* f Whom could you seIlitoda'y? -by Long Distance vl1chgs i elimethods ithe mat tw-,o years. e ways of fn Ing ne us- tomrs, ttintg îat every reetday -business, to Dstncie asisfrtid We are ow hndli;g cn Long itnecîsamnI for peope homut av They readize tthe a*P ýveaýge ketter cots as rmilhstheavr- nge Lon gDis tann(-etn 9Ug. Whsm could yusefl today hy Loisg Dis taÉ',nc ? Rahnew subsi Value of YCO er adds to the STelephotie GENERAL CONTRACTING Peter' Martii4 & Sons, Elginl St.. North, Bowmanville, wish to notify the publie they are prepared to do the following kinds of work: ce- rnent -walks, floors, blocks, silos, posts, fiower urns; pustering; kinds of miasonary work from r'oo to cellni; also shingling; double or single teaniing; pioughing; ashîes and debris removed. Phone 206r5, write or cali at above address. Es- timates gladiy furnished. Distance makes no difference. They have a car. 12-t Ciear, Bright and Beauîtzfi Wr re Mur neýC.o Chicago, forEyeCareBook- Every time you order shoe polish, specify economnical in the end. Keeps ail footweair looking "younger" and neater; feeds and pre. serves the leather.. SBlack, Tan, TonevRed and D'.7rk Brown. Also Whit e Dressing (cake) and White Cleaner (iiquid). 2 BURN IT TO KILL a MOSQUITOES AND FLIES BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 18, 1925. SOME WEST END HISTORY Industrial Bowinanville Long Ago The Bowmiannvîlle editor of Or- 0110 News gave this interesting bit of history of the ýwest side of this town away back into the 50's and 360's of last century: The death of Mr. James Pirie, marks the passi1ng a;way of one of t~he oldest residents of! the early d'ays of Bowmainville. Jhniai liv- ed allbis long life up in the wesýt end and unlike bis brothers Georg-e and Williani, he was a regular stay at hom-e. His father in the early d:ïys carried on the business of tbail- oring in the samne placýe, the old family residence, w\hich was burned a few years ag-o. He was somrewhat of a musical turn of mind and the efhances the old bagpipes are yet to the fore, at least they were a short period ago. Jimmiiie worked for a number of yvears fil the ljpper Canada Furnliture eliip an-d 'his place was neyer vacant. Jiriamiies passing awny is about the last relict of the oid west end whIch serventy years ago wias the industriai part of the town. The large Flour Mills _ (nowý Vanstone's) is still do- ing business as in the olden time, but NIeads Foundry and Machine shop with the Gifford Tannery ani-d the Soap works, the Squair Grist Miii1 nnd Ont Meal. Miii, together with. the williams ~adn Mili, nnd last but not least the Mimne Distiliery, where the kids of the neighiborhood were sent for yeast and where the grown- ups went for thront lubricant, which at the period was ilot bootleg- stuif or shoe poiish but the real: thing-all gone. Also Glass Worksý. The John Burk's store (late the Flax factory) was the big trading m'art an-d the .big Bank of that tim-e' was the smiail brick building on west side of Scugog Street south of the Old Folks Honie that was burned n few years ago. Squair's store was directly oppôsite the Burk establishimenît, -and it strikes this scribe that the Rev. John Clinmie was the proprietor of The Statesman of that period. Weii, there lias been a wondlerfuil lot of wnter passed under the big bridge since then, and many changes in the towr. and the old we-t iend since Bailey kept tavern just below where Vanistone's fine residence stands. This place ,was quite a stoppin- place for the farmers from the west and was miuch frequented by those who worked et the dîfferent industries in the "hollow" and there wvere several d-weiling houses from the main rond dowrn to the brick building which nowdays stands aloue. The passing away of our old citi- zen brings up those old timnes,. andi while wýe did not have as much jazz as to-day we had more of the old folk music as wvell as the best we have to-day, as wve can show by the programmies of that time. Only the uninformed endure the agony of coins. The knowing ones apply Holloway's Coin Remover and get relief.1 ..... âm J Installed to meet the exactfl heating requirements of your homrie, no mat.ter wjhat the conditilon--s may be. H-7EAT-ÙS NO MATV'TER HOWV- THE WJND BLO-,WS -.McClary's Sunshine Furnaces Sold in Bewmaniville ,by Greenaway & Elliott AUNT SAYS GAIN~ CHILD'S LOVE We said recently tisat Aunt must bave beens a teacher ia her youth~ she understands children se well. She teachies inauy a usotiher a very valuable lesson this week tbat every oue baving young children to train will do weil 1to, 'onsider carefuiiy. We bave a vaîiety of short courses, but one very urgentiy neecled Js a special short icourse for mothers. Aunt's letter la to a niece wbo bas lsad trouble for sbe says: Wbatever others may say to tbe coutrary, the maj.ority of us -dislike to feel that w? lbannot get childien to obey us, or tint these mites of, hunsanity dislike us and look uaponý us witb suspicion. 