eet, iBowma.nviile on .Y, JUNE 27th Id ýeffacts sucb as: o'hl Sf nve. Oz non, ti- St, ýdroem iNo. 1i rase and Spri er; 1 Wicke LRocker;. ýdroein No. 2 atiyhewan Wa] ýdroÔm No. 3- a Hoar was rocent1 cousin, Mrs. A . West- 1j ti'sonl, birth4 r. anc - .. . - "; pene e.unçmly witn iriends nere. Mattrassas; Kit- Miss Ida Weekes, Toronto,' bas hareom Frni-ture; been spendîng a f ew weaks with bher Picture s and dd-str Miss Editb M. Weekes at Kel- etc; Garden Tools;maVla esHo . evels, Forls, etc., Col. L. T. McLaugblîn, Tyrone, tbar articles tee accompanied by bis mether, Mis. tien. Johin M.cLaugblin of Bowmianville, P. M, sharo jvisited Mrs. J. Wbitfield, Oshawa, Mr,. and Mrs. James T. Scott and W. J. CihALLIS, grand-daugbter Audrey Scott of Atictîoneer. Giafton,' have bean visitung ber uncle ____ and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Spargo.- 1 MVr. and Mrs. J. Joynson and RE S L , daugbter Betty, and Miss Edith IRE_ ALE Moore, Toronto, spent Suniday witb Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Elliott, Carlisee 1Auctiqheer, bas Avenue. ruetions troiii Mr. *nd Mrs. Shirley Deniis,r 2UINN - Toronto, spent Thursdaywiîth ber .on the premises eiouife to Diglby, N. S., wbere they Bawmanville have a summer bomne. on Rev. and Mrs, Audrey L. Browni aný"d da.ugters Ruth and Constance JUNE- 27th mY.otored over froni Chicago, Ill., and usehold 11'urniture vîIsited ber parents, Mi,. and Mrs. urnislibig4,'s: Jbn F ester, Cburch-st., recently. ; Ltathgi, Chair; Another cf Bowmanville's beauti - ai,; T Lether Armj ful residences-one of tbe best Table; 2 Seagras 1butît and splendidly located homes ,ny Music Cabinet; lu this town of good ho.nies--4a 11w 3 yds. 3 yds.; offei'ed for sale at a decided bar- 3 yds. 4 yç1s gain and on easy teims. Read Dr. 1Heintzmaân&Joh' Spencar's advt. ln this paper. ioBeneb; 1 Piano Mr,. and Mirs. Oliver Hezzlewood, Torento, anneunce the engagement Dining- Roorn Suite of their only daugbter, Hele.a Vict- n Stylo; 1i China cria, te Dr. Nor-ma n.S. Clark, M. A., ere Stands;ý 4 Kit- only son of Mrs. Clark and the late Kitchen Table; 1 Dr. C. Day Clarke, Toronto, mai,- ig Machune, Drop niage te tako place quietly the early itiug Desk and Part of July, Congratulations te Miss Evelyn --l Brasa Bed' Joness on successfully conipleting ,ngs; 1 Mabogany ber year et Western, University, Lon- r Table; 1 Bed- doen, taking first class benors on eigbt subjects and second class oný 2-1 Brass Bcd, two. Miss Jonesla enjoying a f 0w Inut rc,ý,E-r. weeks' helidays et berne, previeus týo nut rss er, Mt roturning f'er the surmmor te corn- Bcd, Mat plolte ber course. S~ ~ ~ nL'UI Y.alg41 EVERY AY Men's Black Oil-grain Blucher, double toes, solid leather, Special for this week.... $35 0 Men"s Plain Toe, heavy Work Boots, best oak soles .............................................. $4.2 5 Men'~s Pearl Elk blucher, with double sole and outsîde couinter ...................ý$ 4,50 Women's Black lKid oiie-strap or elastie frônt, low heel and wide toe.............-$ 1:40 Women's Black Canvas onestrap with rub- ber heel and lether sole at ...........$...S1,ý25 Womei3's Black CKid cushion sole oxfords, with rubber heel ................................$3.50 Kno' hoe É%Store Footwear & TraveIIling Goods Bowmanville Shredded Wheat « lu- Dr. A. E. Auanger, Stettier, Alta., [n a letter te this office says: Wo are baving abundance of rein and promise is that Alberta will have -a bumnper crop. The West is corning back to ber cwn. Mrs. V. A. Galbraith, Mrs. R. B. Andra-w, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'P. Coutte, Vra. Geo. McClellan and son Dçtil.d, Vre. E. G. Sis and daugbters are enjoying the cooling bieaze of Lake Ontario et Port Bowmanville. Dr. W. A. Parka of Toronto Uni- versity, and