HARRY WAGNER' of The Hambourg E(onervatory, Toronto, will take on a limnited niuiner of pupils at Bowmanville. Teacher of H-awaiian Guitar, Com-plete Course in Transposition. Pupils guaranteed to play in 25 lessons, also Ukulele, Banjo-Uke and Tenor Banjo. Stuiici>o over Royal Theatre, Bowmn- ville. Class eveýry Wednes3day. FulI partiulars at Miss Aud(reY Nýokes', Bomanmvilleý, phone 1. GleClub free \-ery eveninig. Special 5free lessons givenl with e""Y giar puirchaised fromi us. Ho0! Fellows WHAT ABOUT THAT SPRINGJ SUIT OR SPRING OVERCOAT? We are now lun readinesto look after your spring clothing needs. 'Tire new materials -ndý fashion plates are bere fo-- yojrý selection and Nwe ask an early, visit from-- you. We can abso- luteîy sare you mnoney andI dress- you better. Let us show you how. J. T. Mollon TAILOR . One Doorast King St. E. of Frmer Sirop Bownianville Gladioli Bulbs If you are contemplating plànting any this season, 'buy nwwhile stocks are complete. We have at present a splen- di*d Ene of both the large fiower- ihg and primulinus types and can offer them at from 25e per -dozen, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 ptýr dozen, according to the size and the varieties mixed. You can keep these until Planting time. "ORDER NOW" S. J. Jackman & Son& i1oists Phone 80 Bowmanville STimely Sluggestions For Your Feet Men's double sole Ox fords, Black or Brown', $6.75 to $8.0 Men's Dress Oxfords, iin Patent Leather and Black Calf .... .$5.00 to $7.50 pair W. Claude Ives P~ROVIDENCE FALRMERS' CLUB (Continued froixi first page) Up and down,,i the Province, h li a foand as a rule thiat young men p aid little attention to singing. MaLiil lady singers but f ew men. 11e li enjoyed the singing this evening. Mr. Drury then spoke in a býoad way-, of the place of agriculture and faimi people in the nation. Twenty years ago the farmers' position was one of apology for their very exist- enice. The farm miovemnents ha< chianged,' this in a wonderful way. The farm-ers had developed a ierw intel- lectual and mioral stature. Thce m,,ovemienýt had brouglit to the farmners a return of self-respect. They iad realized and proved their catpaiýty. Setting, riglit cown to ha'sil prin.ciples N1r. Drury quoted a Chinese pilos. bp-er whio said witli truthi that civ. ilization is a tree, w,\ith igriculcure as ihie roo, cec, tnie tr'urîk and art aýnd maniffacturers, the branches and leaves. Unless -hc tree is well rooted, it withers and dies as past civilizations have donc for lack of proper attenitioni to ag- riculture, and for want of thle re- cognition of the rural point of view in State governmient. The world ias intrusted itýs most materiail pos- semÀinstu the farmer, therefore in ord-,er to insure permanence to thre àState, it is necessarýy that the farmner on. whom-- so miucl depends should continue genieration after generation to live up to a high mioral anmi - tellectual standard, and to this endý he ipust no, be driven toohrdt earn a living-. He miusthaete for study and recreation; he ïhold have al the hielpful privileges of b11is ur'ban friends. The life-4lodCfI nation depends onthefar pou) lation.. If it is alowved to d1eterior-ý ate in any way, the 'whole fabric of scciety suffers. Mr. Drury elgd u'pon thiis thouglit ini a inrost interestîng- and convinicing miianner and saidi lie firm- iy belfeved that for thre permanent! maintenance of the State, ai-rguin-g fromn