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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1925, p. 6

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I 00 c~ o.aldealeo or Udnmnson.Eý Bi*e& co.,.1u, do you. want luna Car? T HINK over the f eatures you want în your car. You will find them in the Oldsmobile. A powTerful, six- cylinder engine, developed by Genieral Motors experts- high-grade mechanical equip- ment throughout-DIelco units -Borg & Beck clutch-smart, up-to-date body lines-dis- tinctive, nickelled radiator- cowl -lamps - D UCO0 satin finish. Tche Refined Oldsmobile Six has brought six-cylinder satis- faction witliin the reach ôf every rnotorist. Let us give you a demonstration. 0-1325 MOFFATT MOTOIR SALES Oshawa 'Bowmanvjlle OLD S MOBC*)i LýE Let Us Worry For You We are speciaiists in the lune of repairing ail makea of automobile and radio batteries. Bring ydur battery in now and have it ,put in first class condition before the Spring rush. We have the equipment t'o give proper a~nd efficient attention. Agents for Prest.-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. SFisher's Battery Service -(Formerly F. W. Kirkendall's Shop) Moffatt Garage BIdg. Phone 248 Bowma»v1lie mâ.. jt- ad At e8 'c. Ne- M, J. I i 0PAINS &CROSS -THE 8AQK, Y u yI a mrhen :Fou i uy dIiciogs McCIary's Electric Ranges Are Sold in Bowmanville by GREENAWAY & ELLIOTT ft'pazys to use WQ OD-LAG STAIN fo~r farnittwe -Fovr *Nom£ PAINTlN4~mADE ASy SQLD 8V W. *H. DUSTAN BowimanvUil trial. -w w A very pleasaut eveuing was, speit soins ai-d vegetaboles. . Ms R uby at home of Mr. and Mrs. John Att- Veale, Toronto, spent the hoIiday field on Saturday evening, May 9, withliher parents, Mr. a:-1d _Mrs. A.- H. ,wlien they were mnade reclpients; of Veule.M.... u Mr . Marwooc somne besutiful gifts consistinig of Veule oi the T. Eaton Co., Toronito, gasoline lamp, sterling silver butter aud daugliters He]en sud Mairjurie knii e sd berry spoon. visited his father, M. John Veale, Mller's Wormi Powders attàck on the holiday..Mr. and Mr,. J woxems in the stomiadl and intestines L. Joblin spent Sunday witilhcFhei at once, and no wormi can came in niather, Mrs. James Malcolm, port contact wýith them and live. They Perry... Mr. aud Mrs. Geor -ge also correct the unhealthy conditions Armistrong sud daughters ýGrace an-d in the digestive organs that invite Irene went to Head Lake for the sud encourage wornms, setting up re- holiday..Mr. sud iVrs. Harry- actions that are miost beneficial to Hunking-, Osliawýa, visited lier father, the growth of the dhild. They have Mýr. George Matin, and his ý;iste- ttested trheir power in huudreds of1 Mrs. Ted Marlow over the hoiday. Cases sud at ail tiines are thorough-... Mr. and Mrs. John Sainelis, Mrs. ly trustwortliy. Ethliel Taylor, daughter and son, and M lr. Harold Rickaby, M. A., visited Miss Eva Wiliams were lu Lindsay ,is3 parents Mr. sud Mrs. John Rick- on Suncaa'guzèstsi of Miss Ida Mal- asdleit Satuilday witli a coni-, co1n sud visiting Mr. Thomas H. pany of surveyors froni Toronto Williamis who is ill thiere. Pleased on their aunual trip ta the far north, ýto report lie is improviing and ex-. mineralizing. Harold lias just c-an- pcst i seti eka Spleted his final yesr at Toronto Uni- Cosarea..Week evening meeting versity.last Thursday- in charge of Presicdent i BY siashing a pane ai glass at Gea. M. Marlowv with.Miss Eva Wil- the rear window of the store, during liams and Mr. Wilford Jackson re- Saturday niglit young thieves by sponsibile for the pragramr. Aul ex- tiglit squeezing were able ta gain au cellent prograni was given consist- entrance to J. Henry & Son's Hard- -rgo nscb rhsrac~ ware store. A No. 22 Rifle, ammuina-sniedobymiss AIoacWistra as; in- nition, fishing tackle, cutlery, etc., truentalbssyAma iss lGace; An- wvere the things takein. stringe slo by Mis rwrnce m-loï Fresh Supplies iun J)emnd.