1 can quite understand how awk- ward and uncomifortable you miust have f elt when you had charge of your neighbor's childien for a few hours and they behaved so unkindly towaid you. It was unkissd to you because you feit worse than they did, so you bl'aimed the children and considered tiem horrid iittle thing-s. 1 tbink tise mistake you ma~de was to negiect the importance of under- standing that first of all it is neces- sary to win the confidence of cbild- ren s0 that they, in their smnali minds, wl be satisfied tint you men weli by tiem. This seemis aibsurd, doesn't it?' StilI we ail know that cildren of ai! ages have lu them the peculiar cau- tion -wiici is inherent iu tise humian rac e. It is g-ood to bave this eau- tion as we grow up, but we don't like to feel we inspire it with cisilci- ren. It is so iumiliating when they stand aloof, reserved and suspicious; or (mostly in thse case of boys>' are b-olsterously untraý.1table, and you bave to wheedle and coax them to obedience or tisienten tbemi. A èbild wiil quickiy obey fromi f ear or wben a reward is offemed, but we want tbem te * obey because we desime it. No one likes to tbink a cisild is afraid of ber; there, is something ugiy and repulsive in tise tiought that littie children fear us. Yet because 'children draw nwny from you and seem afraid, does net necessariiy mean tbat you are cross and unkind to them. It t%ýould be isasty to judge peisons wbo canuot get children to take to tisem. Your reni trouble is that you do uot knpw how to win the confidence of a chiid. Once that is won the rest follow,,s easily. You miust bring yourself down. to the child's level, do'wu to its under- standing, and that will break through the uncomfortable barrier vhicih seems to surrouud it ansd you. You miust firat of alt-ineet a hd on its o-wn ground; thîs is -easy te do if you are ut first' carerful not to conitrndict themn or roug-hly dictate to them. Appear to agree witb everything they sugg-est or say until vemy quick- ly they know you are eue witb them an'd not as one far above tibem. This la especialiy necessary wlth stiange childreu wbo do not know you; the sooner yo'u can aliay their suspicions that you are not an grown up enemy, but that yen are really a grown up fmiend, the quicker w\ill be your succesa. ACROSS CANADA AND BACK Tbe wondelr trip cf the cominig sumimer will be conducted by Dean Lairdl of MacDonald Collegce, to Victoria,~ B. C., and back. Inspired by the success of tise trip to Victoria lat year on the occasion of the Teaciers Fedemation meeting, at thnt point, and filied with p1)atiiQ- tic miotives for everyone to see tiseir own country, tise Dean lias arrnged for a special train of standard sleep- ing carms to leave Toronto ont JuIy 20, visiting Port Arthur, Fort Wil- liam, Winnipeg, Regina, Moose ATaw, Cnlgary, Banff, Lake Louise, Van- couver thence steamer to Victoria. Returning the trip will be -via the Okanagan Valley, Nelson, te Ioot- enay Lakes, Windermiere Bu-,glalowv cam~ps from the newly compieted Banff-Windermere Hig-hwaiy, fihe most chaming, -and alwe inispiring Doôk's Regulating Comrpound .4 eafé, rsliable regulatin&i iedjiciie. Sold in three de. grces of strelgthi-No. 1, $ls No. 2, S3; No. 3, $5 per box. - iibai al drisggists, or sent rpidon receipt of price. FIree ppamphlet. Address: TrHE COOK( MEDICINECO., TOONTO, ONT. (Formerywindo> arnd3regh Write to Tise Bordien Co. Limited, Montreal, îer two Biby Weffae ll Boôks. '- n I~N THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mor.treal trecently we saw in The Stateenian of Miss Ger4rude Hol- lande being Superintendent of Thse Catherine Booth Mothers' Hlospital,' iand Mis. Reynolds and 1 called to see ber. She was glà.d to see any friends from BownileWeha not seen ber for over 20 years but she knew me at once. She showed 3us thraugli the beautiful new, cleanïi hospital-more like a nice Jom-fort- a;ble home. A few days Inter ou; daughter invited Miss Holiand 4,o accompany us on a drive arouil on j the mountain, tbrough the beautifui I parks, the cemietery, and to view thseI Croiss of Calvary with imiages brought front Egypt. Misse Hol- lande enjoyed the drive and outing- very much. Be assured that Miss Hollande is doiag n wondlerful work rin Montreal and we were glad to rfind th'at a Bowmnanville girl is. do- ing so well and 1s so ably m-annging sucb a responsible position. 