past history, the rural point 1o vie'W ils essential to ,goverrnment, for goverument is a vital thing in the prosperity of a country. Referring to the Ontario Farmners' present organization and frankly coimmentîng on its mnistalkes and ad- versities and defeats lie said thel morale of the farmners -%as of a muci iigiher standard irai ever efre The oltI Grange and its scesrtr P"atronis of Industry had mielted awa ýy like dew before the mnorning suni at tire first approach of adversity. ýNow, tire farmers took their losses in good spirit and learne~d lessons fromn their failures. They took thieir dL1fe'ats in gcood grace and -were neLitýirer con- quered nor discourag-ed by such uin- cident.s. ln losing this masterfuladrs whicir frequently wvon mucir appiause Mr. Drury urg-ed the necessîty of tiorough, organization and co-opýeiva- tion on the part of the farmners if tirey ,vould advance their o'wi and eonsequently tireir coutry's interest and atvsed tirem to dIo tireir o'wn thinking at aIl times. Sp'eaking for a f ew minutes by special request., on tire present situ- ation in regard to temi-perance ii this Province, he said that the proposed 4.4 beer policy of the Governmnent was the g-reatest challenge to tire rural people of Ontarlo that hias ever been given. It is a flagran-t viola- tion of thie premier's pledges; it waýs a repudiation of ail democratic priai- ciples, and it aimied to commercialize the vice of drunkenness for thre drinkîng of tis beer would unquest- ionably lead to a desire for stronger drink. After Mr. Drury's fine address, Miss Buchanan agaiïn favored with a charming littIe ballad, "A Dainity Little M adamnoiselle", followed by anl encore which especially caught thel fancy of the youniger portion of thel audience "When Big Brown Bearsz Say, Woof." The quartet again ap- peared with two good selections,1 "Down ini my Qld Southern Home", and "Dear Little Sonny O'Minie," and, last of ail, tire nineteen chorist- ers again took, the stage and rentIer- ed two splendid numbêrs, concludîng wiih the National Anthenr. Miss Leta Bragg received niany com-plim-fents als pi:aiact of tireee- ing, playing ail the piango accom-pani- mients. Providetrice Farmecrs' Club, it .should be noted, includes in ts miem- bership the faiers of Sliaw's spct-1 ion, comiprising aJI that part of Clarke and Darlington onip along the Lake Front between New- castle and Bowmanville. The Club M. W. Tamblyn Scugog St. BownanvilloI Phone 381W Near C. P. R. Sta.j T he e c~I~Iî~ e r THURSDAY, MARCH .26th., 1925 NEWCASTLE y' Dr. Ca"rvoth was du-wu from theý city 5thiswek F. W. Cowan hati business lunToi- (I unto oveî the weekei. miss Eu ieaid jý,,lis sediga fort. nighit with, friendls lu Toironato. MIs. GretPort Hope , is vstu hrs1ster, Mis., W.H. JB. Whlite. Mr. iturC.Bragg, Poiecvs I tei3 al Mi.E.1. Hasoveri the w1ee- Mi.W. . emanl is load-ingacýa r load ut Nuiteru rSpies at the C.. R Station. M1i. antiMms. Wm. G. 1RundieBe- h hsdsý, are isiting bersist,%Mýi-s. Geor ge H1. JolI. Th~sCoucb bais su Fairecovei f'1ima/his recent 1i111ess as to bho able to Jsck Mc11) ousllAcutatl h Standard anýIk bo, lbas been trauister,- ruý eti to Bowmalui ville . Mi. GogeL ls i as pihst thebotherbusiness ofut thelate ,m Whito andis nuw flucharge. Reeveouir set nowý for the L". A pl1ay "Dust ut the Esth", fla omn i iy all, NwaslMarcb lth ir M.udMis. W .S. RoatMis'. Jae G ickatrd, BljwmiauviLlle ,s