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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1925, p. 7

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Buy Meat Wisely Limiit your meat purchases to one good stor-e-Dudiey's-is good advice. When we corne to know you and justowhat you prefIer in Meats we can serve you rnost economically. Let us have your next meat order andi you wiil be convinced we can save you rnoney. Free Deivery ini Town WilertJ Dudley BUTCHER BOWMANVILLE Healthy and Nourishing? 'Sure! Eat Jacobs & Hillyer Bread and yoi.iwill be pleased and happ'Y. Delivered Fresh Daity JACOBS & HILLYER The Candy Shop Successors to Cristie's Bakery Bowmanville A tea your grocer recommends is usua1Iy good tea RiDIROSIE >K'BA is lgood tled' And most grocers recommend it. DO YOU REALLY UND1ERSTAN D The dilfferent classes of Automobile Insurance? Theft-YOUI can insure againat robbery. Fire--Is always a danger you can cover against this. Liability-This is in case you injure somie- onie. On crowded thoroughifares, or in collisions, this is a protection. This is particulayly cheap). Prcperty Damage-You may injure another car, and you will find a policy of this kind useful. Collision-Jniijur-y to your own car in a col- lision, which is accidentai or your own fault. cani be covered. Give us a chance to cover you fully or partialîy in reliable cpanies. Do it now.1 J. J. MASON & SO Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville Par Excellent Roasts, wonderful ju.icy Steaks, delicious Chops-of such we always carry an ample, fresh supply-have made this store a shopping place for particular people for over 50 years. You likewise can be satisfied here. C. M. C AW Eà KR & SO Phon e 64 Bowmanvillçc BoWMANvILLE, MAROXI 26, 1925 LURE 0F THE GARDEN Spig is com1ing! -7There arei whhpeingsof it in t; e ar h diays are longer and the sun arie and stronger. Tiny gren sot have sprung up in a protected spot bere and there. TI-e gtily olre seed catlge have been ente,,rtain- ing us for wu1eks, Wonderful pictures of flowers that are Ionging for à place in our gardens are there aý:nd we !'nt them aIl. We cain hr wait to get out and ut it with rake and spade and hoe. It is certain that if One cires uýnough for fiowurs to plant them, even thoughl mis- takesý are made, there will bu a gr-eat deal of pleasure in learning ro experience their needs. Wue choosep our pat as we choose our friendýs, selectingl the reliable2 ones and ru- jEcting He untried, fickle one. What joy is to be found luntthe smallust of g-ardens if the heart of a flower lover is tbes'e. A littie stir- ring of the grouud and wtrigin the evenings during the drýý seasonl wvill amrply repay by awetho bloo-fu- ail sumîmer. We may bu generous witb our flowers. The more they are picked the nmore they iil bloom. Some weeka ago we made rper- ence to the article anind attractive landsca. architecture carried on in Bowmanville - ast yuar by .MIr. Arthujr S. Baker, whsl a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society of Eng-land. As this is the season for planningo to rupleriishing youIý fiowcr gardens and lookiug atout to f ur- ther beautify yonr !homne surround- ings we kd Mr. Baker if bu -would furnish us with a list of pereunials, oruameutal ahrubs, conifers, etc., which he had planted iru ton and found were hast adapted to local soil aind climatic conditions. He kiudly c.onsdnted and we pubiis-h the list hrwth We might mention lihat al var- ieties listed below are obtaînable from local fioriats and nurserie,. -No need of sending your money ount of town for fiowers or shrubs wbeni S. J.ackn & Sons and the Brook- dale Nurseries