GROCERY Sput on Special -e Hall, Sim'ee NEWCAS' t Pe'arce Very Intert and Mis. W rook, "are ' N(lecastl, on te congrega SHAW'S SCHOOL Be sure to get my Special Erices for Groceries before buyfig. We Save You Money. w of fislh for the Holiday Men'sý and Young Men'S Suits . . .. $1'5-00 to $30.00 Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits, $9.00 to $1,00 Odd Pants $ý2.50 to $6.50 Men's Khaki Pant.s, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 Men's Overails, ail colors, Big B. Brand.....$2,00 lVen's Work Shirtz, Big 13 Br and at. .... ......$1.00 MWen ' Work Sox, 25c, 35c, '50c Boys' tockings aLInd Golf Hose.........35e anýd 50c r' Ail my stockç is ail new ranid up-to-date. G-)nie t 0 î ~the store that alwaysý seIsý /forle. 'HAR,"*TRAN ne Office Phne 26 Bowm~nviIIo atch Our E'dmond stone flowmanville ~to Mend» good maxim, ,e Saves Nine" b'etter T me, Outbuï1dings, or iFences gett Syou cominince to lo-ok after theîi 1be- glad to give you estimates on e> Hemnlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar. C. Red Cedar, and 'Quebec Wh2 ,Shingles, and placed in 14 former acqçua!ntanlce in and airoundd both villages. Public Slihol thlrough hug4iîns (If Manlaging Cmitec omnt Hlall, Mil lld its EpieDayevris in the HaýLll n Friday aiftelrrno, ,Muy 22,. ,godprogram will b ie and t i mbr (of educationial films0 il"d be sIiowii relative Ito Oui mir.Anil invitation is etne to ev'rybodly. chilllren, parents and eitizens genellyIj -everthig free. t Newly eetdofiesof _Newcle El. Coklst Vico rs Norma'i Al lin; 2n1 icedoMrsNrmn Ri ca- Asst IllMr . .rinchI; Srng Sec -Mrs. J. IR. FisherI; ChristInl ead sh (Mr eo. lo l; I'sideu"t DES-f snBadM-S. JH. CooLR. Late news budget is condensed.l MisSadie Bemnett Sunidayed in, Toronto. Miss, Rena Thomas hq las returned i to Orilla. Mrs. Cunningham entertaineld Ldes 'Aidl.-i 1~r.W. Hl. Pearce -entertainedn riayevenling. Mr. J. R. Fisher malle a busineste triplte Torontdte Mis IHanna Gomme, Toronto, ir viiting friends here. . Fining crac'ker-s on street cost tc young men $6.40 each. Mrs. E. H. Everett, Palmerston 1, is with Mrs. S. Suitton.r Mr-.WWm. Bra~nt is with hie daugh- ci tel, Mrs. RoI-inson, Cawpbelleroft Mr, Keiley's store iniproveineni ? gives it a very attractive appear- ý ance. Mrs. White and Mis Malbel Gar nien Suivdayed wich Port Hlope friencis.C M r. George Cnowther is home ~from Toronto General Hospital re ~ covýering nicely. Mn. Langford Sherlo;c. has Sold bisý Southî Bea ver Street properýty k Mr~. Ardah, Toronto. ,Citizenls be at Community 11all1or Ffdàav this week'i at 3 occksharp 001n1tImisa Empire Dayprgrni NewecenIidgeLake Short Road tý CotteI's Point, is bein' ' hut by1 Wmr. L0koo xlicl1- means a good jebo. ewateS. 0. E. B. S. No. 4f -araded to IPrsbýytep?1'ar S urh&S SUndalýy mrin Rev. eo . Mas;on offiiating. Report ne-,twe. ,ý. meeting of the Ladies-' Bowling club wrill be held at the home of Mrs J.E. Philp on Wednee'da, Mayfil1,27 at 3:30 o'clock. Ail intenlesàedan wilhing to join are Uondiýally incit ed.1 Mn. Norman AlIn, under super vision cf the Dept, of Arclu4 . is building a concrete sheep dippiînt tank oin lbis prensises for the uýse oIl I Iihepewnrsof thle vicin3ity. W( unesadthe Departireit ha. iadi arrangements te bear the cost of aIl L ibpping this easen. ëSCe last repor to aneshavi been pae in the N. S. B3. Leigue 'eon Friday when WilbentGr h 'sSenators rolled uîp as'n of 24 runls, wbile only four Of AlfreI QrhmsStars crossed the bloir plaite. This was more than a litth( lnesided. In a Monda,'s ;gamie th( Senators otlydAi nley- But1el' Beaversj0te 4. LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Mrs;. W. C. Lake is v isiting i;n Bowrnanille. . sCongratu1arion., arc the orden of the da--y in thris sectiolre theure ha Inarrived two baby girl, -to Ladcl, to the poplaio-MssAu rey Bernie Adams and Miïss ildre Trolee Bro)w..... nd Mrs. d (,,,,o Hart an1d son Bilh and' daugh'I'ter 1Ethel n Margar!et, Oshawa, anc1I Mise, Maudle Otton., Bowmianville. Sundayed at M-r. John HmesandI Miss iEtta H1-olmels, Os4awe sa I-h wekp it homeI,.... Mis,; Ger 'n,~ urude Mlart in, Cowanville, 5spent th, CA. GAMSBY