H.Peatre, Newcastle.muortito Tr 1onto on Tedy J.E W hilp', oui popular q N. R,. Agntias Purm ae ILte .C.Bon piopetly recently tesnte bythe latIe _Mis. Rw ansd luteatis fittiag f It o als laimodem -idweling. WbieuhaIIuer anti Mis.Motrny caehm ro il Toronto 0ou Monday,ý Oveln teyfouud lth ouse'o!l 1ut compauy out admiring frieniis %wbo hati gaheei l thir absen1ce to give tbem sa surprise sud to remiind theot lu a vry h1appy wsýy ut the kibd(ly feig they bti for Itheonianti ut the regre they toýit t 2at1M. zad Mis. Mugmr ant Ii dugtewresu soon to bave th e village. Frýlienils l omavleantidarýIng ton inc11lding bis native villaige out Haulp- ton l lsae ihN,,csslti reýsitients lu the surrow they experience it tJiu detb tlio Mi. W. M. B. Wbbite, New- castl's Ktgstreet Butcher, antI i lso lai the symipathty tbey exý,tonti to1 b)is sor lgWiltiow andti tobi sosa u dail-btoî s. 2Mi. White passeti awaî ouý Tuesday moîninig foo iaprtced perIioti uf pour health. N cstefriendls were, shooketI tu bear outlthe sutdea Ildeatb in Torouto ut M.James Caîscat(ilnwho wa spendiilnig ate a y1,\'ýýs wlth frieni1s i l te CitY. Mi'. C1Casatide'n bas becU mak his ihome wýitb blis coutsin iV.A Gismn, ,North ïEaýst ut New\castLe, ai' \vaS a popullai figurein lu theapplobati lors' tîateînity-. fHowas ia skilli ' Couper su apl pak sd aJ11 iils matiJe antipake hoaisautis utapple bariels for apl)e grower'lS ut this vicillity lu ruec9at years. Veiry general regret tbîougbiout al parts ut the commoniituiy is to-it atidtreelyý xpssdover theprsetv deî- oie ut banker .J. ScotMontigomi.M Moagomryanti daughiteiBty r th, village. Sine ,coiug tu ecat le- tbey have entîenchud temelesl the heait's oest-enm utan unusually largo circle ut trbentis. >Not onlly ila abus- meItss waiy buit luimny thr apcie wlll Mi. Moaitgomeury homst, as su .oxemnplary citizen, as a lichuîchmaui, as at frienti ut the scbool sud as a imason. As Secieaiy-Teasarroutthe Mugn Conmmittee urt New;Castle'sÇomnt Hlall, givlng is ,timeàand services gratis, ho bias given thtlis commliuuity luuosua1:lly s i gnal-t1se rvice. P, w famille S bu su shr a ftme bave cuarneti anti won sncb gnrl regard inluiavillage heotboy Came as comparative strauigeirs, as \Ji. sud Mms. 2MontgomerIy :ant i ugt. Mi. Ioutgomery basbeengivNultheý maagmet of the bank ai Lakeliel1 weetlie Standard IBank lbastae ovei the Stilintg Blauh, aud lwill en ter on bis uecw duliies ou April !)th, Mr. Suttun ut Lakefieýl i s being tiaustirt to tfie Standard Bank Jiere. Attend Mýasou's Dollar Day Sale LAKE SHORE, CLARKCE .large nomber ut relatives anti friontis gaitileî'clai the home 0 f Ms Gaitibso Wr 2ý on Friday eveuniug, Mair ch 2OtIr., to bld fsrowell to Mis. Wiagîg, -Miss Anaie Wragg ainti ir. Austin Turner ou thoir departureý to thei new home uoîth of Newcastle. 'heC tollowing addross ws1s reati by _Mi.'W. Coulson: To Mrs. Wragg, Miss Annie Wragg and Mr. Austin Turner- Dear Friernds,-We youu triendesjud nighIbors ire gatherýieti boere on tIrpe oe,, of your departuro trort amoug lis to 5ttemipt tu covey to you tIre etc l which you are held inluoui omuiy It is unr dosiro toesalhluoi mintis tIre lasting lmpresssioin, tIra flu yeais 'to corne you will bce as welcorne in oui bornes andticoinmunity as we know%, yotm wishi us to foot hiere to-n iight. 