can fil] your ordcrs mnore prortly and stisfactorilv and lu m-auy cases cheaper than the alluring m-1-ail order houses with their ig-hly painted "distant green fields" .sbown lu thecalous Perenniais Variety Comînon Name Iris Var. Peonies Var. Veronica Speedwell Physostegia False Dragon Head Pyrethruni Colored Daisies Delphiniumns Hybrids Lar*s Spur Polemonium Jacob's Ladder Achillea PtarmiÏca Pearl or Lady White Anchusa Italica Dropmore vaýr. Acoitumn Monk's Hood flemerocaîlis Kwanso Oruange Ag-rostemmlya Coronaria Atrosain-1 guinea Mullein Pink Funkia Cordifolia Lily Funkia ]ay or Rock Lily Gypsophi'la Balby's Breathi GaillardÏa Graudifiora Blanket Flower Chrysathemum Maximum Shasta Disy Digitalis Fox Glove Cumpanula Variety Canterbury Beils Tritomnas Pitzeriaua Red Hot Poker Lychnis Jerusalumn Cross Yucca Pfilomientosu Adam-'s Needle Trollus Globe Flower Montbretia Antrirpinum Hardy Dragon's Head Viola Cornuta Tufted Pausies Polyauthiua Primirose Specia Daff odils .Lents Linuin Flux BudidliauVuriabilis Butterfiy Bush Pei-t--temoni Beard's Tonglie Jaýpanese_ Anemones Wýýind Flower Oruamental Slirubs, Conifers, etc. Sambý,ucua Aurea Golden Eider Symjj-phoricarpos Racemiosus -,WagoliaSnow Berry MagnoliaLily Truc MalusF-loibundca Flowering Crab Prunuýs VGaponicu Flowering 1Almon Sirea Vanhouttel Brida]i WreaIýth Prunifola Bridlal Wreatb Duutzias Anthony Water Astihibe, Billardi, Spireas Hydrangeas Suow Balla Dogwoods Var. Caragana Siberian Pua Syringa Philadeiphus Moý-k Orange' Syringas Lilacs Weige-,las Honeysuckles Forsythia Golden Beils Tamarix Oddessana Sua Plant Retinosporas Japan Cypress' Junipera Aiiborviteas Cediars Vibur-num Plicatuni Japanese Double Snow Bulli Viburnum Opulus High Bush Cranberry Berberis Thunbergii Benheris Purpurea omnBber Purpie Barberry Purpie Ffinge Smeke Tree iThuscotinus Smoke Tre Catalpas Speciosu & Beng-ei Acer. Atropurpurea Japanese Maple Maboula Aqulfolia Oregon Barberr-y Alths RQýse of Sharon Rhododendrons Picea Pungens Glauca Kosteriana Koster's Blue Spruce Aralia Spinos0-a » Her'culea Club Betulu Alba Comimon Bircb Betula Youngi Weeping Birch Aristolochia Sipho Dutchm-au's' Pipe Clematis Aimelopsis veitchi Boston Ivy Standard Perpetual T and Palyantbia Roses and numurous other shrabs too numnerous to mention Many citizeus have coids. The immigrant season ha begun- Six Atlantis? steamers landing over 600O ut Halifax from Europe diuring Sunday. Ail report stormy weather. llow smaall the cost ? The value to you of YOIJR telephone in- creases as rapidl1v as the value of a corner store inithebuosyseefion of a big ct-n o the saine reson- if y'ou make the most mf it. Eack year more tha-n 50,000 new telephonies in Ontario and (,)tuelbec are adIded to the army of thos,ýe you cani do business with. Your teleph one also en- ables you to talk with upwards of 12,5,000 telephones on rural lines in these two provinces. Cod# a amily 1888 tfrn 2% o f THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Toronto, March -91, 192-5 Follown egh and îhectie cacu iscusýsion at the Parliamnent BuildIiiu-cs on T!hur da-,-morning, the 'egonGvrnin took the eeur pjuv C i ' eilatiie in the al, N\icklIe at last broughlt downi his bill to legalize the sale of the 4.4 pir1 Cent Ldriink. Despite Mr. Nickle's previous con- tentions as to its scientific qualities as a ."soft drnk" nd " a ncon-intoxýi- canlt," the Attorney General, hw ever, proceeded to expilain the Gov- enetsintention of prohibitinig1 the sale to youtlhs undur 18 yeais of1 age and of banning- ita, sal-e acroýsi the bar. -Beer bottlesý are tu bu ap- roiaeystoppered a î(, nd marked inside and out so thaýt purchasers will no)t be