BOWVMANVILLE, APRIL 9tb, 1925ý ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Elli- and Mýisa 'Grae M r, 1,eGo. Ortsans.... .A. lHep-: hurn, Ked,i il ecentlyviVsItedi r. ndMisWilonCochrane, M raw.atM.(e.tîsn. Mr. Oea. rgsobas mave rnjt a ftrinnetair 0Oshýawa.. . rTheLae Aid held theirreuambiia. Ule homof Mrý "1. Fred smnith Wednc day afrteroioon .... The farm blong ing te Mr. C.Nier ws od for $4500 to Mr. J. Rae .. . .Mr.Gea, Cochirane lost a valuable maýre last week ... . and M-ýlrs. Oliver MCI loch recently visited in Toronto. *.Mr. James Stark has been under! the daoctor's care. ENNISKILLEN League Wedniesdlay eveningwa in charge of Miss May Wevry, lst Vice Piesident. Bible reading, -Miss Reta Asýihton; the Chapter was given by Miss Lillian Wallace; Misses May ~<Limb and -Madeline Brunt favored with a vocal solo; Miss L. Andrew gave a reading after whicb ail re- sponded ta the rol .l.... 1 last week's carrespondence the naine of Mr. Frank Dorland, new elected President of the Y. P. League -\as uontted .... W. M. S. will hold an At Home in the basement of the ehurch on Easter Monday afternoon. Miss L. Rorke will give an address in the evening-. Everyone invited .... .Sunday evening Rev. E. A. Belk- narp gave a splendid ,semon, on Cardinal Newm-an's flymrn -rLead Kindly Light". God is our guiid- ing light. He does not alw his children to stuni$e Home in~ dark- ness. He llghts j1hv ïr hs. God does not answer our rayers at, once but in~ His own turne. We miut al- ways be patient and grateful ta Hinm . W. M. S. met on Wedniesday and elected these oficers: Presiden- Mrs. H. J. Werry; Vicedo-Ms C. Stewvart; Supt. Systemaec ivir-- .Ms. E. A. -Belknap; Strangers Sec. -Mrs. J. A. Wery; Cor. Sec.-Mrs' W; J. Stainton; Hec. Sec.-Mrs. E. Staples ;Treasuer-Mrs. S. Trewvin *..On Easter Sunday Rev. W. A. Bu*n*ner, Bowmanville, will condact the servie here .... GIad ta report that Mr. Jas. Bradley's hand is im- proving alter the nasty cut he re- ceived while cutting siraw. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrrs. David Çherrie, Mr. Gardon and Mis- ses Mary, and Viola, Scugog-, spent Sunday at M.Gordon Jeffery's; Mr. Harold Ormniston, Mvs. Geo. Oriiîls- ton, Enfield, Mrs. Ellis Pascoe ï[nd daughter Grace, Brooklin, called on Mv. and M',rs. Wmn. Griffat on Sun- day; Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradley [nd son Lloyd at Mr. Jas. Bracley's; Mr. Ed'wavd Hewitt and Miss Alice -Mark, EScugog, et Mr. Orr Jeffery's; Mr. S. Rodmian, Scugog, at Mr. E. C. Ash- 4on s; M'. and Mrs. Sheldon Petbhick, ana f.-nily visited friends in New- tonville; Mviss IMiaud Asht'on hias re- turned frroin Toronto; Mv. and Nr1 s. ~D. Burginaster are visiting in Buff- alo; Misses Laura Andrew and Gla--d- ys Smith are at thei- homes in Pickering and London; Miss Phemi-ia Hall is visiting at Mr. John Metcal11f's, B'owmanville; Miss Win- ni Oke spent a few days at e broother's, Mr. A. Oke, Burketon. SOL! NA Glad ta welcome Mis,. John Reýy- nolds and Jin home aga n alter n pleasant visit with h,, children at Oherrywood and Toronto. Intevaient of late Thomnas Shor-t- ridge of Columbhus took place at. El- dad on Sturday atteirnoon when inany old friends gâthered ta pay their last tribute of respect toaa man w~ell kno-wn here. (An abituary a1pears on another page.) Recent visitors: Editor and Ms M. A. James, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James, Bo'wmanville, Mr. and MTs. W. Chas. 