Mrs. John Squair, Tor,-I nto, ware Sundey guests of 'Mr. and Vre. R. T. Ste-pliens, Beach ve Prof. Parka visited the eld achool at Salem where ho taiug-lit 41 yer ig-o and visited a few cf the reiniaini- ing old fInonde in that section. Mrs. R. McILaugblin, Osba,,-i sys we omitted cene naines of eople who lived at Camrpbell's Stearn Milîs, S. S. No. 17, Darling- on, wb'an ber parents (Mr. and vre. Robert Srniith) and the editor's parents lived there in 1854 anti 5, înd mentions thiese: Meore, Bates;, Werry (2) Elferds, Fairchild ,nnd r eaul' ur score mark Bro. Ye brigbht, lert and amir us youngar chape in bis ottbisb goed nature bas od part ini keeping bum 2 with each .order Corn Flakes) 3 for ...................... ................ ..... 28c Golden Bantam Corn, 2 for ..... ....... ........................ 36e St. Charles Milk, Small tin 4 for 25c, 16 oz. 2 for ..........25e 2 in 1 or Nugget Polish, 2 for...................................23c OH Boy Hand Cleaner, 3 for ..................................... 25e Brooms, Special.................................................. ... 39e Star Ammoni a, 3 for ...... ...............23c Macaroni, .I L package, 2 for ................................25e Shaker Salt, 2 for .................... .......................23e 1 s Drug Store to get esran for miailing te Pl ease send in inews week on aceounit of CHALLIS n at bis late *Miss Mari orie .Oke, Clarke Union, spent the weekend with her sister, Miss Greta Oke. Mr. Maurice W. Tamblyn bas pur. chased Mann-ing's Cooperago for a carpontor shop. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Osborne, Toronto, spenit Sunuday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Masen. Mrs. H. S. Brock was appointed County High School Trustee for Port Perry Higb Sch.eol. Mr. Ted PethIick, Detroit, Mich, is holidlaying with his parents, Mr, and Mirs. F. C. Pothick. Mr. W. R. Grahanm and bride of Bobcaygeon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy. Mrs. W. G. Suinter and Miss Eml- ma Sunter, Toronto, spent the week- end et Mr. Wm. Painton's. Ladies' Aid of Triniity United Churcli announce a Strawýberry So- cial. Watch for date in next is- sue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamley and Jean, Poterboro, spent the weekendl with hier mother, -Mrs. P. C. Trebi-«1 cock. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Phoeepix, Greenbank, and Mr. T. H. Turner, Toronto, spent the \weeJtond at Mr. W. S. Bragg's. Th eguarmonthly imeeting of the Soldiers' Club -will be bel-1 in the Club Rooms on Monday evoning, Jupe 29th at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil1 is auver- tising two desirable tewn residences belong-ing to the Frank estate. ýSe them if inj qucat of a bouse. Mrs. Clarence Mason, Mrs. Clar- ence Meath and Mrs. W. E. Tilley last we attended the graduation exorcises of Bishop Strachan Scheol, Toronto, MHr, and Mrs. Ezra Darling, M4iss lWuriel and Mr. EHarry Darlin'g, Dartford, spent the weekend with ber unicle, M,. Eclward William-s and other friends hbere. Francis Stoker, Kendall, was ac- quitted on charge of arson and shooting with latent to do bodily barm, laid by J. H. Lawson of sanie place, by jury at Cobourg. _Miss Nellie L. Pattunson of Tor,- onto, Tech., and hler littbe friand, Elizabeth J'oy Kennedy, Toronto, spant the weakend with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pattinsen. Mr. Edward Dawson, Redonde Beach, Cal., spant the -weekend with Mrs. Tlios. Brow,,n, Centre St. He ~visited bis old home ini Clarke and called 'on a 'numrber of eld 1friends. Sale PURPLE GUAIRDS CHUROHPARADE The Anniuel Chuncli Paraeeof Dow- manville Purple Guartie, L. O. L. No. 2U84. will le helti on Sundlay, July 5 1925, te St. John's AgicnChurcli u 7 P. ni. (Deyhîght savîng), visitlng