11u tIre twenty odld years you, iN1s, aid Mliss Wragg hv speut arimo11g us' tie1 une groait outstanding tacet is tlire kinti anti npigbboily spirit yoa hamve so Io IIIl wiýth whom you have cone lacon tact. Thie keen interest you have tIaken in oui Suunday School sud the loyal sup- port anti bave giron wil h b', beet for msuny yoars to cone. Ours bs a fortunate neîghborhood ho-ýo, causeutfthe short cistanice which w 1oarte, us wben you ia-ienuyorne',w home, mv, sdw elt1iat the om i uig, hr'loss is the new nihos an No fluor testimionial of thegrtos utyour character coulti1ho fouaI than thait we lbave at 1baud thelotrlydai given your ne tin the yeaLrs ho baýs shaireti your homo. Though we feel keenly the loss of Mi% Turner, -wvé biemJhlmn tortunatebubar ingyou with im iiiinlusbisew lhomei. May your future ho happy ant inmsy our efIforts suld hbs hUcowe with sucCýc.,s. As s lasting mark uf oui affection anti -regard pleaso accepi theso glfts. To Mils. 'Wragg tinis fgrneiry anti to Nii.ss Wragg th(s soýwlug ,comipaubon mot to Mi. Turner Ibis wvriting dosk. Mx-yu PRING FLOWER SHO The ufficers anmd directors of the Hlor- ticultural Suciety of 'ecsl the Neat' hae v Iy'esoua tucongratlad-tetm eleonthe suiicess of t:heir receut an- nuatpingflower shiow, tes sud pIro- ago, first invoýked the favur of irlandis r,-nouelne Sint hy hu1nno,ýrn bis in,i,m,tr3 on the lIti of Ms.rcb, midsts ayeu oif fowî,beautiftul, graceýful sdafmi ra1nt, St. Pqtriek bajs hestowed( upon tht, Soci"ty bis iost kily lesigs Althoic r ,ithere have beeýn sesoi leajIQ- did foe shows tla the patst, thlis îâýst wais a1 nlprovemn un sî1 l pîe',vius shows. The f1uwers and pliants la al cla,'s 1-S we(re o« a more, uuifurmly highi luaity Exibiturs lbave aredby a rcesof edulcationl through thle society, byletre y s adnsd hy Ipractical ex- preewh1at to bringt,,the showasud wha toleve t hume atfter 1having dutne theýir best to produce the best. One, wýold arlyheieethere was su much cýharm ing planit',f-eshlut up) la the hum1es oýf Necsi otil It was bogtout aind aissembleIýd here lu the Conumunty ILLtproidepleatsure for the t\hiéle comnmuity, fragrance fur, thenstls af est for,Élte oyes, contentitenit for theý heatrt 'and mind. intni erecîcation rouma where the fioWeýrs were ,ou exh"Iibition lsud clwhe-re their perfume peraemld îtheair a dlc lbus slld appetiziug tes utf mreit pie, jel- ib ls, cake suýid uther dainties was stsevedt y ý'the lý1dies front 5.30 [tu 5 p. m., after whlcb Mir. Fred Fligg, President of the Socýiety, took the--chair audnresdeI dluring anL tretigprogrmi. Ms Matchett ;it the' piano led ningn 0 Canad1a, sund followingl the peiet addîelnss, the lIady dretosMesdame0i, Eleyd BultIer, Geo. ElecChrisLav J. MA.Cubdck T. W. Jacksufn.J R Fisher suatd Miss O.Wre, agaver'y uique t.song ut their owu opsiin ~'MakeNewcatl heNat"to ithtu of A.uld Lang Syne. This rcivdstchi 1hearty appîsuse that the latdies wvill sur- Iy favor wian encore a t the ext do(we r shlow. M.Geo.Badi of Torouto the jugthea gae sïvry pactic71arl - dresý, jiiustraited wtith laiinu (Ineso garde ning, giv-iag ,mauy hiptu4IIliots, and suggestions ln regard to both fiower sudvegtabe rowing. He compli- miented the Society on the miost excel- lent sbuIatjg ut fliwers andWplnts, us- pecially the hysciuthis sud daffudîls.Ile txrese his disapproval ofIre prac- tieh sseen hee'o exiNtor's cult- pe' or ah thepiss ainyune class. A,,Ilithouh exhiibitors mi lt prop- erly bue peýrmiitteti to maizke mure than the one entry lu any one, clttss.il, thongit thley shou-ld bet debarred froax gettinig more than une prize. Mr. Baldwin imentioned somne ut the miost ani~besd bet alil round var- leties o! plants sncb as Theýrese eoy Los Angees Rose,, Ameiricatn Scarlet, theo veýry hest climbeî; Chalks Early Jewe Tomato. Thespaktslowdseveral pjictureýs of lis own excellent garden la Toronto twhilch le merely zahome 'not a commercial gaîden bt igt which smonz oîlaeî thinys heý grows yearly 9,ýt000 gladioli. E is a rglrexibit- oir and calptureus maity prises at: C. N.