham u50C.Headaclasu ?euritIs seralgia SIZE Lumabago SIZE Pai. TMRC 4 Ys LW'ON, Mrs. Janet Crosser, 78,5 King St. East, Hamiltojn, Ont., arnounces the eng'agement of her sister, Jean But- ler Murray, daughter of thc late James and Mrs. Murray, Cobourg, 0OtaTio, te Alfred R. Dundas, Co- bourg, the wedding to take place quietly the latter part of March. Do no, sufer another il ltching, 131eeding, oz, Protruding lPiles or H3emorrhoids. No surgical ope),ratîon required. Dr. Chase's Ointinent will relleve you at once andi afford lasting benefit. 60e a box; al dpalers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Uâmted, Toronto. Sample box free. ONTARIO WOMAN HRE G1N S EALTH Washb Tht tcb Away There jeasteiy no sufferer from eçzema wi ev rye used tis aI soot ing wash, and did flot feel in nlediatelv that w7onderfuIi caim, co>ol seIisaton that cones when the tch la ltaken away. it penetrates the pores, gives instant relief fromn the uiost distressing sln. diseas. The first $1.00 botale re l oiev s s r moey back, Tr D. D. D. çoap, $0.. Jury & ovel, ruggists j'W Orth $100OtoNe, R-eli ved Eczçma and Piîles" Mrs. Peter A. Iajmer, Saltbarnx, Sask., writes: "Dr. Chase's Ointmeixt has completely relieved me of eczema and piles. 1 also used thiàs Ointment for my baby, who broke out in eczema. A f ew applications were ail that was necessary in lier case. Dr. Chase's Oiuitment has been worth a lumcred dollars to me,-before using it 'l had spent a great deal more than that in unsuccessful treatment f romn ~ doctors. We have also used Dr. ~4: \ Chase's other medicines, the Nerve Food baving restored My S hcalth after suffening f rom severe nerve trouble whea a girl." 1Dr. Chase's Ointnent 60 ets. a box, all deailers or Edm#nsou. Bates & Ceo, IM., Troto Mr. J. A. Armstrong-, Warkwortb, a fermer mncp.ber of thc County Couticil, bhas r'cpertedt t Cobourg for duty to woikç in cenjunction with Mr. Geo. Gootiuich as License Inspecter for otutean and Duriam. Mr. Armstrong expects te take up residence liera permanently in ticl ~fal.-Cobourg Worid.11 BOWMANVILLE, MARCEII'26, 1925 DURHAM CLUB, TORONTO M4arch Meeting Largely Attended A bum-per lieuse was the exper- icnce at Lytton Avenue, Toronto, tbýe1 homre of Mi. anti Mis. T. E. Wash- ing,,toni, on Thursday evening, Marci 19à1., wi,-en thie Durhamn Clubme for its miontily gatieîing to be tic guets o! this wortliy couple. Spa-1 ,ious as their new home is, it wasi taxedt t its linit by ticelhappy siil- ing- Duihamites ail bent on having ea g oo timre. Dr. James L. Hughes, President, wvas in the chair. Thc piograinla- cluded songs from Miss McGili, Mis. Racinan anti Mi. Sheldnick, accom- panieti by Miss Y'oung anti Dr. Mai- shall. Miss McGili is one ef oui own Durhiam girls whose initial performi- anrce promises well for lier future success in xusie. Mis. Raemn is the wife o! Dr. Raeman wlio was introduceti as tic Superintendent of tic New Boys' Sci--ooi now being erecteti in Bow- mnanville, anti who will in future be residents ole tic tewn anti will prove quite a acquisition te its musical cii-j dles. Mi. Sieltirick is one o! oui Toi- onte choirnrasters, anti on this ils second' visit te 'tie club maintaineti thc hi-l reputation ef ils formner vis- it. Col. Stewart will entertain tU-e club at its April meèeti-ng anti Hon. Justice W. R. Ridîlil who by tic wvay is an Olti PurItai boy,'is te be invitedt t speak at the Mýay gather- inig. After the refresiments -weîre serv- cd, tbaniks weîe voiiietite Mi,. andi Mis. Washington, anti ail wlio aideti in tic prograni on motion o! Mi. J. J. Copelanti anti Alderman W. D. PRobbils anti the hiappy gatliering sýeperatedtin eet again sonie otier rught. CANADA ENTERS WORLD'S FINANCIAL MARKÇETS 1-n tuis wcek's issue our readers will notice a n ativertisement o! Bonds o! tic Governinent o! tic Ar- gentine Republic. This is thc first timie that Bonds o! a Foreign Gev- erninent have been announceti for subscription in this district. Tic event is note-wortuhy becau-se iV marks tic entrance o! Canadian in- vestors into tic woild's financial nmarkets. These Bonds whicli are ativertiseti by tic well known finm o! R. . Daly & Company, Toronto, are part o! tic issue reccntly float- cd in New York. Tic Argentine Republic is tic most prosperous o! tic Seuthi Amer- ican Countîles. Tlie population