or- angemaen invîteti. By Ortier, F. H. Sounsall, Thos, B. Sellers, M. M, Rec.,-Sec'y. C0K MARRIAGES GRAH-AM-PURDY-.At Trinity UJnit- ed Church Parsonage, on Saturday, June 20th, 1925, by Rev. J. U1. Robins, Wiil. liam HPýY Graham, and Florence Lucy Purdy, both of Bobcaygecjn. DEATHS WRIGHT-At Mitchell Ave., oshlawa, on Wdnesday, june 2-4, Luceydute of Mr. and] Mrs. Fred Wright, agecd 3 years, 3 mnonths. Funeral Thursday, at 2:30 p. zm., to Bowmanville Cemetery. MvIL L-At Toronto, Sunday, June21 12,Rev. William Milîs, aged 81 years. STAPLES-In Manvers, on Satiurcay, Jiune 13th, 1925, Matthecw Staples, aged 76 years. DICKSON-At Newcaste, on Monday, June 22, 1925,, John D)ickeon, agefi 80 Year, 3 lnonths. CLARK-At Port H1-ope, on June 21, GaeVinison, beloved wýif e of lia Clark, ini lier 76th yeatr. PETERS-In HIampten, on Sund.ay, June 21, 1925, Margaret, wVidew Of the late Thomas Peters, ,tge(j 94 yearj. SAMELLS-îni Cartwýright towýnship, on Tedy June 2:3, Math iiliamUs, belovec wihf e of Johin S'ameils, in beýr 72nidyer JURY-At "WýOodllawn", Bowmtanvilll, on Thursdlay, Jiue 18, 1925, Annie E1. Sinclair, beloved wife of Mr. Johp 1H. 1H. Jury, a-ged 63 years. CRAIG-Dr'owned e t Port Hope, on Sundy, Jun e 21st, 1925, Ueo S. ral g, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan Craig, ef Grand Valleýy, Ont., in his 24th year. Property For Sale FOR SAL E-Roughcast cottage and good barn, e1tc., onie quarter- acre o.f land, in gooci condition. Wili sell at a great bargain, short distance frein Post Office. Apply to Mrs. ÀAlex. C~ol- ville, Bowmariville. 2- FOR SALE-The home of the lato F. B, Whiting, situated at the Frso h Scugog ltpad. This property s nla e gant condition; consists of gooa&hus and four acres of landl With abundaxca of fruit. For particulars apply at res1.ý dence to Mrs. P. B. Whiting, Bowman- ville. 3t Lost or Found PEN LOS$T-Mottled red anci black W7aterman Foun1tain Pen with blc cap, lost in Dowmanville on Friday evening, June 12. Iteward for returnl te Statesman Office. 5t CL.UB BAG LST-On tonday afterýý noon, June 22, between Mr. Wm. RiggS'i north-east of Enniskillen, and Bnhlield oir on Scugog Road, blackç club bag coritainm ing papers and personal effects. ne- ward for infornriation or return te Statesman Office, Bownianville, or Bn- niskllen P. O.26-2w BULL FOR SERVICE I have purchased an Aberdeeni-4ngus B'ull from J, A. McLeod, Plaînsville, which iwlU 1e for service at lot 6, con.ý 4, lJarlington, G. A, Stephens, R. R. 41 BowmýnanvIile, Phone 139r4. 24-3* P'ort fuepe on Tuesdlay. Missq Rowena Bragg hias returned frora an ~xtonded trip te Darlingford and other points in Manitoba. Getu a new liat ladlies, for July lst. Great Reductions on Saturday only. Dingmani & Edlmondstene., Mlr. and J. Pickell, Mrs. Lwart Petley and ecidreu. Oshiawa. spent Sun - daLy wîth lus brother, MAr. Ge'o. H. lSickell1. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Creeper su ad son Tomn, Toronro. and Mr. Jamens Thompn- son and son Stuiart, Port Hope, visited at Mr. HI. B. Creeper's. Ur. W. Kelvin liunner s ho)ILdayinig with i sparents,.11ev, and Mrs. _~A. Bunniier, Liberty Place. Eexpeets te leave in a short timre fer WestAfca Mrs. S. C.Hiie and Miss Edith ljiii- lier hiave gene on a hioliday trip wt pairty 0of friends fromi Hamjiltoni. They- sailed by the "Donce" of the Wie Stair Line and wiil visit thie Bitish Isies and Europe. Mr. sud Mrs. W. S. Camneren and sons. Toronito,imetorrrd lie,,e and spent the weekeýnd -uil lier patrents, Mr. an- mIMrs R7'ichiard Hanilyn whýo returned h ome, witli theni aýnd are enjeying a visit in their lovielyv hume at 5 Baby Poinit itdî. Word front Mr. andi Mrs. Gee. W. James ý"from Sault Ste. Mresays fhey ae enjoying the tnpi) .imenly, Waeris fin'e, C. P. R. S. S. 14Noronî1.C