your niext niistake in tefolw la last isewe r"epoit you. of tho fineet onch; nce, 'l'dwa a ýp - eve. In hi c-(l ageorln1 One son, Ormne of H. S. Bake' & Grocer BRITTON, Newcastle .FIELD DAY AT OROINO MAY 23r Tlc C. S. E~. T~. grolu1ps of OIoro ;a hiold ing a Field D'ay on slaturdàay Ma Zron the Agricultural romni2s i 13 p.m. The'-se evernts will 1)e ri off-5 ydl, 75 y pif)00ydl amI d 220 1ahs mile (open1); potatorae;hag bal, thv,." .1,nsilt rnf' 1,4.1, illai Y. P. L. ENTERTAINEtD BY A. Y. P. A Menesof Y. i '1' . spent a rnst en joybl~ eenngon Tuesday eveniin May ï2. as guests of A, . VPF. A. b Slý George,'s 1Parish Hal"ll. Rev. E. R Jamies, Rector, offeredi oprning and atgehrrepceated jtue éCreed. Mi Fhoebe Dd. L. rock. Presi«eýnt of Li- A. Y. P". A. ccupiý1Led thchaýir duria, the rnernof "a six-number ),Iprogra: -haî:Lf by Aniglicanils anfi haf by MeICtlhoç( lis, consisting 0, a 1homorçu0is al Mr. Rg tGely and Mr% L'olil Thiorias; ,solo b>.' j4frs. Frank B Erainoii accompanied On vmano hv5,1f. i'r,,,i :1 NEWCAS'i Preabyteriian -Mason, ministe a. sn.-Saonarl Spr. New~ tdrawn on accoi niversary, S St. George's E. R. James. f mlunion. il a. -2:30 P. im-.-Su --Eveninig Pri Tfhursday, M-ay p m por,ýts, a mxdqat lckard, 1Harold Alliie utard a nd( Miss tiamt peaUtlngl '-j ut youl"? i! ofreports onps( lool and its ol9ganIze IGrahlam past super- Asst. Speininet v erage aiteac fo elhihe than l!for ,an' eciuiinmen andlitera- ry he(,tvy. Mss Ee,,rthý for tthe Busyv B,.-et teBagfor the Wirj MNfrinie Plearce for th' 4cu1. 0010v M Suriday eveni vice wu, beld in inl mlen-lory of i when the Rect( tri:bute te the cb.un(h'ýs service the far North Esioa hfe hiandship and d( r-f bringing' t1b Christ's fold. 'sbeen iAssiz: -'iito Dioesýe. ,rs ard hylmas in Saul was Plaý DANCE AT ORQNO SynIcopa-,tor's Orchestra of 'cigi uieces will give a dance ln the Opet clouse, 0Orono, on Friday, -May ? anngfrolu 9 pý Il. to 2 a. ni Il formnai. Admission 75c. %LFRED FA :rçaf,itiae of 'urg. 'Ti and 0lck b.. CÇ. . M. Too0 Busy to Bake? During the busy housecleaning season mranyý housewives are having~ us asýist them by doing their baking. It's a good idea. Why not let us i htlp~ you, too? Wagon will eall dally. 60e Chocolates f or 47c i and Try We now «have a fresh assortment of lard soft eûtre chocolates , regu1ar- 60e $r 47e IL a1 lb. and you'll be back for more. Weddirng Cakes a Specialty EAT COnRBETT'S B3READ W. P.Corbett Baker and *C)onifectiner- kBowmrnmpile Clearance Sale of Misses and Women's Spring Cots AT' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Maike This Yýur Opporturiity to Bu Your Sprîng Coat at Wholesale Price and in SomeInstance Less COATS ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURIDAY ONLY CR~OUIP 1--special purchasJý of higli grade Frenchi Polo Cloth, Cameline Velour and PoliUre Coats. Each gainent is fully lined. The Qcol- ors are Suedle, Green, beautifut Greys and iCoeoa Eve'ry Coat bearýs the label,~-of Northway Sizes 16 to 44' in the lot. These Coats werýe iced at On Sale Friday and Saturda.y $1[.95 GROUP 2-mported1 Tricotines, Poiret Twills, silk lined, in Navy Blue, Black, Cocoa, and the lighter Brick ýhadêes, regularly Up to $39.75, On Sale Friday and Sati*rday $25-00 Saturday Morning, Six Only Beauti- r' ful Coats, C'repe anid Silk Lined, made of the flnest Polo -Cloths obtainable, regularly wýorth $1,0, On Sale Saturday Morning $15.00 ~Iewaste. ours-8 to 10 a. ms I m3P. ni., and by appointaient Jeddo Highland Coal 1is the best grade of Art- thraeite Coal ined în the Ulrnited States A trial order will Coli îgn-l vince you. elt Geo. Jamieson a- Newcastie Ont. Women's Guar-anteýed Color FaW and Suni Fast Bvoadcloth Dresses. Twenty different styles, aIl sizes, On Sale Saturday $4.50, $5.50 and $7.50 We are now showing a special range of 'urn- mer- Fabrics, Cotton 1Brtac1oths at 75e yard, bQthl in the plain colors and the populajr stripes, Voiles in innumerable patterns, Priritêd Creps, Pèinted Silks, Pugi Silks and Innurnerable Novelty Fab- ries. S.W., Mason & Son Dry; Goods and Lad,-es' Ready-to-Wear Phonie 106 Bowmaniville SPECI Niewv JRw f, 4~i Rol ~1e1I& &co, 1