hood-winked, on tequai- ity and potency of the liquor. The bee(-r, being a "1softdrn, there is to be no limiit te theu numiber of sale permits for anymuiipliy according to Mr. jNickle's p3ublis-heýd explanations, and while the seeker1 a ter 4.4 beer will not bu allowed. toi buy a glass of beer ut a g-rocery store hie can, have a cdozen or so bot- tles delivered from the corner groc- ery, providing the proprietor bas taken the trouble to g-et a selling permit. Applause emaniIiated f'ro.m lu ihe "wet" miembers of the Legisiature at the- Attorney Genural's declara- tion that hie wanted to bring the buer bus;iness up ot of the cellar and put it la the Wvindow. He wanited the man who fuels the need of -1,4 per cent beer to realize that he bad a perfect right to a foamning draught, in clu~b, cafeteria, restaurant, or standa-rd hotel-providiug, in the latter case, be sits clown at a table. Wliie the Budget Speech of, W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C., took second place ln the news reports to the sensi.,atin- al introduction by Hon, W. E. Raui- ey, K. C., of an amneuidment critlical of th -e proceedings of the Pubolic Ape- counits Committe hast y-ear, M\Ir. Sin'lair was generally creditedi with having, made on, of the best finanl- cmla speeches of years in the Legis- lature. Mr. Sinclair dîd not--and lneyer does-resort to roug-h and ready tactics, -which, perhaps unifortuinate- ly, command mrost of the space in press reports, but delivered a reasoned and well prepared. criticîýsm on Ontario's preseut serious flua.n- cial situation. He poînted out very cleariy that taxation was increasîing1 in the province and the Budget showý%ed tihat expenditures hiad buen cut very little if any, shiowýiin, ble said, that the Ferguson Goveruiment was not practising the ecouomny toj Which it was pledg-ed. A rather odci, and perhaps signifi- cnut featu-re of the discussýions wbicb broke at the close of the week on the Raney aneudmeiît was the- announcement from two U. F. 0. m--emnbers-Hon. B. Bowmau, Mani- toulin anid L. W. 01,e Lambt n East -that thcy r~~ ôMeagalis nie Raney resolution, one reason be- sigý thut they thought Mr. Runeyl sbould have given the information bu now claimed to possess to the Public Accounts Çoinmittee a year Nution-wide Faiie.-There is scaqr- cely a corner of this great Dominion where the merits of Dr. Thomais' Ec- luctric 011 have not beun tried and proved. It is Ore of the world's most efficint remiedies for sore throat, lame back and many other ailnients arising from inflammation. Rubbed on the skin its healing power la readily ablsorbed, and it can also hu takun internally. To the Pacific Coast Including Canadiari and Amnerican National P'arks, A complute tflirtycday Ali-Expen1se tour is ,sirg rranged from Toro-ntoý to the North Pacifie, special train' leaving Toronto via Canadiana Na- tional Railwayýs, July 9th uext. Westbound, th-e party il pass tbrougb somre of the most important cities of Western Cauadia-Wýinnii- peg, Saskatoon, Edmrtont'on, stopping over at Jasper National Park, thence to Prince Ruipert and viaCaaia National PacifieCoGast Steamers througlhý' the wonderfui scenie seas of thae North Pacific Coat to Vancou- ver, via Portland, Yellow- stone National Park, Sait Lake City and Estes National Park througL Chcgthence back to Torouto. The tour is heing urranged underi the direction of Mr. A. E. Brysoni, Principal of Silvertihoru School, Tor- onto, and Mvr. Martin Kerr, Prini- cipal of the Eari Kitchener Scho cd, Hamilton, Ont. Full inform--ationi muy bu secured fromn Mr. Bryson, 4-4 Silverthioru Avenue, Toronto, Junct. 