ý E. For If0 or 12 yeairs he, bas hsd chaLrge - ut the vcp.lot gardens lu Torourto sud bas la s rmay as 2,060i to super- vise lu une yoar. Mr. Bsldwtu is by lnu meas sraingeî lune_,twcastle fotr lbe blas been comiing here off suid on for 4 yesrs, lb-st as s judge utifioweîs sud, vege-tables st the Newcastle sud Cak AglclurlFair. He, recomiinended a very cep simlple, but certain rmd for. pýlntýs ,affctedi witb green aphis; simply ,spray them wtith s solution (ut water sud( conbnon borax. Try it for yourselves. A\t tIre- conclusion of bis addiressa, Mr. Thos. Mu1(ffat moved sud Mr. J. . W. 1 Philp secoudleti the spea,,keýrsa voteu thauiks whlc ws heaîtily spproved. Mrs. ..MAoise, delegatoý to the On- tario Hortidultural Convention gave a very ful sud concise reportouti te con)Ivenltion Irc was greatiy apeit ed. Shev referreti to the appointmienx. of Dr. J. M. Baldwin of Bowniville as Hortiopîtural Director ut District -No. -1, *TIre chairman thon calili nua i Dr. Bad ln whuwss presoat, d who told thre audience b ow much ho hsd en111JoyodI tIre fiowr show, every festure utofit. Ho congratuýatod tlxe exhibitors ou the2 mnagnificence of some ut the specimouns ho hi seen. As drector o!f this dis- trict ho wvoulCt do al lo coulti to ad- rnethe iuterosts of horticulture. Ho wýas not su, expert but ho was a loveýr ut fiowors. If ho failed tomasr up to Pexpotations .it would not ho tuor Ia!ckt of inteost brit for want ot sufli- iont experienee. Dr. Baldwvi's visit to Nowcaistle basL somnethiug la it of historical interest, for hoý is" sdirect descendannt ot Hon. Robit. Bsldw,,in uone, ut the very first goverumrent grantees of land inlu wbt is now threNwat incorporation, a portion (uft hich landi is auw owned by Mr% W. H. Peýarce. ýNowtcastle tfolk on trip, o C wn u ville havel particuisîly nototi the- msny improvemients Dr. rBaldwý,in baï; matie sud is makiiçng n luite gardouns sud ont- orgiounuts ot bis property, King St. Esat, sine, ucaigi from tbe us combe Estate. Chaiirin Fligg before coietbe, meigaunounildd he special prise wiuuers ait theshow as flos-.D. Maissey G(rand Calne vrCuip for most fhr-stpx'zes-Mrs. Matt. Brown; Best Daffodil snd GersnLiim-Mrs. Mat- chiett; Beýsi H1yacintb--Mrs. Fred Fligg; Boest Collection Tulip)s ()-Tom ion EetCollection utof Fouse PIlants (6)- Mrs. Geo. Ellbock; Best Cllcion y- sciths (-Mr.M.Brw; etPln -is Wilmott; Bird os-Ahr Poarce. NEWCASTLE CHURCHES GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. John. Lord, Bowmanville. AtàthIL eo'cloc-k in]theaten o f Msch17h., a goodly companly of hiaif a huilnd epegathered at)the Juse fami1yliy homeon the IBaýse Lin, N-- c asti,.to clbaewithlJ r. and -Mrs, JohnLod,O!lShaws, Ithe fdtieth anni1Ver- ary ûof their wddngday. We vr one-bd] rceie,]a a l Ir1lish ecut Las b-came ,St.Parcs day, front Mr. snd Mr,. S. Jos,mr. anMý mrs. j. H. Jose sud (Ifrom litteDoadJo, great-gý,ra1ndsù1ofnfi[-theappy and rosy Couple of flfty golden lyears