o! tic Argentine is larger tItan tiat o! Canada, anti tic ancrage waliof its people is very bigi-ahout $1 53 per capita. Tic total -leit is very low oniy $133 as compaieti te Cavatia's $350. Tic credit o! tie Argentine ranks hlgi in tic money markets of tic, wiuld. It is a tribute te Canada's giowiang importance in these markets wien the Bonds o! a great country like tic Argentine are offereti in Canada. OLD PIONEER PASSES Relleved by Zuloo WEDDING Smith-McCabe The home of Mr. whonmas F. M- Cabe, ingham avenue, Toronto, lovely wîvth dlaffo1dils and pink aind white carinations, was theee o!' the wýedûIing ofhis daLug-hte, Btýru- ce LeýnrQx, to Mr. Gantýon i sep Smnith, of Or-illia. Rev'r, Sidei of Caledonia, Otrioi ae d, The bride wore al fro(k cf rust red wiý-th dari- bine and*crrid unseÈ and liliesç of the valley. On departing for a hioneymiQonin i points north, cent to th-is ensemble costume and hat te mnatch 'were donned. Miss Ruth MecCabe, who acted as hier sitrsbridesmyaid, wore powder blue Canton crepe with Amnerican- beauty roses. Mr. Edgar Ruther- T! fod a best man. At the recept- ion after the ccermony the bride's sister. Mis. Rutherford, received the guests. The newly wedded pair wl reside in Midland. Mr. and Mis. McCabe formerly 1ved in jBowm-anvillu and their old friends bere offer congratulations to tihe bridie and groom. PRETTY WESTERN WEDDING On Wednesla-yMardli 4th., St. George's Anglican Chuxreh, Wolseley, Sask., was blie scene o1 a pîetty wedding when Rev. E. A. C. Haqk- mani, united in' marriage Mande An- nie, eldest danglter of Mr. andi Mis. George Pocklington, to George Thomas, eldest son of Mr. and Mis. H1. G. Pascoe, H-ampDton, Ont, 'Proinptly at 3 o'cloci< the bride entered the church on thp arm of ber father, to the strains of lthe Wedding March playeti by Mrs. Can- ers. The bride was attenderi by her only sister, Miss Gertrude Po'cl- lington, while the groom was at- tendeti by Mr. Howard Lander. The bride wore a pretty dress of' ivory satin witlh veil and orange blossomai anti carrieti a bouquet of carnations andi fein. The brides-. maid wore a simple dr-s~ of orchid fugi silk with hat to mat4ch. The bridegroom's gift to th, bride was a rope of pearis; to t-e bridesmaid a gold brooci set witîi pearîs and te the best man a tie pin set vith pearis The bride's g-ift te the g-roomn was an engrave.d signet ring,,. After the ceremony ',ine bridai paity reptairedti t the homne of the b*lde's parents wiere a dIainty bulffet luncheon was serveti to about eighty frienfds o! the contra cting parties. Tlhe out-of-town guests were: Mis. Thempson, Brandon, aunt of the bride; Miss Louisa Collins, Saska- toon; Mr. T. L. Bray, Hutton, Alta.; Mis. Wm. Prior anti Mis. A. Prier. Indian Headi, Sask.; Mr. an.d Mrs. W. H. Warneî, Qu'Appelle. The hiappy couple left on the 6:28 p .m. train ami sboiers of con- fetti and good wisbes, for a short heneYnioon at Regina~ anti other wiestern poinits, Ii~e bride traveliagi1- in a blue clotli ioe4 with grey' and bine velvet bat with\ s*ioes to match. They receiveti many useful and beautiful presents. On their re- turn they will niake their home on their farm north-weet o! Qu'Appele, -Wolseley News, DR. O E býroncl4ial paa. ohsthem, restriction pse v rvbreatbing retuins;. I c r weI!i *10w tuis ïemedv otd ou as. do1 tiousantis (cïf pý t' ~'rthere would he a packae yen home to-night. Titi ORONO (From Tic News Maîch l9t1h) M/r. AdrwSornerville of S. P. S., Toront~, ws 1orné o\0r Sinêday. _Mc. nd Mirs. Celville Evanis, Jan- etville, ,i>itedcl her motier, Mis. W. Wad ,el I. Mr i Roit. Gordon bas, returned frcm N _ew Toronto -where he si)e nt thewitî Miss Kaýte Williamison, Toronto, was guest o!flier sister, Mis. H1. Y.on- ker, recen tly. Mr. Alex. Walsh wasý up from Port Hope to visit his brother James, who is in very poor liealth. Mr. and Mis. Carl Billings a-nt little dauglter Etina, vis-itcd at Mi. vi. Mý. J. Tamiblyn's on Sunday. There is no poisonous ingretiient in Holloway's Corn Remover, and it can be used witbout danger or in- jury. Miss Liflian Livingstone has re- turneti fior Toronto, to lier ýbrotlier's Mi. G. A. Livingstonie, on the farim, Antioch section. Mi. anti Mis. G. H. Linton, Toi- onto, spent a few days tItis week wý,ith their son Mr. G. M. Linton, cf the Foiestry Farm. Worms feeti upon