service exceillent and theù Press Party aý jolly lundli. The Convention open- eti lu Winipje g yesterdaIýy. His Lordlslip) Bisheop, M. J. O'Brien, D. ., 11ev. Father DFynni, Mr.Cocrae Petenhoro, 11ev. Fathecr CGuiry, Po r Hope(, Messrs. Leonardc, Ernest and Nor- man Bottrell, Miss Eduna Bottri,,MYiss Hqazel Collins, Toronto, wereý guests of MIr. andi Mrs. Thoinas Bottreli on Suni- day. R. M. Mitchell & Co* Phone 92 PRUGGISTS & OPTOMETRISTS Nights and Sundays Phones 280 or 232 Bowmanville- PUBLICNOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT:-I-TheCoun~eil of the Municipal Corporation of the Towi of Bowmanville intends to construct as a local improvement under sec. 9 of th'u, local improvement Act R. S. 0. 1914 Chap. 193 and amending Acts, Pernian'ý- ent Pavements on the following Streets in the said Town of Bowmanwille, and iri- tends to specially assess a ipart of the cost upon the land ahutting directly on tliýë work. 2 Street _Mr. and _Mrs. Milton HT. Minore, Bw manvilie, nueune the engageent e f their only dlaughter, Agnes Jen.n, te Albert Ernest robents Westlman, Pht. D., Uriliana, lBlinois, youuiger son of Mr. anld Mrs. T. Wsmn Indien Road, Tor- ente, the wedd(ing will take place in July. M r. A. S. MePherson who recently purcijaseti the C. E. Hanuii's stoc-k or Ga(_nts' Clothiug lias completedL hie sale and lrerngvelte Jbalarice of histoc!it le Guelph. Mr'. T. 13. Glîlirlst, formanely of the Hersey Block, bans secured this store and will shortly epen eut with a new stock cf Mfen's Furnîshings. Mra. W. L R'eys is visiting her son andi daugliter, Detroit, Midi., ant ist hav- ing the time of lier life. She wvrete fruni Algena on Jilna 22-a petywat- ering place. Hati been on a 60-mile motor trip te Pt. Huzron anti a moter- 109 tnrp p St. Clair River anti is re- newung lier yeulli, Sentis regards te Bowmapnville fientis. Our very lest thank.s te tie ,goed foi1k who hiave sent te Lorne Villa 'boxes of lusclous straw4beriesi AU were, fine, large anti luseious butz a ven-y darlç red vaiety freni tle gardon of Mn. George Bickie posseseti an exceet- ingly icli fiavor that -,as very pleasant. Il is an early kind, too. Mn. il. L. -Werry,, Montreal, wlie ne- ocently visitet isits any relaîlves in Tor- one., Bewrnanville, Enniskillen, Enfield, Solina sud Redron wites: "I thinit it was the moat enjoyeble holiday 1 even liedl. Veather was fine, tlie trip coin- preýhensive a)ntithe pp I ese. cordial eýver-ywhere the't ne on.é coule lielp, en- joying every minute of the timd'". Fritiay lest Mn. Roeet B.'Woodls, Ton- ente, motoeet fromi Bo'wnanville te Owen Sound, and visited bis parents, taliing -William sund Ruth, chiltiren of Mn. and Mrs. Gee. W. James, te. visit witli their grandparents, Air. alnti rs. George Wootis. during thein pare-nts' ab- sence iu Winnipeg. -MissAMary 3E. Bates, nurse, accompanieti thein. Mr. W ootis returneti Mentiey evening anti re- porteti e pleeseut trip. The newspapen fratnnity throughouLt Ontanei deepily sympathize with l'Mr. Wý7. Logan Craig, editon anti pulisier of Star,-Vidette, Grand Velaley, Ont. ,)i Mrs. Craig, in l1ie great aerrew thnt lias come te theýir hontýe ly the jccidenttaj drowning oet tin i-son, Ray, itPort Hope on Sunday, wlien tibe siig4 in whiiclili, ie ntiDonald Wilson wene saliling, capsizetI. 1He Vas a piniter ly tradle anti senveti bis apprenticesýiip in lis fether'e office. 11e Vwent te Port Hlope from DFetroît aIlla employeti eit the Port Hlope Tues.-ý thein play "The Bahful Mr. B~b"in Tiuiity, Scliool-r ooin Tues(iey evenlng. The adeceejy t a arty egl et thie peculienly tryîng pnosîtions hl whicli cerne ofrhatlý uons feurti tiem- selves. Aýil tidti Ihir parts vweIl. 