'Werry and M. Thomas Penfound, Oehawa, at Mr. S. Edgar Werry"s, Roselandvale; Reeve Tho,..ii- as Baker at Ccbaurg; Mr. W. N. Van Nest and Arnott at Mv. Elmier Gibson's, Ohawia; 'Mrs. Frank West- lake with Toronito friends; Mr. Jas. Reynolds at home fùr the weekend; Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright and. faiily at his brother Williari's, Bebhesdai; Mr. andi Mrs. Narval Wot- ten, son Francis, and Mr.,-. Levi Ar- not aI Oshawa; Glad ta welcome Miss Edna Reynolds haine after a month in General Hospital, Taranta; Mr. R. J. McKessock is in Tara rta night's League was in charge of jsat Vice-Presiclent, Miss Annie W1ir0 Instrume-ntal by Miss Muriel Baker; quartette by Misses Marguerite Wright, Helen Baker, Aucrey Sho)rt- ridge and Margaret Scott; readi'pg, Miss Margaret Scott; taopie was taken by Mrs. Abert Balson; duet, Misses Fraices and Kate Crydlerman; read- inIg',Mr. Charles Shotridge. A contest followed. COURTICE Glad ta see Mrs. Jas. Short haine again after being at Toronto General Hoispital for several weekýs. Theane Sunday School meet- ing fo0leton officels an]d teacýh- ers wil be held onýFrid1ay at 8 p1. M Mrs.has.Nichis is home froni aiai The ofasa) t2Op.m T jLaies' Bejrean CiLasa an Fridayee- 11 ng iwas a grand succe . ev. Wes- I ieyoneyset ofFreçi Victar Mission Tootgavé a maist interLe tlingl travelogue of his t1àp ýraynd fhel wold with lantern lîdesç. The pictures -were especialivy good and it was quite an edlucation ta listen ta M. Honeyset. Master Jas. Arnt, Gold Medalist of Toronto, delî'ghted, the audience with a nýunber of sang1s, a wonderful vaice ani his renderings of the sangs weve master- ful. We shah hbe pleased ta hear bath of them again. Proceeds $32. TYRONE Mrs. Eavl Coulter, Oshawa, is vis- iting witb iher parents ,Col. and Mrs. Wni. Farrel.... Mv. and Mvs. Wmi. Riçidel and Eileen and Miss Grace Virtue, Orono, spent Sunday at Mr. Win. Virtue's .... Mr. D. Noble, Or- anao, apent Sunday eat 1W. Jas. Stor- ey.s.... . Messrs. Dave and George AI- dread, Bownianv¶lle, visited et their parents heve on Sunday. .. Mr. and Mme. A, F. Annis, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. A. W. Annis'. . .. Mr, and< Mrs. T. Findley, Oie and ~ba1e, Unionville, -spent Sunday at Mr. Ed. Vitue's. .. . Mrs. R. Ha--the,-r- ley and Clarence visited at Mv. Har- ry Hooey'ýs, Bo naville, last w,,eek .... Mv. J. Colwvill visited friends here before lealving- for the Wet. .1 MiesRoasie ýhott and M5r. Wili M cCrtney are ta be congratuiated on winning the de'hat'e at Hlampton last Friday night. 1 The people of aur village and vic- inity w%ýere shocked on Thuvsday whcn the sadl news became knowh that Mv. Wmn. Roy, Jr., h'ad been killed iastantly in a Brick Plant at Cooksville. Mv. Roy tihreshed fot thbe farinera in this neighborhood for several years and was very higbly re- spected. The bereaved rwfe, daugb- ter, father, mother, brothers and aisters have the :sincere syivpathy of1 the cammunity in thfeir very sudden and sba os. HAYDON Vistors: Mrs. F. Glithro has re- turned home froin Toronto; Mr. and Mrsý. M. Siemaon and family visited atl Mvl. . Gilbet's, Enniskilleni; Mis. Ja.Crossaman has returned home afler a pleasant visit wvith1 