sýnd when Cveryone ýhad haud opportuaity to r- ew t(aqaitncsipMr. Wil- lard Lord waýs elcte chirmnan of the1- progrlam th at wa1s to follow and very capa lie fullflled his duties. Mr. and AMrs. Lord being comnfortably seted in twýo 1big chirs the cha:irman thni i Lcalled u1pon _Mr. J. Hi. Jose (Haurry), V-ho0 read 1the ullowng dress: To Mr. andi Mrs. Johni Lord- Your rlationis and friend(s hveie here this afteriiooni to juin with you ,in' comeortinof thiis the Fiftýith A- ofesayu your edi n day. We rejoice with yuu l inthe imeasre of good Iheaýlth wichyen both e in l the lenthened î"Ispn Oflit ewhih ou haeattainedI. Vouhave lived ito see your grsndchýIildren growý to nmnhood and( wýomnboihod, who are tak-linog their place lin th',ecoimmms1ity in whIich they lý ix e. ani hour totei parents snd eniterrng loto atl the Lactivities of ,commuiinity life. While you maýy have not taken an act- ive ners in public lit e weralize youmr inIees bs 1been showýn in ail tings perttiillng to the affatirs of the- loallty in whih'out have hived. Ila the wel- fare of yuur church i ad state by usiug your vote and infiluene,ini the best in- terest of ail. Asa Ieighblor you haive mneritedf the csteem of thiose who have known you býst Your exaimples lu in- dustry sud frugaIity aLre 'aLn incenitive tu thouse"you have been ssociated with, You hav\e be veLýrready to enid Ithe liag iiL&and weevrthe oppurtuaity off ers its(iff. As a re!lative we willnerfrgtyr kind hiospitsl1ity nior yuur geniail cumipan- ionshiip, jlwayseayto giv-elucheer sud 1goud feltuwshlip to those deýareet [to yuu WVe lsk vounuilw to sc'cept this purse of gold as stuken u1 f love sundetem of yuur relatives, trnsting you miay long live tu en1juyl the cumpIIanionlship of eacb1 other adth o f your famnily Signed on behaîýf uf the tmil. om- mitte:-Ms. illsrd Csdwel, Ms. John P -~teMrs. J. H. Jus, Mr. J. L, Cryd&rml,1n. Miss Bestrice Crydermanpresentd the Ibride wilzha ovlybouquet t iretI carnations ind at the proper timie Miss Gladys Palmer peete the bride aind groom l with La substantial purse of guid. àsso a gift of gold frum Mr. Geo. Paeou C'hicagu, who was nable tu o jres-nt. Short speeches of congraltulations were made by Mr. 'etmLordI, Mr. S. Jus,. lHev. E. B. Cooke and [othiers, tteýric al joined hands in singing Auild Lang Synle. Perbiaps the f1lnest speech uof il mistbao th e worthyli groom wbo oit behýlaîf of hlmnselfC and biis worthier Ibride epeedtheir suirlriseý, their pleasure andi their dleep gratitude for- the kind tlhings saidi and the gifts bestowed. They hadl much to ho thankful for fr9nr a kýind heaven and a friendly ,arth The joy - nus ceýremony over, ail sat domwn to a bountliful rpshroie y lhelais of the party, and those who coldclre- membeil),r thait long backel sald it ýw:is thu best meaýl te had partaken uft i ut years. 'lie remainder of the ev.5nmnig waîýS spent in social inerors nd Mr..iand NMrs. Lord, Ilte principals la this celebration, wvere imarrted in Wl corne Mehds Church by Rev. Mr, ltl. They thon camie to NTewvcastte and farmeud thie land owned by the iste Elijah sbrde part of which is rîow iuicludedl in the farmi on which they haive iiow celebrated thieir golden wedding day. Mr. sud Mils. Lord hsd only oite datughiter, thie late Mrs. Franit Cryder- mnan. Their tive graaudchildfren were ail preseut St this golden wedding. rnh',y areý Mrs. J. H. Jose, Laurence, Howardl, Hariy and Beatrice. Amiong