the vitality o! childien anti endanger their lives. A simple antd effective remedy is Mother Graves' Worm Extermninator. Mrs. Gîahamn aii son Frank, wbo have been staying witli ler parents during the illness andi deth of her mother, Mis. Jos. Campbell, leave in a f ew tinys foi their home in Win- nipeg. Mi. anti Mis. W. J. Walter returin- eti this week fiomt- Antho-ny, New Ontario, wheîe they speýnt the wiAnter witli their son-in-law Mac Caeton. Twe grantichldrin, Miss Fose-tta -!nti Walter Carleton came witli them. Mi. J. W. Maxweil, Chicago, Ill., in a letter te a frienti here says hie expects to spenti his amnual holiday here. Oirno is the best place lie knows for a good time andtihe basi tried quite a few of the f ai fameti resoits. Mr. John W. Berry receiveti a chieque to-day foi $105.00 from Or- ono lotige 1. O. O. F. No, 436, sick benefits, whjch is very muci appie- ciated by hinm. This is the Iargest individual amount paiçl out since thre organization of the lotige in 1902. Aftcr a few months sickjress con- flned in Victoria Hospital,. London, oamessage te frientis here announ- ces the death of Mr. Fred Rundie. Funeral froni bis brother's on, Sat- uîday to Exeter Cemetery. Mr. A. J. Staples, who is a nephew, is at- tending the funeral. The social eveniing at the Methoti- hit Cnurch Monday, prograin by the thurd group, under tie leadership of Miss Mabe]. Dsvey, ýwas another splendid succ'es.The~ S. S. roaom was flleld to capacity and the pro- grain original and interesting. Mýi. WVm. Armstrong Sr., occupieti the chair. A gooüd lunch was serveti. Proceeds $42. Cheapest of al Oils.-Clonsider- in- the qualities of Dr. Tihomas' Ec- lectie i'c 1it is the cheapest of al pyeparations offeredt t the public. lEt is te be founti in eveiy drug store in Canada frein coast te coast aind ail country meiclian.ts keep it for sale. Se, being easily precurable and extreinely nioderate ini. puce, ne one shYoul(l be without a bottie of it. Mi. John Matthews an English lad, iwho carne to, liiby section sorne thurty years ago andi werkedl foi Mr. F. M. Brimiaconbe. and later wt Mi, Jamnes Brown, is now one of tie prospereus men of bticwest, a large lanidowner, for some yeais living re- tired -witi bis wife anti family ini Ilollaýnt, Man. John is ene boy wlio dldn't ferget Ins mether, the first five dollars lie matie after- his ai- rival here be sent homne te bis par- ents. Lih-e an car o! grain f'ully ripe Mis. J. D. Carscadden wýas gatherted by thc Great Ileaper, deati, into the gainer on Friday. She had lîveti a long- and useful life andl dieti "full o! yeais" at tie home ef lier daugliter, Mis. Artlirr Gibsie, witi whom shie and ici bereavcqvd life partner ha.,ve bee'n living ý_î tlie past seven years. Besides lier agotd ihusbanti sie leaýes two daugliters anti a son, Mis. Mc- Powvell at Toronto, Mis. A. Gibsoîî, Sunnidale, anti Mr. R. J. Hl. Caîscati- tien of Mitland. Deceaseti was sis- tei-in-la-w ef Miss Jane Caiscatiden of tuis town. To safeguard tic chulti fromn dami- age that wornis cause, use rt.le' Worm Powders, tic mecicine par xtmPains Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Tonsilitis Headache Colds Pain Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumiatismi Acept 2nly "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. S~fea~Hardy "Býayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Alse bottlcs of 24 and lÔ-Druggists. ÂApirIn s th e trademarï-,(reg.steredln annda) off Bayer Mbfamiere or Ylonoacetîc- arideaIte r of Salicylicid (Acetyl Salcyllc AMtd, "A. S. A."), WhileIe t !S wcI known that Aspirin meanýe r maniaeltire, fo. he,e public againE;t-i ltaieçae, tbe Tal4& of Bayer.' O5fn,,j;u Nii1 be tampied wlth their geleral trade marik. the "Bayer <Cros." and tips used in are sealed, in &îr-tiýÉht .luminum foi!. Their fresh flavor is finer than a-ny japan or Gunpowder. Try SALADA. e k '.>. PIANOS FRED MITCHELL Bowmanville Let Us Worry For You We are specialists in' the line of repairing ail niakes of automobile and radio batteries. Bring your battery in now and have it put in firstclass condition before the Spring rush. We have the equipment to give proper and efficient attention. Agents for Prest--Lite and Exide Batteries. Fisher's Battery Service (Formerly F. W. Kirkendall's Shop) Moffatt Garage Bldg. Phone 248 Bowmanville