relatives at O0sbawa; Mrs. Tho.s. Slemaon, Mrs. S. Trewvin and Mv. Cecil Siemon vis- ited at Mr. J. Slenion's, Enniskillen ...A fine baby -boy bas airived nt Mv. W. Thom-ps>on's. Congratulations! .Mr. Thos. Mountjoy has returnied froin a ple-,asant visit %xith friends at Carýtw,right... . Mv. Elgin MountjDy is sporting a new Ford car... . The nien of this, canimunity have been busy p]reparing for the erection of a new eniclosed church shed ... . Spe- cial Thank-offering services will be beld here tbis Sunday at 2 and 7 p n. Hev. Harold Stainton of Waterl'oo, will'taks as' his aftervoon su'bject "Has God spoken ta the Wold"? In the evening "Is there a if e beyond the Grave"? Special Eater mnusic 'will be given hy the choir.... League sers'ic.e here on Sunday evenivg was Iatgely attend- ed. Owng ta saine aerial dîstur- baxicem we failed iv baving aur radia pragmam, but a vevy ivterestigpo grami was given by the foiaig Bible lesson by Meta Ashton; topic by M. Clarence Avery; reading, Mrs Chas. Garrard; trio, _Mrs. T. Mount- joy, Mr. A. Stainton and Mr. F. Glithr ... . Election of officev3 for Sunday School and Leag-ue will be beld on Tuesday night, April 14th. Goad attendance requeîted. NESTLETON Mr. J. M. imxerson bas returved fvom spending *ost of' 'Lie wintem with bis daughter, Mm. Wltan Cread, Gavenburst ...Mrs. Henry Shef- field, Detroit, le visiting beh arns Mr. and Mme. R. C. Jack-o... v meetjing next Thuvsday everng wben he hopes ta leAd up ta decision day in League and Suvdey School .... . .Chanceilov R. P. Bowle, B.D, ., preached on Suvday taking for b is theme "I a-ni not ashained of tihe Gospel of Christ", emphasizivg the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The D. is ýlýways welcomie as aur people delight ta lbear-him. r Rea Fa0 ,dy for Gree ter rowds Ail This Week at the Big Stock-Reducin T E sm Now being conducted by A. C. CLARK, Stock Broker of Toronto At CwLAUDEIVES The enthusiastic throngs of citizens and the large numbers frorn adjacent places who are attending this great Footwear Sale demonstrates in a rnost forceful manner that there bas never been a previous sale event ini which the general public has taken sucb a deep interest. AND NO'rT WITHOIUT A GOOD "'REASON Every departrnent, Men's, Worn's and Children's offers scores of record values in Footwear that rnay neyer be possible again. Rernember-the stock mnust be cut ini two. Mr. Clark has signed a contract to this effect. He bas beein given full charge, hies orders are to reduce the stock, forget the original cost and profit, the shoes, etc., Mnust be sold. Su' COME WITH EVERYti ASSURANCE Corne in and see thousands -of dollars worth of seasonable foot wear for men, women and çliildrets. Corne and, see the rnany beautif ul new lihnes- bougit e*pecial1y f the Easter trade. Corne and see the prices we have rnarked the stock at. Once you have been here and seen for yourself that te is not a-word of exý aggeration in our advertisemnents-you will not wonder why this jsale has stirred the whole district as no ohP sleba:eeroe 0 beoe Extra S:pecial% for the Easter Holiday MEN'S HIGH GRADE OXFORDý $5.98 Now for a real good shoe, we have buncbed about .6 lines of Mien's Black and Browýn Good Year Welts Heavy Sole Oxfords. These sboes were bought to sel' at $8.00 ta $10.00, ail sizes and a big variety ta