- sud Clara Porte ous; recitations by Whereveir Dr. Thormas' Eclectric Oil Gilbert Marlow sud Marian Tayl4or; las heen introduced increased sup- scripture readiug by Bryau Richard.. plies hbave been ordered, sho-wing son; topic by Wiliord Jackson; Mrs. that wherever it goes this excellenut S. W. Malcolm sud Mrs. C. H. Port. 011 impresses its power onth e eous were pianists..Service on people. No matter in wliat.latitude Sunday was couducted by Rey. Mr' it xnay be iouud its potency is never Ferris of Taranto who was con4luct' impaired. It la put up in most ianvraysrie tBak portable shape in bottles and Can be îns aniô rsryeviesga t Bladick-rs Mar. E. S. Kutea r of p akge particulaily adapted to tlie junior M. E.v eaitsdped int towu part of the congregation ou growtli. Tliursday eeigadspent the No service uext Sundey. receutly sold bis residence iu Wini- nipeg, 'but expcts ta reinain in thet City for a time. Il opportunity offers le unay yet returu liere, ta his old home town where boyliood mcm- ories iondly linger. T Doui't Sulimit ta Astlnia. If yau I SURE YOURK suffer without hope ai breaking- the dhams which bind y-ou do not put off another day the purchase of* Dr. J. D. Xellogg's Remedy. A trial will drive away sîl doubt as ta, its effc ieucy. The sure relief thatcams will cauvince you mare than iiy tihing~ that cas be wrTitten. Wýhen help is so sure, why suffer? This niatchlessa remedy is sold by dealers everywhere. Suuday Sdhool day at Methodist Church S£unday was a splendid suc- Cess. The preacher Rev. C. C, Weshingtou, B.A., Courtice, was lis- tened ta by very large coungrega- tians. Mr. Washington is a pleas- ing speaker sud his sermons vvere interestiug sud instructive ta child- reu and .growu-ups. -The tisual exercises by the S. S. scholars in the aiternoon were well rendered aud the chlldren wvere adlgtt h audience. The choir lu the even- iug was assisted by Miss Buchanan and Mra. T. Wesley, CaMwkr, Bow- mauville, sud tley were heard witl mucli pleeasure. $150.00 -wAs asic- ed sud over $200.00 wvere placedi ou the plates. Pastor S. T. Tucicer sud management are ta be congratu- Yuna etem lateçl. Y umyb h n Y our Home Medicine Chet- circumstances and the ot Amoug the standard houselold reine- dies that should always hie on haud YOUr ceontrol. ia your home mnedicine chest, noue FrAlKnso is more important than Dr. Thlonas'Fo Ai nd ofI Eclectric oïl. Its manif old useful- neas in relieving- pain sud healiug I sicicuess le known by mauy thous- sdtrouglout the land. AlIways %e %.e MS use Dr. Thameas' Eclectric Oil for 1-Real Estate and Jrý relieviuig rlieumatic sud sciatic i pains, treatiug sape tIroats sud Phone 50 King St. cetcouglis, buarns, scalds, cuts, bruises sud eprains. Insurance Consuit risurance Brolers E. Bowrnanville driver--but AUTO AY Scarcity of Coal With a general cÔoal striky facing Canada and the U. S. commencing next 'September we have been urged by our sales company to impress upon our eustomers the real need and importance of ordering their next winter's coal immediately. We pass this information on to you and suggest that you act accordingly. Lowest prices for coal for the year are now in effeet, so that it will be ecqnomy as well as forsight to I yotir coal bins in April. We handle only high grade Lehigh Valley Anthracite-in ail sizes. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND~ ROOFING We are fully equipped to supply at the lowest prices ail kinds of Builders' Supplies including Canada Cernent, Gyproc, Asphalt Roofing, etc. J. A. HOIGATE & SON Phone 153 Bowmanïville ORONO ITEMS (From The News of May 211,t) Mr. and Mrs. Casey Myles visite( at Mr. W. J. Walter's. Miss M. A. Walsh visited. her cous in, Mrs. Mulhollarid, Port Hope. Rev. J. W. Down, Tyrone, preach ed in the Methodist Churcli Sunday. Mr. Neil S. Stewart was represen tative of Clan Stefwart et a funera at Ripley. Mrs. Edmiund Cobblediclc, Toron te, will spend the sea.son on the farii with hýis son Will. Mr. and Mrs. Seward Dowso-n Providence, visited ber ssiter, Mis, Mabel Lycett, Kirkfield. Mr. anàl Mrs. Ed. Miler, son Ed- %vin and Mr. and Mrs. Perchard, Tor- onto, Sundayed at Mrs. L. MeCut- ch'on'e, Corns cannot exist wlien Hollo- way's Coren Remover is 'applied tc them, because it goes to the root and kilis thie growtli. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie and daugliter Enid, Toronto, spent week- end with lier parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. T. Smith. In Ontario College of Phaxrmacy Senior Examination resuits we -no- tice name of Harold Seymour. Con- gratulations. Mr. Stanley Seymour and bride, Toronto, at his father's, Mr. George Seymour. The bride came frra Dunifreshire, Scotland. Mr. Milfred Sherwin recently in- jured by a steer, underwent an ýop- eration in Bowmanville Hospital Tuesday for removal of to'nsils, and is in a weak condition. No child should be allowed ta sufer an hour froni worms wlien p rompt relief can be got in a simple but strong remedy-Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Mr. Henry Sawyer, son Charles, his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. aând Mrs. Griffun, motored froin Maple Lake and attended the funeral of Almeric A. Gamsby who spent a month with iihem last sunimer. The friends here and at Starkville will learn with much regret of the death, in Oshawe Hospital of Mrs. Franki C. Hall of Myrtie. Mr. and Mrs. Hall were former residents of Starkville, where he was Station Agent P'ONTYPOOL Mr. Fred- Howlett, C. P. R,. brekee- ýd mjan passed suddenly away Tuesdayr uioruing from h#ert trouible withb whidh lie had been a sufeier f or ,sane time.Deceased was born e few miles from this village and al 'his young life of 36 years -was spent in snd around Pontypool. Fred was tof a genial disposition and had a il liost of friends who deeply reg-ret his passing. He was a m-einber of the Royal Bleeck Kights, Sir Sani n Hughes Perceptory No. 1063, aud of L. 0. L. No, 82, under whose aus- pices the funeral will be lield Thurs- ;S day afternoon 21st., at 2 o'clock. - CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL The reg-ular meeting May 22nd; -all mnibers present; Reerve Bruce >in chair. S Minutes read and approved. N. H. Marlow's account for wire d fence was laid on the ta,,le. - R. Suggitt's application ta erect a wxre fence was granted. Clerk presented School Deben- y tures ta be signed. Reeve Bruce -wished ta see the Trustees for some information befare signing sanie. Tenders for ýt2 yards of gravel ta be delitvered at alackstock are asked. Caouncil will pay WJm. Burr $5.00 per week for énsuing month, indi- Orders signed on Treasurer: *Municipal World......$..3.71 H. J. Dean, tumber..__. ..96.00 IF. A. Hylaurd, Assessor. .110.00 J. H. Strong, wire f enc .. 7.75 R. Byers, wlre fence ........14.50 J. W. H{aaey, S. S. No. 1. . 97.50 E. Montgome~ry, Coli. Sdliool 130.00 E. Montgomery, S. S. No. 2 1(),500 G. Prout, S. S. No. 7.,-,..300.00 M Emierson, S. S. No. 9 .... 300.00 J G Marlow, roads & bridges 298.25 NESTLETON~ A number of city people spent the holiday at their co"'tages on S.cngog Shiore. We imaginhe 1t ey wauld have rather a cool rec ition as the weather wos sa ool .Frost on Sunday and Mýond-,-y iMorning did du nu acoatkpoii. LICE AND VERMIN BOWMIANVILLE,, MA-Y 28, 1925. HAMPTON Young People's League meetin~g Friliay evening in cI-ýërge of the 4th Vice-President, Miss' Ruth Johns. Lesson by Miss RuIy Clatworthy; piano solo by Miss L-illian Jebson; Mrs. A. Peters gave an inuteresting talk on Pauline Johnson',, poemns and also reeited one of lier poemis. Vocal solo, Misses W. and B. Cry- dernian; readinW, Mrs. Hilton Peters, entitled "Wolverine"; picture con- test was held at close. 'Çome and -hear oui, drame "Mother Mine" an July Ist., given by Hampton Young People. Corne sand be young once again. ost exacting IIsreally Uinique amlonÊ teas. Pue 4 rch iedinâ. r1uree hun~e4ctups ta th~e powI4. A far ahead of others as the tungsten is -ahead of the old carbon ligh't.a The. Leading le1ctrlc Range McClary's Range alone embod1ies tw<o features which are~ Great Currept Savers McClary's "Fireless Cooker» bven bakes for houirs after the current is turned "off.» Ter-Red (Protected> Eleenets Retain the. Heat They coolç on "low" and for a long timne after the current is turned "~off' they hold their cooking heat and ensure protection. Accept No Imitatin Insist on McClary's TOR-RED (Protected) Elemnent No other range p<ssesses features equal to TOR-RED) Elenients and the Fireless Cooker Oven whicb are exclu- sively McClary's. Ask your Hydro or electrical dealer to fMIy dexronstrate for you the special features o.f

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