2543W, also from Mr. Kerr, 4 Beul- ah Ave., Hamilton, Regeut 842. While primarily dlesigued for the b)enefit of teachers lu tihe Provinice of Ontario, tihu Tour is open to mnembers of the general public and any who cure to join the purty will bu mlost weélcome. 13-2 SPLENDID CONNECTIONS MADE FOR SASKATOON AND EDMON- TON BY THE VANCOUVER EXPRESS A greatly improved transcontinent- al service is providied by the Cana- dian Pacific Ruilway lu the Vancou- ver Express luaviug- Toronto every nlght ut 9.00 p. m. (effective Juuuary 11) for Vancouver. Direct connections are miade ut Ru- gina for Saskatoou, and at, Calgaîry for Edmonton. Leave Toronto 9.00 p. m.; Ar. Winnipeg 10.00O a. mi.; Ar. Regina 11.05 p. m.; Ar. Saskatoon 6.05 a. nm.; Ar. Calgary 4.30 p. mi.; Ar. Ed- miouton 11.10 p. ni.; Ar. Vancouver 7.00 P. M. The equipmen t of the Vancouver* Express is of thýe higfhest standa-rd, includiug iing e:car, Tourist, Stand- ard and Comipartment Obs-ervation Sleepers. Travelling to the West on this train kmakes the tr'ip a pluus.ure. Lut your uearest Ganadian Pucific ,agent supply defiuite information concurniug tickets, recerýations, etc.,ý and Victoria, Canada's national win- ter resort where ýsummier sports may bu unjoyud the yeur round, 3-10 So dissatisfled are sonme of the East Northumberlaud farmers, a citizen states, witb the price of po- tatous, they are feeding quantities of finle tu-bers to their tc.Co bourg Worid. ]FARMERS' ATTENTION! We have just received a supply of GovernrnentI Inspected Red Clover Alsike Aif alf a White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Pine Tree Timothy -which we are offering at reasonable prices. Cali andi see us. ]Building lMaterial Lumber Lath Sh.ingies Cernent Roofing We are in a position to look after youar re- quirements along this line, and furnisb estimates for ail kinds: 'Hardwood Flooring a Specialty MeC1eflI'n & Co., Limited Lng St EastBowmanville Office Phonie 15 Hlouse Phones 228, 274, 218 -i ItHepsBot-h of"-Us To SEuceed." It is our sicere wish to make good in our busine-ss of Store Keepcinig just as you li*ke to make good in the busiess of housekeeping. Our co.sisÉent Iow -price and higli quality hel-p us both succeed when you shop at your nearest DOIINSTORE Try a Heaid of Ice-I Marmalade IFînest burg Lettuce 15c I Oranges , 33e doz.I Fresh Grown 5, 10, 15e TC'N EXTRA FINE KINGS ARIN FL QUALITY SRINSNAPTHA"" FAMIXED OO BOTTL1 IKLS SANDRCic 017O CHOICE MESSINA 9c1 UX 1JOC PKT. DPke:; SOU~PS LARE2 21 AOSTMT.2 iNS 2L BE SURE AND VISIT THE STORE. THE~ ABLOVE GOODS AR~E ONLY A FEW 0F- THE -MNY WÇONDERFUL VAL.UES TO BE OBTAINED IN A DOMINION STORE. i Rennie's Clover and TùnotIW Seedsç are Sown by the Mc&t Critfcal Farmers Everywphete O UR Claver and Tiothy &eds are gmff i Districts.supplying see hat fos best smutd to our Çanadian climate, and the eormoe1 increase in the demand for Renmiie's Seed, se dmew thrce outstanding featuzes- Purily, Qualiiti and High GeiminaU"0 We highlyrecommend our grades of dS following vavielies: Rennie's Branda of Me-dium Red ÇIovet>wh AI[ Northern Orown Rennlie's Brands of Mammoth Red C1oveeva. Ail Northern Grown Rennie'a Brands of Alfalfa Clove-. Ail Ontario Grown Rennies Brands of Alsike Olover- Ail Ontarjo Grown Rennie's Étrands of Sweet Clover- Ail Ontario, Grown Reiufe's Brands of Tiincthy- rAil Northern Growni Ordeýr Rennie's Clooer and Timno1hi S«e from lyouw local Dcoler. or direcifrom WILLIAM RENNIE LIM V ýor. AIDÉLAIDE and JAR VIS Sts. TO1ROMNTO If gais cann0ýo< bilaiocd-ly. Pleas,, wrile us giving your Dealer's ad&êoe.ý Rennie's SceedAnl-zhe n""£t complt.. tanadian Seed Catalogue -free o e<,uet.,

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