pick froin, ta çleam at MEN'S OXFORDS AT $3.98 Men's Brown Oxfords, stitched Flexible Soles, just the shoe for the caming- seasan, ail izes, also an-. other lue in Black and Bvown Lace Oxfords, al sizes, worth $8.00, ta go $3.98 MEN'S REGAL SHOES $4.98 We have a BrowVn and Black Blucher, also a Brown and Black, Lace Shoe in Regal in fashionable lasts, these slioes are regular 88.00 and $11.00 sbae-s, they go at $4.98 LADIES' OXFORDS $2.98 Ladies' Black and Brown Oxfords iv Sewa Sole, low Mvedium heels $2.98 __ LADIES' HIGH GRADE SHOES $5.98 This lot consists af aur New Spring Gaods just ar- vived and were bought ta sell t aouvd $8.00, but -we are gaing ta let thein go duing the sale. 8 different styles of trap shoes, aIl leather and al sizes in evemy lUne, and they go at one prive $5.98 LADIES' STRAP PUMPS AND OXFORDS $3.98 Ladies' Va-se-r Shaes andi other well-known makes, about 1ý1 differenit kinds of up ta theminute Black and Bow Strap Shoes, diffevent styles ail bulked tog-et' or in ove Big Lot ta go at $3.90 NURSES SHOES $1.78 Womnen's Kid flouse and Nurse Shoes. These shoes ar oad f Dongola Kid witb ove strap, sewn soese and rubber heels, nice fconfortable bouse sboe or for nurses wear, ta go at $1.78 MISSES' LACE BOOTS $1.98 Vici Kid and Patent Leather' Lace Shoes, sewn soles, broken lines but ail sizes in the lot, ta go at $1.98 MISSES' SHOES $1.48 Vici Kid and Patent Button High Shoes for School FWear, sewn soles and Regular $3.00 Shoes, ta go at $1.48 MISSES' OXFORDS $2.48 Misses' Patent Goltskin Oxfords, sewn soles, real smiart weav, also in Brown Calfskin, Regular $4.00, ail sizes il to 2, out they go $2.48 CHILDREN'S In Patent Leather, smart Spîing Shoe, ta go at STRAP SHOES $1.68 also Browv Calfskin, a real Regular $3.00, sizes 8 ta 10 '/a, $p1.68 _______ * - a ____________________________________ SHIOE STORE MISSES' STRAP SHOES . In Patent and Gun Metal, broken ises,1 in the lot, sizes il ta 2, ta clear at $1.98 $1.98 but ah esizes CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.98 Vici Kid~ Lace Shoes, sewn sales, real good school shoes, broken lines but ail sizes in the lot, sizes 8 ta 10"/1,ý $1.98 LADI ES' OXFORDS $1.98 Ladies' Oxfords in Brown 'GaIf Leather Military Heels, good yeav welted soles, also in Black Calk Skin, Regular Price for bhese shoes were $ 7.00 and. $8.00, ut they go$ 1 8 CHTILDREN'S SHOES AT 98c Children's Vici Kidl Button and Lacet Shoes, sewn leather sale-, and i'eels, sizes 4 ta 7 ý. Valuses up ta $2.50, al ta go at 98C SCHILDREN'S BOOTS $148 Ghildren's Vici Kid Lace Shoes, stout sewn soles, values up ta $2.50, aizes 4 ta 71/, ta go S $1.48 MEN'S BOOTS $2.98 Mein's Black and Brown Balmoral Lace Shoes, med- ium and pinted toes, goad year welts, shoos made ta sel at $8.00 ta 810.00, out they go IVES Bowrnanville 1 -Lw _______,. 55 MAPLE GROVE W. M. S. met la.àt weeki and elect- ed these officers: President-Mrs, F. Swallow; lst Vice do-Mrs. J. D, Stevens; 2vd Vice do-Mrs. A. Laird; Treesue-Mrs. G. Talcott; Rec. Secetary-Mrs. Wmn. Wi Cor. Secretary-Mrs. R. R. Stevenis; Mifssion Band - Supt.-Mms. Sain Svowden; Asst. Superintendent- Mme. Ceciu Jeffevy, Mme. M. Munda.y,l Jr.; President-Marion Svowden; lat Vice President-Eteika Trivible; Treaaiuer-Betty Snowden; Serre- tiry--Jake Laird; Cor. Secetay- Ellen Gmbett..Miss Hildla Foiey bas rccovered froi fher recenrik-Ii, neascta b tle to veturn ta Peter- bora Normal ... . Mv. 