the relatives fromt many out- side points, who assistegl in the celebra- tion were:-M-Nr. and Mrs. Thos. Lo rd, Garden Ii, wbo oeebratod their golden wedding two ,years ago; Mi. and Mrs. Willard Lord pnd son, Campbellford; Mr, and lMrs. Geo. Bebee. Bailtehoro; Waglter Lord, Miss MaýLud Lord, aie .boro; -Mr. aud Mrs. Will Lord, Couqourg; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Caldweil, Mrs. John Palmer and Miss Gladys palmter. Bowmauvllle; Mis. George Patge and dautghter Mrs. Kerr andu giand-daughter, shw;Mir. sud Mrs. Jas. Curtis, Hlampton; Mr. and -Mis. WalterîHoaey. Mrs. anti Miss McCutcheon, Towuntu, Ivr. anti Mrs. Lyall Corden, Mrs. G. M1c- Mulleni, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. S. Somnerviflo, Oronio; Mr. and Mis. W. Cryderrtnan, Solina. A terrlibly destructive tornado passed tirrougir Illinois, Indiana andI adjoining districts on Marci 18, Causing some 8001fatalities and 13000 easualties liesides miýllions of dollars of loss on property destroyed, irua- dreds of familles beiag bomele.ss. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCO-MB, M. D., C. M. Giraduate of Trinity University, aIma of Royal College Physicians, Eda, burg. Speciaty-Diseases of wt on andi chiîdrea. office--Parker Block. Neýwcnstl.e. J. A. BUITLEIR, MA. D., C. M. fiicior graduate of Trjnîty Uîest Fellow of Trinity Medical !C ollegr Licentiate of tire State University or New York, Matriculate of the Pos-, G;raduate Medical Scirool and Ho, N>ý ewcastle Ont. Your Spring Suit Is Here If you want the best choice of Men's and Young Men's Suits in town corne to this store. You will find ail the new up-to-datee patterns and styles. My prices are always the lowest so corne and get your Spring Suit now. Over 200 Suits to choose frorn $15.00 to $35.00 Over 75 Boys'«uitLs, 2 pair bloomers to choose 6 to 17 years Spring Shirts, Arrow and Forsyth Brands, al guaranteed New Stripe Neckwear ... ............ 75c to $1.25 New Stripe Knitted Neckwear ........ 50c tQ 75c 250 pairs Men's odd Tweed Trousers $3.00 to $5 200 Spring Feit Hats, every shade is shown here, In fact ail uines of Spring Goods are ready for inspection. Made-to-measure Clothing from $25.00 and upwards. S. G. CHARTRAN CLOTHIER AND HABERDASHER 1 door west of Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 Bownnaavill, Keep Your Eyes On Our Windows For Specioals This Week. It will be a grand chance to save on your meat ';ih. G. A. Edmondstonie Phon~e 21 Bowmnanville Bargains Ini Dishes These spec-ial'prices are for one week only and the quantity is also limited. Better shop early. WilIow Pattern Porcelain China Dinner Sets Popular Old Light IBlue Willow Pattern Porce- lain China Dinner Set, 97 pieces, gold lined, reg- ular $35.00, Sale Price $25.OO. One only, Dark Blue Willow Pattern, porcelain. China dinner set, 97 pieces, reg. $28, Sale Price $23.00. 40 piece Tea Set, White and Gold, good value at $7.00, Sale Prîce $5.75. CUPS AND SAUCERS REDUCED IN PRICE 14 dozen White Porcelain China Cups and Saucers, very serviceable regular $2.50 dlozen, Sale Price $1,75 dozen. Fine China Breakfast Cups and Saucers 15c ea. 18 doz. Tumblers, extra special value $1.25 doz ARDC HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville GRO.CERY SPECIALS Be sure to get m~y Special Prices for Groceries before buying. We Save 'You Money. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newca8tle j' I *1'