1ev, E. A. al Bek a ccontpanied lieyoung pep o hre anti Miss AMilirti Cole. in vocal solo, andtilh(,Misses Oeadin piano Cduel, uphiei usie betweenets Mrs. Allert Coie weis acconmpanist. Lie itei aaceforbitis e more etnii notice. Se' muchi copy cerý ne x on ipubilca-tioni diy,'wlen the papen wes alread-y fui' liaI we hjave conden11>eti a lot t, get il in ett ail. Do sentibi cp-Y en1e Âr%.-ticles P or Sale Carlisle Ontario Lowe Frorn ro The Estirnated Coet of Work le King te Wellington King- toChurch Queen te King King te Qhulýcli Churcli to Lowe Concession to Lowe Division to Ontario Centre te Liberty King South te T. Lyrnar's Centre to Division $6,600.00 3,673.00 4,195.00 4,593.00 10,2987.00 9,738.00 9,042.00 7,444.00 3,588.00 0f \ýh!h Tbe Corporations Share is $2,447.00 r~2,694.00 1,862.00 2,320.00 2,927.00 4,617û00 3,568.00 1,885.00 1,726.00 955.00 Estirna1,ted Special Special Assess- Rate per foot le ment le te be paid 11-1 20 annual payrnants 20e 1 ý . Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt Lt " ~t Lt Lt Lt <t tt Lt (t Lt ~L t, Lt ~t 't 8 A 1petition agai2nst the work will not avail to prevent its construction. Dated this 23rd day of June, 1925, JOHN LYLE, Ckerk. Make Yoàur Dollars Have More Cents Buy at C. S. Mason's Personality Shoppe --- More New Snumfmer -Frocks--- Dozens of New Dresses Just Arrived This Week C. S. Mason's Personality Shoppe Nekt Door F. F. Morris Co. Phone 161 27hAPPlY te Superintendent, 23-tf Business For Sale GOQD SUTCHER BUSINESS FOR SALE-Apply R. J1. Hodgson, Tyrone, Ont. 24-3w. To Let FOR RENT-Apartment containing 4 roms, electric lighit and 'water. Apply at The Statesman Offie. TO LET-The shop and rooxos over sanie and the land back of same te Queen Street, knowa as the Prower Block, late1ý occuiped by Jame~s Bein- nett. Tis la a most desirable pro- perty. Appl)Y ta Mrs. E Y, Pr'ower, .Bownyianvihle. 25-tf A. M. HEIST OSTEOP ATH Licentiato Towa an-d Michigan Stateo Boards of lVedical Exjamimers. Acute and -Chronic diseases treated. Spinal adjustmnents giVen to remnove the cause of disease. Eleven years of successful practice. At Balmoral Hotel overy Thursday afternoon. Office: 74 Centre Street, Oshfawa. MI LLER-In leviug memery of our d.rling tiaughter, AMadelyn, who went le Jesus June 25ti, 1920, ageti 11 years. NTo metter ho-w 4ieavy the burden, No niatter hew deep the de "al" Pees net heeven seeni neaer anti deaner Te know that youn loved one is ihere? Iu îoving mem4,y cf -Henry J. Wenry, beloved liusband andi father, wvho passet eýway June 27th., 19291. FoGur years have gene but noue eau teil, The bs ef eue we loved se well, 'When dlays are dank anti real frientis few, Dear Fathen hoe.w we long for yeu. Gene anti fergotten by some you mnay be but ilweys dear in eur memory you'Ill li We cannot Lord, thy purpose see. But al l i welI that is done by Thlee. Wlf e anti Family Silver Temperance Division Division Division Centre an( Ve, 5h( ien (Standard -CASH .UJ3iJUL tlbe Os arnbula bis hbe ifouridi News What Is An Optometrist?1 Is a question stili being asked by inany peuple throughout our land. The dictionary wvill tell you the wonrI iieans "EYE MEASURE". In Ontario an Optometrist is a legally quali- lied practitioner of Optometry, a profession regulated by an Act of Parliament. One who measuies the 'curvatures and dimensions of the eye with scientifie instruments and who pro- duces clear and copifortable vision with an oye oult of measure by neutralizing the dol ects witl1 lensos or combinationa of lenses and prisms, Also by the use of the Opfhthalmoscope the interier of the eye iB examnined and each case appearing other than normally bealthy is referred at once to his or ber physieian. 'Se you see, the Optonietrist is the SpeéIalist ini refraetion or nloasuring of the oye. Consuit oui, Registered. Qptometrist, R. M. Mitchell. HAVE YOUR EYEB EXAMINED TO-DAY