'and Mrs. Lova e, Stevens, Town, spent Sunday wihbis parents. . .. Mrs. Eacutt, Mr. Mnd ,Mrs. George Corsor, Toronita, viited the fovmevç',s brothier, Mr. D. E. Rutý- ey . ... Conigratulations to, Mr. and( Mrs. H-oward Foley on arrival of ýan- other girl. SOLINA SCHOOLF Solina Scbool rep)rt for Mavcb, vaines in order al merit: Clasa V-Noa Kemlake, Alan Balsoni, Marg-uerite Wright, Audrey Shortridge, Ruth McKessock. Cases 1V-George, Kersiake, Mur- iel Baker, Helen Baker, Arnot Van- Nest, Evelyn Tink, Edgar WVrîght, Norma Wright, Tomn Westlake, fleen Balson. Margaret Scott, _Madeline Trull, Frank Westlake (aibsent tbvu sickvless). Clasa 11II-Maurice Baker, Bruce Tink, Mey Westlalçe, George Wervy. Sn. TI-Vera Kerslake, Jeani Ho- garth, Ralph Wilbur. Jr. Il-Fred Wright, Stuart Ho- gaith, Ruby Parker. S. !-Russel Balson, Percy West- lake, Ernest Hunt. Jr.' 1-Hazel McEwen, Roscoe Baker. Primer-Audrey Ayve, Alan Wl )hu r. R. J. MrKessock, teacher HAýAPTON Recent visitors: Mrs. Gea. Edge- and daug-hter Rosina, Osb(awa, witb hiem sister, Mrs., H. Wilox ;Mr. AI- fred Hogarth visited bis daugbter at Scarboro; Mrs. Walter Oke, En- niskillen, at Mr. C. Hamtings'; Mrs. Walter Crydevinan, Saliva, at Mr. F. J. Groat's; Sorry ta learn that Mr. F. G. Kevslake is under the dloctor's cave. We wish hum a speedy re- covery... .TheI.i nter-Leegue debate between Tyr ove and Hampton w1ich, was hield in the c1hurch Fridiay even- ing wýas of great intevest ta the whýole coinm-unity. Eacb debater iook bis or bier part exceeding-ly welI. The affirmnative was upheld by 5Mr. Will Mc.Catne-y ami Mies Rosie Short of Tyrone mnd the iegative by Miss Betty Sargent and Mr. Albert Allun, Hampton.The decision of the jud- ges was given in favor the affirma- tive. Don't forget to came ta church Good Frislay evening ta bear tb.' lit- tlie folks give their annueil E aster progrm an ap alsa the Pageant "Ove Hundved Years of V-ictory". DARLINGTON Aê very pleOaft surpise pai1y waB given Mr. and Mrs. John Haoit at their home "High View", South Dar- lingto, on Saturday evening, April 4, 1925, il being the occasion of the .1uit snnivermeayaof heir wedding. In addition ta their family, consist- ivg of ove son and four daughteres, there were present saine forty-five relatives and friende caming froin Hamnilton, Toronto, Pickering, Osh- awa, Courtice, Maple Grave and Proi- vidence. The bride and groom weve recip- lents af many bavdsonie and useful lifts, beside three substantial eheq, ues. The guest-, iTcluded the brides- maid and four athers wbo were pies- ent tbirty-five years aga. Conratulations weme r'eceived froni Tno Park, St. Marys, Toronto and other places. FARMERS ATTENTION Farmnera, take notice that 1 ain pepared ta take orders for tkresh- ivg during tbe Fall seasov at $2.50 per hour, Place ygum order early, you will save lime asvd maney and be assured of a firaI dess job. Joh-n Trimble, phone 178W, Liberty st., Bownv-ille. 15-1w* U. F. 0. NOTICE Providence Fariners' Club wilI mreet Tuesday evening, April t 4th at Shaw'a Scbool. Sstbject: "Ca- coperative Commnodity Mýarketing". By a member af Head Office Staffi. Ladiesç are requested ta bring their baskets. O. R. Bragg, R. K. Squair, Preaident. Secretary, The Home of Good Shoes 's b