1 Mr. and M.Ir s. Ellemnent (our 1daughter) Mis. Reynolds and 1 ataît- ed from Montreal May l8tb.',10or our mrotor trip borne to Windsor, stayed ait Gananoque ail night of 19th and arrived la Bowmanvilie early in the evenin- of the 2Oth. Mr. Eilernent did business in Gananoque, Kingstor, LCobourg and Port Hope. It is certainiy a beautiful drive, the c-ceniery aiong the St. Lawrence river and canais especiaiiy. We visited friends anjl relatives Ouonur. Éway, incluçiing -Liudsýay. We found the ronds exellenit; even thie gravel ronds, the Hudson clîmibed eveybill on high. The journey was very easy and not too tiresome. Trees and or-char-,ds look beautiful but crops were very back- wnrd on acount of so litte in_ auÀ the cold weather. S. H-. Reynolds, Dear Editor-I wish to congratu- late you on the beautifuliy elearý print on The Statesman. Few pap- ers I see are as easily rend, nte feature 1 desire to congratulate you on-your recent "Talk," to country girls-lt was renliy excellent and timely. 1 could plead with everyý town and country girl especially te read that article over severai times befor 'e deciding to leave her par- ents' )homne for a city position. You did ýsot put the mnatter one bit to strong. I arntihe mether of gro-wn- up girls in a big city, and 1 do so wishi that more country girls could realize bow really well off tbey arel in their own country homes, for Il may tell thep that in this city at the preseut time it is positively un- safe for a young woman to go euti alone on the streets after daîk, and 1 spend many anxious times when my girls have te go out to churcs and young folks weekly meetings. 1 know of somne very sad happenings to country girls in this clty. A City Mother. We ýare glad to receivetesad ditional paorticu!ars 0of 'tisa ,illness and pnssing to rest of Mis. Alex. Kennedy from hem dnwghtèr, Mis. Gertrude Baîden, Redford, Mich.--i Mi. M. A. James & Sons, Bowmvian-ý ville, Ont.. Gentlem-ien :-We wishl to tbank you very kindly for tiheI notice you put lu The Statesman re- garding thse passing of ou~r dear mother-Mrs. Alex. Kennedy;i . We ouiy îeturned from Califor amt Monday. Father had to take care of bis business affairs fil'st and I was there about six weeks. As an- nounced we brought mo]teî's re- mains back to Toledo, Ohio, for bur- lail. I stayed1 there until _Vonday when I came to Redford. Mother ha)d been sick for about five months and was lu a private sanitarium ouiy two weeks when she passed away. I anrrived there the day bef oie aie -ied. Sise ad leakage of thse heart and dropsy. ? We had her placed iu the Holywood Vault until we were ready to come home. 47 lJundonald Street; Toronto, June M., 1925. Dear Editor.-As Ion. Secretary of the National San- îtnrium Association since it ,ývas founded ueariy tbirty years ago, I wlsh to thrank you for your article about Ion. William- A. Charlton, oui President, and for your appreciative remarks about oui Muskokn Hos- pital admitted to be one of the finest in Vise world. The deatqfhs in On- Let Us Selve YQI Electrical and Ignition Tro features with us. Bring your let us put the batteries in good strenuous traVel you will give it We guarantee you éntire will send you off with a smile. Fisher's Battery Service (Forinerly F. W. Kirkendall's Shop) Moffatt Garage 13,dg. Phone 248 Bowmaiiville The Engineering Mastrec of theYear -The-,Most talled of Car on F]our Wheels N OT since the days when automobiles were...... curioslties lias the public showed such interest Ad in a car a.s they are showlng in this beautifut and powerful new Overiand with six cylinder3.$" Everybody instanatiy admaires this great car's refreshlang '145 newness. lis sensational power performance is tihe p F-r. wain topic lna automobile dcices. People say it 1* away eJ* aboad of ail other cars of itG ciass in power . way World'a ahead in llghtniag pick-uýp and getaway. away wea e abhead ina beauty . . ins lixury an~d cojafort ,.avay Foa~ ur ar ahead i economy. Andi t is away abaad inaail tlsee 5Paseg things because it la so far ahegd In progressve engineer- sedan ing.' Its low price is ail out of proportion to its gi'eat advantales. Don't fat-. o see tho new Overad Six. = Doa't fait to ride ia it. Easy ternpis f you desietin Standar'd Sedan SI1,400>; De Luxe Sedan $1,635. F'..B FatoyToronto. Taxes Extra F.OB.Fatoy. A. W. PICKARD Phione 185 King St. E. Bowmanviij, "Neyer too Late to Mend" May be a very good maxim, but "A Stitch in Time $aves Nine" is m'uch better Let your Home, Outbuildiiigs, or Fences get toc bad before you commence tô look after them, We shaHl be glad to give you estimates on Lui..ôer, Pine, H-enilock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. Ten-Test Fibre Board for insulating and wal -'Cernent and Lime ,, ' . Seaman Kent Hardwood Floorîng a specialty, NOW is the time to put in yôur next winteÉ's sup- ply of Goal and Coke. Our Watchwvord4 is SERVICE Cail and see what we cran do for yQu. ~McCeI1aî &Cot*, [imnited 1j King St. Est Bowm a niluî Office Phone 15 i»uze~. t28, 274, 21. 71- patisf action and